Assholes making trouble in Oregon

First things first.

You said Kerry's Purple Hearts were unearned because [at least some of] his injuries did not involve enemy action.

I posted the events leading up to each of those medals. I'm still waiting for you to point out which ones were not inflicted during enemy action.

Vietnam Swift Boat vets reveal new details of charges against presidential candidate
John Kerry’s ‘self-inflicted’ Purple Heart, Bronze Star

Published: 08/10/2004 at 1:00 AM
60-second commercial opposing John Kerry for president, the Swift Boat Vets for Truth reveal new details of their politically sizzling charges against the candidate who made his war experience the cornerstone of his convention acceptance speech.

Attempting to bolster their accusations that Kerry misrepresented slight injuries to win Purple Hearts and a Bronze Star, the vets cite a March 13, 1969, incident for which the young lieutenant was decorated.

Two injuries – a small bruise on his right arm and a minor injury to his buttocks – won Kerry his Third Purple Heart and a trip home. However, the vets say, the wound to his buttocks was self-inflicted and should never have received Purple Heart consideration.

While Kerry claims the injury came from shrapnel from an underwater mine, Larry Thurlow, an officer on shore with Kerry that day, insists the wound was the result of Kerry’s decision to throw a concussion grenade into a rice pile. The “shrapnel,” he says, was actually rice pellets.

As further evidence, the vets say, Kerry himself reflected in his own journal that his buttocks’ wound came, not from a mine but, rather, from a grenade tossed into a rice cache.

Sworn statements of those present say there was no hostile fire involved in this incident for which Kerry received his third Purple Heart and the coveted Bronze Star.

“The conclusion is inescapable: that Kerry lied by reporting to the Navy that he had been wounded by shrapnel in his backside from an enemy mine when in reality he negligently wounded himself and then lied about the wound in order to secure a third Purple Heart and a quick trip home,” reads the letter.

The letter continues: “Kerry’s operating report, Bronze Star story, and subsequent ‘no man left behind’ story are a total hoax on the Navy and the nation,” they say.

As to the daring rescue discussed in the documentary video shown to the nation at the Democratic convention, the vets say the rescue was well under way under the leadership of others when Kerry returned to the scene where Special Forces soldier Jim Rassman was plucked out of the water. Eyewitnesses have signed affidavits explaining when Kerry returned, there was no more hostile fire. He just merely leaned over the boat and assisted Rassman out of the water.

“Kerry’s account of this action, which was used to secure the Bronze Star and a third Purple Heart, is an extraordinary example of fraud,” they say.

The letter also recounts the incident that occurred Dec. 2, 1968, that led to Kerry receiving his first Purple Heart.

Once again, the vets insist there was no hostile fire involved, and, again, they say, Kerry’s very minor wound was self-inflicted.

According to the vets’ account, Kerry, Navy Lt. William Schachte, and an enlisted man were on a whaler.

“Seeing movement from an unknown source, the sailors opened fire on the movement,” the letter says. “There was no hostile fire. When Kerry’s rifle jammed, he picked up an M-79 grenade launcher and fired a grenade at a nearby object. This sprayed the boat with shrapnel from Kerry’s own grenade, a tiny piece of which embedded in Kerry’s arm.”

Upon examining Kerry’s injury, Dr. Lewis Letson says he asked Kerry why he was there.

Kerry reportedly told him he had been wounded by hostile fire. Letson removed the tiny fragment with tweezers and placed a Band-Aid over the scratch.

The next morning, Kerry went to see Division Commander Grant Hibbard to ask for the Purple Heart. Hibbard had already spoken to Schachte and conducted an investigation. Hibbard’s investigation revealed that Kerry’s “rose thorn” scratch had been self-inflicted in the absence of hostile fire. Hibbard denied the award.

Some three months later, Kerry managed to obtain his first Purple Heart from an officer with no connection to Coastal Division 14 or knowledge of the Dec. 2, 1968, event, they say.

“All normal documentation supporting a Purple Heart is missing,” the letter says. “There is absolutely no casualty report (i.e., spot report) or hostile fire report or after-action report in the Navy’s files to support this ‘Purple Heart’ because there was no casualty, hostile fire, or action on which to report. The sole document relied upon by Kerry is a record showing the band aid and tweezers treatment by Dr. Letson recorded by deceased corpsman, Jess Carreon.

“There are no witnesses who claim to have seen hostile fire – necessary for a Purple Heart (even a rose thorn Purple Heart) – that day. At least three witnesses, Dr. Letson (who spoke to the participants and removed the M-79 fragment), Lt. Bill Schachte (on the boat), and Cmdr. Grant Hibbard (whose investigation revealed Kerry’s application for a Purple Heart to be fraudulent), are able to testify directly or based upon contemporaneous investigation that Kerry’s first Purple Heart was a fraud,” says the letter.

Swift Boat Vets for Truth claims a membership of 254 sailors from Coastal Squadron One, ranging from vice admirals to seamen. They claim 16 of the 23 surviving officers who served with Kerry in swift boats in Vietnam and who could be found have joined.

Read more at John Kerry’s ‘self-inflicted’ Purple Heart, Bronze Star
Sorry, but you lose when you rely on Larry Thurlow's lies to impugn Kerry. The official record indicates Kerry was injured during his heroic rescue of Rassman. Thurlow is a proven liar as he claimed that event did not occur under enemy fire; except it was later revealed he too earned a Bronze Star with Combat "V" for heroic actions under fire for the same event. Interestingly enough, the book you tout, "Unfit to Command", left the little detail out of their account of the story.
What do you call the punks who trashed all the businesses in Ferguson and Baltimore? Who's paid for that? Inconsistent asshole and huge hypocrite! Lol

It's funny that you can't defend these creeps on their own merit, you have change the subject to Ferguson. Anyone who got caught vandalizing was arrested and charged with that crime.
I don't care about them you fk. I care that all of you hypocrites can't bash them enough for what staying in a refuge. Ewwww those mean old men. They threatened absolutely no one. And then got killed with their hands up. And you called that justified. Yet the criminal in Ferguson you feel sorry for. Well, that is just hypocritical. Just like you fks!

They threatened law enforcement, you boob.
Sure they did

Everyone is laughing at you and these armed boobs.
Ignorance is bliss isn't it. I know liberal indoctrinated fools are mentally challenged, but what about governments killing more people than any other entity don't you understand, This was all about the Bundy's, funny that all of this took about a month to happen, but the feds don't have the balls to arrest someone who actually contributed to the murder of hundreds of our citizens, and has probably caused the worst, most damaging security breach in the history of this country. The DOJ and FBI leadership, and their boss were pissed that they didn't get to take out these people before, they were, and still are determined to kill anyone who stands up to their heavy handed assault on all the first amendments rights, and the second amendment. Anyone too ignorant to see the pattern is less intelligent than an amoeba. like the poster that called ME a dumb f**k, I'm sure that IQ is close to a snail. Wait, maybe I'm being too benevolent, too many brain cells in a snail.
Why on earth would police assume anything other than that under those circumstances? And why should police hesitate to open fire on someone they believe is reaching for a weapon under those circumstances.

They shouldn't. Just like that cop in Chicago was right to assume that dude with a kifife was going to cut everyone up.
That has nothing to do with what happened in Oregon.

Of course it does. It's all about perspective.

This event is exposing Liberal bullshit. We don't hear y'all crying law enforcement being militarized, now. Do we?
More bullshit. There's only one question that needs to be answered -- was the FBI justified in shooting Finicum. Nothing in Chicago answers that

The FBI pulled over a car full of self-proclaimed militia after they trespassed on public property for 4 weeks. The FBI was informed they were armed, which they were. After trying to escape the FBI, one of them gets out, runs for the forest with his hands up -- and then reaches for his gun.

Justified shooting.

Nothing in Chicago affects that or has any influence on it.

FBI took care of business.

Good job.

Terrorists go to ground.

The terrorists are people like you..and in this case, the pigs who ambushed a group of people traveling to a peaceful meeting, where people were waiting to hear what they had to say.

The FBI and Harney county officials don't want people to know what's going on. The Sheriff of Grant County had and has no intention of inviting the feds into his county to do more damage than they already have, and he will go to the ground defending his constituents from them.

The terrorists are the feds, hazelnut, faun, and the rest who are fine with the ambush and assassination of an unarmed man.
Now you're flat out lying. Not only was Finicum armed, he had a loaded firearm in the very pocket he was reaching for. You're a fucking moonbat. :cuckoo:
It's funny that you can't defend these creeps on their own merit, you have change the subject to Ferguson. Anyone who got caught vandalizing was arrested and charged with that crime.
I don't care about them you fk. I care that all of you hypocrites can't bash them enough for what staying in a refuge. Ewwww those mean old men. They threatened absolutely no one. And then got killed with their hands up. And you called that justified. Yet the criminal in Ferguson you feel sorry for. Well, that is just hypocritical. Just like you fks!

They threatened law enforcement, you boob.
Sure they did

Everyone is laughing at you and these armed boobs.

You're funny.
I find it interesting in that the video produced and eyewitness account repudiates justification for the shooting. On the other hand I see those of the liberal persuasion applauding the shooting. Ironically if the victim was black their would be cries of murder, profiling, and chants proclaiming black lives mater. The key question that remains unanswered is documentation as to what was said by the officers and what was said by the victim, and if in fact he was shot in the back.
That question was answered. Finicum, who believed the FBI was going to shoot him, shouted something to the effect of, just shoot me then. Is this what you want? Just shoot me! And in an append suicide by cop, reached for his gun.
Then we all agree that Lavoy's shooting was justified.

That only took 6 pages.
No, it isn't that simple tarzan. It is only a threat if you agree the other cop shootings were a threat. Period, you can't have it both ways double standard dude. Until you agree, then your argument is shit.
Lay off the smack, it's fucking with your brain. The other cop shootings have absolutely nothing to do with this one. Whether the others were justifiable or not has no bearing on the justification of this shooting.
sure it does sherlock. It's what you don't understand.
Pouts the idiot who admitted he needs help understanding English. :ack-1:
I love your make believe. You still playing with your Barbies?
I can only go by what you say. When you say you don't understand another person's post, written clearly in well formed and grammatically correct English; and you ask him to teach you English ... what other reasonable conclusion can that lead readers to?
I don't care about them you fk. I care that all of you hypocrites can't bash them enough for what staying in a refuge. Ewwww those mean old men. They threatened absolutely no one. And then got killed with their hands up. And you called that justified. Yet the criminal in Ferguson you feel sorry for. Well, that is just hypocritical. Just like you fks!

They threatened law enforcement, you boob.
Sure they did

Everyone is laughing at you and these armed boobs.

You're funny.
No, it isn't that simple tarzan. It is only a threat if you agree the other cop shootings were a threat. Period, you can't have it both ways double standard dude. Until you agree, then your argument is shit.
Lay off the smack, it's fucking with your brain. The other cop shootings have absolutely nothing to do with this one. Whether the others were justifiable or not has no bearing on the justification of this shooting.
sure it does sherlock. It's what you don't understand.
Pouts the idiot who admitted he needs help understanding English. :ack-1:
I love your make believe. You still playing with your Barbies?
I can only go by what you say. When you say you don't understand another person's post, written clearly in well formed and grammatically correct English; and you ask him to teach you English ... what other reasonable conclusion can that lead readers to?
Hahahaha in your dreams
I find it interesting in that the video produced and eyewitness account repudiates justification for the shooting. On the other hand I see those of the liberal persuasion applauding the shooting. Ironically if the victim was black their would be cries of murder, profiling, and chants proclaiming black lives mater. The key question that remains unanswered is documentation as to what was said by the officers and what was said by the victim, and if in fact he was shot in the back.
That question was answered. Finicum, who believed the FBI was going to shoot him, shouted something to the effect of, just shoot me then. Is this what you want? Just shoot me! And in an append suicide by cop, reached for his gun.
And shot without a weapon
I find it interesting in that the video produced and eyewitness account repudiates justification for the shooting. On the other hand I see those of the liberal persuasion applauding the shooting. Ironically if the victim was black their would be cries of murder, profiling, and chants proclaiming black lives mater. The key question that remains unanswered is documentation as to what was said by the officers and what was said by the victim, and if in fact he was shot in the back.
That question was answered. Finicum, who believed the FBI was going to shoot him, shouted something to the effect of, just shoot me then. Is this what you want? Just shoot me! And in an append suicide by cop, reached for his gun.
And shot without a weapon

He was reaching for his gun, you know, the one he carried 24/7.
Ignorance is bliss isn't it. I know liberal indoctrinated fools are mentally challenged, but what about governments killing more people than any other entity don't you understand, This was all about the Bundy's, funny that all of this took about a month to happen, but the feds don't have the balls to arrest someone who actually contributed to the murder of hundreds of our citizens, and has probably caused the worst, most damaging security breach in the history of this country. The DOJ and FBI leadership, and their boss were pissed that they didn't get to take out these people before, they were, and still are determined to kill anyone who stands up to their heavy handed assault on all the first amendments rights, and the second amendment. Anyone too ignorant to see the pattern is less intelligent than an amoeba. like the poster that called ME a dumb f**k, I'm sure that IQ is close to a snail. Wait, maybe I'm being too benevolent, too many brain cells in a snail.
Too fucking rightarded. It became about Bundy when he seized public property.
Lay off the smack, it's fucking with your brain. The other cop shootings have absolutely nothing to do with this one. Whether the others were justifiable or not has no bearing on the justification of this shooting.
sure it does sherlock. It's what you don't understand.
Pouts the idiot who admitted he needs help understanding English. :ack-1:
I love your make believe. You still playing with your Barbies?
I can only go by what you say. When you say you don't understand another person's post, written clearly in well formed and grammatically correct English; and you ask him to teach you English ... what other reasonable conclusion can that lead readers to?
Hahahaha in your dreams
No, not in my dreams. Your actual plea to be educated is here on the forum...

Assholes making trouble in Oregon
sure it does sherlock. It's what you don't understand.
Pouts the idiot who admitted he needs help understanding English. :ack-1:
I love your make believe. You still playing with your Barbies?
I can only go by what you say. When you say you don't understand another person's post, written clearly in well formed and grammatically correct English; and you ask him to teach you English ... what other reasonable conclusion can that lead readers to?
Hahahaha in your dreams
No, not in my dreams. Your actual plea to be educated is here on the forum...

Assholes making trouble in Oregon
And I'm still waiting for the language.

By the way, the question was in English!
I find it interesting in that the video produced and eyewitness account repudiates justification for the shooting. On the other hand I see those of the liberal persuasion applauding the shooting. Ironically if the victim was black their would be cries of murder, profiling, and chants proclaiming black lives mater. The key question that remains unanswered is documentation as to what was said by the officers and what was said by the victim, and if in fact he was shot in the back.
That question was answered. Finicum, who believed the FBI was going to shoot him, shouted something to the effect of, just shoot me then. Is this what you want? Just shoot me! And in an append suicide by cop, reached for his gun.
And shot without a weapon
The FBI says otherwise and you have no proof to the contrary.
Pouts the idiot who admitted he needs help understanding English. :ack-1:
I love your make believe. You still playing with your Barbies?
I can only go by what you say. When you say you don't understand another person's post, written clearly in well formed and grammatically correct English; and you ask him to teach you English ... what other reasonable conclusion can that lead readers to?
Hahahaha in your dreams
No, not in my dreams. Your actual plea to be educated is here on the forum...

Assholes making trouble in Oregon
And I'm still waiting for the language.

By the way, the question was in English!
The language is English. :eusa_doh:

I find it interesting in that the video produced and eyewitness account repudiates justification for the shooting. On the other hand I see those of the liberal persuasion applauding the shooting. Ironically if the victim was black their would be cries of murder, profiling, and chants proclaiming black lives mater. The key question that remains unanswered is documentation as to what was said by the officers and what was said by the victim, and if in fact he was shot in the back.
That question was answered. Finicum, who believed the FBI was going to shoot him, shouted something to the effect of, just shoot me then. Is this what you want? Just shoot me! And in an append suicide by cop, reached for his gun.
And shot without a weapon
The FBI says otherwise and you have no proof to the contrary.
I have a video and there was no weapon.
I love your make believe. You still playing with your Barbies?
I can only go by what you say. When you say you don't understand another person's post, written clearly in well formed and grammatically correct English; and you ask him to teach you English ... what other reasonable conclusion can that lead readers to?
Hahahaha in your dreams
No, not in my dreams. Your actual plea to be educated is here on the forum...

Assholes making trouble in Oregon
And I'm still waiting for the language.

By the way, the question was in English!
The language is English. :eusa_doh:

The words are English, the phrase, no
Are we supposed to take the word of someone that has repeatedly posted lies on an anonymous message board over that of the FBI and the Oregon State Patrol.
When the revolution starts, these fat assed nuts will all have heart attacks while strapping on there ammo belts and ranting at the cameras. I don't expect them to learn any lessons from all this. I expect them to die. Since a terrorist is a terrorist, whether domestic or foreign, it really makes no difference to me. If that is their wish, then so be it. Frankly, I am surprised that the Bundys were smart enough to realize that they had pushed the envelope as far as it would go, before they were going to find themselves on the business end of a rifle round.

I don't doubt these idiots were willing to die. But I don't think they were anticipating spending the next decade or more in prison, slowly rotting away their days.

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