Assholes making trouble in Oregon

It has been alleged:
That the truck was being fired on before coming to a stop in the snow.
The the firing continued as he stuck his head and empty hands out of the window.
That his getting out of the truck was an effort to protect the women inside.
And that he lowered his hands after being shot the first time.
Can someone refute these allegations?
It's been alleged:

That you are not a true vet.
That you are really an unemployed welfare cheat.
That you are living in your parents' basement.
That you are over 350 pounds.
Can someone refute these allegations?
It has been alleged:
That the truck was being fired on before coming to a stop in the snow.
The the firing continued as he stuck his head and empty hands out of the window.
That his getting out of the truck was an effort to protect the women inside.
And that he lowered his hands after being shot the first time.
Can someone refute these allegations?

You've no doubt seen the video. Can you point to the times when those alleged shots were allegedly fired?

Not any more than I just did. I can't tell enough from the video (no sound and long range) to tell one way or another. One of the women in the truck was making these allegations. I did note what appeared to be a bullet strike near the front passenger side wheel well after LaVoy was down around the time the flash-bang grenades went off (still wondering why those were used).

Okay, so the answer is no.

Thank you.
You fit right in with the whiners who were just arrested in Oregon.

Thank you! And you fit right in with Obama's other sheep.
Now you want to deflect to President Obama. You certainly cannot stay on topic. Has this been a life long problem?

The protest was about government corruption which certainly brings him into it. Take off your blinders, you think people are willing to risk their lives just so they can commune with the birds?
It had nothing to do with corruption and it was not a protest. The protest ended in the town. What happened at the refuge was a criminal armed takeover of a federal facility. Again, there was never any corruption involved in the protest or the armed protest.

Only true in whatever fantasy realm you dwell in.
The word corruption has an exact definition. Explain the corruption involved with this situation.
Are we supposed to take the word of someone that has repeatedly posted lies on an anonymous message board over that of the FBI and the Oregon State Patrol.
Funny, it's a common theme with you all. Seems you enjoy writing the word...lie. It seems you just can't avoid them!
I find it interesting in that the video produced and eyewitness account repudiates justification for the shooting. On the other hand I see those of the liberal persuasion applauding the shooting. Ironically if the victim was black their would be cries of murder, profiling, and chants proclaiming black lives mater. The key question that remains unanswered is documentation as to what was said by the officers and what was said by the victim, and if in fact he was shot in the back.
That question was answered. Finicum, who believed the FBI was going to shoot him, shouted something to the effect of, just shoot me then. Is this what you want? Just shoot me! And in an append suicide by cop, reached for his gun.
And shot without a weapon
The FBI says otherwise and you have no proof to the contrary.
I have a video and there was no weapon.
The video doesn't prove he was unarmed any more than it proves he wasn't wearing socks.

The FBI says they found a gun on him, they found more guns in the vehicle, and at least one of those apprehended can be seen tossing their weapon down.

Why on G-d's green Earth would I believe a rightie lunatic like you over law enforcement??

Hahahaha maybe he wasn't wearing socks either!
Are we supposed to take the word of someone that has repeatedly posted lies on an anonymous message board over that of the FBI and the Oregon State Patrol.
Funny, it's a common theme with you all. Seems you enjoy writing the word...lie. It seems you just can't avoid them!
This is a very long thread, over 3365 posts, and the poster in question has been caught lying repeatedly. That means over and over and over. Like, pathological and habitual kind of lying. It gets to be annoying after a while.
She has also been particularly vile and foul with her name calling and insulting.
Are we supposed to take the word of someone that has repeatedly posted lies on an anonymous message board over that of the FBI and the Oregon State Patrol.
Funny, it's a common theme with you all. Seems you enjoy writing the word...lie. It seems you just can't avoid them!
This is a very long thread, over 3365 posts, and the poster in question has been caught lying repeatedly. That means over and over and over. Like, pathological and habitual kind of lying. It gets to be annoying after a while.
She has also been particularly vile and foul with her name calling and insulting.
It has been alleged:
That the truck was being fired on before coming to a stop in the snow.
The the firing continued as he stuck his head and empty hands out of the window.
That his getting out of the truck was an effort to protect the women inside.
And that he lowered his hands after being shot the first time.
Can someone refute these allegations?

You've no doubt seen the video. Can you point to the times when those alleged shots were allegedly fired?
Sure as soon as the audio is released.
Are we supposed to take the word of someone that has repeatedly posted lies on an anonymous message board over that of the FBI and the Oregon State Patrol.
Funny, it's a common theme with you all. Seems you enjoy writing the word...lie. It seems you just can't avoid them!
This is a very long thread, over 3365 posts, and the poster in question has been caught lying repeatedly. That means over and over and over. Like, pathological and habitual kind of lying. It gets to be annoying after a while.
She has also been particularly vile and foul with her name calling and insulting.
Left you speechless. Don't you feel stupid? You should. You are in public fool.
"Assholes making trouble in Oregon"

Not any more; other domestic terrorists should take note.
Yeah, the government took out an old fart who sat in a refuge office. Not threatening anyone. The heck with the fourteen who died In San Bernardino from the illegal visa entry
Are we supposed to take the word of someone that has repeatedly posted lies on an anonymous message board over that of the FBI and the Oregon State Patrol.
Funny, it's a common theme with you all. Seems you enjoy writing the word...lie. It seems you just can't avoid them!
This is a very long thread, over 3365 posts, and the poster in question has been caught lying repeatedly. That means over and over and over. Like, pathological and habitual kind of lying. It gets to be annoying after a while.
She has also been particularly vile and foul with her name calling and insulting.
Left you speechless. Don't you feel stupid? You should. You are in public fool.
You did? Hmmm, I'm still talking! Try again

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