Assholes making trouble in Oregon

It has been alleged:
That the truck was being fired on before coming to a stop in the snow.
The the firing continued as he stuck his head and empty hands out of the window.
That his getting out of the truck was an effort to protect the women inside.
And that he lowered his hands after being shot the first time.
Can someone refute these allegations?

You've no doubt seen the video. Can you point to the times when those alleged shots were allegedly fired?
Sure as soon as the audio is released.
How about if one of the witnesses who was in the car and arrested claims LaVoy was demanding the cops shot him as he was reaching for his gun? How about if the witness claims he had his shoulder holster on when he jumped out of the vehicle? How about if the arrested terrorist start squealing like pigs and trapped rats?
Are we supposed to take the word of someone that has repeatedly posted lies on an anonymous message board over that of the FBI and the Oregon State Patrol.
Funny, it's a common theme with you all. Seems you enjoy writing the word...lie. It seems you just can't avoid them!
This is a very long thread, over 3365 posts, and the poster in question has been caught lying repeatedly. That means over and over and over. Like, pathological and habitual kind of lying. It gets to be annoying after a while.
She has also been particularly vile and foul with her name calling and insulting.
Left you speechless. Don't you feel stupid? You should. You are in public fool.
You did? Hmmm, I'm still talking! Try again
Ya, for a little bit. Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz is not a word knucklehead. And you didn't say anything in this post except for some nothingness. It's going on 9 minutes for you to have a comeback. Let's see how long it takes for you to come up with something that isn't just plain goofy and stupid.
It has been alleged:
That the truck was being fired on before coming to a stop in the snow.
The the firing continued as he stuck his head and empty hands out of the window.
That his getting out of the truck was an effort to protect the women inside.
And that he lowered his hands after being shot the first time.
Can someone refute these allegations?

You've no doubt seen the video. Can you point to the times when those alleged shots were allegedly fired?
Sure as soon as the audio is released.
How about if one of the witnesses who was in the car and arrested claims LaVoy was demanding the cops shot him as he was reaching for his gun? How about if the witness claims he had his shoulder holster on when he jumped out of the vehicle? How about if the arrested terrorist start squealing like pigs and trapped rats?
What if? Doesn't override the fact he had no weapon when shot, right?
Funny, it's a common theme with you all. Seems you enjoy writing the word...lie. It seems you just can't avoid them!
This is a very long thread, over 3365 posts, and the poster in question has been caught lying repeatedly. That means over and over and over. Like, pathological and habitual kind of lying. It gets to be annoying after a while.
She has also been particularly vile and foul with her name calling and insulting.
Left you speechless. Don't you feel stupid? You should. You are in public fool.
You did? Hmmm, I'm still talking! Try again
Ya, for a little bit. Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz is not a word knucklehead. And you didn't say anything in this post except for some nothingness.
Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz, it's a state of being! It's when one is tired. Look it up.
It has been alleged:
That the truck was being fired on before coming to a stop in the snow.
The the firing continued as he stuck his head and empty hands out of the window.
That his getting out of the truck was an effort to protect the women inside.
And that he lowered his hands after being shot the first time.
Can someone refute these allegations?

You've no doubt seen the video. Can you point to the times when those alleged shots were allegedly fired?
Sure as soon as the audio is released.
How about if one of the witnesses who was in the car and arrested claims LaVoy was demanding the cops shot him as he was reaching for his gun? How about if the witness claims he had his shoulder holster on when he jumped out of the vehicle? How about if the arrested terrorist start squealing like pigs and trapped rats?
What if? Doesn't override the fact he had no weapon when shot, right?
It does if I have a link to the witness statement from inside the car. Ya, he had a weapon when he jumped out of the vehicle.
Liberal ignorance, and complete indoctrination. Simple as that. Nothing you post can be verified except by taking the word of the people who kill more innocent people in a day than all of the guns in the country do in a month. Really intellectual of you.
"Assholes making trouble in Oregon"

Not any more; other domestic terrorists should take note.
Yeah, the government took out an old fart who sat in a refuge office. Not threatening anyone. The heck with the fourteen who died In San Bernardino from the illegal visa entry

Well, at least you're now comparing them to terrorist. That's a start.
Liberal ignorance, and complete indoctrination. Simple as that. Nothing you post can be verified except by taking the word of the people who kill more innocent people in a day than all of the guns in the country do in a month. Really intellectual of you.
Certainly evidence and witness statement are verification. The witness was a comrade and passenger in the car with the dead guy. A trusted member of the inner leadership circle. You're just butthurt thinking that your bullshit is collapsing as the folks in jail start that squealing.
I have been off topic in response to questions or off-topic statements made by others here. Faun just lately. She seems determined to excuse the inexcusable in that POS coward Kerry.

That "POS coward" earned a Silver Star and a Bronze Star with Combat "V" for heroism.

... you ... ?
It has been alleged:
That the truck was being fired on before coming to a stop in the snow.
The the firing continued as he stuck his head and empty hands out of the window.
That his getting out of the truck was an effort to protect the women inside.
And that he lowered his hands after being shot the first time.
Can someone refute these allegations?
Yes, the FBI and Oregon State Police.
It has been alleged:
That the truck was being fired on before coming to a stop in the snow.
The the firing continued as he stuck his head and empty hands out of the window.
That his getting out of the truck was an effort to protect the women inside.
And that he lowered his hands after being shot the first time.
Can someone refute these allegations?

You've no doubt seen the video. Can you point to the times when those alleged shots were allegedly fired?

Not any more than I just did. I can't tell enough from the video (no sound and long range) to tell one way or another. One of the women in the truck was making these allegations. I did note what appeared to be a bullet strike near the front passenger side wheel well after LaVoy was down around the time the flash-bang grenades went off (still wondering why those were used).
She didn't assert the allegations you are making. You appear confused. When she (Shauna Cox) said he put his head and hands out of the window, she was talking about Ryan Payne, not LeVoy Finicum. When she said he got out of the car in an effort to protect the women, she was again talking about Payne, who was the first to exit that vehicle. Again, not Finicum as you wrongly suggest.

When she said he lowered his hands before being shot, she was talking about Finicum at that point but she also said they (the ones still in the vehicle) were hunkered down by the floorboards; so she didn't actually see Finicum get shot.

Don't you think it would be wise for you to bone up on the facts before spewing your idiocies? If for no other reason, so that readers here could believe you at least of some small amount of knowledge about that of which you spew.
It has been alleged:
That the truck was being fired on before coming to a stop in the snow.
The the firing continued as he stuck his head and empty hands out of the window.
That his getting out of the truck was an effort to protect the women inside.
And that he lowered his hands after being shot the first time.
Can someone refute these allegations?

You've no doubt seen the video. Can you point to the times when those alleged shots were allegedly fired?

Not any more than I just did. I can't tell enough from the video (no sound and long range) to tell one way or another. One of the women in the truck was making these allegations. I did note what appeared to be a bullet strike near the front passenger side wheel well after LaVoy was down around the time the flash-bang grenades went off (still wondering why those were used).
She didn't assert the allegations you are making. You appear confused. When she (Shauna Cox) said he put his head and hands out of the window, she was talking about Ryan Payne, not LeVoy Finicum. When she said he got out of the car in an effort to protect the women, she was again talking about Payne, who was the first to exit that vehicle. Again, not Finicum as you wrongly suggest.

When she said he lowered his hands before being shot, she was talking about Finicum at that point but she also said they (the ones still in the vehicle) were hunkered down by the floorboards; so she didn't actually see Finicum get shot.

Don't you think it would be wise for you to bone up on the facts before spewing your idiocies? If for no other reason, so that readers here could believe you at least of some small amount of knowledge about that of which you spew.
She said she was onthe floornoards, looking out the window. She said she a solutely saw him get shot, and his ha ds were up. You dont haveto lie, but you seem to enjoy it.
And anybody who saw the tape saw him get shot with his hand up as well. They also saw him point at the shooter.
That question was answered. Finicum, who believed the FBI was going to shoot him, shouted something to the effect of, just shoot me then. Is this what you want? Just shoot me! And in an append suicide by cop, reached for his gun.
And shot without a weapon
The FBI says otherwise and you have no proof to the contrary.
I have a video and there was no weapon.
The video doesn't prove he was unarmed any more than it proves he wasn't wearing socks.

The FBI says they found a gun on him, they found more guns in the vehicle, and at least one of those apprehended can be seen tossing their weapon down.

Why on G-d's green Earth would I believe a rightie lunatic like you over law enforcement??

Hahahaha maybe he wasn't wearing socks either!
Maybe he wasn't. The video doesn't reveal it. Which is why you look like an idiot claiming he wasn't armed because you don't see a gun on a fuzzy video shot from the air.
WELL Camp!!! Boo Hoo booger eating crying baby HOO, But +++Not really I just do not like liberal idiots presuming they have any idea what really happened at this event, and I really don't give a ratsass if the whole damn bunch killed each other. I just like the almighty liberal (intellectuals in their own mind) try to prove they are anything but egotistic, intellectually lacking, Hypocrites that can not follow a multiplanic event except by following the dot their indoctrinator bounces for them in a monoplanic chant.
WELL Camp!!! Boo Hoo booger eating crying baby HOO, But +++Not really I just do not like liberal idiots presuming they have any idea what really happened at this event, and I really don't give a ratsass if the whole damn bunch killed each other. I just like the almighty liberal (intellectuals in their own mind) try to prove they are anything but egotistic, intellectually lacking, Hypocrites that can not follow a multiplanic event except by following the dot their indoctrinator bounces for them in a monoplanic chant.
You sound like an abnormally disturbed individual, not to intelligent and obsessed with yourself. Most here are suggesting and clearly only speculating what happened. It is the right wing extremist like yourself who are insisting they have the answer and presenting their speculations as fact. Now go take your medication and come back if it has calmed your goofy self down.
It has been alleged:
That the truck was being fired on before coming to a stop in the snow.
The the firing continued as he stuck his head and empty hands out of the window.
That his getting out of the truck was an effort to protect the women inside.
And that he lowered his hands after being shot the first time.
Can someone refute these allegations?

You've no doubt seen the video. Can you point to the times when those alleged shots were allegedly fired?

Not any more than I just did. I can't tell enough from the video (no sound and long range) to tell one way or another. One of the women in the truck was making these allegations. I did note what appeared to be a bullet strike near the front passenger side wheel well after LaVoy was down around the time the flash-bang grenades went off (still wondering why those were used).
She didn't assert the allegations you are making. You appear confused. When she (Shauna Cox) said he put his head and hands out of the window, she was talking about Ryan Payne, not LeVoy Finicum. When she said he got out of the car in an effort to protect the women, she was again talking about Payne, who was the first to exit that vehicle. Again, not Finicum as you wrongly suggest.

When she said he lowered his hands before being shot, she was talking about Finicum at that point but she also said they (the ones still in the vehicle) were hunkered down by the floorboards; so she didn't actually see Finicum get shot.

Don't you think it would be wise for you to bone up on the facts before spewing your idiocies? If for no other reason, so that readers here could believe you at least of some small amount of knowledge about that of which you spew.
She said she was onthe floornoards, looking out the window. She said she a solutely saw him get shot, and his ha ds were up. You dont haveto lie, but you seem to enjoy it.
You're a fucking idiot. :cuckoo:

She said they were down "as low as they could get" because the police were shooting out their windows.

Have you any pride at all??


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