Assholes making trouble in Oregon

so you can not still find the spike deployment on the road huh

well anyway what you claimed is not what happened in the frame
I don't see a spike strip which may blend in with the asphalt on a grainy video shot from a plane. That doesn't mean one wasn't deployed. The FBI says one was used and you can't prove they were lying.

first off it was not a plane it was a drone

which is it
The FBI says the video was shot from a plane. Who knows why you think I would talk your word over theirs.

did you happen to notice the wrong date in the corner by chance
It's not the wrong date. :eusa_doh:

Pilots fly using Zulu time, which is 8 hours ahead of Pacific Standard Time.

Yet another example where you brain-dead conspiracists imagine your delusions are reality.

you cant see the spike because it is not there

it certainly isnt where you claimed it would be
Again, that's it's not visible in a grainy video following a car in motion from a plane doesn't mean it's not there. Again, if the strip is black, and some are, I can believe it's not easily seen from that height as it would blend in with the asphalt.

equally odd the several cops following him

also "missed" the spike strip

Not odd at all since they ALL stopped short of the roadblock. That could very well be why they didn't pull all the way up when they approached. Or it could be that someone pulled up the spike strip immediately after Finicum passed it. Neither one of us knows. What we do know is the FBI says a spike strip was employed.

the video proves they are either lying about the spike


lying that the video was unedited
The video proves you're deranged.

And again, if the video was edited -- prove it.

The FBI says the video was shot from a plane.

when did they say that

Not odd at all since they ALL stopped short of the roadblock

dude you are making yourself look like a bigger idiot

with each nonsense statement like that

since you brought up the roadblock again

who gave them permission to use deadly force

and more importantly why

that is a deadly force roadblock

oh in the "stock photo" that you posted of a roadblock

did you happen to notice the major no no in that set up

other then they are too close to the strip

What we do know is the FBI says a spike strip was employed.

not according to the video
They said that in their public statement.

As far as the pursuing agents. Again, they stopped short of the roadblock. That very well could be because the spike strip was still on the ground. Your delusions are getting the best of you -- like your insisting the timestamp on the video is wro g a d evidence of nefarious behaviour on the part of law enforcement; when in reality, there is a simple explanation for it.

who gave the use of deadly force permission

allowing such a roadblock
first off it was not a plane it was a drone

I would like to highlight and point out this as fact as well. There is no way an airplane could have been flying that slow to take that video.
The FBI says it was a plane. I have reason to believe you over them. Plus you'll note, it was flying in circles when Finicum's vehicle was stopped.

So since the FBI says it was a plane, you lap it up as truth. Yes it was flying in circles, but please tell me, how can a plane fly so slow of circles. Last I checked unless it is an ultralight or a drone, most small airplanes have to flay at the least 60+ mph to stay airborne.
first off it was not a plane it was a drone

I would like to highlight and point out this as fact as well. There is no way an airplane could have been flying that slow to take that video.
The FBI says it was a plane. I have reason to believe you over them. Plus you'll note, it was flying in circles when Finicum's vehicle was stopped.

So since the FBI says it was a plane, you lap it up as truth. Yes it was flying in circles, but please tell me, how can a plane fly so slow of circles. Last I checked unless it is an ultralight or a drone, most small airplanes have to flay at the least 60+ mph to stay airborne.

not to faun --LOL
couldnt find on the video huh

that is because there was not one

it would have been completely stupid

for the cops to place one where you had "suggested" it was
That would have caused the truck to hit the road block. That would have guaranteed more deaths! One either does a road block or spikes, not both. I never believe a liar. The video was to far out so no way could the fkr see it. I merely laughed at the lie
Wishes the fucking retard who thinks Finicum wasn't armed because you can't see a gun. :mm:
Funny says the fk with no evidence
The FBI says he had a loaded 9mm. That's evidence.

a cop said mike brown attacked a cop thats evidence
Yes it is. Glad we're in agreement that cops' description at a crime scene is evidence.
i have watched that video on several screens including my 70 flat screen

and there is no spike strips

so either you are lying or you have not watched the video

so in what frames do you see the spike strip at what minutes and seconds
I suggest you file a complaint with the FBI since they were there and they said Finicum missed it.

couldnt find on the video huh

that is because there was not one

it would have been completely stupid

for the cops to place one where you had "suggested" it was
That would have caused the truck to hit the road block. That would have guaranteed more deaths! One either does a road block or spikes, not both. I never believe a liar. The video was to far out so no way could the fkr see it. I merely laughed at the lie
Wishes the fucking retard who thinks Finicum wasn't armed because you can't see a gun. :mm:

did you ever see a gun dick breath
Didn't have to. I saw Finicum make a motion as though he was reaching for one. Also considering he typically had a gun on him during videos taken of him while at the refuge... given another passenger in the car said some of them were carrying sidearms... ...given Finicum said he wouldn't be taken alive... given the police and FBI said they found a gun on him -- only a complete fucking idiot would believe you over them.

That would have caused the truck to hit the road block. That would have guaranteed more deaths! One either does a road block or spikes, not both. I never believe a liar. The video was to far out so no way could the fkr see it. I merely laughed at the lie
Wishes the fucking retard who thinks Finicum wasn't armed because you can't see a gun. :mm:
Funny says the fk with no evidence
The FBI says he had a loaded 9mm. That's evidence.

a cop said mike brown attacked a cop thats evidence
Yes it is. Glad we're in agreement that cops' description at a crime scene is evidence.

if you say so
I suggest you file a complaint with the FBI since they were there and they said Finicum missed it.

couldnt find on the video huh

that is because there was not one

it would have been completely stupid

for the cops to place one where you had "suggested" it was
That would have caused the truck to hit the road block. That would have guaranteed more deaths! One either does a road block or spikes, not both. I never believe a liar. The video was to far out so no way could the fkr see it. I merely laughed at the lie
Wishes the fucking retard who thinks Finicum wasn't armed because you can't see a gun. :mm:

did you ever see a gun dick breath
Didn't have to. I saw Finicum make a motion as though he was reaching for one. Also considering he typically had a gun on him during videos taken of him while at the refuge... given another passenger in the car said some of them were carrying sidearms... ...given Finicum said he wouldn't be taken alive... given the police and FBI said they found a gun on him -- only a complete fucking idiot would believe you over them.


witnesses say he was shot while his hands had been up

where he was reaching is not where his inside pocket is located
So, let's see if I can put another twist on the assholes in Oregon. Sure the last four should have come out a long time ago, but I have to wonder about this dated Feb 3:

OPB reached out to the camp at 1:30 p.m., per the scheduled check-in, but the line was busy and remained so.

At 2:15 p.m., OPB received a call from a blocked number. The anonymous caller said that all lines of communication to the militants still inside the refuge had been cut at 12:50 p.m. and that further calls and updates would not be possible. The caller declined multiple requests to identify himself.

Link: Last Line Of Communication With Militants Cut

I understand the reasoning, but isn't this a bit of more overstepping? To localize your personal cell phone and cut it off and/or monitor it so closely? Did they get a court order to do so? Shouldn't they need to?

And then there's this, Feb 6:

The new lighted sign changes from “Road Closed” to “No Unlawful Entry” to “Subject To Arrest.”


Reporters looking into the closed-off area from a nearby hill could observe what looked like multiple roadblocks along the road to the refuge headquarters.

Link: Police Add Warning To Refuge Roadblock

So cut off all communications and then keep the press miles away?

Yep, freedom of speech down there is dead.
The FBI says he had a loaded 9mm. That's evidence.

Save this post of yours. It will help keep you disqualified from any jury duty. Ever.

the reports say he was reaching for a inside pocket by his waist which contained a 9mm

too bad the inside of his pocket is up by his chest not waist
Oh? What brand of jacket was he wearing?

hey stupid you can see the top of his inside pocket in several photos
Wishes the fucking retard who thinks Finicum wasn't armed because you can't see a gun. :mm:
Funny says the fk with no evidence
The FBI says he had a loaded 9mm. That's evidence.

a cop said mike brown attacked a cop thats evidence
Yes it is. Glad we're in agreement that cops' description at a crime scene is evidence.

if you say so
Well I said so and then you said so. How is that not being in agreement? Or do you think cops' description of crime scenes are only evidence in cases you support?
So, let's see if I can put another twist on the assholes in Oregon. Sure the last four should have come out a long time ago, but I have to wonder about this dated Feb 3:

OPB reached out to the camp at 1:30 p.m., per the scheduled check-in, but the line was busy and remained so.

At 2:15 p.m., OPB received a call from a blocked number. The anonymous caller said that all lines of communication to the militants still inside the refuge had been cut at 12:50 p.m. and that further calls and updates would not be possible. The caller declined multiple requests to identify himself.

Link: Last Line Of Communication With Militants Cut

I understand the reasoning, but isn't this a bit of more overstepping? To localize your personal cell phone and cut it off and/or monitor it so closely? Did they get a court order to do so? Shouldn't they need to?

And then there's this, Feb 6:

The new lighted sign changes from “Road Closed” to “No Unlawful Entry” to “Subject To Arrest.”


Reporters looking into the closed-off area from a nearby hill could observe what looked like multiple roadblocks along the road to the refuge headquarters.

Link: Police Add Warning To Refuge Roadblock

So cut off all communications and then keep the press miles away?

Yep, freedom of speech down there is dead.

what they had been doing certainly did not warrant use of deadly forces order
Funny says the fk with no evidence
The FBI says he had a loaded 9mm. That's evidence.

a cop said mike brown attacked a cop thats evidence
Yes it is. Glad we're in agreement that cops' description at a crime scene is evidence.

if you say so
Well I said so and then you said so. How is that not being in agreement? Or do you think cops' description of crime scenes are only evidence in cases you support?

the cop did not see the gun at the time of the shooting
Also considering he typically had a gun on him during videos taken of him while at the refuge... ,snip.

Just playing the advocate, but all the videos showed Finnicum carrying a handgun on his right hip. Open carried, not concealed in a jacket pocket.
I suggest you file a complaint with the FBI since they were there and they said Finicum missed it.

couldnt find on the video huh

that is because there was not one

it would have been completely stupid

for the cops to place one where you had "suggested" it was
That would have caused the truck to hit the road block. That would have guaranteed more deaths! One either does a road block or spikes, not both. I never believe a liar. The video was to far out so no way could the fkr see it. I merely laughed at the lie
Wishes the fucking retard who thinks Finicum wasn't armed because you can't see a gun. :mm:
Funny says the fk with no evidence

what is really funny about this loser is

now the cops are trustworthy in what they say
When did I say they weren't? You really enjoy speaking from a position of ignorance, don'tcha?

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