Assimilate or go home!

It applies to anyone who attempts to usurp Americanism with their own separate culture.
Why are you singling out Muslims then?

Moslems are the most violent and the worst of offenders. The reason for this is clear once we understand their religious doctrine. Muhammad himself summed it up best:

Actually, I'd like ALL Moslems to get the Hell out of the West and go live in Moslem countries but that ain't gonna happen so I will applaud the sentiments expressed by the Australian Senator, Pauline Hanson. We need more like her.

Australia’s Newest Senator to Non-Assimilating Muslims: ‘Go Back’ Home | Pamela Geller

Why should American citizens be forced to leave their nation?
It's when instead of being American citizens they want Americans to become muslim.
Does that apply to those who instead of being American citizens want Americans to become Christian? We got a bunch of those weirdos running around unsupervised too.

The difference is a Christian won't kill you if you refuse the invitation to accept Christ. A Muslim has a right, even a duty, according to the Koran to do kill or enslave you if you refuse to convert to Islam.

Now, which one is a weirdo?
Does that apply to those who instead of being American citizens want Americans to become Christian? We got a bunch of those weirdos running around unsupervised too.
Let us know when they light your car on fire.

They burn couches in the street whenever they win a game. Cars too.
I like their favorite game...We Invaded Your Country And Won!
Isnt that what W played?
Yes, but he wasn't invited with open, welcoming arms.

After 911, it would be rather presumptuous to think that Bush would be welcomed to Afghanistan.
New Immigrants Discriminated Against in Late 1800s & Early 1900s

So what?
He's saying you're just another in a long line of xenophobes reacting against those that are different like a good Neanderthal tribesman.
The Jews stayed and so did the Irish Catholics. The Muslims aren't going anywhere either. That's what Guno means.
You will never get me to support closing the door on refugees from Muslim countries the way we did on Jews trying to flee the Nazi's before and during WWII. Some, maybe a lot, of those deaths in the gas chambers and worse could have been avoided if it had not been for people like you.
He's saying you're just another in a long line of xenophobes

Let's stop you right there and examine the term, 'xenophobe'.

: one unduly fearful of what is foreign and especially of people of foreign origin

Now let's look at the term 'unduly'.

: to an extreme, unreasonable, or unnecessary degree

I and others here have provided a mountain of evidence that justifies stopping refugees from coming to our soil. We have provided a mountain of evidence as to the true nature of the Islamic teachings of which these refugees subscribe. Clearly there is good reason to fear or be cautious of Islam and people who follow it's teachings. Yours and Guno's charge of 'xenophobia' is false and stems from both of your willful blindness to the information we've provided.

So, again I say to you both, so what?
You will never get me to support closing the door on refugees from Muslim countries the way we did on Jews trying to flee the Nazi's before and during WWII. Some, maybe a lot, of those deaths in the gas chambers and worse could have been avoided if it had not been for people like you.

This has absolutely no relevance to the topic. The Jews weren't and aren't following an ideology that commands them to tax, convert or kill the non believers.
He's saying you're just another in a long line of xenophobes

Let's stop you right there and examine the term, 'xenophobe'.

: one unduly fearful of what is foreign and especially of people of foreign origin

Now let's look at the term 'unduly'.

: to an extreme, unreasonable, or unnecessary degree

I and others here have provided a mountain of evidence that justifies stopping refugees from coming to our soil. We have provided a mountain of evidence as to the true nature of the Islamic teachings of which these refugees subscribe. Clearly there is good reason to fear or be cautious of Islam and people who follow it's teachings. Yours and Guno's charge of 'xenophobia' is false and stems from both of your willful blindness to the information we've provided.

So, again I say to you both, so what?
You have not provided a mountain of evidence as to the true nature of the Islamic teachings to which the refugees subscribe, nor have you provided any reasonable evidence that these homeless people fleeing terror are dangerous individuals. If your mountain of evidence were true, the 1.6 billion Muslims on this planet and the millions living in the United States would have been giving the world a lot more trouble than we have now. 80% of the terrorist attacks in this country were carried out by American born citizens. NONE, so far, have been refugees. From my perspective, our vetting process does as well as any but a mind reader can do to keep at-risk individuals from relocating here. Of course we must be careful, and we are. Terrorist attacks are thwarted all over this country BEFORE they take place, thank God, and we should not, MUST not, put the responsibility for their twisted ideology on the backs of every Muslim.
The reason you have championed your twisted version of reality is because you are distrustful of those who are different without good reason. That is xenophobia.
You have not provided a mountain of evidence as to the true nature of the Islamic teachings

I can't help it if you don't actually READ the info provided but as a refresher, there have been over 29 THOUSAND DEADLY TERROR ATTACKS SINCE 9/11 BY MOSLEMS INSPIRED BY THE TEACHINGS OF ISLAM.

That alone can stand as a mountain.
The reason you have championed your twisted version of reality is because you are distrustful of those who are different without good reason. That is xenophobia.

I have provided good reason. You're simply a bigot refusing to see the truth of it.
Ok, anyone else want to step up to the plate and get their asses kicked?
Just heard an interview on NPR early this a.m. with an Aussie politician--only caught the tail end, and don't know the details--who was mentioning that the Australians will NOT accept the "boat people" into their country and the ones that will not accept transport back to where they came from are being kept on an island! It is to discourage boat people because so many of the boat people die on the way. It has worked, as far as that goes, but they've got a bunch of people in limbo on an island, and they won't leave. Australia is firmly refusing to take them in.

Kinda funny, for a nation that began as an island penal colony.
Actually, I'd like ALL Moslems to get the Hell out of the West and go live in Moslem countries but that ain't gonna happen so I will applaud the sentiments expressed by the Australian Senator, Pauline Hanson. We need more like her.

Australia’s Newest Senator to Non-Assimilating Muslims: ‘Go Back’ Home | Pamela Geller

Funny how euro's forget how they moved onto every land mass they ever infected.
And took the original inhabitants out of the stone age.
Into the modern world of smallpox and good Christian retribution...errm...soul-saving...

... eventually genociding them out of functional existence.
You will never get me to support closing the door on refugees from Muslim countries the way we did on Jews trying to flee the Nazi's before and during WWII. Some, maybe a lot, of those deaths in the gas chambers and worse could have been avoided if it had not been for people like you.

This has absolutely no relevance to the topic. The Jews weren't and aren't following an ideology that commands them to tax, convert or kill the non believers.

This is correct. If we used the Jewish refugee analogy then we would be accepting only Christians and Jews. Since they are the group being slaughtered.
Just heard an interview on NPR early this a.m. with an Aussie politician--only caught the tail end, and don't know the details--who was mentioning that the Australians will NOT accept the "boat people" into their country and the ones that will not accept transport back to where they came from are being kept on an island! It is to discourage boat people because so many of the boat people die on the way. It has worked, as far as that goes, but they've got a bunch of people in limbo on an island, and they won't leave. Australia is firmly refusing to take them in.

This is a great policy. This is basically what Frauke Petry of AfD recommended Europe do with their refugees.

I would love it if we moved all our refugee/illegals to a limbo island for processing.
Ok, anyone else want to step up to the plate and get their asses kicked?
You did not kick my ass, but I've said my piece. Consider that a victory along with your other imaginative ideas.
Actually, I'd like ALL Moslems to get the Hell out of the West and go live in Moslem countries but that ain't gonna happen so I will applaud the sentiments expressed by the Australian Senator, Pauline Hanson. We need more like her.

Australia’s Newest Senator to Non-Assimilating Muslims: ‘Go Back’ Home | Pamela Geller

Why should American citizens be forced to leave their nation?
It's when instead of being American citizens they want Americans to become muslim.
Does that apply to those who instead of being American citizens want Americans to become Christian? We got a bunch of those weirdos running around unsupervised too.

Christians with pamphlets knocking on my door aren't armed nor do they have explosives strapped to their bodies.

Neither do Muslims.
Actually, I'd like ALL Moslems to get the Hell out of the West and go live in Moslem countries but that ain't gonna happen so I will applaud the sentiments expressed by the Australian Senator, Pauline Hanson. We need more like her.

Australia’s Newest Senator to Non-Assimilating Muslims: ‘Go Back’ Home | Pamela Geller

Why should American citizens be forced to leave their nation?
Refugees are not citizens.

He wasn't talking about refugees - did you miss that part? Here is what he said: "Actually, I'd like ALL Moslems to get the Hell out of the West"

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