

Meet Moeen Ali, an English cricketer of Muslim descent.

Moeen became a national hero today as his hat trick bowled England to victory against the South Africans.
He looks quite chuffed and so he should.It was a famous victory and his mates look pleased as well.

Personally I could never cheer on any English team but this is a great example of sport breaking down barriers.
What? You don't like the English, but do like Muslims. Yet the Muslims will throw you off the roof.

Death wish.
I cant form a response to gibberish.
Sadly...there is no England any more. Thanks to massive immigration...thanks to the stupidity of leftists.

You probably watch the new movie Dunkirk and bitch about the lack of minorities in the movie. Proving your ignorance of your own country. In 1940, Great Britain was almost entirely white with people who could trace their ancestry back many centuries living in Great Britain. Not so much today...your culture has been bastardized and will ultimately be destroyed, by massive immigration.

I suppose you are happy about that.
Lot of projecting there. Britain has been enriched by immigration and is a far better place for it. I suspect that the US is the same.
Yes you are right somewhat, but wrong a lot.

You can't flood a nation with third worlders who believe women are property, gays should die, jihad is good, and Sharia law should be the law of the land. If you have too many people like this, you will have problems. Not only will these newcomers cause massive social and cultural problems, but the indigenous people will resent the newcomers. Violence is the likely result and we are seeing it occur throughout Western Europe, where stupid leftists control government.

Why do you want white women raped?
I dont recognise these stereotypes you are describing. I know there is a terrorist organisation called isis and they have done terrible things. But they are a handful of nutters. The overwhelming majority of Muslims are like the young man in the picture. Law abiding,productive and happy to be here. What do your Muslim friends think about your views ?
What? You don't like the English, but do like Muslims. Yet the Muslims will throw you off the roof.

Death wish.
I cant form a response to gibberish.
Sadly...there is no England any more. Thanks to massive immigration...thanks to the stupidity of leftists.

You probably watch the new movie Dunkirk and bitch about the lack of minorities in the movie. Proving your ignorance of your own country. In 1940, Great Britain was almost entirely white with people who could trace their ancestry back many centuries living in Great Britain. Not so much today...your culture has been bastardized and will ultimately be destroyed, by massive immigration.

I suppose you are happy about that.
Lot of projecting there. Britain has been enriched by immigration and is a far better place for it. I suspect that the US is the same.
Yes you are right somewhat, but wrong a lot.

You can't flood a nation with third worlders who believe women are property, gays should die, jihad is good, and Sharia law should be the law of the land. If you have too many people like this, you will have problems. Not only will these newcomers cause massive social and cultural problems, but the indigenous people will resent the newcomers. Violence is the likely result and we are seeing it occur throughout Western Europe, where stupid leftists control government.

Why do you want white women raped?
I dont recognise these stereotypes you are describing. I know there is a terrorist organisation called isis and they have done terrible things. But they are a handful of nutters. The overwhelming majority of Muslims are like the young man in the picture. Law abiding,productive and happy to be here. What do your Muslim friends think about your views ?
How many Euros must die by Islamic terror, before Euros like Tammy recognize the threat? Apparently a lot is the answer.

You must think terror killings like those on London bridge, 7/7, Lee Rigby, the many bomb plots uncovered, and the numerous rapes of white girls (covered up by your government and media) are just acceptable costs of doing say nothing of the countless incidents elsewhere in Euroland....all because the West is evil.
In the end, he's still an Islamist and thus pro-subjugation of women, pro-death to gays and pro-death to freedom. Look throughout the Islamic world and you will find football players; playing football or any other sport, doesn't change your religious goals.
Used to be a time in the US when that was okay...
I cant form a response to gibberish.
Sadly...there is no England any more. Thanks to massive immigration...thanks to the stupidity of leftists.

You probably watch the new movie Dunkirk and bitch about the lack of minorities in the movie. Proving your ignorance of your own country. In 1940, Great Britain was almost entirely white with people who could trace their ancestry back many centuries living in Great Britain. Not so much today...your culture has been bastardized and will ultimately be destroyed, by massive immigration.

I suppose you are happy about that.
Lot of projecting there. Britain has been enriched by immigration and is a far better place for it. I suspect that the US is the same.
Yes you are right somewhat, but wrong a lot.

You can't flood a nation with third worlders who believe women are property, gays should die, jihad is good, and Sharia law should be the law of the land. If you have too many people like this, you will have problems. Not only will these newcomers cause massive social and cultural problems, but the indigenous people will resent the newcomers. Violence is the likely result and we are seeing it occur throughout Western Europe, where stupid leftists control government.

Why do you want white women raped?
I dont recognise these stereotypes you are describing. I know there is a terrorist organisation called isis and they have done terrible things. But they are a handful of nutters. The overwhelming majority of Muslims are like the young man in the picture. Law abiding,productive and happy to be here. What do your Muslim friends think about your views ?
How many Euros must die by Islamic terror, before Euros like Tammy recognize the threat? Apparently a lot is the answer.

You must think terror killings like those on London bridge, 7/7, Lee Rigby, the many bomb plots uncovered, and the numerous rapes of white girls (covered up by your government and media) are just acceptable costs of doing say nothing of the countless incidents elsewhere in Euroland....all because the West is evil.
More people were killed by the IRA than Muzzies..
Sadly...there is no England any more. Thanks to massive immigration...thanks to the stupidity of leftists.

You probably watch the new movie Dunkirk and bitch about the lack of minorities in the movie. Proving your ignorance of your own country. In 1940, Great Britain was almost entirely white with people who could trace their ancestry back many centuries living in Great Britain. Not so much today...your culture has been bastardized and will ultimately be destroyed, by massive immigration.

I suppose you are happy about that.
Lot of projecting there. Britain has been enriched by immigration and is a far better place for it. I suspect that the US is the same.
Yes you are right somewhat, but wrong a lot.

You can't flood a nation with third worlders who believe women are property, gays should die, jihad is good, and Sharia law should be the law of the land. If you have too many people like this, you will have problems. Not only will these newcomers cause massive social and cultural problems, but the indigenous people will resent the newcomers. Violence is the likely result and we are seeing it occur throughout Western Europe, where stupid leftists control government.

Why do you want white women raped?
I dont recognise these stereotypes you are describing. I know there is a terrorist organisation called isis and they have done terrible things. But they are a handful of nutters. The overwhelming majority of Muslims are like the young man in the picture. Law abiding,productive and happy to be here. What do your Muslim friends think about your views ?
How many Euros must die by Islamic terror, before Euros like Tammy recognize the threat? Apparently a lot is the answer.

You must think terror killings like those on London bridge, 7/7, Lee Rigby, the many bomb plots uncovered, and the numerous rapes of white girls (covered up by your government and media) are just acceptable costs of doing say nothing of the countless incidents elsewhere in Euroland....all because the West is evil.
More people were killed by the IRA than Muzzies..
Please must you be stupid 24/7?
Lot of projecting there. Britain has been enriched by immigration and is a far better place for it. I suspect that the US is the same.
Yes you are right somewhat, but wrong a lot.

You can't flood a nation with third worlders who believe women are property, gays should die, jihad is good, and Sharia law should be the law of the land. If you have too many people like this, you will have problems. Not only will these newcomers cause massive social and cultural problems, but the indigenous people will resent the newcomers. Violence is the likely result and we are seeing it occur throughout Western Europe, where stupid leftists control government.

Why do you want white women raped?
I dont recognise these stereotypes you are describing. I know there is a terrorist organisation called isis and they have done terrible things. But they are a handful of nutters. The overwhelming majority of Muslims are like the young man in the picture. Law abiding,productive and happy to be here. What do your Muslim friends think about your views ?
How many Euros must die by Islamic terror, before Euros like Tammy recognize the threat? Apparently a lot is the answer.

You must think terror killings like those on London bridge, 7/7, Lee Rigby, the many bomb plots uncovered, and the numerous rapes of white girls (covered up by your government and media) are just acceptable costs of doing say nothing of the countless incidents elsewhere in Euroland....all because the West is evil.
More people were killed by the IRA than Muzzies..
Please must you be stupid 24/7?
Take a look and see..Nazi's killed more English than the Muzzies also....
Yes you are right somewhat, but wrong a lot.

You can't flood a nation with third worlders who believe women are property, gays should die, jihad is good, and Sharia law should be the law of the land. If you have too many people like this, you will have problems. Not only will these newcomers cause massive social and cultural problems, but the indigenous people will resent the newcomers. Violence is the likely result and we are seeing it occur throughout Western Europe, where stupid leftists control government.

Why do you want white women raped?
I dont recognise these stereotypes you are describing. I know there is a terrorist organisation called isis and they have done terrible things. But they are a handful of nutters. The overwhelming majority of Muslims are like the young man in the picture. Law abiding,productive and happy to be here. What do your Muslim friends think about your views ?
How many Euros must die by Islamic terror, before Euros like Tammy recognize the threat? Apparently a lot is the answer.

You must think terror killings like those on London bridge, 7/7, Lee Rigby, the many bomb plots uncovered, and the numerous rapes of white girls (covered up by your government and media) are just acceptable costs of doing say nothing of the countless incidents elsewhere in Euroland....all because the West is evil.
More people were killed by the IRA than Muzzies..
Please must you be stupid 24/7?
Take a look and see..Nazi's killed more English than the Muzzies also....
Why do you fail to recognize how stupid that is?

You really can't be this stupid...right?
Sadly...there is no England any more. Thanks to massive immigration...thanks to the stupidity of leftists.

You probably watch the new movie Dunkirk and bitch about the lack of minorities in the movie. Proving your ignorance of your own country. In 1940, Great Britain was almost entirely white with people who could trace their ancestry back many centuries living in Great Britain. Not so much today...your culture has been bastardized and will ultimately be destroyed, by massive immigration.

I suppose you are happy about that.
Lot of projecting there. Britain has been enriched by immigration and is a far better place for it. I suspect that the US is the same.
Yes you are right somewhat, but wrong a lot.

You can't flood a nation with third worlders who believe women are property, gays should die, jihad is good, and Sharia law should be the law of the land. If you have too many people like this, you will have problems. Not only will these newcomers cause massive social and cultural problems, but the indigenous people will resent the newcomers. Violence is the likely result and we are seeing it occur throughout Western Europe, where stupid leftists control government.

Why do you want white women raped?
I dont recognise these stereotypes you are describing. I know there is a terrorist organisation called isis and they have done terrible things. But they are a handful of nutters. The overwhelming majority of Muslims are like the young man in the picture. Law abiding,productive and happy to be here. What do your Muslim friends think about your views ?
How many Euros must die by Islamic terror, before Euros like Tammy recognize the threat? Apparently a lot is the answer.

You must think terror killings like those on London bridge, 7/7, Lee Rigby, the many bomb plots uncovered, and the numerous rapes of white girls (covered up by your government and media) are just acceptable costs of doing say nothing of the countless incidents elsewhere in Euroland....all because the West is evil.
More people were killed by the IRA than Muzzies..
Religious fanatics once tried to blow up parliament. They were catholics.

Meet Moeen Ali, an English cricketer of Muslim descent.

Moeen became a national hero today as his hat trick bowled England to victory against the South Africans.
He looks quite chuffed and so he should.It was a famous victory and his mates look pleased as well.

Personally I could never cheer on any English team but this is a great example of sport breaking down barriers.
Looks like the guy has not even to change clothes to play.

Meet Moeen Ali, an English cricketer of Muslim descent.

Moeen became a national hero today as his hat trick bowled England to victory against the South Africans.
He looks quite chuffed and so he should.It was a famous victory and his mates look pleased as well.

Personally I could never cheer on any English team but this is a great example of sport breaking down barriers.

I wonder how your hero feels about Jews.

Cricketer in hot water over Gaza protest

Looks like he's on the same page as Hitler.
Nope you are all wrong. This ,and many similar stories, illustrates that people can get on whatever their religion.
Of course that doesnt fit with your agenda.
The photograph only shows that he can play a sport, nothing else.
Nope,it shows a diverse group of young men getting on and achieving things, pride in performance and pride in country. Why do you have a problem with that ?
Why do you cling to the absurdity that all Muslims are killers ?
It makes you ridiculous.

you have link? did Lucky Duck state "ALL MUSLIMS ARE KILLERS"? <put up, or shut up>
I've never indicated that "all" Muslims are killers, however, studies have shown that 20% of Muslims believe that infidels (that's you and me) should be killed. Twenty percent of over a billion Muslims amounts to about the population of the United States. Also, beyond the 20%, most Muslims prefer Sharia Law to be the law of the land and thus, women under Sharia Law are second-class citizens ruled by their male counterparts and all non-Muslims are also considered second-class citizens, only lesser than their women and must obey Islamic laws. I have to admit that I am only basing my guess on the heavily bearded man in the photograph, that he is most likely a fundamentalist Muslim and if so, he is opposed to equal opportunity for women, equality for women in courts of law, believes that gays should be punished with imprisonment or death and that the Koran is the "true" word of a deity. Of course, this is only a guess and could possibly be wrong, but I doubt it. Sometimes you just have to go with instinct.
Now, Tainant, I don't know you, but I do challenge you to go to any Islamic nation and publically announce that you are a "gay Christian" and let us know what happens, or if we don't hear from you, we can no doubt read about what happened to you in the news.
There's really an absurd group somewhere claiming to be "gays for Palestine," I'd like to see them actually go to Palestine and see what happens.
Islam is and has always been against the west and non-Muslims, just ask the Christians Lebanese or the Armenians.
You really need to provide some links to back up your assertions.I don't understand your position. If you believe a minority want to kill us why are you hostile to Mr Ali who patently doesn't ?
Is it possible for any Muslim to pass your test ?

Sent from my Nexus 6P using mobile app
You really need to provide some links to back up your assertions.I don't understand your position. If you believe a minority want to kill us why are you hostile to Mr Ali who patently doesn't ?
Is it possible for any Muslim to pass your test ?

Sent from my Nexus 6P using mobile app

some links to back up what assertions-----try to be as specific as you can manage. Your
comment about a single person who identifies with a specific groups-----is silly

Meet Moeen Ali, an English cricketer of Muslim descent.

Moeen became a national hero today as his hat trick bowled England to victory against the South Africans.
He looks quite chuffed and so he should.It was a famous victory and his mates look pleased as well.

Personally I could never cheer on any English team but this is a great example of sport breaking down barriers.

I wonder how your hero feels about Jews.

Cricketer in hot water over Gaza protest

Looks like he's on the same page as Hitler.
Wanting justice for Palestine is pretty much a mainstream position outside your bubble. How that relates to Hitler is beyond me.
You really need to provide some links to back up your assertions.I don't understand your position. If you believe a minority want to kill us why are you hostile to Mr Ali who patently doesn't ?
Is it possible for any Muslim to pass your test ?

Sent from my Nexus 6P using mobile app

some links to back up what assertions-----try to be as specific as you can manage. Your
comment about a single person who identifies with a specific groups-----is silly
Claims are made about polls and percentages. They could be anything.
You really need to provide some links to back up your assertions.I don't understand your position. If you believe a minority want to kill us why are you hostile to Mr Ali who patently doesn't ?
Is it possible for any Muslim to pass your test ?

Sent from my Nexus 6P using mobile app

some links to back up what assertions-----try to be as specific as you can manage. Your
comment about a single person who identifies with a specific groups-----is silly

*Claims are made about polls and percentages. They could be anything.

Is that ^^^^ statement supposed to MEAN something?
So how long before he straps on a bomb, and blows up the whole team?

A lot of Christians have beards nowadays too. Are you scared when you walk down the street and see beards? What if a bearded dude is standing in line next to you at the grocery store?
So how long before he straps on a bomb, and blows up the whole team?

A lot of Christians have beards nowadays too. Are you scared when you walk down the street and see beards? What if a bearded dude is standing in line next to you at the grocery store?

you are right-----lots of people have beards-----but having a long beard as an ATHLETE is kinda
unusual---------it gets in the way------like a Hijab. Lots of beards are kinda "styled" or cropped

how long have you been picking nits?
Lot of projecting there. Britain has been enriched by immigration and is a far better place for it. I suspect that the US is the same.
Yes you are right somewhat, but wrong a lot.

You can't flood a nation with third worlders who believe women are property, gays should die, jihad is good, and Sharia law should be the law of the land. If you have too many people like this, you will have problems. Not only will these newcomers cause massive social and cultural problems, but the indigenous people will resent the newcomers. Violence is the likely result and we are seeing it occur throughout Western Europe, where stupid leftists control government.

Why do you want white women raped?
I dont recognise these stereotypes you are describing. I know there is a terrorist organisation called isis and they have done terrible things. But they are a handful of nutters. The overwhelming majority of Muslims are like the young man in the picture. Law abiding,productive and happy to be here. What do your Muslim friends think about your views ?
How many Euros must die by Islamic terror, before Euros like Tammy recognize the threat? Apparently a lot is the answer.

You must think terror killings like those on London bridge, 7/7, Lee Rigby, the many bomb plots uncovered, and the numerous rapes of white girls (covered up by your government and media) are just acceptable costs of doing say nothing of the countless incidents elsewhere in Euroland....all because the West is evil.
More people were killed by the IRA than Muzzies..

Complete unadulterated BS
I take it you're catholic...

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