
Yes you are right somewhat, but wrong a lot.

You can't flood a nation with third worlders who believe women are property, gays should die, jihad is good, and Sharia law should be the law of the land. If you have too many people like this, you will have problems. Not only will these newcomers cause massive social and cultural problems, but the indigenous people will resent the newcomers. Violence is the likely result and we are seeing it occur throughout Western Europe, where stupid leftists control government.

Why do you want white women raped?
I dont recognise these stereotypes you are describing. I know there is a terrorist organisation called isis and they have done terrible things. But they are a handful of nutters. The overwhelming majority of Muslims are like the young man in the picture. Law abiding,productive and happy to be here. What do your Muslim friends think about your views ?
How many Euros must die by Islamic terror, before Euros like Tammy recognize the threat? Apparently a lot is the answer.

You must think terror killings like those on London bridge, 7/7, Lee Rigby, the many bomb plots uncovered, and the numerous rapes of white girls (covered up by your government and media) are just acceptable costs of doing say nothing of the countless incidents elsewhere in Euroland....all because the West is evil.
More people were killed by the IRA than Muzzies..

Complete unadulterated BS
I take it you're catholic...

It's stupid to try and compare the IRA to what "islam" is doing. By the toad, the Nazis and Muzzies aligned themselves

You just troll for effect
The Irish were always playing with Britain's enemies to get favorable terms for possible independence from England...

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