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Assisted Suicide

For or Against? And why?

For assisted suicide. You should have the absolute rights over your own body to live or die. Why not a clean painless death? I do as much for my pets when the time comes.
Death is not a right, peeps. That said, people who want to commit suicide generally can and do find a way. Assisted suicide isn't *suicide*. It's euthanasia. And it's wrong.

And I'm tired of the left encouraging despair and constantly trying to find new ways to kill people off.

I'm tired of the right encouraging people (and there loved ones) in despair and pain to hang in there a bit longer so big pharma and the medical industrial complex can bleed the estate (and in many cases bleed Medicare/Medicade) of the terminally ill.
Death is not a right, peeps. That said, people who want to commit suicide generally can and do find a way. Assisted suicide isn't *suicide*. It's euthanasia. And it's wrong.

And I'm tired of the left encouraging despair and constantly trying to find new ways to kill people off.

Who says death is not a right?

If a drip with a lethal dose is set up for you, and then YOU push the button to send in into your body, that is suicide.

Why is it wrong? It may be wrong for you, but how can you be so arrogant to choose that option for someone else?
I still think this is a very tricky subject. I believe that it is humane to allow people who are in pain and dying to do that at the time of their choice..but I feel there is a need to protect people from being pushed and definitely from society beginning to think it is better people die rather than being a nuisance which I see as a possibility.

Euthanasia is not allowed in the UK but people do help those they love and many people go off to I think it is Sweden where they can have a medically assisted euthanasia.

A woman was trying to get the courts to rule this was all right because she wanted to make sure her partner would not face jail for helping her when the time came. That did not happen but basically they intimated that they were quite happy with the way things are at the moment which is basically provided they can see the partner or whoever is doing what the person wanted no charges will be made but it is not legal as such. I too am happy with us working this way.

A Mum and Dad took their 18 year old to Europe for a medical euthanasia after he had been paralysed. He had wanted to be a rugby player but had an accident and became paralysed and apparently could not go on. They were not charged and although I believe the parents acted out of love, or maybe despair,I did not feel good about that. I feel as a society we could put more in to help people and that everyone has something to give.

I do not agree with helping people with mental problems kill themselves even though on forums I have heard someone clearly state that if things get too bad he wants that right. Our mental state changes and to go along with this, for me, is saying such a person has nothing to offer. People can be healed and I think we would do better going in that direction.


What I seem to be saying is I agree with assisted suicide when someone has a terminal illness which is causing them pain and/or discomfort which they find too much but in other circumstances I believe in assisting the person to sort out their difficulties instead.
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Meanwhile, I was talking with SIL and the subject came up. As usual, it was a waste of breath. But it is an interesting subject.
I browsed the net and what I found was most those who asked about suicide were urged to grow up; it is against Christ's teachings; it is against the law; don't be stupid; you will hurt those who love you and in general complete strangers telling another complete stranger to "hang in there".
What if the person that was asking has a terminal illness? Do they not have the right to die? We put animals down when they are in pain. Why cannot we show the same tolerance to people who no longer wish to suffer themselves?
I also looked at bible passages and did not find any that said clearly that suicide was not acceptable to God. Interpretors of the bible of course argued for or against according to what they believe, but reading those passages I came to the same conclusion. God did not specifically state one could not kill themself and many who fought in His name did indeed commit suicide. Samson, for one. But he took out his enemies at the same time.
And didn't Jesus himself commit suicide? He know what was going to happen to him. And those against suicide due to religious beliefs do not use that argument when it came to Jesus dying "for our sins".

So. Your opinions are appreciated. Beats talking to yon wall that nods now and then but has the glaze of "huh?" floating in her eyeballs.

Did those who jumped from the towers on 9-11 rather than being burned alive or crushed to death, commit suicide? They did hassen their deaths by doing so.

Good point.
Death is not a right, peeps. That said, people who want to commit suicide generally can and do find a way. Assisted suicide isn't *suicide*. It's euthanasia. And it's wrong.

And I'm tired of the left encouraging despair and constantly trying to find new ways to kill people off.

Who says death is not a right?

If a drip with a lethal dose is set up for you, and then YOU push the button to send in into your body, that is suicide.

Why is it wrong? It may be wrong for you, but how can you be so arrogant to choose that option for someone else?

That is the problem with the religious..specifically Christians. They believe God made people and since they chose God they also believe it is their responsibility to make decisions for other people in God's stead. Yet at the same time they will tell you that they do not interfere with the wishes of non believers. They are bat shit crazy. I don't and won't trust an insane person to make any choices on my behalf. Sorry Miss Baba but you Christians over reach your authority. Try making good on your assertion that Christians do not force their beliefs on others. Thanks!
There clearly seems to be differences in opinion about the theory of assisted suicide and the practice. Some who believe in it morally might be opposed because of the difficulty in making sure it isn't abused, and some who oppose it because of possible abuses might agree with it if there were no such abuses.

I believe in assisted suicide; it is too easy to botch things, to cause unnecessary pain, etc. However, I agree that there is danger of abuse, of people pushing relatives into suicide to avoid their own inconvenience. I'm not sure how to prevent such abuses other than extremely thorough oversight and regulation.
I doubt anyone is 'for' suicide. Your post is disingenuous. This seems to be a theme with you.
I am most definitely in favor of assisted suicide within certain specific circumstances, such as adult age, mental stability and rational motive.

If for some reason you decide you no longer wish to contend with the burdens of living, why should your wish to terminate your painful existence be denied by some social authority?

Some time ago the MSNBC series, Lockup, ran a segment on a special section in (I believe) a California prison that houses special category inmates, some of whom are on what they call "suicide watch," meaning the light in their cells stays on 24 hours, they are deprived of anything that conceivably could be used to facilitate suicide, and a guard patrols the block every half hour looking into each cell.

One of these "suicide watch" inmates is a serial child molester who is sentenced to fifty years. This miserable human being has tried to kill himself by cutting his wrists and by bashing his head against steel bars and doors. The head-bashing episodes cause him to be strapped to a cot for days at a time. Can you tell me one good reason why this wretch should be forced to go on living?

Wretched prison inmates are not the only prospects for voluntary departure from a hopelessly miserable existence. Consider those who are suffering from terminal cancer. Go a step further and consider those who have outlived the time alloted them by Nature. Totally helpless, totally dependent, confined to a nursing home bed, spoon-fed, bed-panned and otherwise ignored. How many of these used-up, lonely, utterly miserable humans pray for the big sleep? Why shouldn't they have it?
I have no issue with assisted suicide.... So long as it is ASSISTED, and not done FOR the person. They must have an active hand in terminating their own life. It can't be done totally for them by another person. That FINAL decision must be their own.

I am however for (and have my own) Do Not Resuscitate Order and Living Will that makes my wishes on end of life issues VERY CLEAR.
I have no issue with assisted suicide.... So long as it is ASSISTED, and not done FOR the person. They must have an active hand in terminating their own life. It can't be done totally for them by another person. That FINAL decision must be their own.

I am however for (and have my own) Do Not Resuscitate Order and Living Will that makes my wishes on end of life issues VERY CLEAR.

Ditto the bold.
Ditto the bold.

I actually had to go to three different Lawyers before I could find one who would write them up the way I wanted them written. Though I do give the first two credit for sticking to their guns on the "I can't support that ideology, so you're going to have to have someone else write this up for you." front.
Ditto the bold.

I actually had to go to three different Lawyers before I could find one who would write them up the way I wanted them written. Though I do give the first two credit for sticking to their guns on the "I can't support that ideology, so you're going to have to have someone else write this up for you." front.

I did it myself. Then had it notarized and witnessed. The local hospitals and my doctor have copies. All were accepted as legal.
I did it myself. Then had it notarized and witnessed. The local hospitals and my doctor have copies. All were accepted as legal.

I had some very specific wishes that I wanted to make sure were as loop-hole proof as possible; so I chose to work with a lawyer.
I am heavily depressed and have been for years. I take lots of medication just to sort of function in a normal manner. I attempted suicide in 1999. I do not want to be alive. I stay so because of my family. They depend on me for support.

Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem. Even if I supported assisted suicide it would ONLY be for provable terminal conditions with a very short time to live.

Assisted suicide is a BAD idea. There is no way to make it unabused and to prevent out right murder for convenience. Further if you give the Government the power to regulate who can and can not be "assisted" you WILL end with the undesirable being terminated for the convenience of the Government.

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