Associate Press: Around world, Obama's presidency a disappointment

Who isnt loving thse forums these days??!!

And one thing is for sure......come Thanksgiving this year...........gonna be alot of mental case board members looking for a med change. I cant wait......been waiting 4 years to bust my sides laughing watching the misery level rise to epIc proportions as they eat their pumpkin pie. Make your plans now folks........dont fuck up your holiday being around morose.
Who isnt loving thse forums these days??!!

And one thing is for sure......come Thanksgiving this year...........gonna be alot of mental case board members looking for a med change. I cant wait......been waiting 4 years to bust my sides laughing watching the misery level rise to epIc proportions as they eat their pumpkin pie. Make your plans now folks........dont fuck up your holiday being around morose.

Dude, that's a given no matter who wins.
Either way after this election cycle and when all of the "job creators" stop wasting money trying to elect the waste of space known as romney maybe then they will start investing in the country that allowed them to get where they are in the first place?

The business and investor class look forward, and they headed for the hills the moment Obama was made President Elect - and will remain their until the clear and present danger of the Obama Administration has subsided.

Our job creators are just going to wait Obama out:

64% Of Small Businesses Planning To Wait Out Obama, Will NOT Be Adding New Jobs (12% Say They Will CUT Jobs) « Start Thinking Right

No real economic recovery until Obama is gone and his nonsensical programs are reversed.

Vote responsibly next time, peeps!
Worst party in the WORLD, the "un-American" (TIME) GOP, and their ignorant (a-hole, racist?) dupes. No shame at all, greedy chumps...
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I find it odd since most of the people trumpeting it claim to be Christians. It's practically sacrilegious, from that perspective.

That is the point. It is sacriligious to us for you to make him out to be some kind of a god. Hell, compare him to Zues and I'm okay with that, but make him out to be the second coming of Christ and I have a problem with that.


But I don't.

I'll take your word for it. I don't recall you having done so.

Also, I would admit that it is hyperbolic. I can't think of anyone who actually claimed that he was the second coming of the messiah, but they damn near crowned him as such. And until they realized that the economy wasn't going to suddenly spring to life... i.e. last night, ;) they were still doing that. :D

Okay, last night is more hyperbole, but you get the picture.

Either way after this election cycle and when all of the "job creators" stop wasting money trying to elect the waste of space known as romney maybe then they will start investing in the country that allowed them to get where they are in the first place?

The business and investor class look forward, and they headed for the hills the moment Obama was made President Elect - and will remain their until the clear and present danger of the Obama Administration has subsided.

Our job creators are just going to wait Obama out:

64% Of Small Businesses Planning To Wait Out Obama, Will NOT Be Adding New Jobs (12% Say They Will CUT Jobs) « Start Thinking Right

No real economic recovery until Obama is gone and his nonsensical programs are reversed.

Vote responsibly next time, peeps!

Some are waiting for more demand (thanks Pubs for blocking Obama jobs bills etc since 2/4/2010), some are scared by Pub fear mongering- some thinkthey're Pubs and hate Obama- what a dismal bunch of a-holes- country be damned- and silly dupes. The GOP will do ANYTHING to get power, and ruin us ALL again.

"I know, let's cut taxes on the rich, destroy Medicare, raise military spending, and lower the deficit (in 2036)". Won't the chumps EVER learn? JFC
A great read on the worldwide perceived notion that the Obama Presidency is an EPIC FAILURE. Excerpts:

'In a world weary of war and economic crises, and concerned about global climate change, the consensus is that Obama has not lived up to the lofty expectations that surrounded his 2008 election and Nobel Peace Prize a year later. Many in Asia, Africa, the Middle East and Latin America were also taken aback by his support for gay marriage, a taboo subject among religious conservatives.'

News from The Associated Press

I can see how planet earth is disappointed in Obama .. but I doubt that gay marriage is their biggest disappointment.

His love of war would be the biggest disappointment.

He didn't love war.....till he found out how fun it can be playing it from afar.

Now he treats it like a video game and uses it as a foreign policy success.
Success being the operational word- something Pubs never HAVE, dupes...silly spin!
I guess you miss the point, as always. Pubs- total fail. Pub dupes= brainwashed chumps of the greedy rich...
A great read on the worldwide perceived notion that the Obama Presidency is an EPIC FAILURE. Excerpts:

'In a world weary of war and economic crises, and concerned about global climate change, the consensus is that Obama has not lived up to the lofty expectations that surrounded his 2008 election and Nobel Peace Prize a year later. Many in Asia, Africa, the Middle East and Latin America were also taken aback by his support for gay marriage, a taboo subject among religious conservatives.'

News from The Associated Press

To bad the Liberals in America and their Puppets in the Media have the Masses drinking a different kind of Koolaide.
I guess you miss the point, as always. Pubs- total fail. Pub dupes= brainwashed chumps of the greedy rich...

Oh the Irony of a Brainwashed Lemming calling others Brainwashed. Any dumb Fuck who sums it up as Republicans Bad, Democrats good, or Visa Versa, IMO is a complete Fucking loser, and a huge part of the Problem in the Country.
A great read on the worldwide perceived notion that the Obama Presidency is an EPIC FAILURE. Excerpts:

'In a world weary of war and economic crises, and concerned about global climate change, the consensus is that Obama has not lived up to the lofty expectations that surrounded his 2008 election and Nobel Peace Prize a year later. Many in Asia, Africa, the Middle East and Latin America were also taken aback by his support for gay marriage, a taboo subject among religious conservatives.'

News from The Associated Press

I can see how planet earth is disappointed in Obama .. but I doubt that gay marriage is their biggest disappointment.

His love of war would be the biggest disappointment.

Actually, they are more concerned with global economic issues which seem to go over the head of the liberal messiah. I am not surprised that this basic fact seems to go over yours also.

Utterly ridiculous and completely unlearned.
It shows how insane liberals are when they believe Obamination hasn't gone far enough to the left with his policies.

I guess sending the EPA after US companies wasn't enough.
Shutting down coal plants in the name of "global warming" wasn't enough.
Appointing left-wing judges to the SCOTUS that believe international law is above US laws.
Allowing islamic goons to take over Libya and Egypt.
Standing by and watching the slaughter in Syria.
Wagging the finger at North Korea but promising them more goodies.
Allowing China to steal our information via cyber attacks while violating trade laws too.
Giving the EU more say in international politics.
Kissing the butts of latin America sock puppet leaders.

Let me guess .. you think the world is anxious to see republicans in power.

Either way after this election cycle and when all of the "job creators" stop wasting money trying to elect the waste of space known as romney maybe then they will start investing in the country that allowed them to get where they are in the first place?

The business and investor class look forward, and they headed for the hills the moment Obama was made President Elect - and will remain their until the clear and present danger of the Obama Administration has subsided.

Our job creators are just going to wait Obama out:

64% Of Small Businesses Planning To Wait Out Obama, Will NOT Be Adding New Jobs (12% Say They Will CUT Jobs) « Start Thinking Right

No real economic recovery until Obama is gone and his nonsensical programs are reversed.

Vote responsibly next time, peeps!

Do you have any idea where Obama's money comes from?

WALL STREET .. the land of investors and the business class.

In fact, he got more money from WALL STREET than any politician in American history.

You might want to rethink that argument.
I guess you miss the point, as always. Pubs- total fail. Pub dupes= brainwashed chumps of the greedy rich...

Oh the Irony of a Brainwashed Lemming calling others Brainwashed. Any dumb Fuck who sums it up as Republicans Bad, Democrats good, or Visa Versa, IMO is a complete Fucking loser, and a huge part of the Problem in the Country.

Frankie goes so far as to not even Question what the Democrats say.....that is the sad part....goes right along with the agenda.....
I can see how planet earth is disappointed in Obama .. but I doubt that gay marriage is their biggest disappointment.

His love of war would be the biggest disappointment.

Actually, they are more concerned with global economic issues which seem to go over the head of the liberal messiah. I am not surprised that this basic fact seems to go over yours also.

Again with the messiah bs. The sad fact is that the rightwingers are the only ones expecting obama to perform miracles so it's appropriate that they seem to be the only ones refering to him as a messiah.

The house passes a budget that won't balance the budget until around 2040 but because the buffet rule, which is only one aspect of obama's plans, won't instantly end the deficit the right argues that it won't do anything to solve the problem NOW. LOL

Instantly end the deficit? Dude, the so called "Buffet Rule" if it were passed...which everyone on the planet who's not brain dead KNOWS isn't going to happen...would pay for our government's spending for a few days. Are you saying that it's going to end the deficit somewhere down the road? Because if you are then YOU my friend...are delusional.

The GOP House is at least attempting to do SOMETHING about runaway spending. Obama and the progressives who control the Senate won't even give us a budget let alone tackle entitlement reform. They complain that Ryan's plan is "draconian" yet they offer none of their own.
I am sorry, I don't sppt obama but, that article is garbage....
Republicans are the only people I know that refer to political figures as "deities".

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