Assume the President is Right about the Media

We need to ALWAYS consider the filter that the media will place between us and the Truth.

Otherwise are making decisions based on lies.

We need to do this until it becomes as automatic as breathing.

I am pretty much against telling people how and what to think. That's why I don't take anything any part of the media says as absolute truth. Nor do I waste my time trying to convince other people how to think about what they hear on the media. They are adults and a surprising number of them understand the media is biased.

My question remains. How on earth does President Trump making this a major portion of his pronouncements help move forward policy agendas that I desperately want enacted? I believe it isn't helpful, in fact it is harmful and distracting. Some people make the "he's distracting everyone with all this chatter but secretly he's moving forward on tax reform etc." But honestly I just haven't seen anything other than some fits and starts that themselves were flawed (Muslim ban rollout, e.g.)

Because if he allows the media to define reality, they will tell the people that he is bad, and his proposals are bad.

Then nothing will be done, because the people will stop supporting the policies.

The media has to be fought every single day, on every single issue, or we lose it all.

An informed citizenry is absolutely CRUCIAL to a functioning democratic society. You don't "fight" that, you "defend" it.

Allowing some butthurt demagogue to set up his own Memory Hole where any history he doesn't like gets shoved into the 'fake news' shredder, so that his Ministry of Truth can run with Big Lie self-delusions, is societal suicide. And here he's got summa y'all holding the gun to your own head.


The MEDIA is the one that is mis-informing our citizenry and that is what needs to be fought.

Mass commercial media, yes. Journalism, absolutely not.

Again, if we were in any way serious rather than completely hypocritical about the former, the orange TV freak would have garnered no votes at all. Because Rump is the orange turd OF that commercial media.

Trump drive to the top was driven by two powerful forces.

1. HIs issues, which spoke out for Middle America, a demographic that was waiting for a leader for a long time.


2. His ability to play the media, to use them to gain free publicity and to get his message though to the voters, despite the filter and lies of that same media.

If we want to discuss "journalism" doing it's job, I would be happy to do that, but you can't imagine them JUST doing their job on Trump in isolation.

You would also have to consider the way that HIllary would have been treated, AND how Trump would have worked them differently while NOT changing his positions.
Because if he allows the media to define reality, they will tell the people that he is bad, and his proposals are bad.

Then nothing will be done, because the people will stop supporting the policies.

The media has to be fought every single day, on every single issue, or we lose it all.

An informed citizenry is absolutely CRUCIAL to a functioning democratic society. You don't "fight" that, you "defend" it.

Allowing some butthurt demagogue to set up his own Memory Hole where any history he doesn't like gets shoved into the 'fake news' shredder, so that his Ministry of Truth can run with Big Lie self-delusions, is societal suicide. And here he's got summa y'all holding the gun to your own head.


The MEDIA is the one that is mis-informing our citizenry and that is what needs to be fought.
So let's fight them by not watching them. Then the free market will take care of things. The only revenue they receive will be from "Red Wrigglers" bait shop (for a prize, name the TV show from whence that comes). The suggestion that they should be in jail, they should be shut down, etc., is not conservative. At the end of the day, we all want everyone in the country to make their own decisions from a vast diverse range of opinions. Not from the liberal biased media. Nor from Pravda. So let them all have at each other and we'll pick and choose.

The idea that we are the only people who see there is bias is crazy pants talk. Didn't fool us. Why do we think it fools everyone else on the planet?

Allowing your enemies to flood America with vile propaganda, unchallenged, is not "conservative".

I'm not sure what steps should be taken against the vile media, but being a door mat has not worked for us, or for America so far, and I don't see that doing more of that, will improve matters.
Citizens who have different opinions than mine are not my enemies. They are citizens with different opinions than mine. I am secure enough in my own beliefs to not need everyone to believe as I do. Right now we have the advantage of both houses of the Congress and the presidency. And we are not yet using it as fully as we could.

I completely agree that a fellow citizen who simply has different opinions than I do is not my enemy.

But we are talking about the media that has completely betrayed their entrusted role in our society with the intent of working against my interests and the interests of my nation, with tools of the vilest lies and personal destruction.
Sounds like you're upset. President Trump strikes me as the political version of Jim Boeheim whining incessantly about the refs. A coach like Coach K at Duke deals with bad calls and moves on. We can disagree as to whether President Trump appears to be whining, sounds like we do indeed disagree. My point/question is: How does all this yapping about the media help make American great? Pivot to policy and you win. Keep talking about the media and you distract from what we could get done otherwise.

Most people I know realize the media is biased and they take that into account when they consume news. I don't need to preach to anyone about it, there's plenty of noise out there on the subject to enlighten those less aware. This whole subject in my mind distracts from getting stuff done. People who work for me at the fry station who just complain about how unfairly they are treated don't normally make productive workers.

That's just the view from here in my "hate bubble."

Your pal,

Dummy is more like it. How did you see upsetness from:

"When did Trump whine about it? We don't all live in your little hate bubble so you need to be specific.

And I don't have to assume jack shit. I've said for decades they are a joke. Republicans get treated one way, Democrats the other."

Trump has talked a lot about policy and is working on it. You're the one trying to label whines as anything you find less than convenient. It ain't my problem when you look stupid and intolerant.

I'm glad to hear that I was wrong and that you aren't upset. Your namecalling in fact reflects a sublime serenity on your part. Buddha would be proud.

Clearly you have a higher tolerance for complaints about media sideshows than I. That's cool, I can live with us being different. But I believe the incessant complaining swallows up the message on policy. And the messaging I've heard on policy is generally "it's going to be great." That's not enough for me, I want more detail. And all this discussion about the media is frankly el toro poopoo as far as I'm concerned.
You create one strawman after the next. The media sideshow is how corrupt and dishonest they are. Like the DNC. You have no problem with it obviously.
I am pretty much against telling people how and what to think. That's why I don't take anything any part of the media says as absolute truth. Nor do I waste my time trying to convince other people how to think about what they hear on the media. They are adults and a surprising number of them understand the media is biased.

My question remains. How on earth does President Trump making this a major portion of his pronouncements help move forward policy agendas that I desperately want enacted? I believe it isn't helpful, in fact it is harmful and distracting. Some people make the "he's distracting everyone with all this chatter but secretly he's moving forward on tax reform etc." But honestly I just haven't seen anything other than some fits and starts that themselves were flawed (Muslim ban rollout, e.g.)

Because if he allows the media to define reality, they will tell the people that he is bad, and his proposals are bad.

Then nothing will be done, because the people will stop supporting the policies.

The media has to be fought every single day, on every single issue, or we lose it all.

An informed citizenry is absolutely CRUCIAL to a functioning democratic society. You don't "fight" that, you "defend" it.

Allowing some butthurt demagogue to set up his own Memory Hole where any history he doesn't like gets shoved into the 'fake news' shredder, so that his Ministry of Truth can run with Big Lie self-delusions, is societal suicide. And here he's got summa y'all holding the gun to your own head.


The MEDIA is the one that is mis-informing our citizenry and that is what needs to be fought.

Mass commercial media, yes. Journalism, absolutely not.

Again, if we were in any way serious rather than completely hypocritical about the former, the orange TV freak would have garnered no votes at all. Because Rump is the orange turd OF that commercial media.

Trump drive to the top was driven by two powerful forces.

1. HIs issues, which spoke out for Middle America, a demographic that was waiting for a leader for a long time.


2. His ability to play the media, to use them to gain free publicity and to get his message though to the voters, despite the filter and lies of that same media.

If we want to discuss "journalism" doing it's job, I would be happy to do that, but you can't imagine them JUST doing their job on Trump in isolation.

You would also have to consider the way that HIllary would have been treated, AND how Trump would have worked them differently while NOT changing his positions.

Rump didn't present "issues" except personal ones. He presented trolling and emotional candy. And that's what TV does. It too is unable/unwilling to present issues, except personal ones. Can't handle intellect. Talks down to its audience as if they're all morons. Traffics in lowest common denominator base instincts. Deals in direct injection of passive dopamine to hypnotize the viewer and sell its deodorant.

Whelp --- that's exactly what Rump did/does too. Which is why I call them the same thing.

This may be exactly why I've been vehemently against Rump from the beginning --- I saw through TV's game long ago. It's the same game.
An informed citizenry is absolutely CRUCIAL to a functioning democratic society. You don't "fight" that, you "defend" it.

Allowing some butthurt demagogue to set up his own Memory Hole where any history he doesn't like gets shoved into the 'fake news' shredder, so that his Ministry of Truth can run with Big Lie self-delusions, is societal suicide. And here he's got summa y'all holding the gun to your own head.


The MEDIA is the one that is mis-informing our citizenry and that is what needs to be fought.
So let's fight them by not watching them. Then the free market will take care of things. The only revenue they receive will be from "Red Wrigglers" bait shop (for a prize, name the TV show from whence that comes). The suggestion that they should be in jail, they should be shut down, etc., is not conservative. At the end of the day, we all want everyone in the country to make their own decisions from a vast diverse range of opinions. Not from the liberal biased media. Nor from Pravda. So let them all have at each other and we'll pick and choose.

The idea that we are the only people who see there is bias is crazy pants talk. Didn't fool us. Why do we think it fools everyone else on the planet?

Allowing your enemies to flood America with vile propaganda, unchallenged, is not "conservative".

I'm not sure what steps should be taken against the vile media, but being a door mat has not worked for us, or for America so far, and I don't see that doing more of that, will improve matters.
Citizens who have different opinions than mine are not my enemies. They are citizens with different opinions than mine. I am secure enough in my own beliefs to not need everyone to believe as I do. Right now we have the advantage of both houses of the Congress and the presidency. And we are not yet using it as fully as we could.

I completely agree that a fellow citizen who simply has different opinions than I do is not my enemy.

But we are talking about the media that has completely betrayed their entrusted role in our society with the intent of working against my interests and the interests of my nation, with tools of the vilest lies and personal destruction.

That's fair. You put more on it than I do, particularly the nefarious motives of the media. I believe their only nefarious motive is a capitalistic one. They want clicks and views. They'll do anything for them. Complaining vociferously about them gives them... more clicks and views. Ignoring them gives them... fewer clicks and views. Kind of like Howard Stern.
Assume NOTHING. The media represents George Soros and the like. Their only interests are socialism and wealth, and they'll throw the fucking country under the bus to get it. Worse they project that takeover on the Trump admin............The media has the majority of liberals in a frenzy, and it borders on mass hysteria. Most times they don't have a clue what they're protesting, and their extreme has become a dumbed-down version of anarchists. Plain and simple.
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Sounds like you're upset. President Trump strikes me as the political version of Jim Boeheim whining incessantly about the refs. A coach like Coach K at Duke deals with bad calls and moves on. We can disagree as to whether President Trump appears to be whining, sounds like we do indeed disagree. My point/question is: How does all this yapping about the media help make American great? Pivot to policy and you win. Keep talking about the media and you distract from what we could get done otherwise.

Most people I know realize the media is biased and they take that into account when they consume news. I don't need to preach to anyone about it, there's plenty of noise out there on the subject to enlighten those less aware. This whole subject in my mind distracts from getting stuff done. People who work for me at the fry station who just complain about how unfairly they are treated don't normally make productive workers.

That's just the view from here in my "hate bubble."

Your pal,

Dummy is more like it. How did you see upsetness from:

"When did Trump whine about it? We don't all live in your little hate bubble so you need to be specific.

And I don't have to assume jack shit. I've said for decades they are a joke. Republicans get treated one way, Democrats the other."

Trump has talked a lot about policy and is working on it. You're the one trying to label whines as anything you find less than convenient. It ain't my problem when you look stupid and intolerant.

I'm glad to hear that I was wrong and that you aren't upset. Your namecalling in fact reflects a sublime serenity on your part. Buddha would be proud.

Clearly you have a higher tolerance for complaints about media sideshows than I. That's cool, I can live with us being different. But I believe the incessant complaining swallows up the message on policy. And the messaging I've heard on policy is generally "it's going to be great." That's not enough for me, I want more detail. And all this discussion about the media is frankly el toro poopoo as far as I'm concerned.
You create one strawman after the next. The media sideshow is how corrupt and dishonest they are. Like the DNC. You have no problem with it obviously.
Au contraire. Here at the fryer, we have a problem with biased media, for sure. We simply respond to it differently. We ignore them or listen to them and make our own decisions. We believe that complaining about them is only feeding into more people clicking or viewing to see how terrible and awful they are. The media moguls eat that up. I ignore their stupidity because it is the best way to fight back. And I also think our President should ignore it and get some legislation passed, not just some modestly cathartic executive orders.

Then we make your fries for you and get on with our lives.
The MEDIA is the one that is mis-informing our citizenry and that is what needs to be fought.
So let's fight them by not watching them. Then the free market will take care of things. The only revenue they receive will be from "Red Wrigglers" bait shop (for a prize, name the TV show from whence that comes). The suggestion that they should be in jail, they should be shut down, etc., is not conservative. At the end of the day, we all want everyone in the country to make their own decisions from a vast diverse range of opinions. Not from the liberal biased media. Nor from Pravda. So let them all have at each other and we'll pick and choose.

The idea that we are the only people who see there is bias is crazy pants talk. Didn't fool us. Why do we think it fools everyone else on the planet?

Allowing your enemies to flood America with vile propaganda, unchallenged, is not "conservative".

I'm not sure what steps should be taken against the vile media, but being a door mat has not worked for us, or for America so far, and I don't see that doing more of that, will improve matters.
Citizens who have different opinions than mine are not my enemies. They are citizens with different opinions than mine. I am secure enough in my own beliefs to not need everyone to believe as I do. Right now we have the advantage of both houses of the Congress and the presidency. And we are not yet using it as fully as we could.

I completely agree that a fellow citizen who simply has different opinions than I do is not my enemy.

But we are talking about the media that has completely betrayed their entrusted role in our society with the intent of working against my interests and the interests of my nation, with tools of the vilest lies and personal destruction.

That's fair. You put more on it than I do, particularly the nefarious motives of the media. I believe their only nefarious motive is a capitalistic one. They want clicks and views. They'll do anything for them. Complaining vociferously about them gives them... more clicks and views. Ignoring them gives them... fewer clicks and views. Kind of like Howard Stern.

That's exactly why a commercially-based media can never be truly informative. Their interest is in making a profit, not in informing.

That doesn't mean they won't cover a given story, any more than it means they will "lie". But it does mean they will emphasize mindless shit that sells and de-emphasize that which is too intellectually intricate. Hence we get wall-to-wall coverage of whether Bush or Gore is going to be decided the winner of the election --- a horse race always sells and controversy where viewers can take sides always sells, so this is a commercial media gold mine --- and nobody mentions that Phil Gramm and Bill Clinton are pushing through the CFMA while nobody's looking.
They want socialism and wealth? Both? I think they want wealth. More people clicking and viewing gives them more wealth. Soros might want socialism, I have no idea. But in socialism, wouldn't the state own the media? Would that be a good or a bad thing, I'm trying to follow the nouveau conservative arguments on this. I think I've heard repeatedly that we're supposed to want the media only to report "good" stories on the President. That sounds like socialism. Or delicate snowflakes who can't discern or handle when they should be critical about what they're hearing in the media.
Sounds like you're upset. President Trump strikes me as the political version of Jim Boeheim whining incessantly about the refs. A coach like Coach K at Duke deals with bad calls and moves on. We can disagree as to whether President Trump appears to be whining, sounds like we do indeed disagree. My point/question is: How does all this yapping about the media help make American great? Pivot to policy and you win. Keep talking about the media and you distract from what we could get done otherwise.

Most people I know realize the media is biased and they take that into account when they consume news. I don't need to preach to anyone about it, there's plenty of noise out there on the subject to enlighten those less aware. This whole subject in my mind distracts from getting stuff done. People who work for me at the fry station who just complain about how unfairly they are treated don't normally make productive workers.

That's just the view from here in my "hate bubble."

Your pal,

Dummy is more like it. How did you see upsetness from:

"When did Trump whine about it? We don't all live in your little hate bubble so you need to be specific.

And I don't have to assume jack shit. I've said for decades they are a joke. Republicans get treated one way, Democrats the other."

Trump has talked a lot about policy and is working on it. You're the one trying to label whines as anything you find less than convenient. It ain't my problem when you look stupid and intolerant.

I'm glad to hear that I was wrong and that you aren't upset. Your namecalling in fact reflects a sublime serenity on your part. Buddha would be proud.

Clearly you have a higher tolerance for complaints about media sideshows than I. That's cool, I can live with us being different. But I believe the incessant complaining swallows up the message on policy. And the messaging I've heard on policy is generally "it's going to be great." That's not enough for me, I want more detail. And all this discussion about the media is frankly el toro poopoo as far as I'm concerned.
You create one strawman after the next. The media sideshow is how corrupt and dishonest they are. Like the DNC. You have no problem with it obviously.
Au contraire. Here at the fryer, we have a problem with biased media, for sure. We simply respond to it differently. We ignore them or listen to them and make our own decisions. We believe that complaining about them is only feeding into more people clicking or viewing to see how terrible and awful they are. The media moguls eat that up. I ignore their stupidity because it is the best way to fight back. And I also think our President should ignore it and get some legislation passed, not just some modestly cathartic executive orders.

Then we make your fries for you and get on with our lives.
Who said I eat store bought fries? You talk a lot of shit. And the president doesn't even have a full cabinet yet. But has managed a lot in a short time. The media is loooong overdue for a correction. They have been acting like the power brokers for some time now.
I agree with this and the other responses. The media is bad. What I don't get is how on earth this helps advance policy and legislative changes. It just seems like a bunch of thin-skinned malarkey to me that detracts from some things that need to get done.

You're presuming that there's not a desired favorable outcome in the tactic of calling out the media on their bullshit.

I'd say it's a foolish assumption to think that Trump took the time recapping all the fake news of the last couple weeks, just to hear his head rattle.
I think people are going to be lrosecuted. He has always been good about going after press who tell lies.


Yammean like when he sued an author for describing his net worth as less than he wanted to project?

Yammean like when he stood in a live TV debate and bald-faced lied saying that he had never supported the Iraq war?

Yammean like when he displayed water bottles and steaks and tried to push them off as his products, which no longer exist, and when the press pressed him on it, whisked them away in hope nobody would notice they were (ironically) Bush Brothers Steaks?

Yammean like when he invented not one but two personal assistants, "John Miller" and "John Barron" to start rumors about himself, then admitted to having done it, then denied having done it even though the admission was already on the record --- in court?

"Irosecuted"? Yammean like this?

Face it --- your country is in the hands of a self-delusional pathological liar who resides firmly in the bubble of his own fantasy. Good luck with that.

Yammean you're not an American?
Sounds like you're upset. President Trump strikes me as the political version of Jim Boeheim whining incessantly about the refs. A coach like Coach K at Duke deals with bad calls and moves on. We can disagree as to whether President Trump appears to be whining, sounds like we do indeed disagree. My point/question is: How does all this yapping about the media help make American great? Pivot to policy and you win. Keep talking about the media and you distract from what we could get done otherwise.

Most people I know realize the media is biased and they take that into account when they consume news. I don't need to preach to anyone about it, there's plenty of noise out there on the subject to enlighten those less aware. This whole subject in my mind distracts from getting stuff done. People who work for me at the fry station who just complain about how unfairly they are treated don't normally make productive workers.

That's just the view from here in my "hate bubble."

Your pal,

Dummy is more like it. How did you see upsetness from:

"When did Trump whine about it? We don't all live in your little hate bubble so you need to be specific.

And I don't have to assume jack shit. I've said for decades they are a joke. Republicans get treated one way, Democrats the other."

Trump has talked a lot about policy and is working on it. You're the one trying to label whines as anything you find less than convenient. It ain't my problem when you look stupid and intolerant.

I'm glad to hear that I was wrong and that you aren't upset. Your namecalling in fact reflects a sublime serenity on your part. Buddha would be proud.

Clearly you have a higher tolerance for complaints about media sideshows than I. That's cool, I can live with us being different. But I believe the incessant complaining swallows up the message on policy. And the messaging I've heard on policy is generally "it's going to be great." That's not enough for me, I want more detail. And all this discussion about the media is frankly el toro poopoo as far as I'm concerned.
You create one strawman after the next. The media sideshow is how corrupt and dishonest they are. Like the DNC. You have no problem with it obviously.
Au contraire. Here at the fryer, we have a problem with biased media, for sure. We simply respond to it differently. We ignore them or listen to them and make our own decisions. We believe that complaining about them is only feeding into more people clicking or viewing to see how terrible and awful they are. The media moguls eat that up. I ignore their stupidity because it is the best way to fight back. And I also think our President should ignore it and get some legislation passed, not just some modestly cathartic executive orders.

Then we make your fries for you and get on with our lives.
Who said I eat store bought fries? You talk a lot of shit. And the president doesn't even have a full cabinet yet. But has managed a lot in a short time. The media is loooong overdue for a correction. They have been acting like the power brokers for some time now.
"I do none harm, I say none harm, I think none harm. And if this be not enough to keep a man's head on his shoulders, then I long not to live."

Hey, like to talk more but I've got to go make fries. It's the lunch rush here at the fast food place and they can't keep up!
Dummy is more like it. How did you see upsetness from:

"When did Trump whine about it? We don't all live in your little hate bubble so you need to be specific.

And I don't have to assume jack shit. I've said for decades they are a joke. Republicans get treated one way, Democrats the other."

Trump has talked a lot about policy and is working on it. You're the one trying to label whines as anything you find less than convenient. It ain't my problem when you look stupid and intolerant.

I'm glad to hear that I was wrong and that you aren't upset. Your namecalling in fact reflects a sublime serenity on your part. Buddha would be proud.

Clearly you have a higher tolerance for complaints about media sideshows than I. That's cool, I can live with us being different. But I believe the incessant complaining swallows up the message on policy. And the messaging I've heard on policy is generally "it's going to be great." That's not enough for me, I want more detail. And all this discussion about the media is frankly el toro poopoo as far as I'm concerned.
You create one strawman after the next. The media sideshow is how corrupt and dishonest they are. Like the DNC. You have no problem with it obviously.
Au contraire. Here at the fryer, we have a problem with biased media, for sure. We simply respond to it differently. We ignore them or listen to them and make our own decisions. We believe that complaining about them is only feeding into more people clicking or viewing to see how terrible and awful they are. The media moguls eat that up. I ignore their stupidity because it is the best way to fight back. And I also think our President should ignore it and get some legislation passed, not just some modestly cathartic executive orders.

Then we make your fries for you and get on with our lives.
Who said I eat store bought fries? You talk a lot of shit. And the president doesn't even have a full cabinet yet. But has managed a lot in a short time. The media is loooong overdue for a correction. They have been acting like the power brokers for some time now.
"I do none harm, I say none harm, I think none harm. And if this be not enough to keep a man's head on his shoulders, then I long not to live."

Hey, like to talk more but I've got to go make fries. It's the lunch rush here at the fast food place and they can't keep up!
The upcoming automation will help.
They want socialism and wealth? Both? Yep

Soros might want socialism, I have no idea. But in socialism, wouldn't the state own the media? You got me, depends on how socialized.

Would that be a good or a bad thing Bad of course, but compare and contrast to Sorros up the Democrat's ass and the Democrats are up the media's ass begging for more. Add Hollywood and political "jihadists" who can't control their brains and emotions, seems like a real mess to me.

I'm trying to follow the nouveau conservative arguments on this. I think I've heard repeatedly that we're supposed to want the media only to report "good" stories on the President. I've never heard that one. Please provide a link to at least one source for your information......thanks

That sounds like socialism. Well you wrote it.

Or delicate snowflakes who can't discern or handle when they should be critical about what they're hearing in the media. Calling your opponents snowflakes is projection and lacks originality.
We need to ALWAYS consider the filter that the media will place between us and the Truth.

Otherwise are making decisions based on lies.

We need to do this until it becomes as automatic as breathing.

I am pretty much against telling people how and what to think. That's why I don't take anything any part of the media says as absolute truth. Nor do I waste my time trying to convince other people how to think about what they hear on the media. They are adults and a surprising number of them understand the media is biased.

My question remains. How on earth does President Trump making this a major portion of his pronouncements help move forward policy agendas that I desperately want enacted? I believe it isn't helpful, in fact it is harmful and distracting. Some people make the "he's distracting everyone with all this chatter but secretly he's moving forward on tax reform etc." But honestly I just haven't seen anything other than some fits and starts that themselves were flawed (Muslim ban rollout, e.g.)

Because if he allows the media to define reality, they will tell the people that he is bad, and his proposals are bad.

Then nothing will be done, because the people will stop supporting the policies.

The media has to be fought every single day, on every single issue, or we lose it all.

An informed citizenry is absolutely CRUCIAL to a functioning democratic society. You don't "fight" that, you "defend" it.

Allowing some butthurt demagogue to set up his own Memory Hole where any history he doesn't like gets shoved into the 'fake news' shredder, so that his Ministry of Truth can run with Big Lie self-delusions, is societal suicide. And here he's got summa y'all holding the gun to your own head.


The MEDIA is the one that is mis-informing our citizenry and that is what needs to be fought.
So let's fight them by not watching them. Then the free market will take care of things. The only revenue they receive will be from "Red Wrigglers" bait shop (for a prize, name the TV show from whence that comes). The suggestion that they should be in jail, they should be shut down, etc., is not conservative. At the end of the day, we all want everyone in the country to make their own decisions from a vast diverse range of opinions. Not from the liberal biased media. Nor from Pravda. So let them all have at each other and we'll pick and choose.

The idea that we are the only people who see there is bias is crazy pants talk. Didn't fool us. Why do we think it fools everyone else on the planet?
We need to ALWAYS consider the filter that the media will place between us and the Truth.

Otherwise are making decisions based on lies.

We need to do this until it becomes as automatic as breathing.

I am pretty much against telling people how and what to think. That's why I don't take anything any part of the media says as absolute truth. Nor do I waste my time trying to convince other people how to think about what they hear on the media. They are adults and a surprising number of them understand the media is biased.

My question remains. How on earth does President Trump making this a major portion of his pronouncements help move forward policy agendas that I desperately want enacted? I believe it isn't helpful, in fact it is harmful and distracting. Some people make the "he's distracting everyone with all this chatter but secretly he's moving forward on tax reform etc." But honestly I just haven't seen anything other than some fits and starts that themselves were flawed (Muslim ban rollout, e.g.)

Because if he allows the media to define reality, they will tell the people that he is bad, and his proposals are bad.

Then nothing will be done, because the people will stop supporting the policies.

The media has to be fought every single day, on every single issue, or we lose it all.

An informed citizenry is absolutely CRUCIAL to a functioning democratic society. You don't "fight" that, you "defend" it.

Allowing some butthurt demagogue to set up his own Memory Hole where any history he doesn't like gets shoved into the 'fake news' shredder, so that his Ministry of Truth can run with Big Lie self-delusions, is societal suicide. And here he's got summa y'all holding the gun to your own head.


The MEDIA is the one that is mis-informing our citizenry and that is what needs to be fought.
So let's fight them by not watching them. Then the free market will take care of things. The only revenue they receive will be from "Red Wrigglers" bait shop (for a prize, name the TV show from whence that comes). The suggestion that they should be in jail, they should be shut down, etc., is not conservative. At the end of the day, we all want everyone in the country to make their own decisions from a vast diverse range of opinions. Not from the liberal biased media. Nor from Pravda. So let them all have at each other and we'll pick and choose.

The idea that we are the only people who see there is bias is crazy pants talk. Didn't fool us. Why do we think it fools everyone else on the planet?
We need to ALWAYS consider the filter that the media will place between us and the Truth.

Otherwise are making decisions based on lies.

We need to do this until it becomes as automatic as breathing.

I am pretty much against telling people how and what to think. That's why I don't take anything any part of the media says as absolute truth. Nor do I waste my time trying to convince other people how to think about what they hear on the media. They are adults and a surprising number of them understand the media is biased.

My question remains. How on earth does President Trump making this a major portion of his pronouncements help move forward policy agendas that I desperately want enacted? I believe it isn't helpful, in fact it is harmful and distracting. Some people make the "he's distracting everyone with all this chatter but secretly he's moving forward on tax reform etc." But honestly I just haven't seen anything other than some fits and starts that themselves were flawed (Muslim ban rollout, e.g.)

Because if he allows the media to define reality, they will tell the people that he is bad, and his proposals are bad.

Then nothing will be done, because the people will stop supporting the policies.

The media has to be fought every single day, on every single issue, or we lose it all.

An informed citizenry is absolutely CRUCIAL to a functioning democratic society. You don't "fight" that, you "defend" it.

Allowing some butthurt demagogue to set up his own Memory Hole where any history he doesn't like gets shoved into the 'fake news' shredder, so that his Ministry of Truth can run with Big Lie self-delusions, is societal suicide. And here he's got summa y'all holding the gun to your own head.


The MEDIA is the one that is mis-informing our citizenry and that is what needs to be fought.
So let's fight them by not watching them. Then the free market will take care of things. The only revenue they receive will be from "Red Wrigglers" bait shop (for a prize, name the TV show from whence that comes). The suggestion that they should be in jail, they should be shut down, etc., is not conservative. At the end of the day, we all want everyone in the country to make their own decisions from a vast diverse range of opinions. Not from the liberal biased media. Nor from Pravda. So let them all have at each other and we'll pick and choose.

The idea that we are the only people who see there is bias is crazy pants talk. Didn't fool us. Why do we think it fools everyone else on the planet?
We need to ALWAYS consider the filter that the media will place between us and the Truth.

Otherwise are making decisions based on lies.

We need to do this until it becomes as automatic as breathing.

I am pretty much against telling people how and what to think. That's why I don't take anything any part of the media says as absolute truth. Nor do I waste my time trying to convince other people how to think about what they hear on the media. They are adults and a surprising number of them understand the media is biased.

My question remains. How on earth does President Trump making this a major portion of his pronouncements help move forward policy agendas that I desperately want enacted? I believe it isn't helpful, in fact it is harmful and distracting. Some people make the "he's distracting everyone with all this chatter but secretly he's moving forward on tax reform etc." But honestly I just haven't seen anything other than some fits and starts that themselves were flawed (Muslim ban rollout, e.g.)

Because if he allows the media to define reality, they will tell the people that he is bad, and his proposals are bad.

Then nothing will be done, because the people will stop supporting the policies.

The media has to be fought every single day, on every single issue, or we lose it all.

An informed citizenry is absolutely CRUCIAL to a functioning democratic society. You don't "fight" that, you "defend" it.

Allowing some butthurt demagogue to set up his own Memory Hole where any history he doesn't like gets shoved into the 'fake news' shredder, so that his Ministry of Truth can run with Big Lie self-delusions, is societal suicide. And here he's got summa y'all holding the gun to your own head.


The MEDIA is the one that is mis-informing our citizenry and that is what needs to be fought.
So let's fight them by not watching them. Then the free market will take care of things. The only revenue they receive will be from "Red Wrigglers" bait shop (for a prize, name the TV show from whence that comes). The suggestion that they should be in jail, they should be shut down, etc., is not conservative. At the end of the day, we all want everyone in the country to make their own decisions from a vast diverse range of opinions. Not from the liberal biased media. Nor from Pravda. So let them all have at each other and we'll pick and choose.

The idea that we are the only people who see there is bias is crazy pants talk. Didn't fool us. Why do we think it fools everyone else on the planet?

Actually it does fool the people outside of North America and some within it. News about the US is designed to sell Amazon, Google and other brands of the Media owners to Eurasia or promote the foreign policy goals of propaganda with nationally owned media like RT, BBC and so on.
Because if he allows the media to define reality, they will tell the people that he is bad, and his proposals are bad.

Then nothing will be done, because the people will stop supporting the policies.

The media has to be fought every single day, on every single issue, or we lose it all.

An informed citizenry is absolutely CRUCIAL to a functioning democratic society. You don't "fight" that, you "defend" it.

Allowing some butthurt demagogue to set up his own Memory Hole where any history he doesn't like gets shoved into the 'fake news' shredder, so that his Ministry of Truth can run with Big Lie self-delusions, is societal suicide. And here he's got summa y'all holding the gun to your own head.


The MEDIA is the one that is mis-informing our citizenry and that is what needs to be fought.

Mass commercial media, yes. Journalism, absolutely not.

Again, if we were in any way serious rather than completely hypocritical about the former, the orange TV freak would have garnered no votes at all. Because Rump is the orange turd OF that commercial media.

Trump drive to the top was driven by two powerful forces.

1. HIs issues, which spoke out for Middle America, a demographic that was waiting for a leader for a long time.


2. His ability to play the media, to use them to gain free publicity and to get his message though to the voters, despite the filter and lies of that same media.

If we want to discuss "journalism" doing it's job, I would be happy to do that, but you can't imagine them JUST doing their job on Trump in isolation.

You would also have to consider the way that HIllary would have been treated, AND how Trump would have worked them differently while NOT changing his positions.

Rump didn't present "issues" except personal ones. He presented trolling and emotional candy. And that's what TV does. It too is unable/unwilling to present issues, except personal ones. Can't handle intellect. Talks down to its audience as if they're all morons. Traffics in lowest common denominator base instincts. Deals in direct injection of passive dopamine to hypnotize the viewer and sell its deodorant.

Whelp --- that's exactly what Rump did/does too. Which is why I call them the same thing.

This may be exactly why I've been vehemently against Rump from the beginning --- I saw through TV's game long ago. It's the same game.

1. Your lies about his platform are noted and dismissed. My point about Trump's issues driving his campaign stands.

2. TV can easily deal with complex issues, if they choose to. Don't make excuses for the vile media.

3. Trump did easily work the media to get more publicity and to get his message across. He was dealing with the playing field he had. It is unfortunate that that is what it took to get the message though to the people, but he did what he had to do.

4. And none of that is a reason to let them get away with their shit. Trump is right to call them on their bullshit.
2. TV can easily deal with complex issues, if they choose to. Don't make excuses for the vile media.

Nope, it cannot. It's a two-dimensional flat screen that commands its victim to sit down, shut up, and allow it -- the TV -- to pour all senses in while you bend over for it like a passive sheep. Its prime directive is to hypnotize you to such an extent you don't immediately see the absurdity of being sold foam-rubber face lacerations you can paste on, and the way it does that is by appealing to emotion -- not intellect. That means scary stories about the evil villain, the evil political party, the evil weather, that's going to GET you and if you stay right where you are we'll tell you how you can escape this evil, right after this word for Viagra.

Put some complex issue on that same screen, and that passive sponge gets bored. His emotional button is not being pushed. So he switches to somewhere he can find some drama, like a staged police bust of evildoers.

That's exactly why a cerebral discussion show like William F. Buckley's had to air on PBS. Won't sell enough fucking deodorant.

Walk into a room or public space where there's a TV on and instead of looking to the TV as it commands, look at the audience watching it and observe what you see. Passive, hypnotized sponges, sitting still with blank stares, obediently absorbing any and every detail the Telescreen dictates. And it WILL dictate every detail.

That's all it's capable of, because its prime function is to put you INTO that vulnerable zombie state, so that it can then sell you the amazing vegematic by Ronco and other shit you don't need (if it's something you need, then you don't need to be told you need it). And that's all it's effective at.

3. Trump did easily work the media to get more publicity and to get his message across. He was dealing with the playing field he had. It is unfortunate that that is what it took to get the message though to the people, but he did what he had to do.

He played TV, which he understands intimately and that's in no way a compliment. He understands the entire psychology I just laid out above, even if you don't. That's exactly why he commits the outrageous acts and statements he does ---- it draws ratings like shit draws flies, and for the same reason. He's playing his minions like a three-dollar banjo.

It's not called a "vast wasteland" and a "boob tube" for nothing.

Bottom line, if there's any kind of decision about anything you make as a result of watching TV ---- you need to immediately question that decision and go find a legitimate source.

By the way Rump is addicted to TV. Fox Noise especially. That means, among other things, that if you want to get an idea into the President's head --- you don't need a way to get access to the White House. All you need is to get a spokesman for your point booked on Fox Noise. Rump will dutifully take it in just like the rest of TV's sheep.

4. And none of that is a reason to let them get away with their shit. Trump is right to call them on their bullshit.

At this point we should establish who we mean by "them" --- "the media"? Or "Journalism"? It sure sounds to me like he's whining about the latter. The former, after all, is exactly what he owes his entire notoriety to. Without "the media", he'd be nothing. No one would have ever heard of him.
2. TV can easily deal with complex issues, if they choose to. Don't make excuses for the vile media.

Nope, it cannot. It's a two-dimensional flat screen that commands its victim to sit down, shut up, and allow it -- the TV -- to pour all senses in while you bend over for it like a passive sheep. Its prime directive is to hypnotize you to such an extent you don't immediately see the absurdity of being sold foam-rubber face lacerations you can paste on, and the way it does that is by appealing to emotion -- not intellect. That means scary stories about the evil villain, the evil political party, the evil weather, that's going to GET you and if you stay right where you are we'll tell you how you can escape this evil, right after this word for Viagra.

Put some complex issue on that same screen, and that passive sponge gets bored. His emotional button is not being pushed. So he switches to somewhere he can find some drama, like a staged police bust of evildoers.

That's exactly why a cerebral discussion show like William F. Buckley's had to air on PBS. Won't sell enough fucking deodorant.

Walk into a room or public space where there's a TV on and instead of looking to the TV as it commands, look at the audience watching it and observe what you see. Passive, hypnotized sponges, sitting still with blank stares, obediently absorbing any and every detail the Telescreen dictates. And it WILL dictate every detail.

That's all it's capable of, because its prime function is to put you INTO that vulnerable zombie state, so that it can then sell you the amazing vegematic by Ronco and other shit you don't need (if it's something you need, then you don't need to be told you need it). And that's all it's effective at.

Your low opinion of your fellow man is noted. I don't share it.

3. Trump did easily work the media to get more publicity and to get his message across. He was dealing with the playing field he had. It is unfortunate that that is what it took to get the message though to the people, but he did what he had to do.

He played TV, which he understands intimately and that's in no way a compliment. He understands the entire psychology I just laid out above, even if you don't. That's exactly why he commits the outrageous acts and statements he does ---- it draws ratings like shit draws flies, and for the same reason. He's playing his minions like a three-dollar banjo.

It's not called a "vast wasteland" and a "boob tube" for nothing.

Bottom line, if there's any kind of decision about anything you make as a result of watching TV ---- you need to immediately question that decision and go find a legitimate source.

By the way Rump is addicted to TV. Fox Noise especially. That means, among other things, that if you want to get an idea into the President's head --- you don't need a way to get access to the White House. All you need is to get a spokesman for your point booked on Fox Noise. Rump will dutifully take it in just like the rest of TV's sheep.

A. Having more understanding of the world and the way it works is not generally considered a bad thing.

B. He did not play his supporters, he played the lefty media.

C. At this point in time, your use of "Rump" to refer to the President, while complaining about the low level of intellectual content of television is reaching dangerously high levels of irony.

4. And none of that is a reason to let them get away with their shit. Trump is right to call them on their bullshit.

At this point we should establish who we mean by "them" --- "the media"? Or "Journalism"? It sure sounds to me like he's whining about the latter. The former, after all, is exactly what he owes his entire notoriety to. Without "the media", he'd be nothing. No one would have ever heard of him.

A. The belief that there is a real difference between TV media and "Journalism" is belied by the nearly identical hysterical reaction to Trump, his campaign and eventual victory.

B. If the media really was doing it's job, the Political Class as a whole would not have gotten away with ignoring the interests of Middle America for so long. There would have been no easy path to leadership of a large unserved constituency.

So, in a way, you are right. THe media WAS part of the status quo that an outsider like Trump needed to come in and upset the apple cart.
At least partially. How does whining about it over and over make America great again? How does it pass tax reform? Immigration reform? How does that work?
It's a problem that needs to be addressed. Talking about (you call whining) is a way to start.
At least partially. How does whining about it over and over make America great again? How does it pass tax reform? Immigration reform? How does that work?
It's a problem that needs to be addressed. Talking about (you call whining) is a way to start.
Fair enough. But it is sort of an annoying bass beat of conversation.

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