Assume the President is Right about the Media

At least partially. How does whining about it over and over make America great again? How does it pass tax reform? Immigration reform? How does that work?
When did that happen?

What a shame the fake journalists don't ask questions about important stuff. Instead they use their moment to engage in asshattery, then piss themselves when he pwns them.

"Aren’t you doing a terrible disservice to the Constitution and to the American people by criticizing the media?” And there it was. Sure as I’m sitting here watching, there it was. They can sit here all day and not just criticize. They can try to destroy people. They can — using whatever power they think they have been granted by the First Amendment — go out and literally destroy people. Let Trump criticize the way they do their jobs, and all of a sudden it’s a constitutional crisis. Well, how about Obama trashing me all the time?

"How about Obama trashing Fox News all the time? Was that not a threat to the First Amendment? No, they applauded that. They still do applaud that. They join in the attacks on Fox News — and, more often than not, they join in attacks on me, too. But they want you to believe that they are this watchdog and that they’re holding truth to power, that they’re holding powerful people accountable. They’re not doing anything of the sort. The press has gotten to the point where they need a watchdog, and it turns out that Trump is the watchdog!

"Trump is the guy holding them accountable.

"Trump is the guy calling them out. I’ve never seen anything like this today. I have never seen it. We have wanted Republican presidents all of my life to deal with these people this way, and the only thing we ever got was Spiro Agnew. We’ve not seen anything like this, and Trump did it with an air of confidence and self-assuredness. He was not nervous at all. He was having fun with them. He was toying with them. It’s like if you got a cat. You know how you get these little laser pointers and you have a little kitten or a cat and the cat goes nuts chasing the light? It will run into a wall."

Trump Triumphs Over Press | Rush

I agree with this and the other responses. The media is bad. What I don't get is how on earth this helps advance policy and legislative changes. It just seems like a bunch of thin-skinned malarkey to me that detracts from some things that need to get done.
Click Off This Clique

You're again being dishonest by sneaking in the illogical idea that all Trump is doing is attacking the media and neglecting his other duties. In fact, in every confrontation he himself sneaks in genuine news about what he is getting done while they are off pity-partying on their echo chamber digression about how they are being picked on. Their egos are so bloated that they think his whole Administration so far has been all about them.
Because if he allows the media to define reality, they will tell the people that he is bad, and his proposals are bad.

Then nothing will be done, because the people will stop supporting the policies.

The media has to be fought every single day, on every single issue, or we lose it all.

An informed citizenry is absolutely CRUCIAL to a functioning democratic society. You don't "fight" that, you "defend" it.

Allowing some butthurt demagogue to set up his own Memory Hole where any history he doesn't like gets shoved into the 'fake news' shredder, so that his Ministry of Truth can run with Big Lie self-delusions, is societal suicide. And here he's got summa y'all holding the gun to your own head.


The MEDIA is the one that is mis-informing our citizenry and that is what needs to be fought.
So let's fight them by not watching them. Then the free market will take care of things. The only revenue they receive will be from "Red Wrigglers" bait shop (for a prize, name the TV show from whence that comes). The suggestion that they should be in jail, they should be shut down, etc., is not conservative. At the end of the day, we all want everyone in the country to make their own decisions from a vast diverse range of opinions. Not from the liberal biased media. Nor from Pravda. So let them all have at each other and we'll pick and choose.

The idea that we are the only people who see there is bias is crazy pants talk. Didn't fool us. Why do we think it fools everyone else on the planet?

Allowing your enemies to flood America with vile propaganda, unchallenged, is not "conservative".

I'm not sure what steps should be taken against the vile media, but being a door mat has not worked for us, or for America so far, and I don't see that doing more of that, will improve matters.
Citizens who have different opinions than mine are not my enemies. They are citizens with different opinions than mine. I am secure enough in my own beliefs to not need everyone to believe as I do. Right now we have the advantage of both houses of the Congress and the presidency. And we are not yet using it as fully as we could.
Sweet Grapes Turn Into Wine. Sour Grapes Turn Into Whine.

I get it now. You're a RINO whino. You wanted a President who would go along to get along. The media virus has been destroying minds for decades. Trump needs to clear the air of it before we can think clearly.
Actually you're in many respects correct. And also thanks to the same media, voters sent an entitled freak who paints himself orange and has never held a job or taken any kind of responsibility for anything in his life, into the most responsible job in the world. Thanks to the media they actually rationalize that said freak with his business background is somehow a fit for government, its antithesis. Thanks to the media, the Gullibles allow themselves to be swept away by the emotion of the moment. All of which is exactly what I mean when I note that Rump is a creation OF the media, without which he would not exist.

I rail daily against the insidious nature of television, the most powerful propaganda device every created. It exists only to hypnotize the gullible so that it can sell them shit they don't need. Its interest is entirely self-serving and exploitative.

Rump is the very personification of it he does exactly the same thing. He's every bit as dishonest, superficial and manipulative as it is. They are in those characteristics, identical. In both cases they serve up emotional candy to get the viewer invested, usually some kind of conflict where the zombie viewer can imagine taking sides in some conflict, then after some contrived pseudo-satisfaction where the zombie-viewer's "side" wins, comes the sales pitch.

The post immediately after yours serves up a perfect demonstration

Your jealousy over Trump is as obvious as Obama's ears on his head. You on the left watch too much television in thinking that the wealthy (like Trump) or big time CEO's sit in their office all day and practice putts on their astroturf. It isn't work as you say. It isn't responsibility.

The media obsessively bashed Trump from the day he won the Republican nomination until the day he was sworn into office and then some. HIs win was not because of media, his win is because you picked a criminal to run for your party. The very idea that she is not sitting in jail today is one of the many reasons the country finally had enough and chose a different direction.

The media does hypnotize the gullible and that can be seen in every protest and riot around the country. They are blocking traffic, assaulting innocent people, damaging property public and private alike. Thanks to lying Democrats and their extension--the media, they've been led to believe they were robbed of their vote.
At least partially. How does whining about it over and over make America great again? How does it pass tax reform? Immigration reform? How does that work?
On-Air Airheads

That's a loaded question. A devastating attack turning the muddled media into rubble is not "whining."
Yes can't wait until we don't have diverse opinions in the press. What a great day that will be.
Your jealousy over Trump is as obvious as Obama's ears on his head. You on the left watch too much television in thinking that the wealthy (like Trump) or big time CEO's sit in their office all day and practice putts on their astroturf. It isn't work as you say. It isn't responsibility.

I don't even OWN a TV, assclown. I've already described in excruciating detail exactly why I don't.

No idea what practicing putts on astroturf is supposed to mean... :dunno:

The media obsessively bashed Trump from the day he won the Republican nomination until the day he was sworn into office and then some.

Translation from Butthurtish: "waaah! They're telling the truth again! Make them STOP!!"

HIs win was not because of media, his win is because you picked a criminal to run for your party.

His very *existence* is because of media. That was the first thing I noted when I got here and have noted many times elsewhere. Without his continual attention whoring about "you're fired" shows and sex scandals and endless sophomoric troll tweets and showing up in fake wrestling rings and fake spokesmen and ridiculous birfer song and dance (etc etc etc), no one would even know who the fuck he is. That's deliberately planned, as is cashing in on the unwashed's propensity to cast a vote based on "I've heard of this guy".

And part two, I don't have a "party". And if I did it wouldn't run a "criminal".

The very idea that she is not sitting in jail today is one of the many reasons the country finally had enough and chose a different direction.

:lol: :tinfoil:

Tell me about how she has Parkinson's and dementia and killed a CIA guy and had an affair with Yoko. And see if you can tie in Bill Clinton's illegitimate son and "three million Amish". :rofl:

The thing is, they are lying when they say he isn't answering their questions. He does call on them and he does answer the questions to the extent he can. He talked to them at length yesterday.He doesn't say what they try to force him to say and he doesn't respond to false they lie and say he isn't answering questions.
Does Donald ever lie?

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Does Donald ever lie?

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Answer your question with proof that he does. Next if he doesn't he does not care if you like what he says or not. I feel the same way. Don't like it stuff it !!! I think the media in this country have the idea that they can decide what the rest of us should have, do, and believe. That makes them just like the dimshitocrats who want control over all of our lives to the extent they give us what of our income they decide we should have and distribute the rest to themselves and their lowlife supporters.
Does Donald ever lie?

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk

Answer your question with proof that he does. Next if he doesn't he does not care if you like what he says or not. I feel the same way. Don't like it stuff it !!! I think the media in this country have the idea that they can decide what the rest of us should have, do, and believe. That makes them just like the dimshitocrats who want control over all of our lives to the extent they give us what of our income they decide we should have and distribute the rest to themselves and their lowlife supporters.

So change the channel. What's hard about this?
At least partially. How does whining about it over and over make America great again? How does it pass tax reform? Immigration reform? How does that work?
When did that happen?

What a shame the fake journalists don't ask questions about important stuff. Instead they use their moment to engage in asshattery, then piss themselves when he pwns them.

"Aren’t you doing a terrible disservice to the Constitution and to the American people by criticizing the media?” And there it was. Sure as I’m sitting here watching, there it was. They can sit here all day and not just criticize. They can try to destroy people. They can — using whatever power they think they have been granted by the First Amendment — go out and literally destroy people. Let Trump criticize the way they do their jobs, and all of a sudden it’s a constitutional crisis. Well, how about Obama trashing me all the time?

"How about Obama trashing Fox News all the time? Was that not a threat to the First Amendment? No, they applauded that. They still do applaud that. They join in the attacks on Fox News — and, more often than not, they join in attacks on me, too. But they want you to believe that they are this watchdog and that they’re holding truth to power, that they’re holding powerful people accountable. They’re not doing anything of the sort. The press has gotten to the point where they need a watchdog, and it turns out that Trump is the watchdog!

"Trump is the guy holding them accountable.

"Trump is the guy calling them out. I’ve never seen anything like this today. I have never seen it. We have wanted Republican presidents all of my life to deal with these people this way, and the only thing we ever got was Spiro Agnew. We’ve not seen anything like this, and Trump did it with an air of confidence and self-assuredness. He was not nervous at all. He was having fun with them. He was toying with them. It’s like if you got a cat. You know how you get these little laser pointers and you have a little kitten or a cat and the cat goes nuts chasing the light? It will run into a wall."

Trump Triumphs Over Press | Rush

I agree with this and the other responses. The media is bad. What I don't get is how on earth this helps advance policy and legislative changes. It just seems like a bunch of thin-skinned malarkey to me that detracts from some things that need to get done.
Click Off This Clique

You're again being dishonest by sneaking in the illogical idea that all Trump is doing is attacking the media and neglecting his other duties. In fact, in every confrontation he himself sneaks in genuine news about what he is getting done while they are off pity-partying on their echo chamber digression about how they are being picked on. Their egos are so bloated that they think his whole Administration so far has been all about them.

No, I don't think he is neglecting his other duties. I think rather he is distracting his own people sufficiently so that they don't have the ability and the political will to follow through properly on them. Look for example at the Muslim ban. This could have been done quite easily, with an order that would've stood up to constitutional muster. But they didn't do that. Why? Not because they were neglecting the issue, but rather because they appear to have not had the time or focus (or both) to do it correctly. This yapping about the media being the enemy of the American people is hogwash.

The media whines, President Trump whines. And you know what? They both love it! They both are speaking to their people, and President Trump believes, I think, that he can soften up the media and condition them to be more accepting of his proposals.

When Reagan took office a lot of people worried that he was a nutcase but he proved through firmness and steadiness that he was a worthy President. President Trump has time to do the same with dignity and presence like RR did.
At least partially. How does whining about it over and over make America great again? How does it pass tax reform? Immigration reform? How does that work?
When did that happen?

What a shame the fake journalists don't ask questions about important stuff. Instead they use their moment to engage in asshattery, then piss themselves when he pwns them.

"Aren’t you doing a terrible disservice to the Constitution and to the American people by criticizing the media?” And there it was. Sure as I’m sitting here watching, there it was. They can sit here all day and not just criticize. They can try to destroy people. They can — using whatever power they think they have been granted by the First Amendment — go out and literally destroy people. Let Trump criticize the way they do their jobs, and all of a sudden it’s a constitutional crisis. Well, how about Obama trashing me all the time?

"How about Obama trashing Fox News all the time? Was that not a threat to the First Amendment? No, they applauded that. They still do applaud that. They join in the attacks on Fox News — and, more often than not, they join in attacks on me, too. But they want you to believe that they are this watchdog and that they’re holding truth to power, that they’re holding powerful people accountable. They’re not doing anything of the sort. The press has gotten to the point where they need a watchdog, and it turns out that Trump is the watchdog!

"Trump is the guy holding them accountable.

"Trump is the guy calling them out. I’ve never seen anything like this today. I have never seen it. We have wanted Republican presidents all of my life to deal with these people this way, and the only thing we ever got was Spiro Agnew. We’ve not seen anything like this, and Trump did it with an air of confidence and self-assuredness. He was not nervous at all. He was having fun with them. He was toying with them. It’s like if you got a cat. You know how you get these little laser pointers and you have a little kitten or a cat and the cat goes nuts chasing the light? It will run into a wall."

Trump Triumphs Over Press | Rush

I agree with this and the other responses. The media is bad. What I don't get is how on earth this helps advance policy and legislative changes. It just seems like a bunch of thin-skinned malarkey to me that detracts from some things that need to get done.
Click Off This Clique

You're again being dishonest by sneaking in the illogical idea that all Trump is doing is attacking the media and neglecting his other duties. In fact, in every confrontation he himself sneaks in genuine news about what he is getting done while they are off pity-partying on their echo chamber digression about how they are being picked on. Their egos are so bloated that they think his whole Administration so far has been all about them.

Look for example at the Muslim ban. This could have been done quite easily, with an order that would've stood up to constitutional muster. But they didn't do that. Why? Not because they were neglecting the issue, but rather because they appear to have not had the time or focus (or both) to do it correctly.

Khizr Khan, the Jihaddy Daddy, preached his fake news about the Constitution protecting Muzzies who want to come here and blow us up. So Trump was already aware of that muster bluster. He ignored it from the DNC and now he's ignoring it from the multicultie leftovers legislating from the bench.
The MSM has become the opposition party because the Ds are dysfunctional at the moment.
True enough.

It's probably not out-of-line to state that 80% - 4 out of 5 - journalists and media types are Dem-Prog-Lib -leaning in nature.

It shows - unmistakably - in their workaday outputs.

Perhaps they'll form a New-York-Times-Washington-Post-HuffPo-MSNBC-CNN-AllOtherWhinyLibTards political party using funds from their corporate war-chests.

The Left's version of the Tea Party.

Lord knows, they need new blood and new faces and new ideas and new leadership and a healthy dose of pragmatism in tweaking their too-far-out-in-left-field agenda.

At the moment, Democrats are still suffering from a case of severe shock and even more severe butt-hurt over their humiliating loss of all majorities and high-end leadership.

The Sheeple on the Left have been taking their marching orders from Liberal-leaning MSM for years.

Perhaps the time is right sucker these lemmings into riding under a new banner, styled as the successor to the old.

Now that WOULD be funny.

We could call it: The Whiny SnowFlake Party.
At least partially. How does whining about it over and over make America great again? How does it pass tax reform? Immigration reform? How does that work?
When did that happen?

What a shame the fake journalists don't ask questions about important stuff. Instead they use their moment to engage in asshattery, then piss themselves when he pwns them.

"Aren’t you doing a terrible disservice to the Constitution and to the American people by criticizing the media?” And there it was. Sure as I’m sitting here watching, there it was. They can sit here all day and not just criticize. They can try to destroy people. They can — using whatever power they think they have been granted by the First Amendment — go out and literally destroy people. Let Trump criticize the way they do their jobs, and all of a sudden it’s a constitutional crisis. Well, how about Obama trashing me all the time?

"How about Obama trashing Fox News all the time? Was that not a threat to the First Amendment? No, they applauded that. They still do applaud that. They join in the attacks on Fox News — and, more often than not, they join in attacks on me, too. But they want you to believe that they are this watchdog and that they’re holding truth to power, that they’re holding powerful people accountable. They’re not doing anything of the sort. The press has gotten to the point where they need a watchdog, and it turns out that Trump is the watchdog!

"Trump is the guy holding them accountable.

"Trump is the guy calling them out. I’ve never seen anything like this today. I have never seen it. We have wanted Republican presidents all of my life to deal with these people this way, and the only thing we ever got was Spiro Agnew. We’ve not seen anything like this, and Trump did it with an air of confidence and self-assuredness. He was not nervous at all. He was having fun with them. He was toying with them. It’s like if you got a cat. You know how you get these little laser pointers and you have a little kitten or a cat and the cat goes nuts chasing the light? It will run into a wall."

Trump Triumphs Over Press | Rush

I agree with this and the other responses. The media is bad. What I don't get is how on earth this helps advance policy and legislative changes. It just seems like a bunch of thin-skinned malarkey to me that detracts from some things that need to get done.
Click Off This Clique

You're again being dishonest by sneaking in the illogical idea that all Trump is doing is attacking the media and neglecting his other duties. In fact, in every confrontation he himself sneaks in genuine news about what he is getting done while they are off pity-partying on their echo chamber digression about how they are being picked on. Their egos are so bloated that they think his whole Administration so far has been all about them.

No, I don't think he is neglecting his other duties. I think rather he is distracting his own people sufficiently so that they don't have the ability and the political will to follow through properly on them. Look for example at the Muslim ban. This could have been done quite easily, with an order that would've stood up to constitutional muster. But they didn't do that. Why? Not because they were neglecting the issue, but rather because they appear to have not had the time or focus (or both) to do it correctly. This yapping about the media being the enemy of the American people is hogwash.

The media whines, President Trump whines. And you know what? They both love it! They both are speaking to their people, and President Trump believes, I think, that he can soften up the media and condition them to be more accepting of his proposals.

When Reagan took office a lot of people worried that he was a nutcase but he proved through firmness and steadiness that he was a worthy President. President Trump has time to do the same with dignity and presence like RR did.
There never was nor will there be, a Muslim ban.

Yammean like when he sued an author for describing his net worth as less than he wanted to project?

Yammean like when he stood in a live TV debate and bald-faced lied saying that he had never supported the Iraq war?

Yammean like when he displayed water bottles and steaks and tried to push them off as his products, which no longer exist, and when the press pressed him on it, whisked them away in hope nobody would notice they were (ironically) Bush Brothers Steaks?

Yammean like when he invented not one but two personal assistants, "John Miller" and "John Barron" to start rumors about himself, then admitted to having done it, then denied having done it even though the admission was already on the record --- in court?

"Irosecuted"? Yammean like this?

Face it --- your country is in the hands of a self-delusional pathological liar who resides firmly in the bubble of his own fantasy. Good luck with that.

I don't even bother waste my time to answer hacks who pretend that Trump is not liar or is a liar.

Whenever I see that question, I just cross-off that questioner as one of the 35% that's firmly planted inside Trump's A$$. They're the bunch who Trump referred to when he said that he could walk out on 5th Avenue and shoot someone in the face, and they'll still support him. Seems USMB has gotten inundated with such folk.

The better question to ask is when is Trump NOT lying. I mean, the man started his campaign on a lie. When he spoke about President Barack Obama not being born in America. Remember when he said that he has information on him from Kenya and you wouldn't "BELIEVE what information he has." Remember that clap-trap?

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