Assume the President is Right about the Media

I agree with this and the other responses. The media is bad. What I don't get is how on earth this helps advance policy and legislative changes. It just seems like a bunch of thin-skinned malarkey to me that detracts from some things that need to get done.

You're presuming that there's not a desired favorable outcome in the tactic of calling out the media on their bullshit.

I'd say it's a foolish assumption to think that Trump took the time recapping all the fake news of the last couple weeks, just to hear his head rattle.
I think people are going to be lrosecuted. He has always been good about going after press who tell lies.
I am pretty much against telling people how and what to think. That's why I don't take anything any part of the media says as absolute truth. Nor do I waste my time trying to convince other people how to think about what they hear on the media. They are adults and a surprising number of them understand the media is biased.

My question remains. How on earth does President Trump making this a major portion of his pronouncements help move forward policy agendas that I desperately want enacted? I believe it isn't helpful, in fact it is harmful and distracting. Some people make the "he's distracting everyone with all this chatter but secretly he's moving forward on tax reform etc." But honestly I just haven't seen anything other than some fits and starts that themselves were flawed (Muslim ban rollout, e.g.)

The idea is to give the American people a heads up that he will not be answering questions from the MSM liars. They are going to be SOL when he gets the whole team up and running, he told them that he will decide what they get to hear and who will hear it the great part is there is NOTHING they can do about it. You will soon see them getting thousands of tips from hundreds of places and spouting them out the only thing will be all of them will be lies and easily proved so. That will drive the last nails in their coffins, and prove them to be lying destructive conspirators and their credibility will be 0. That is what we want, REAL VERIFIABLE TRUE UNBIASED NEWS. When people call Fox news FAUX news because they report on verified facts from the FBI, and other credible sources, while they call msnbc a real news source it just proves they also want the truth to take a backseat to their destruction of this country.
The thing is, they are lying when they say he isn't answering their questions. He does call on them and he does answer the questions to the extent he can. He talked to them at length yesterday.He doesn't say what they try to force him to say and he doesn't respond to false they lie and say he isn't answering questions.
I loved his comments about tone. Those fucking commie punks sneeringly present a false narrative, then squeal when he tells them they're lying pieces of shit. Tough.
And here's the thing...the.first amendment gives them the right to bash the extent that they aren't engaging insedition (they are) or libel (they are).. it also gives him the right to say what he pleases about the crappy job they do, and the crappy ppl they are. The alleged press thinks he shouldn't get to do that. Tough shit again.
At least partially. How does whining about it over and over make America great again? How does it pass tax reform? Immigration reform? How does that work?
When did that happen?

What a shame the fake journalists don't ask questions about important stuff. Instead they use their moment to engage in asshattery, then piss themselves when he pwns them.

"Aren’t you doing a terrible disservice to the Constitution and to the American people by criticizing the media?” And there it was. Sure as I’m sitting here watching, there it was. They can sit here all day and not just criticize. They can try to destroy people. They can — using whatever power they think they have been granted by the First Amendment — go out and literally destroy people. Let Trump criticize the way they do their jobs, and all of a sudden it’s a constitutional crisis. Well, how about Obama trashing me all the time?

"How about Obama trashing Fox News all the time? Was that not a threat to the First Amendment? No, they applauded that. They still do applaud that. They join in the attacks on Fox News — and, more often than not, they join in attacks on me, too. But they want you to believe that they are this watchdog and that they’re holding truth to power, that they’re holding powerful people accountable. They’re not doing anything of the sort. The press has gotten to the point where they need a watchdog, and it turns out that Trump is the watchdog!

"Trump is the guy holding them accountable.

"Trump is the guy calling them out. I’ve never seen anything like this today. I have never seen it. We have wanted Republican presidents all of my life to deal with these people this way, and the only thing we ever got was Spiro Agnew. We’ve not seen anything like this, and Trump did it with an air of confidence and self-assuredness. He was not nervous at all. He was having fun with them. He was toying with them. It’s like if you got a cat. You know how you get these little laser pointers and you have a little kitten or a cat and the cat goes nuts chasing the light? It will run into a wall."

Trump Triumphs Over Press | Rush

I agree with this and the other responses. The media is bad. What I don't get is how on earth this helps advance policy and legislative changes. It just seems like a bunch of thin-skinned malarkey to me that detracts from some things that need to get done.

Look at it this way, the people believe the media. That's it in a nutshell. The politicians (Congress and Senate) need public support to advance and pass policies. Without public support, some or many are likely to shy away from bills that may help things like our economy, safety, and national interests.

After reporting that Trump is not doing anything different than Obama when it comes to deportation, then came the protests, kids walking out of class, Congress critters from the left bashing Trump. This is the kind of control the media has over us.

Trump called them out on the mat today. He's not going to talk or give interviews to media that's going to promote lies like this one. That means if they want a real story, they are going to have to play straight with Trump and thus, giving us (the public) the truth about polices. If they are pressured into telling the truth, then it helps politicians get the support they need to pass (or remove) legislation.

You and I don't believe the media. We are part of the public. You think we're the only two that gets that the media is biased? Everyone else is ignorant? My advice to the President is to do what President Reagan did. Just enact stuff and they'll talk about the substance of your policy. All this carping about the media sounds like snowflake talk to me.

You and I are not the majority of people. Remember that you're in a forum of people that do follow politics and polices; most people don't.

Most people are headline voters. They read a few sentences and vote accordingly. Thanks to the media, many think that Russia actually rigged our election. Thanks to media, people think that Democrats care about the working man and Republicans only care about the rich.

Unless you can show me different, the media tells people how to think.

Actually you're in many respects correct. And also thanks to the same media, voters sent an entitled freak who paints himself orange and has never held a job or taken any kind of responsibility for anything in his life, into the most responsible job in the world. Thanks to the media they actually rationalize that said freak with his business background is somehow a fit for government, its antithesis. Thanks to the media, the Gullibles allow themselves to be swept away by the emotion of the moment. All of which is exactly what I mean when I note that Rump is a creation OF the media, without which he would not exist.

I rail daily against the insidious nature of television, the most powerful propaganda device every created. It exists only to hypnotize the gullible so that it can sell them shit they don't need. Its interest is entirely self-serving and exploitative.

Rump is the very personification of it he does exactly the same thing. He's every bit as dishonest, superficial and manipulative as it is. They are in those characteristics, identical. In both cases they serve up emotional candy to get the viewer invested, usually some kind of conflict where the zombie viewer can imagine taking sides in some conflict, then after some contrived pseudo-satisfaction where the zombie-viewer's "side" wins, comes the sales pitch.

The post immediately after yours serves up a perfect demonstration:

He didnt. He answered their stupid fucking questions, even though everybody knows they are liars and traitors. So the media is.actually lying about him refusing to talk to

But wait --- there's more. NOW how much would you pay....

Those fucking commie punks sneeringly present a false narrative, then squeal when he tells them they're lying pieces of shit. Tough.

"Their stupid fucking questions". "Everybody knows they are liars and traitors"... "fucking commie punks".... "lying pieces of shit"... classic emotional appeal, binary good guys/bad guys conflict fantasy. And the Gullibles just wolf it down like candy.
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At least partially. How does whining about it over and over make America great again? How does it pass tax reform? Immigration reform? How does that work?

We need to ALWAYS consider the filter that the media will place between us and the Truth.

Otherwise are making decisions based on lies.

We need to do this until it becomes as automatic as breathing.

I am pretty much against telling people how and what to think. That's why I don't take anything any part of the media says as absolute truth. Nor do I waste my time trying to convince other people how to think about what they hear on the media. They are adults and a surprising number of them understand the media is biased.

My question remains. How on earth does President Trump making this a major portion of his pronouncements help move forward policy agendas that I desperately want enacted? I believe it isn't helpful, in fact it is harmful and distracting. Some people make the "he's distracting everyone with all this chatter but secretly he's moving forward on tax reform etc." But honestly I just haven't seen anything other than some fits and starts that themselves were flawed (Muslim ban rollout, e.g.)

Because if he allows the media to define reality, they will tell the people that he is bad, and his proposals are bad.

Then nothing will be done, because the people will stop supporting the policies.

The media has to be fought every single day, on every single issue, or we lose it all.

An informed citizenry is absolutely CRUCIAL to a functioning democratic society. You don't "fight" that, you "defend" it.

Allowing some butthurt demagogue to set up his own Memory Hole where any history he doesn't like gets shoved into the 'fake news' shredder, so that his Ministry of Truth can run with Big Lie self-delusions, is societal suicide. And here he's got summa y'all holding the gun to your own head.

I agree with this and the other responses. The media is bad. What I don't get is how on earth this helps advance policy and legislative changes. It just seems like a bunch of thin-skinned malarkey to me that detracts from some things that need to get done.

You're presuming that there's not a desired favorable outcome in the tactic of calling out the media on their bullshit.

I'd say it's a foolish assumption to think that Trump took the time recapping all the fake news of the last couple weeks, just to hear his head rattle.
I think people are going to be lrosecuted. He has always been good about going after press who tell lies.


Yammean like when he sued an author for describing his net worth as less than he wanted to project?

Yammean like when he stood in a live TV debate and bald-faced lied saying that he had never supported the Iraq war?

Yammean like when he displayed water bottles and steaks and tried to push them off as his products, which no longer exist, and when the press pressed him on it, whisked them away in hope nobody would notice they were (ironically) Bush Brothers Steaks?

Yammean like when he invented not one but two personal assistants, "John Miller" and "John Barron" to start rumors about himself, then admitted to having done it, then denied having done it even though the admission was already on the record --- in court?

"Irosecuted"? Yammean like this?

Face it --- your country is in the hands of a self-delusional pathological liar who resides firmly in the bubble of his own fantasy. Good luck with that.
At least partially. How does whining about it over and over make America great again? How does it pass tax reform? Immigration reform? How does that work?

We need to ALWAYS consider the filter that the media will place between us and the Truth.

Otherwise are making decisions based on lies.

We need to do this until it becomes as automatic as breathing.

I am pretty much against telling people how and what to think. That's why I don't take anything any part of the media says as absolute truth. Nor do I waste my time trying to convince other people how to think about what they hear on the media. They are adults and a surprising number of them understand the media is biased.

My question remains. How on earth does President Trump making this a major portion of his pronouncements help move forward policy agendas that I desperately want enacted? I believe it isn't helpful, in fact it is harmful and distracting. Some people make the "he's distracting everyone with all this chatter but secretly he's moving forward on tax reform etc." But honestly I just haven't seen anything other than some fits and starts that themselves were flawed (Muslim ban rollout, e.g.)

Because if he allows the media to define reality, they will tell the people that he is bad, and his proposals are bad.

Then nothing will be done, because the people will stop supporting the policies.

The media has to be fought every single day, on every single issue, or we lose it all.

An informed citizenry is absolutely CRUCIAL to a functioning democratic society. You don't "fight" that, you "defend" it.

Allowing some butthurt demagogue to set up his own Memory Hole where any history he doesn't like gets shoved into the 'fake news' shredder, so that his Ministry of Truth can run with Big Lie self-delusions, is societal suicide. And here he's got summa y'all holding the gun to your own head.


The MEDIA is the one that is mis-informing our citizenry and that is what needs to be fought.
At least partially. How does whining about it over and over make America great again? How does it pass tax reform? Immigration reform? How does that work?
Not 'whining' - winning over the people who in turn 'punish' the Fake News Outlets. Case in Point, CNN's rating have now dropped them into 3rd Place among 'news' media. CNN can now continue to beat their head against the wall, remaining the DNC's propaganda arm / outlet OR start becoming a REAL news organization again. If they choose the former then they can sit there at news conferences, get to ask no questions, and go back to their offices to report on the event and the questions asked by others...while their ratings continue to sink. Their choice.

As the 'all-in', Fake News media reduces themselves to 'insignificant', 'irrelevant' organizations, their criticism of the President's agenda and policies become moot, unable to sway the populace who is ignoring them. (In theory...) Trump is then able to get more done while the 'yappy, Probama/ProHillary/All-In-DNC, Fake News orgs, sit and stew in the back of the room while other news agencies ask the questions.

This 'tactic' should not go on and on - it shouldn't take 'that long', depending how the Fake News media reacts / plays their cards.

Not saying this is what's going on or will happen, just throwing it out there.
Trump according to Trump "Whines till he gets his way." so that is a legitimate criticism. But the rest of the leftist critique is crap based on the DC echo chamber's need for something to say. My rule of thumb is that Bloomberg is trying to sell $25K/year terminals and Reuters is trying to sell $10K/year terminals. So, they have a bigger incentive to get it right than anyone else in the business.
Sounds like you're upset. President Trump strikes me as the political version of Jim Boeheim whining incessantly about the refs. A coach like Coach K at Duke deals with bad calls and moves on. We can disagree as to whether President Trump appears to be whining, sounds like we do indeed disagree. My point/question is: How does all this yapping about the media help make American great? Pivot to policy and you win. Keep talking about the media and you distract from what we could get done otherwise.

Most people I know realize the media is biased and they take that into account when they consume news. I don't need to preach to anyone about it, there's plenty of noise out there on the subject to enlighten those less aware. This whole subject in my mind distracts from getting stuff done. People who work for me at the fry station who just complain about how unfairly they are treated don't normally make productive workers.

That's just the view from here in my "hate bubble."

Your pal,

Dummy is more like it. How did you see upsetness from:

"When did Trump whine about it? We don't all live in your little hate bubble so you need to be specific.

And I don't have to assume jack shit. I've said for decades they are a joke. Republicans get treated one way, Democrats the other."

Trump has talked a lot about policy and is working on it. You're the one trying to label whines as anything you find less than convenient. It ain't my problem when you look stupid and intolerant.

I'm glad to hear that I was wrong and that you aren't upset. Your namecalling in fact reflects a sublime serenity on your part. Buddha would be proud.

Clearly you have a higher tolerance for complaints about media sideshows than I. That's cool, I can live with us being different. But I believe the incessant complaining swallows up the message on policy. And the messaging I've heard on policy is generally "it's going to be great." That's not enough for me, I want more detail. And all this discussion about the media is frankly el toro poopoo as far as I'm concerned.
At least partially. How does whining about it over and over make America great again? How does it pass tax reform? Immigration reform? How does that work?
Not 'whining' - winning over the people who in turn 'punish' the Fake News Outlets. Case in Point, CNN's rating have now dropped them into 3rd Place among 'news' media. CNN can now continue to beat their head against the wall, remaining the DNC's propaganda arm / outlet OR start becoming a REAL news organization again. If they choose the former then they can sit there at news conferences, get to ask no questions, and go back to their offices to report on the event and the questions asked by others...while their ratings continue to sink. Their choice.

As the 'all-in', Fake News media reduces themselves to 'insignificant', 'irrelevant' organizations, their criticism of the President's agenda and policies become moot, unable to sway the populace who is ignoring them. (In theory...) Trump is then able to get more done while the 'yappy, Probama/ProHillary/All-In-DNC, Fake News orgs, sit and stew in the back of the room while other news agencies ask the questions.

This 'tactic' should not go on and on - it shouldn't take 'that long', depending how the Fake News media reacts / plays their cards.

Not saying this is what's going on or will happen, just throwing it out there.

I think I agree with this. They are biased and fewer people listen to what they say without thinking critically. I'm for that. I am against making it into a substantive issue by the POTUS because I think that detracts from other things he could be doing, like immigration and tax reform. Just my opinion, but your point is a very fair one.
Trump according to Trump "Whines till he gets his way." so that is a legitimate criticism. But the rest of the leftist critique is crap based on the DC echo chamber's need for something to say. My rule of thumb is that Bloomberg is trying to sell $25K/year terminals and Reuters is trying to sell $10K/year terminals. So, they have a bigger incentive to get it right than anyone else in the business.[/QUOTE

Yes, people jumped all over me when I said that the media and President Trump have a symbiotic relationship. President Trump needs the media as an imperfect foil and the media needs President Trump to get us clicking and viewing with our outrage and shock. It's a perfect capitalist feedback loop. We should all be happy with it, but I'm not. I want tax reform instead of "He's right, the media is biased." That gets me nowhere on tax reform.
Case in Point, CNN's rating have now dropped them into 3rd Place among 'news' media.

That's not a case for anything. Broadcast ratings measure attention --- not assent. That's always been the case. The one, and the ONLY, function of ratings is to set rates for how much that outlet can charge for its commercial time. That's the one thing it means and the only thing it means. The only relationship broadcast content has to that is how much that outlet can get under people's skin, get them emotionally invested and riveted to the screen, so that it can then sell them Preparation H. Doesn't matter what that content is or which way it slants if it slants at all.

That's EXACTLY why we have shows about fake wrestling and naked people dropped off on an island to eat bugs and live paternity test results. It ain't because anybody "agrees" that wrestling should be fake, that naked strangers should be dropped on an island to fend for themselves, or that some stranger's paternity case has jack squat to do with them. Think about it.
At least partially. How does whining about it over and over make America great again? How does it pass tax reform? Immigration reform? How does that work?

We need to ALWAYS consider the filter that the media will place between us and the Truth.

Otherwise are making decisions based on lies.

We need to do this until it becomes as automatic as breathing.

I am pretty much against telling people how and what to think. That's why I don't take anything any part of the media says as absolute truth. Nor do I waste my time trying to convince other people how to think about what they hear on the media. They are adults and a surprising number of them understand the media is biased.

My question remains. How on earth does President Trump making this a major portion of his pronouncements help move forward policy agendas that I desperately want enacted? I believe it isn't helpful, in fact it is harmful and distracting. Some people make the "he's distracting everyone with all this chatter but secretly he's moving forward on tax reform etc." But honestly I just haven't seen anything other than some fits and starts that themselves were flawed (Muslim ban rollout, e.g.)

Because if he allows the media to define reality, they will tell the people that he is bad, and his proposals are bad.

Then nothing will be done, because the people will stop supporting the policies.

The media has to be fought every single day, on every single issue, or we lose it all.

An informed citizenry is absolutely CRUCIAL to a functioning democratic society. You don't "fight" that, you "defend" it.

Allowing some butthurt demagogue to set up his own Memory Hole where any history he doesn't like gets shoved into the 'fake news' shredder, so that his Ministry of Truth can run with Big Lie self-delusions, is societal suicide. And here he's got summa y'all holding the gun to your own head.


The MEDIA is the one that is mis-informing our citizenry and that is what needs to be fought.
So let's fight them by not watching them. Then the free market will take care of things. The only revenue they receive will be from "Red Wrigglers" bait shop (for a prize, name the TV show from whence that comes). The suggestion that they should be in jail, they should be shut down, etc., is not conservative. At the end of the day, we all want everyone in the country to make their own decisions from a vast diverse range of opinions. Not from the liberal biased media. Nor from Pravda. So let them all have at each other and we'll pick and choose.

The idea that we are the only people who see there is bias is crazy pants talk. Didn't fool us. Why do we think it fools everyone else on the planet?
At least partially. How does whining about it over and over make America great again? How does it pass tax reform? Immigration reform? How does that work?

We need to ALWAYS consider the filter that the media will place between us and the Truth.

Otherwise are making decisions based on lies.

We need to do this until it becomes as automatic as breathing.

I am pretty much against telling people how and what to think. That's why I don't take anything any part of the media says as absolute truth. Nor do I waste my time trying to convince other people how to think about what they hear on the media. They are adults and a surprising number of them understand the media is biased.

My question remains. How on earth does President Trump making this a major portion of his pronouncements help move forward policy agendas that I desperately want enacted? I believe it isn't helpful, in fact it is harmful and distracting. Some people make the "he's distracting everyone with all this chatter but secretly he's moving forward on tax reform etc." But honestly I just haven't seen anything other than some fits and starts that themselves were flawed (Muslim ban rollout, e.g.)

Because if he allows the media to define reality, they will tell the people that he is bad, and his proposals are bad.

Then nothing will be done, because the people will stop supporting the policies.

The media has to be fought every single day, on every single issue, or we lose it all.

An informed citizenry is absolutely CRUCIAL to a functioning democratic society. You don't "fight" that, you "defend" it.

Allowing some butthurt demagogue to set up his own Memory Hole where any history he doesn't like gets shoved into the 'fake news' shredder, so that his Ministry of Truth can run with Big Lie self-delusions, is societal suicide. And here he's got summa y'all holding the gun to your own head.


The MEDIA is the one that is mis-informing our citizenry and that is what needs to be fought.

Mass commercial media, yes. Journalism, absolutely not.

Again, if we were in any way serious rather than completely hypocritical about the former, the orange TV freak would have garnered no votes at all. Because Rump is the orange turd OF that commercial media.
We need to ALWAYS consider the filter that the media will place between us and the Truth.

Otherwise are making decisions based on lies.

We need to do this until it becomes as automatic as breathing.

I am pretty much against telling people how and what to think. That's why I don't take anything any part of the media says as absolute truth. Nor do I waste my time trying to convince other people how to think about what they hear on the media. They are adults and a surprising number of them understand the media is biased.

My question remains. How on earth does President Trump making this a major portion of his pronouncements help move forward policy agendas that I desperately want enacted? I believe it isn't helpful, in fact it is harmful and distracting. Some people make the "he's distracting everyone with all this chatter but secretly he's moving forward on tax reform etc." But honestly I just haven't seen anything other than some fits and starts that themselves were flawed (Muslim ban rollout, e.g.)

Because if he allows the media to define reality, they will tell the people that he is bad, and his proposals are bad.

Then nothing will be done, because the people will stop supporting the policies.

The media has to be fought every single day, on every single issue, or we lose it all.

An informed citizenry is absolutely CRUCIAL to a functioning democratic society. You don't "fight" that, you "defend" it.

Allowing some butthurt demagogue to set up his own Memory Hole where any history he doesn't like gets shoved into the 'fake news' shredder, so that his Ministry of Truth can run with Big Lie self-delusions, is societal suicide. And here he's got summa y'all holding the gun to your own head.


The MEDIA is the one that is mis-informing our citizenry and that is what needs to be fought.
So let's fight them by not watching them. Then the free market will take care of things. The only revenue they receive will be from "Red Wrigglers" bait shop (for a prize, name the TV show from whence that comes). The suggestion that they should be in jail, they should be shut down, etc., is not conservative. At the end of the day, we all want everyone in the country to make their own decisions from a vast diverse range of opinions. Not from the liberal biased media. Nor from Pravda. So let them all have at each other and we'll pick and choose.

The idea that we are the only people who see there is bias is crazy pants talk. Didn't fool us. Why do we think it fools everyone else on the planet?

Allowing your enemies to flood America with vile propaganda, unchallenged, is not "conservative".

I'm not sure what steps should be taken against the vile media, but being a door mat has not worked for us, or for America so far, and I don't see that doing more of that, will improve matters.
When you just sit back and take the bullshit from career bullshitters all day every day, you end up looking like the timid little pussies Gingrich and Dubya Bush.

If you think that people in flyover country aren't equally repulsed by the bi-costal media buffoonery and outright lying, you better check your election results again.

First you need to review the total votes cast, and then the educational level of those between the West and East Coast. Then you won't be so smug.
I am pretty much against telling people how and what to think. That's why I don't take anything any part of the media says as absolute truth. Nor do I waste my time trying to convince other people how to think about what they hear on the media. They are adults and a surprising number of them understand the media is biased.

My question remains. How on earth does President Trump making this a major portion of his pronouncements help move forward policy agendas that I desperately want enacted? I believe it isn't helpful, in fact it is harmful and distracting. Some people make the "he's distracting everyone with all this chatter but secretly he's moving forward on tax reform etc." But honestly I just haven't seen anything other than some fits and starts that themselves were flawed (Muslim ban rollout, e.g.)

Because if he allows the media to define reality, they will tell the people that he is bad, and his proposals are bad.

Then nothing will be done, because the people will stop supporting the policies.

The media has to be fought every single day, on every single issue, or we lose it all.

An informed citizenry is absolutely CRUCIAL to a functioning democratic society. You don't "fight" that, you "defend" it.

Allowing some butthurt demagogue to set up his own Memory Hole where any history he doesn't like gets shoved into the 'fake news' shredder, so that his Ministry of Truth can run with Big Lie self-delusions, is societal suicide. And here he's got summa y'all holding the gun to your own head.


The MEDIA is the one that is mis-informing our citizenry and that is what needs to be fought.
So let's fight them by not watching them. Then the free market will take care of things. The only revenue they receive will be from "Red Wrigglers" bait shop (for a prize, name the TV show from whence that comes). The suggestion that they should be in jail, they should be shut down, etc., is not conservative. At the end of the day, we all want everyone in the country to make their own decisions from a vast diverse range of opinions. Not from the liberal biased media. Nor from Pravda. So let them all have at each other and we'll pick and choose.

The idea that we are the only people who see there is bias is crazy pants talk. Didn't fool us. Why do we think it fools everyone else on the planet?

Allowing your enemies to flood America with vile propaganda, unchallenged, is not "conservative".

I'm not sure what steps should be taken against the vile media, but being a door mat has not worked for us, or for America so far, and I don't see that doing more of that, will improve matters.
Citizens who have different opinions than mine are not my enemies. They are citizens with different opinions than mine. I am secure enough in my own beliefs to not need everyone to believe as I do. Right now we have the advantage of both houses of the Congress and the presidency. And we are not yet using it as fully as we could.

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