Astronomers say we could be just 10 years away from finding alien life

An exoplanet is a planet that orbits outside of it's solar system, and most of them compare in size to Jupiter. I would not put much hope in a planet like that having life as we know it, or even other life that is alien.

For a planet to support life as we know it (Or even other life) it has to be in what some call the "Goldilocks zone". Not too hot and not too cold. Also scientists sometimes refer to this zone as the "liquid water zone". Water being a requirement for life on Earth anyway. So far in our solar system the Earth is the only planet known to have liquid water naturally occurring.

This report was premature.


Wrong. Two moons of Jupiter almost certainly have liquid water beneath a layer of ice.
Dear witch doctor, while it may be that there is water under the ice of Jupiters moons, none of them are in the liquid water zone. For the reading impaired, The liquid water zone is the area that a planet is located around it's sun where water can exist naturally in the open without being frozen or boiling off into space. It is also sometimes referred to as the Goldilocks zone, ie, not to hot and not to clod.
Dear mentally impaired Mike, if the water is liquid, it can support life, no matter where it is at. You might have a look at the life in the rift zones deep under the ocean.
I think the majority of us would like to find out that we are not alone before we die.
Amazing people will believe in alien life but not God who says he is always with you.

Actually, it's apples and oranges. If they discover life, I can see it, know it's there, hear the examinations and implications. With God, the story is only faith. If you can believe a virgin had a baby that walked on water and raised the dead, certainly someone else can believe in actual biological life somewhere besides Earth. And I respect the rights of both sides without ridicule.

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Can anyone imagine the chaos and fear and SHOCK that would spread across the world if aliens were discovered, and then if they were coming here?
Can anyone imagine the chaos and fear and SHOCK that would spread across the world if aliens were discovered, and then if they were coming here?

You really think there will be global chaos because a microbe is found swimming around under the ice on Enceladus? A little high strung, aren't you?
Can anyone imagine the chaos and fear and SHOCK that would spread across the world if aliens were discovered, and then if they were coming here?

You really think there will be global chaos because a microbe is found swimming around under the ice on Enceladus? A little high strung, aren't you?
Life as in intelligent.
Can anyone imagine the chaos and fear and SHOCK that would spread across the world if aliens were discovered, and then if they were coming here?
And plus...what happens if they're evil and want to kill us all or enslave us? paura.gif
Can anyone imagine the chaos and fear and SHOCK that would spread across the world if aliens were discovered, and then if they were coming here?

You really think there will be global chaos because a microbe is found swimming around under the ice on Enceladus? A little high strung, aren't you?
Do me a favor and put me on your ignore list. Thank you lib.
Can anyone imagine the chaos and fear and SHOCK that would spread across the world if aliens were discovered, and then if they were coming here?

You really think there will be global chaos because a microbe is found swimming around under the ice on Enceladus? A little high strung, aren't you?
Life as in intelligent.

Hell, we haven't found that on earth yet.
Can anyone imagine the chaos and fear and SHOCK that would spread across the world if aliens were discovered, and then if they were coming here?

You really think there will be global chaos because a microbe is found swimming around under the ice on Enceladus? A little high strung, aren't you?
Do me a favor and put me on your ignore list. Thank you lib.




You haven't been paying attention.
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Earth is among the oldest 'earth-like' planets (the great majority of which haven't even formed yet), so the chances of us bumbing into the super-intelligent alien of popular media are mighty slim.
Can anyone imagine the chaos and fear and SHOCK that would spread across the world if aliens were discovered, and then if they were coming here?
And plus...what happens if they're evil and want to kill us all or enslave us? View attachment 121794

Don't worry. If there's one thing humans are really good at it's killing things.
That's absolutely tru Unkotare but the alien could have some super-powerful guns we don't have ;)

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