Astronomers warn red star might explode soon next few weeks criticals

(C/NET) – Supergiant star Betelgeuse has been getting dimmer at an unprecedented pace over the past few months, leading some astronomers to wonder if it might be in the process of the collapse that precedes a supernova explosion. But there are other possible explanations, and we should have a better idea of what’s happening to the massive star by the end of the month.

Astronomers warn red star might explode soon, next few weeks critical

Oh on this one don't worry they will tell you ten minutes before it kills us all ..

Relaaaaax Francis. Betelgeuse is a LOOOOOOOONG ways away. We will get a pretty light show. I would love to see that before my time here runs out.
Supposedly it may even be visible in the daytime
It's too far away.
I know how far it is. I also know how large it is, and what happens when it goes supernova

(C/NET) – Supergiant star Betelgeuse has been getting dimmer at an unprecedented pace over the past few months, leading some astronomers to wonder if it might be in the process of the collapse that precedes a supernova explosion. But there are other possible explanations, and we should have a better idea of what’s happening to the massive star by the end of the month.

Astronomers warn red star might explode soon, next few weeks critical

Oh on this one don't worry they will tell you ten minutes before it kills us all ..

Relaaaaax Francis. Betelgeuse is a LOOOOOOOONG ways away. We will get a pretty light show. I would love to see that before my time here runs out.
Supposedly it may even be visible in the daytime
It's too far away.
I know how far it is. I also know how large it is, and what happens when it goes supernova
If it has any planets they will fry. It's too far away to hurt us. We may see a bright light in the sky for a while. If anyone is alive in 640 years. The gamma rays and other radiation would be extremely unlikely to hit us.
Also keep in mind, Betelgeus being a red supergiant is an aging star late in it's lifecycle. It may not blow now, but in cosmic terms, it's going to happen soon (probably inside 100,000 earth years) one way or another.
Once again, like I said before (even before the coronavirus!); mankind will eventually get wiped out by something you can only see with a microscope.
Once again, like I said before (even before the coronavirus!); mankind will eventually get wiped out by something you can only see with a microscope.

mankind will eventually get wiped out by something you can only see with a microscope.

AOC's brain?
(C/NET) – Supergiant star Betelgeuse has been getting dimmer at an unprecedented pace over the past few months, leading some astronomers to wonder if it might be in the process of the collapse that precedes a supernova explosion. But there are other possible explanations, and we should have a better idea of what’s happening to the massive star by the end of the month.

Astronomers warn red star might explode soon, next few weeks critical

Oh on this one don't worry they will tell you ten minutes before it kills us all ..

if you think that star will kill us if it explodes then you are either a trump voter or trump

nobody else could be THAT stupid.

It's still reason for new taxes so government can save us from it.
People are always predicting that the end of the world is right around the corner. And yet we're still here.

Here's a list of all the failed predictions:

List of predictions of the end of the world - RationalWiki

Do you think it has already ended? And we are just waiting for it to catch up with us? :)

Yes. 640 years is a LONG TIME for a rapidly burning out star. They consume their last elements in a couple days.
(C/NET) – Supergiant star Betelgeuse has been getting dimmer at an unprecedented pace over the past few months, leading some astronomers to wonder if it might be in the process of the collapse that precedes a supernova explosion. But there are other possible explanations, and we should have a better idea of what’s happening to the massive star by the end of the month.

Astronomers warn red star might explode soon, next few weeks critical

Oh on this one don't worry they will tell you ten minutes before it kills us all ..

Relaaaaax Francis. Betelgeuse is a LOOOOOOOONG ways away. We will get a pretty light show. I would love to see that before my time here runs out.
Supposedly it may even be visible in the daytime
It's too far away.
I know how far it is. I also know how large it is, and what happens when it goes supernova

By the time we see the star going supernova it will have happened hundreds of years ago.

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