Asymmetry triangular: United States-China-Russia


Sep 6, 2010
Valdai Club's expert Angela Stent, Professor, Georgetown University brings out her point of view:

The issue of Yuan revaluation must be seen in the broader context of the US-Chinese economic relationship. China is the U.S.’s second largest trading partner, its largest source of imports and the largest export market for U.S. goods outside of North America. Washington would like to increase its exports to China and reduce its sizeable trade deficit with China, hence the demand that the Yuan appreciate at a faster pace. The U.S. is also asking for greater access for American companies to the Chinese market, reduction of trade and investment barriers and more effective enforcement of intellectual property rights.

China and the United States are important economic partners. The United States and Russia, are important security partners. China and Russia are committed to a multipolar world and in this sense the Sino-Russian partnership is aimed at containing the global exercise of U.S. power.

Full version of her article was published on
Canada is the USA's largest trading partner. $496 Billion

China is in second place -$366 Billion

The problem is the imbalance of payments.

We import over 5 times as much from China as we export into it.

We sell them high tech and new factories, they sell us junk.

Our exports put few people to work in the USA, their exports put many of their people to work.

The theory, that we will beat this system with higher tech is goofy.

The moment the technology is ready for production, the factories get built in CHINA
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