At GOP/Tea Party Going Forward(?) The Amendments Are Not In The Constitution!


Gold Member
Feb 22, 2009
People of. . .really only a few faiths,. . .and a lot of Deists. . .and two Catholics: Actually wrote a hurried document, and promptly left town! It was the U. S. Constitution, of the Great Quaker Caipitol, Philadelphia! That was what America Was All About!

So now we have: "We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America"

Notice that in discussing, "defence," that it was supposed to be a common, and probably ordinary fence. There are some language flaws in the hurried, original document.

As the document progressed, then the House of Representatives was allowed to raise armies and a navy: And to otherwise rely on the militias of the several states. No major central organizaton of crazies with guns and bombs and nuclear weapons was envisoned. This document had origins certain, even in geography!

In fact, in the mid-terms: The GOP Tea Party has not even bothered to try bring up, "defence." Mostly, the federal budget is not in the Constitution! Defence, however, is in DeConstitution! (There was an older way of language-speaking, certain, at the time!)

Anyone does see why Amendment Two applies to everyone!

But Amendment Two: Is not in the Constitution! In fact, Amendment One is not in The Constitution, either!

Quaker Capitol, Philadelphia, was host to the Convention. The Federalist Papers note that much of it, or so, was written so as not to offend The Quakers: Which is clearly the original, national religion! The Federalist Papers even allude to the Quakers. Everyone else is not in the Constitution!

In fact, after the Convention was over: The signers all left town. Who will deny that there were prayer rugs to buy, Meeting Houses with hard seats to build, and no tenets to be included in any worship anywhere(?), and mainly there were advices to be used for the understanding of the "Inner Light" of any so inclined. Amendment One would later toss out mainly the tenets idea. But that is where the Constituion was left, at the time. It was in Philadelphia!

Sunday was to be silent. Football was not for Sunday, In America: Of the Constitution!

Why not take the Constitution for what it really is all about, No One Asks(?!) Find a nearby Meeting, and Celebrate! For Example, The Quakers have admitted women into the ministry from the start. Catholids, Moslems, and Jews would love this stuff! The Pacific Yearly Meeting provides full membership to persons of all sexual orientation, going on decades. Isn't that what America is all about?!?

Clearly, that is how the nation-state will be set-up: Going forward post the midterm elections(?): Presuming the crazy people win!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(White Eyes Later break promised words: And to Many Nations, going forward!)
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Having a hard time reading through your post but the word is a variant root base of English from Britain. It has nothing to do with a fence. Defence is the resistance against danger, attack, or harm. Read through some of the manuscripts from the founders of our country and you will see some of the English translations and spellings.
The Tea Party Crazy People, apparently all GOP, like Bush II, Nixon, Hoover, Coolidge, and Lincon(?): Never bring this up in the Law and Order campaigns.

Unless they are discussing blacks.

The Party of Lincoln knows a great deal about The Constitution: And what is against the law!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Who was Mascale anyway? The Looooone, White Man! Keep Tuning In, and See If He's Dead Yet!--Brought to you by your Crazy People In Arms, at Pentagon, USA, (aka, the Socialist War-Making Collective--Completely state-owned and funded!)!)

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