At last, Obama reveals the truth about Benghazi attacks in an interview

I'm guessing the impeachment isn't going well then?
where have I asked for impeachment? What I do want to see is a full investigation into what went wrong , why and who without the with holding of evidence and those responsible held accountable.

What went wrong? They had not installed the exhaust fans in the Safe Room at the Consulate building. Stevens and Smith would have likely survived until the rescue team came from the CIA Annex.

Wow, you sure are selective in your view. And let's say for a moment , that was the only problem, why wasn't that taken care of? Also why did a team not install the security cameras also before the occupancy? Surely you can recognize the failings at the least of the state dept. For allowing such since they had to personally, at its highest level, which would be Clijton, by the way, sign off on it being less than secure.
The fact is, the fundamentalist Rush Limbaugh of Cairo, the most popular talk show host in the ME, RANTED ABOUT THAT rw video and called for violent protests, and earlier on the day of the Bengazi attack there were many other protests throughout the ME, THEN THE ATTACK IN BENGAZI. MORE PROOF ALL OUR MEDIA suqs. ALSO, EARLY REPORTS FROM ONLOOKERS SAID THE BENGAZI ATTACKERS SAID THEY WERE REACTING TO THE one has interviewed the attackers, hater dupes...

Thank god for media matters...hater dupes, dupes, chumps and basically all Americans lol...

Fox News Falsely Suggests CIA Never Linked Benghazi To Anti ...*Cached
SimilarMay 7, 2013 ... In fact, CIA talking points obtained by the conservative magazine ... in Cairo and
evolved into a direct assault against the U.S. Consulate and ... time on the
Sunday talk shows pointing to this video as the trigger of the chaos in Benghazi.
... The "protests at the U.S. Embassy in Cairo" were part of a series of ...

Fox News Falsely Suggests CIA Never Linked Benghazi To Anti-Islam Video | Blog | Media Matters for America

This was all mentioned on network news, but try finding any of that on an internet overwhelmed with

This is beyond pathetic franco. And by the way the CIA link comes from an ABC interview. Please stop. I've got you balls to the walls so many times. Just stop embarrassing yourself ok?
The fact is, the fundamentalist Rush Limbaugh of Cairo, the most popular talk show host in the ME, RANTED ABOUT THAT rw video and called for violent protests, and earlier on the day of the Bengazi attack there were many other protests throughout the ME, THEN THE ATTACK IN BENGAZI. MORE PROOF ALL OUR MEDIA suqs. ALSO, EARLY REPORTS FROM ONLOOKERS SAID THE BENGAZI ATTACKERS SAID THEY WERE REACTING TO THE one has interviewed the attackers, hater dupes...

Thank god for media matters...hater dupes, dupes, chumps and basically all Americans lol...

Fox News Falsely Suggests CIA Never Linked Benghazi To Anti ...*Cached
SimilarMay 7, 2013 ... In fact, CIA talking points obtained by the conservative magazine ... in Cairo and
evolved into a direct assault against the U.S. Consulate and ... time on the
Sunday talk shows pointing to this video as the trigger of the chaos in Benghazi.
... The "protests at the U.S. Embassy in Cairo" were part of a series of ...

Fox News Falsely Suggests CIA Never Linked Benghazi To Anti-Islam Video | Blog | Media Matters for America

This was all mentioned on network news, but try finding any of that on an internet overwhelmed with

This is beyond pathetic franco. And by the way the CIA link comes from an ABC interview. Please stop. I've got you balls to the walls so many times. Just stop embarrassing yourself ok?

It is pretty pathetic, because my computer crashes going to any website after the google page....ABC IS OK, what about - are there original documents...all I know is Fox is FOS, and Beck and Rush are worse...The video was no doubt a factor, for example.
We already know the reason. The Republican Senate reduced the security budget $360M, which is the reason CIA operatives were killed in the attack.

Really? How did you afford the fucking budget to pay Libyan Militias as security for Ambassador Stevens?

You had the money to pay them asswipe.

Now mother fucker let's get down and dirty. Because I hate lying pieces of shit like you. Where did you get the money to pay Libyan Militias to provide security for Ambassador Stevens?

Now if that isn't good enough for you you piece of vile shit trying to blame Republicans for your fucking D fiasco that cost these men their lives, why didn't anyone in your wank job State Department go...........gee I guess we don't need 40 marines in Ottawa, in London, in Belgium maybe we can ship a few to Libya.

BUT NO. You had to let Ambassador Stevens because of optics hang out in the wind.

There's one thing you don't do especially in today's environment is cut back on security.
So why did the State Department official in charge of Libya state that was not the case when she testified under oath in front of Congress. When asked if budget cuts caused security to be withdrawn she answered "No."

Don't embarrass yourself rehashing the desperate talking points that the Obama Administration attempted to use following the deaths of our people in Benghazi...they didn't hold up to scrutiny then and they won't now.

Then why was the CIA involved?

Don't you know? One gentleman gave an interview to ABC before returning telling the sad tale of how the idiots in Washington didn't think about all of GADAFFI'S weapons before they turned Libya over to wild cards.

Your President is such a stupid man surrounded by even more stupid people.

Or is it because the Senate can't effect or affect the CIA's budget. Thanks for playing.
lol. Simply sweep it under the rug.

Listen up the hearings the chick under Clinton admitted that she received the requests for extra security but opted to deny them without asking Clinton.

It had nothing to do with budget. An extra 1 million a year for extra security wouldn't make a dent in the overall security budget.

Dam....fools like you are why....awww...heck.....fuck it. You are lost already.

Try to focus. The thread is about Benghazi and $360M.

nice diversion...gullible asshole.

Back at ya!
The fact is, the fundamentalist Rush Limbaugh of Cairo, the most popular talk show host in the ME, RANTED ABOUT THAT rw video and called for violent protests, and earlier on the day of the Bengazi attack there were many other protests throughout the ME, THEN THE ATTACK IN BENGAZI. MORE PROOF ALL OUR MEDIA suqs. ALSO, EARLY REPORTS FROM ONLOOKERS SAID THE BENGAZI ATTACKERS SAID THEY WERE REACTING TO THE one has interviewed the attackers, hater dupes...

Thank god for media matters...hater dupes, dupes, chumps and basically all Americans lol...

Fox News Falsely Suggests CIA Never Linked Benghazi To Anti ...*Cached
SimilarMay 7, 2013 ... In fact, CIA talking points obtained by the conservative magazine ... in Cairo and
evolved into a direct assault against the U.S. Consulate and ... time on the
Sunday talk shows pointing to this video as the trigger of the chaos in Benghazi.
... The "protests at the U.S. Embassy in Cairo" were part of a series of ...

Fox News Falsely Suggests CIA Never Linked Benghazi To Anti-Islam Video | Blog | Media Matters for America

This was all mentioned on network news, but try finding any of that on an internet overwhelmed with

This is beyond pathetic franco. And by the way the CIA link comes from an ABC interview. Please stop. I've got you balls to the walls so many times. Just stop embarrassing yourself ok?

It is pretty pathetic, because my computer crashes going to any website after the google page....ABC IS OK, what about - are there original documents...all I know is Fox is FOS, and Beck and Rush are worse...The video was no doubt a factor, for example.

Want to see all the documents, really? Try hear, scroll down for talking points memos
We already know the reason. The Republican Senate reduced the security budget $360M, which is the reason CIA operatives were killed in the attack.

Bullfuckingshit! A squad of Marines would have stopped the attack dead in it's tracks. Don't say the United States of America can't afford a squad of Marines. The fact is, Ambassador Stevens TWICE requested extra security but was turned down by the state department. The sonofabitch that turned him down is the one who should be in jail.

The US could and did before the Republican Senate cut $360M from the security budget.
We already know the reason. The Republican Senate reduced the security budget $360M, which is the reason CIA operatives were killed in the attack.

Really? How did you afford the fucking budget to pay Libyan Militias as security for Ambassador Stevens?

You had the money to pay them asswipe.

Now mother fucker let's get down and dirty. Because I hate lying pieces of shit like you. Where did you get the money to pay Libyan Militias to provide security for Ambassador Stevens?

Now if that isn't good enough for you you piece of vile shit trying to blame Republicans for your fucking D fiasco that cost these men their lives, why didn't anyone in your wank job State Department go...........gee I guess we don't need 40 marines in Ottawa, in London, in Belgium maybe we can ship a few to Libya.

BUT NO. You had to let Ambassador Stevens because of optics hang out in the wind.

There's one thing you don't do especially in today's environment is cut back on security.
So why did Clinton'S state dept do just that since budget wasn't an issue?
We already know the reason. The Republican Senate reduced the security budget $360M, which is the reason CIA operatives were killed in the attack.

So why did the State Department official in charge of Libya state that was not the case when she testified under oath in front of Congress. When asked if budget cuts caused security to be withdrawn she answered "No."

Don't embarrass yourself rehashing the desperate talking points that the Obama Administration attempted to use following the deaths of our people in Benghazi...they didn't hold up to scrutiny then and they won't now.

Then why was the CIA involved?

Because that's their job? :cuckoo::cuckoo:

I notice you got off the whole "it happened because of GOP budget cuts!" talking point in a big hurry, OnePercenter. Good move on your part! An even better move would be to refrain from posting bullshit in the first place.
So why did the State Department official in charge of Libya state that was not the case when she testified under oath in front of Congress. When asked if budget cuts caused security to be withdrawn she answered "No."

Don't embarrass yourself rehashing the desperate talking points that the Obama Administration attempted to use following the deaths of our people in Benghazi...they didn't hold up to scrutiny then and they won't now.

Then why was the CIA involved?

Because that's their job? :cuckoo::cuckoo:

I notice you got off the whole "it happened because of GOP budget cuts!" talking point in a big hurry, OnePercenter. Good move on your part! An even better move would be to refrain from posting bullshit in the first place.

It's the CIA's job to protect foreign embassy's?
where have I asked for impeachment? What I do want to see is a full investigation into what went wrong , why and who without the with holding of evidence and those responsible held accountable.

What went wrong? They had not installed the exhaust fans in the Safe Room at the Consulate building. Stevens and Smith would have likely survived until the rescue team came from the CIA Annex.

Wow, you sure are selective in your view. And let's say for a moment , that was the only problem, why wasn't that taken care of? Also why did a team not install the security cameras also before the occupancy? Surely you can recognize the failings at the least of the state dept. For allowing such since they had to personally, at its highest level, which would be Clijton, by the way, sign off on it being less than secure.

Senate report: Attacks on U.S. compounds in Benghazi could have been prevented - The Washington Post

"The attacks were preventable, based on extensive intelligence reporting on the terrorist activity in Libya — to include prior threats and attacks against Western targets — and given the known security shortfalls at the U.S. Mission,” the panel said in a statement.

The report also noted, chillingly, that the FBI’s investigation of the attacks has been hampered in Libya and that 15 people “supporting the investigation or otherwise helpful to the United States” have since been killed in Benghazi. The report said it was unclear whether those killings were related to the inquiry.

The report found no evidence of the kind of political coverup that Republicans have long alleged. "

"In response to the report, the State Department issued an update of its efforts to improve security at overseas posts and make other changes recommended by an independent oversight panel — the Accountability Review Board — shortly after the attacks. "
What went wrong? They had not installed the exhaust fans in the Safe Room at the Consulate building. Stevens and Smith would have likely survived until the rescue team came from the CIA Annex.

Wow, you sure are selective in your view. And let's say for a moment , that was the only problem, why wasn't that taken care of? Also why did a team not install the security cameras also before the occupancy? Surely you can recognize the failings at the least of the state dept. For allowing such since they had to personally, at its highest level, which would be Clijton, by the way, sign off on it being less than secure.

Senate report: Attacks on U.S. compounds in Benghazi could have been prevented - The Washington Post

"The attacks were preventable, based on extensive intelligence reporting on the terrorist activity in Libya — to include prior threats and attacks against Western targets — and given the known security shortfalls at the U.S. Mission,” the panel said in a statement.

The report also noted, chillingly, that the FBI’s investigation of the attacks has been hampered in Libya and that 15 people “supporting the investigation or otherwise helpful to the United States” have since been killed in Benghazi. The report said it was unclear whether those killings were related to the inquiry.

The report found no evidence of the kind of political coverup that Republicans have long alleged. "

"In response to the report, the State Department issued an update of its efforts to improve security at overseas posts and make other changes recommended by an independent oversight panel — the Accountability Review Board — shortly after the attacks. "
Once again you rely on the media to make conclusions for yourself. I prefer to analyze official information for myself.
Wow, you sure are selective in your view. And let's say for a moment , that was the only problem, why wasn't that taken care of? Also why did a team not install the security cameras also before the occupancy? Surely you can recognize the failings at the least of the state dept. For allowing such since they had to personally, at its highest level, which would be Clijton, by the way, sign off on it being less than secure.

Senate report: Attacks on U.S. compounds in Benghazi could have been prevented - The Washington Post

"The attacks were preventable, based on extensive intelligence reporting on the terrorist activity in Libya — to include prior threats and attacks against Western targets — and given the known security shortfalls at the U.S. Mission,” the panel said in a statement.

The report also noted, chillingly, that the FBI’s investigation of the attacks has been hampered in Libya and that 15 people “supporting the investigation or otherwise helpful to the United States” have since been killed in Benghazi. The report said it was unclear whether those killings were related to the inquiry.

The report found no evidence of the kind of political coverup that Republicans have long alleged. "

"In response to the report, the State Department issued an update of its efforts to improve security at overseas posts and make other changes recommended by an independent oversight panel — the Accountability Review Board — shortly after the attacks. "
Once again you rely on the media to make conclusions for yourself. I prefer to analyze official information for myself.

Both articles are based on and have links to the Senate Report and the report from the independent oversight panel respectively.

You sound like you get your information exclusively from the Echo-Chamber.

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