At least 10 conservative Kansas Republican lawmakers lose

It is no secret that the collapse of the American automobile industry is what caused the detroit disaster. Whenever there exists a high population of semi-skilled people, who no longer have jobs, you are going to have a disaster. What amuses me is that the Right on this board blames this on democrats, but fail to say exactly what would solve the problem, and turn Detroit into a prosperous, safe city, where most would have a job, be well educated, and a future.

I guess that pointing the finger is what republicans do best.

I think the finger can be pointed.

How many years has Detroit had a Democratic mayor?

Most significantly, in 1961 the reins of political power in the city fell permanently into Democratic Party hands. In the 53 years that have passed since then, Detroit has not had a single Republican mayor. Indeed it has elected only one Republican to its City Council since 1970.
The point aside from the one on your head, it the fact that your contention that liberal policies are given decades to work is bullshit. They are undermined and opposed from the start.

Saying something doesn't work isn;t "undermining" them, and opposing them is the right thing to do.

Progressive policies are based on the "pay later never" theory.
Tell us all about how conservative policies are paid for.

Which one?
Medicare part D.
Iraq invasion - oh yeah, it was supposed to pay for itself.
Star Wars
Military expansion - F-35, F-22, Osprey, LCS program.
Police state apparatus - NSA, DHS, TSA

Do conservatives actually pay for anything or do they put everything on the credit card while at the same time they cut taxes on corporations and the rich and then bitch at Liberals when the bills come due?

Star Wars? Really? You are going back to the 80's for an attempted point. what a fucking loon.

And of those programs, which ones besdies Medicare part D contained unfunded liabilities?

You may actually have a point over the Iraq War, but you lose it when you go back to Star Wars...

what a dunderhead.
Typical wingnut tactic: take the one thing out of a list to cast doubt on, ignore the rest of the list.

Bush's huge tax cuts for the wealthy was not paid for.

Bush's stimulus in 2002 was not paid for.

Medicare D was not paid for.

The Iraq War was not paid for.

The Afghanistan War was not paid for.

And yes: Star Wars was not paid for.
Uhhh .. you're comparing a city to a state.

Don't worry, soon you won't have to concern yourself with politics either. :0)

I am comparing the leeway you twats give to ruinous progressive policies (what's a few decades of decline, as long as we feel like we are "doing something") to the " IT DOESN'T WORK" short turn around period given to small government policies.

And is your 2nd statement a threat, boy?

Still can't figure it out huh Nutsack? :0)

You couldn't figure out that Trump was there to fuck you .. but you're a genius on economic policy. :lol:

Don't worry, after November you'll be riding in the back of the political bus and nobody will be paying attention.

Actually, boy, I was never a Trump supporter. My support went from Walker to Jindal to Cruz as each dropped out.
So you went from loser to loser to loser.

That's so you!

Is that what you call all the Bernie supporters out there?
No, it's what I call you. Jindal?!???
republicans lose seats to other republicans? Run for the hills!!!!

if you had half the brain you pretend you do, you'd understand the significance of teatards getting replaced with moderates.

but no one expects you to deal in reality

Jillan Jillian sweetheart I don't pretend nothing...what I am is an expert. In mechtronics and in manipulation I am so aware of news, politics and. Current events your head would spin what I know
Saying something doesn't work isn;t "undermining" them, and opposing them is the right thing to do.

Progressive policies are based on the "pay later never" theory.
Tell us all about how conservative policies are paid for.

Which one?
Medicare part D.
Iraq invasion - oh yeah, it was supposed to pay for itself.
Star Wars
Military expansion - F-35, F-22, Osprey, LCS program.
Police state apparatus - NSA, DHS, TSA

Do conservatives actually pay for anything or do they put everything on the credit card while at the same time they cut taxes on corporations and the rich and then bitch at Liberals when the bills come due?

Star Wars? Really? You are going back to the 80's for an attempted point. what a fucking loon.

And of those programs, which ones besdies Medicare part D contained unfunded liabilities?

You may actually have a point over the Iraq War, but you lose it when you go back to Star Wars...

what a dunderhead.
Typical wingnut tactic: take the one thing out of a list to cast doubt on, ignore the rest of the list.

Bush's huge tax cuts for the wealthy was not paid for.

Bush's stimulus in 2002 was not paid for.

Medicare D was not paid for.

The Iraq War was not paid for.

The Afghanistan War was not paid for.

And yes: Star Wars was not paid for.

Typical. Liberal tactic munch on hostess ding. Dongs while playing play station 1, 2, 3 and #

Don't" bother me mom I am saving planet earth "
TOPEKA, Kan. (AP) At least 10 conservative Republicans in the Kansas Legislature have lost their seats in the primary election.

They included Senate Majority Leader Terry Bruce, of Nickerson, who was defeated Tuesday by retired Hutchinson Community College President Ed Berger.

Four other conservative GOP senators were ousted as well. They were Tom Arpke of Salina, Forrest Knox of Altoona, Jeff Melcher of Leawood and Greg Smith of Overland Park.

At least five conservative Republicans in the House lost seats as well, all of them in Johnson County. They were Rob Bruchman of Leawood, Brett Hildabrand of Shawnee, Jerry Lunn of Overland Park, Charles Macheers of Shawnee and Craig McPherson of Overland Park.
At least 10 conservative Kansas lawmakers lose

AND :0)

Tea Party Rep. Tim Huelskamp Loses Kansas Republican Primary to Roger Marshall
Huelskamp is the third House Republican to be unseated in a primary this year
Tea Party Rep. Tim Huelskamp Loses Kansas Republican Primary to Roger Marshall

Omen of republicans losing the US House?

If they do, they will be left virtually powerless.

Republican loss of the US Senate is a foregone conclusion.

I find the thought of Repubs in congress left powerless after the upcoming election along with bill & Hillary back in the whitehouse an acceptable outcome.
TOPEKA, Kan. (AP) At least 10 conservative Republicans in the Kansas Legislature have lost their seats in the primary election.

They included Senate Majority Leader Terry Bruce, of Nickerson, who was defeated Tuesday by retired Hutchinson Community College President Ed Berger.

Four other conservative GOP senators were ousted as well. They were Tom Arpke of Salina, Forrest Knox of Altoona, Jeff Melcher of Leawood and Greg Smith of Overland Park.

At least five conservative Republicans in the House lost seats as well, all of them in Johnson County. They were Rob Bruchman of Leawood, Brett Hildabrand of Shawnee, Jerry Lunn of Overland Park, Charles Macheers of Shawnee and Craig McPherson of Overland Park.
At least 10 conservative Kansas lawmakers lose

AND :0)

Tea Party Rep. Tim Huelskamp Loses Kansas Republican Primary to Roger Marshall
Huelskamp is the third House Republican to be unseated in a primary this year
Tea Party Rep. Tim Huelskamp Loses Kansas Republican Primary to Roger Marshall

Omen of republicans losing the US House?

If they do, they will be left virtually powerless.

Republican loss of the US Senate is a foregone conclusion.

Republicans will have no problem keeping the House.

Red state Congressional districts have been gerrymandered to the point where republicans will retain control of the House for decades to come.

Republicans will also keep control of the Senate, but likely by only one or two seats.
TOPEKA, Kan. (AP) At least 10 conservative Republicans in the Kansas Legislature have lost their seats in the primary election.

They included Senate Majority Leader Terry Bruce, of Nickerson, who was defeated Tuesday by retired Hutchinson Community College President Ed Berger.

Four other conservative GOP senators were ousted as well. They were Tom Arpke of Salina, Forrest Knox of Altoona, Jeff Melcher of Leawood and Greg Smith of Overland Park.

At least five conservative Republicans in the House lost seats as well, all of them in Johnson County. They were Rob Bruchman of Leawood, Brett Hildabrand of Shawnee, Jerry Lunn of Overland Park, Charles Macheers of Shawnee and Craig McPherson of Overland Park.
At least 10 conservative Kansas lawmakers lose

AND :0)

Tea Party Rep. Tim Huelskamp Loses Kansas Republican Primary to Roger Marshall
Huelskamp is the third House Republican to be unseated in a primary this year
Tea Party Rep. Tim Huelskamp Loses Kansas Republican Primary to Roger Marshall

Omen of republicans losing the US House?

If they do, they will be left virtually powerless.

Republican loss of the US Senate is a foregone conclusion.

Republicans will have no problem keeping the House.

Red state Congressional districts have been gerrymandered to the point where republicans will retain control of the House for decades to come.

Republicans will also keep control of the Senate, but likely by only one or two seats.

That's possible .. but it's also possible that even with gerrymandered districts, republicans could still lose the House ,, lots of republicans are worried about that.

Could Republicans lose their majority in the House thanks to Donald Trump? Paul Ryan isn’t ruling it out.
Could Republicans lose their majority in the House thanks to Donald Trump? Paul Ryan isn’t ruling it out.

Republicans Should Worry About Losing the House
Republicans Should Worry About Losing the House

Republican loss of the Senate is almost a foregone conclusion.
It is no secret that the collapse of the American automobile industry is what caused the detroit disaster. Whenever there exists a high population of semi-skilled people, who no longer have jobs, you are going to have a disaster. What amuses me is that the Right on this board blames this on democrats, but fail to say exactly what would solve the problem, and turn Detroit into a prosperous, safe city, where most would have a job, be well educated, and a future.

I guess that pointing the finger is what republicans do best.

I think the finger can be pointed.

How many years has Detroit had a Democratic mayor?

Most significantly, in 1961 the reins of political power in the city fell permanently into Democratic Party hands. In the 53 years that have passed since then, Detroit has not had a single Republican mayor. Indeed it has elected only one Republican to its City Council since 1970.

Wow! The whole point of my post was lost on you, wasn't it? Let me try to make it again in a simple sentence:

What would any republican mayor do to solve the disaster of Detroit that has not been done by any democratic mayor?
TOPEKA, Kan. (AP) At least 10 conservative Republicans in the Kansas Legislature have lost their seats in the primary election.

They included Senate Majority Leader Terry Bruce, of Nickerson, who was defeated Tuesday by retired Hutchinson Community College President Ed Berger.

Four other conservative GOP senators were ousted as well. They were Tom Arpke of Salina, Forrest Knox of Altoona, Jeff Melcher of Leawood and Greg Smith of Overland Park.

At least five conservative Republicans in the House lost seats as well, all of them in Johnson County. They were Rob Bruchman of Leawood, Brett Hildabrand of Shawnee, Jerry Lunn of Overland Park, Charles Macheers of Shawnee and Craig McPherson of Overland Park.
At least 10 conservative Kansas lawmakers lose

AND :0)

Tea Party Rep. Tim Huelskamp Loses Kansas Republican Primary to Roger Marshall
Huelskamp is the third House Republican to be unseated in a primary this year
Tea Party Rep. Tim Huelskamp Loses Kansas Republican Primary to Roger Marshall

Omen of republicans losing the US House?

If they do, they will be left virtually powerless.

Republican loss of the US Senate is a foregone conclusion.

Republicans will have no problem keeping the House.

Red state Congressional districts have been gerrymandered to the point where republicans will retain control of the House for decades to come.

Republicans will also keep control of the Senate, but likely by only one or two seats.
2020 is the really important election. That's the next census. A Democratically controlled House can redraw the districts.
Still can't figure it out huh Nutsack? :0)

You couldn't figure out that Trump was there to fuck you .. but you're a genius on economic policy. :lol:

Don't worry, after November you'll be riding in the back of the political bus and nobody will be paying attention.

Actually, boy, I was never a Trump supporter. My support went from Walker to Jindal to Cruz as each dropped out.
0) That's really cool Jethro.

Then you won't be surprised when Trump gets his ass kicked willingly.

You must be a genius. :lol:

Trump is a symptom of what is wrong with this country, but not in the way you think, boy.


but you're not a bigot or anything, right?
His impotence makes him lash out.

So basically the corollary to the "gun = penis" matra you jackoffs seem to lock into every discussion.

And Jillian doesn't need a half assed white knight, she may be an idiot, but she is a stand alone idiot.
What are you blathering about? Progs get decades to try their policies. Anyone else gets a few years and then the shrill cry of "IT ISNT WORKING, WE HAVE TO GO BACK TO WHAT WASN"T WORKING BEFORE" get bleated.
That's what conservatards start screaming on Inauguration Day when a Democrat is elected.

Keep dodging an actual response to my statement, bitch tits.
How many years did the conservatards give the ACA a chance to work before trying to trash it? Hint - it wasn't "decades".

Because the ACA is failing right in front of our faces. Even Dems can't hide the failures like they hid the local blue model failures since the 70's and 80's.
Software version 1.0 of anything will have bugs, and need upgrades and fixes.

Republicans have refused to allow those upgrades.

Yes, kind of like the failing public education system in some of those cities. The usual fix from progs like you is THROW MORE MONEY AT IT!!!!
Saying something doesn't work isn;t "undermining" them, and opposing them is the right thing to do.

Progressive policies are based on the "pay later never" theory.
Tell us all about how conservative policies are paid for.

Which one?
Medicare part D.
Iraq invasion - oh yeah, it was supposed to pay for itself.
Star Wars
Military expansion - F-35, F-22, Osprey, LCS program.
Police state apparatus - NSA, DHS, TSA

Do conservatives actually pay for anything or do they put everything on the credit card while at the same time they cut taxes on corporations and the rich and then bitch at Liberals when the bills come due?

Star Wars? Really? You are going back to the 80's for an attempted point. what a fucking loon.

And of those programs, which ones besdies Medicare part D contained unfunded liabilities?

You may actually have a point over the Iraq War, but you lose it when you go back to Star Wars...

what a dunderhead.
Typical wingnut tactic: take the one thing out of a list to cast doubt on, ignore the rest of the list.

Bush's huge tax cuts for the wealthy was not paid for.

Bush's stimulus in 2002 was not paid for.

Medicare D was not paid for.

The Iraq War was not paid for.

The Afghanistan War was not paid for.

And yes: Star Wars was not paid for.

Every year there is a deficit there is something "not paid for". Like the hack you are, you only point out the ones attributable to BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOSSSSSSSHHHH and nothing else (except a dash of Reagan).

And you neglect the dem legislatures that from time to time enable this shit.

I am comparing the leeway you twats give to ruinous progressive policies (what's a few decades of decline, as long as we feel like we are "doing something") to the " IT DOESN'T WORK" short turn around period given to small government policies.

And is your 2nd statement a threat, boy?

Still can't figure it out huh Nutsack? :0)

You couldn't figure out that Trump was there to fuck you .. but you're a genius on economic policy. :lol:

Don't worry, after November you'll be riding in the back of the political bus and nobody will be paying attention.

Actually, boy, I was never a Trump supporter. My support went from Walker to Jindal to Cruz as each dropped out.
So you went from loser to loser to loser.

That's so you!

Is that what you call all the Bernie supporters out there?
No, it's what I call you. Jindal?!???

Why so surprised?

and its nice to have a dipshit semi-stalker like you back asshat, it ups my post count responding to your idiocy.
TOPEKA, Kan. (AP) At least 10 conservative Republicans in the Kansas Legislature have lost their seats in the primary election.

They included Senate Majority Leader Terry Bruce, of Nickerson, who was defeated Tuesday by retired Hutchinson Community College President Ed Berger.

Four other conservative GOP senators were ousted as well. They were Tom Arpke of Salina, Forrest Knox of Altoona, Jeff Melcher of Leawood and Greg Smith of Overland Park.

At least five conservative Republicans in the House lost seats as well, all of them in Johnson County. They were Rob Bruchman of Leawood, Brett Hildabrand of Shawnee, Jerry Lunn of Overland Park, Charles Macheers of Shawnee and Craig McPherson of Overland Park.
At least 10 conservative Kansas lawmakers lose

AND :0)

Tea Party Rep. Tim Huelskamp Loses Kansas Republican Primary to Roger Marshall
Huelskamp is the third House Republican to be unseated in a primary this year
Tea Party Rep. Tim Huelskamp Loses Kansas Republican Primary to Roger Marshall

Omen of republicans losing the US House?

If they do, they will be left virtually powerless. as they should be (BR)

Republican loss of the US Senate is a foregone conclusion.
and the world as we know it will defiantly get better as we see these republicans fall by the waste side ...
TOPEKA, Kan. (AP) At least 10 conservative Republicans in the Kansas Legislature have lost their seats in the primary election.

They included Senate Majority Leader Terry Bruce, of Nickerson, who was defeated Tuesday by retired Hutchinson Community College President Ed Berger.

Four other conservative GOP senators were ousted as well. They were Tom Arpke of Salina, Forrest Knox of Altoona, Jeff Melcher of Leawood and Greg Smith of Overland Park.

At least five conservative Republicans in the House lost seats as well, all of them in Johnson County. They were Rob Bruchman of Leawood, Brett Hildabrand of Shawnee, Jerry Lunn of Overland Park, Charles Macheers of Shawnee and Craig McPherson of Overland Park.
At least 10 conservative Kansas lawmakers lose

AND :0)

Tea Party Rep. Tim Huelskamp Loses Kansas Republican Primary to Roger Marshall
Huelskamp is the third House Republican to be unseated in a primary this year
Tea Party Rep. Tim Huelskamp Loses Kansas Republican Primary to Roger Marshall

Omen of republicans losing the US House?

If they do, they will be left virtually powerless.

Republican loss of the US Senate is a foregone conclusion.

Republicans will have no problem keeping the House.

Red state Congressional districts have been gerrymandered to the point where republicans will retain control of the House for decades to come.

Republicans will also keep control of the Senate, but likely by only one or two seats.
2020 is the really important election. That's the next census. A Democratically controlled House can redraw the districts.

Um...... No. you do know States draw their own districts, right?
It is no secret that the collapse of the American automobile industry is what caused the detroit disaster. Whenever there exists a high population of semi-skilled people, who no longer have jobs, you are going to have a disaster. What amuses me is that the Right on this board blames this on democrats, but fail to say exactly what would solve the problem, and turn Detroit into a prosperous, safe city, where most would have a job, be well educated, and a future.

I guess that pointing the finger is what republicans do best.

I think the finger can be pointed.

How many years has Detroit had a Democratic mayor?

Most significantly, in 1961 the reins of political power in the city fell permanently into Democratic Party hands. In the 53 years that have passed since then, Detroit has not had a single Republican mayor. Indeed it has elected only one Republican to its City Council since 1970.

Wow! The whole point of my post was lost on you, wasn't it? Let me try to make it again in a simple sentence:

What would any republican mayor do to solve the disaster of Detroit that has not been done by any democratic mayor?

Beats me. What has any Democrat Mayor done to solve the disaster of Detroit?
TOPEKA, Kan. (AP) At least 10 conservative Republicans in the Kansas Legislature have lost their seats in the primary election.

They included Senate Majority Leader Terry Bruce, of Nickerson, who was defeated Tuesday by retired Hutchinson Community College President Ed Berger.

Four other conservative GOP senators were ousted as well. They were Tom Arpke of Salina, Forrest Knox of Altoona, Jeff Melcher of Leawood and Greg Smith of Overland Park.

At least five conservative Republicans in the House lost seats as well, all of them in Johnson County. They were Rob Bruchman of Leawood, Brett Hildabrand of Shawnee, Jerry Lunn of Overland Park, Charles Macheers of Shawnee and Craig McPherson of Overland Park.
At least 10 conservative Kansas lawmakers lose

AND :0)

Tea Party Rep. Tim Huelskamp Loses Kansas Republican Primary to Roger Marshall
Huelskamp is the third House Republican to be unseated in a primary this year
Tea Party Rep. Tim Huelskamp Loses Kansas Republican Primary to Roger Marshall

Omen of republicans losing the US House?

If they do, they will be left virtually powerless.

Republican loss of the US Senate is a foregone conclusion.

Republicans will have no problem keeping the House.

Red state Congressional districts have been gerrymandered to the point where republicans will retain control of the House for decades to come.

Republicans will also keep control of the Senate, but likely by only one or two seats.
2020 is the really important election. That's the next census. A Democratically controlled House can redraw the districts.
you mean like tom Delay did ... or any state in the union ... like the republicans did so they could make their counties 2/3 republicans and 1/3 democratts ... and you think they won their elections honestly ??? Well my republican, conservative, friend, pay backs are a pitch

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