At least 100,000 expected at the Trump 2024 rally in Waco, Texas 90s Saturday. .

And then their leader hands Afghanistan over to the Taliban, along with hundreds of billion of dollars worth of American weapons and infrastructure.

Including prisons where Americans and our Afghan allies are currently being held and tortured and raped and all of the above thanks Joe
You mean the agreement made by the trump Admin?
They didn’t get half that
More Texans will show up for a HS Football game
Ugh, that is a crowd far as thee I can see, Opie. More than 10,000 projected.

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I love how every time he points out the fake news media in the back everyone roars into an ovation of loud boos. " Ratings lower than Congress " he said.
Are you trying to imagine Joe Biden speaking for 2 hours like this and just getting jealous or something or do you just feel like making stuff up today?
NOBODY votes for Biden because he’s a charismatic speaker. Many vote for him because he’s not Trump!

I’m amazed how rightwingers never realize that when they boast of how Trump gets his crowds excited, they are just implying that he is a veteran entertainer, and like every good entertainer he loves to act and mug before adoring crowds. He does what every demagogue has always done.

Like Tucker Carlson, who the right also adores. But of course Tucker was caught actually admitting he knew Trump lied about Biden and Dems “stealing” the 2020 election, and that in fact he despised the destructive game Trump was playing. Tucker himself is just another entertainer for hire — the best paid “infotainer” in the country.

Trump’s crowd was much smaller than the 100,000 predicted … but still much bigger than Biden would draw. I would never subject myself to a rally by either. I’d also ordinarily not vote for a Democratic Presidential candidate — I didn’t vote for Hillary.

But I’ve had enough of the pompous crazy Trump, especially before and after Jan. 6th, when it became obvious he would — if he could — try to stay in power even if it risked civil war. I will never vote for a megalomaniac who actually suggests we ought to consider “terminating” our laws and Constitution … so that he could play “King.” I’ve also, like most Americans I believe, “had it” with his wacko Waco followers.

Wish we could have a decent Conservative Republican — and a much younger and better Democratic candidate — to choose between in 2024. Then maybe I could vote happily for one or the other, or return to my old custom of saying “a plague on both your crooked houses”!
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Wisconsin Supreme Court outlaws ballot drop boxes for elections

"The Wisconsin high court affirmed a ruling from a lower court judge after a conservative group, the Wisconsin Institute for Law & Liberty, sued the state's elections commission on behalf of two voters.

The commission had approved the use of drop boxes in response to the pandemic, when many voters were anxious to limit in-person interactions. The November 2020 election included 528 boxes statewide, according to election officials."


The state election committee can not change election laws.

The only way election laws can be change is through the State Legislature.
They didnt change election laws, dum dum.

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