At least 4 folks dead, 6 injured in shooting at Capital Gazette newspaper in Maryland

Illiterate from the parolee with no TV...…………….

I thought you bragged about having a TV?
Nope, I have two...………………….
7 computer monitors.
3 desktop computers
3 laptops
4 phones
all networked

Enjoy your Starbucks WIFI
Yeah right. They arent going to let you have that while you live in a halfway house.
I think it's adorable how you can't create your own words and have to recycle mine...…………..
I think its adorable how I can use your own words against you and expose you as a rube and a liar.
Well, there you go again....!

Lets start killing the media like Trump tells us.

Maxine waters

View attachment 201668

Maxine Watters has not attacked the media.

Low IQ maxie pad has said to harass Trump's people....

You on the left are the Nazis and you should be treated as such.
And Trump has told folks to beat up protesters. How should you on the right be treated?

At least try to keep consistent standards.

How about we keep it real….

You on the on the left are the instigators of the violence…
I thought you bragged about having a TV?
Nope, I have two...………………….
7 computer monitors.
3 desktop computers
3 laptops
4 phones
all networked

Enjoy your Starbucks WIFI[/QUOTE]
yet you can't actually use them all at the same time. what a loser mentality
Do you understand that nothing you just posted would have stopped this shooter....?

He was a flagged nutcase...and got a gun.

Since he was already flagged, a universal background check still wouldn't have stopped him.

No, an effective one would have. The thing was, he had no CRIMINAL record. Whatever the stalking was, it was handled civilly.

Now, a REAL background check system would have talked to his friends, neighbors, employers and community, and looked at his social media postings.

That's what employers do now.
I thought you bragged about having a TV?
Nope, I have two...………………….
7 computer monitors.
3 desktop computers
3 laptops
4 phones
all networked

Enjoy your Starbucks WIFI
yet you can't actually use them all at the same time. what a loser mentality

4 people live here turd, there are two 3 monitor setups.

Yawn, no one ever said that I use them all.

I hear your Mom calling
Bottom line is this is another goofy, crazy, angry guy with previou legal and law enforcement contact who gets weapons
I have to be squeaky clean to adopt a dog who otherwise dies yet these nut cases with papers can do this over and over
Bottom line is this is another goofy, crazy, angry guy with previou legal and law enforcement contact who gets weapons
I have to be squeaky clean to adopt a dog who otherwise dies yet these nut cases with papers can do this over and over
Bottom line is that our society has changed dramatically ever since the liberallies got way too much power in this nation over time.

We've had guns and responsible gun ownership for centuries in this nation, but what we have had as of late, is a more evil minded types of citizen amongst us. Now by whom or how has this happened is what no one wants to truly look at.

If the Christian's are the most responsible citizen's in America today, and if they own gun's, are peaceful, and are at least 85% decent human beings then they are in the minority today. The types of characters, lifestyles, cultures, and people in which exist in these strategic groups today, are hell bent on destroying Christianity as it being a once great peacemaker within our society.

Hollywood has been highjacked years ago, and the pure propaganda trash it has been producing for decades now, and coupled with the destruction of the American family and once cherished family values, has left us vulnerable to this new more evil generation in which has since developed over time.

Once these knuckle heads crack or get on crack, and the Mexican immigrant replaces them in the workplace along with the fall of their families to boot, then look out because after the mind becomes totally consumed with desperation, envy, and hate (and on drugs to boot), then it isn't a matter of how, but more or less it's a matter of when.

Until society is treated as a whole for the problems it is experiencing today, then groups will just harbor their psycho's within until they finally strike out, and then the groups will say we never knew he or she was like that while scratching their heads about it.

The first treatment in America would be to go back to what works, and rebuild from there. Wash the filthy propaganda and teachings from our society before it has created yet another new generation of killers and evilness that we will all then have to deal with.

It can be done, but first people must recognize the problems, and begin the solutions.

Not to say that everyone should be someone that they don't want to be, but at least decide on a peaceful and prosperous standard that we all can live together with, and agree upon again. Example: They said that the unions were instrumental in bringing about the standard of the 40 hour work week (great for promoting family values), and bringing about a better workplace safety environment, better wages and benefits, and less potential for abuse to run rampant in the workplace, but the union had become unrecognizable by the 90's and on into the 2,000's. It is self destructing due to vision and management changes the same as our society has gone through, and so the results are the same.

Trump ran on a platform to reinvent America as he and others remembered growing up, and to only bring back the good things without the bad, but the new generations ain't having any of it. The good news though, is that we are finding that the evilness that is found living amongst the groups are actually a minority of the groups who has puffed itself up to appear more ominus and poisonous than they really are. Otherwise there is still hope to take back over the situation, and to rebuild a strong more peaceful society again, but first the problems must be recognized, and then fixed.
We've had guns and responsible gun ownership for centuries in this nation, but what we have had as of late, is a more evil minded types of citizen amongst us. Now by whom or how has this happened is what no one wants to truly look at.

Mostly because we haven't had the number of guns or caliber of guns to this degree.

In 1950, we had one gun for every three people. Today we have more guns than people.


In 1950, most guns were simple hunting weapons. Today the gun industry pushes military grade weapons onto the market place and targets the most mentally unstable people to have them. Much like the Alcohol industry targets drunks, the gun industry targets people with serious mental issues who think a gun can compensate for them. And we act all surprised when these people act out?

If the Christian's are the most responsible citizen's in America today, and if they own gun's, are peaceful, and are at least 85% decent human beings then they are in the minority today. The types of characters, lifestyles, cultures, and people in which exist in these strategic groups today, are hell bent on destroying Christianity as it being a once great peacemaker within our society.

Um, nobody is trying to destroy "Christianity". Frankly, you guys have done a pretty good job of that on your own.

Hollywood has been highjacked years ago, and the pure propaganda trash it has been producing for decades now, and coupled with the destruction of the American family and once cherished family values, has left us vulnerable to this new more evil generation in which has since developed over time.

Nobody's ever been killed with a movie, slick, and if anything, Hollywood is more tame than it was 40 years ago. When was the last time you saw a really good sex scene in a mainstream movie?
We've had guns and responsible gun ownership for centuries in this nation, but what we have had as of late, is a more evil minded types of citizen amongst us. Now by whom or how has this happened is what no one wants to truly look at.

Mostly because we haven't had the number of guns or caliber of guns to this degree.

In 1950, we had one gun for every three people. Today we have more guns than people.


In 1950, most guns were simple hunting weapons. Today the gun industry pushes military grade weapons onto the market place and targets the most mentally unstable people to have them. Much like the Alcohol industry targets drunks, the gun industry targets people with serious mental issues who think a gun can compensate for them. And we act all surprised when these people act out?

If the Christian's are the most responsible citizen's in America today, and if they own gun's, are peaceful, and are at least 85% decent human beings then they are in the minority today. The types of characters, lifestyles, cultures, and people in which exist in these strategic groups today, are hell bent on destroying Christianity as it being a once great peacemaker within our society.

Um, nobody is trying to destroy "Christianity". Frankly, you guys have done a pretty good job of that on your own.

Hollywood has been highjacked years ago, and the pure propaganda trash it has been producing for decades now, and coupled with the destruction of the American family and once cherished family values, has left us vulnerable to this new more evil generation in which has since developed over time.

Nobody's ever been killed with a movie, slick, and if anything, Hollywood is more tame than it was 40 years ago. When was the last time you saw a really good sex scene in a mainstream movie?

And more and more Americans own and actually carry guns.....our crime rates have gone down, not up......... and the AR-15 and other semi automatic weapons are not military grade, the military does not use them they have not been used in war.....

There is nothing in the gun debate that you get right.... not one single thing...

We went from 200 million guns in private hands in the 1990s and 4.7 million people carrying guns for self defense in close to 400-600 million guns in private hands and over 17 million people carrying guns for self defense in 2017...guess what happened...

-- gun murder down 49%

--gun crime down 75%

--violent crime down 72%

Gun Homicide Rate Down 49% Since 1993 Peak; Public Unaware

Compared with 1993, the peak of U.S. gun homicides, the firearm homicide rate was 49% lower in 2010, and there were fewer deaths, even though the nation’s population grew. The victimization rate for other violent crimes with a firearm—assaults, robberies and sex crimes—was 75% lower in 2011 than in 1993. Violent non-fatal crime victimization overall (with or without a firearm) also is down markedly (72%) over two decades.
We've had guns and responsible gun ownership for centuries in this nation, but what we have had as of late, is a more evil minded types of citizen amongst us. Now by whom or how has this happened is what no one wants to truly look at.

Mostly because we haven't had the number of guns or caliber of guns to this degree.

In 1950, we had one gun for every three people. Today we have more guns than people.


In 1950, most guns were simple hunting weapons. Today the gun industry pushes military grade weapons onto the market place and targets the most mentally unstable people to have them. Much like the Alcohol industry targets drunks, the gun industry targets people with serious mental issues who think a gun can compensate for them. And we act all surprised when these people act out?

If the Christian's are the most responsible citizen's in America today, and if they own gun's, are peaceful, and are at least 85% decent human beings then they are in the minority today. The types of characters, lifestyles, cultures, and people in which exist in these strategic groups today, are hell bent on destroying Christianity as it being a once great peacemaker within our society.

Um, nobody is trying to destroy "Christianity". Frankly, you guys have done a pretty good job of that on your own.

Hollywood has been highjacked years ago, and the pure propaganda trash it has been producing for decades now, and coupled with the destruction of the American family and once cherished family values, has left us vulnerable to this new more evil generation in which has since developed over time.

Nobody's ever been killed with a movie, slick, and if anything, Hollywood is more tame than it was 40 years ago. When was the last time you saw a really good sex scene in a mainstream movie?

And more and more Americans own and actually carry guns.....our crime rates have gone down, not up......... and the AR-15 and other semi automatic weapons are not military grade, the military does not use them they have not been used in war.....

There is nothing in the gun debate that you get right.... not one single thing...

We went from 200 million guns in private hands in the 1990s and 4.7 million people carrying guns for self defense in close to 400-600 million guns in private hands and over 17 million people carrying guns for self defense in 2017...guess what happened...

-- gun murder down 49%

--gun crime down 75%

--violent crime down 72%

Gun Homicide Rate Down 49% Since 1993 Peak; Public Unaware

Compared with 1993, the peak of U.S. gun homicides, the firearm homicide rate was 49% lower in 2010, and there were fewer deaths, even though the nation’s population grew. The victimization rate for other violent crimes with a firearm—assaults, robberies and sex crimes—was 75% lower in 2011 than in 1993. Violent non-fatal crime victimization overall (with or without a firearm) also is down markedly (72%) over two decades.
Yep, and so to try and prove all this wrong we have these instances of henious acts occurring in which try to shock the nations conscious into a reactionary mode based on emotions and knee jerk reactions instead of statistical data that tells the real truth in it all.

What we need worse than anything is to find out if these acts are tied specifically to a groups ideology that wants to remove guns from law abiding citizens instead of going after the criminals in society, and we need to use every tool in the tool box for doing so.

If these perpetrators can be linked back to any of these radicalized political groups who are preaching change for their own political desires and outcomes, then it must be that it is understood upon who the real culprits are in all of this being experienced in this country now.
We are Americans bitch. So we ain't losing anyone.
The dialect of the inner city ghetto who wasn’t raised properly. So rare to see one in the wild (of the internet). Their normal habitat is the crack house, back ally, and morgue.

Such a treat to actually see one. I woke up my children so they could see it. They were amazed. As young as they are, they immediately recognized the ignorance and improper grammar and identified it as “ghetto thug”.

I can talk whitebread too. But the ignorance and lack of proper training is reflected by the following comment.

"Our objection to illegals is not because of their non whiteness but because they are illegal. Keep it up though by injecting race into Every issue. You are losing Americans by doing so."

And anyone else with similar beliefs. So if you are teaching your children in this way you are raising another generation of ignorant inbred white children who grow up to be dumb ass adults calling themselves P@triot.
Teach them the truth. Democrats fought a war to keep their human trafficking alive and are hellbent on doing so again.
"The Republicans Used to Be for Black Supremacy and Secretly Still Are"

What a stupid meme. Whom are you Silver Spoons' sheep addressing this anachronism to? More proof that you are in the same fraternity as the other frauds, the Preppy Progressives, because they are the only people you think could possibly care about this absurd accusation. Republicans were always big on high tariffs; did the Democrats ever accuse them of being secretly Protectionist because of that after the Plute Party became Free Traders?
He was one of these Facebook stalkers and they convicted him of making this woman's life hell for two years, but gave him probation, no prison time. What a mistake.

There is no way to fix any of this unless we develop a society that has zero tolerance for crime. Anyone does bad things, they get promptly deported or executed. Don't bother with prisons except in the rare case of doubt about whodunnit. Quickly and permanently getting rid of the criminals would definitely solve the crime problem and clean up the sorry genetics putting out so many criminals, too.
Criminals Are Dominated by Subhuman Genes and Must Be Eliminated From the Gene Pool

We won't be safe until we understand that these "mistakes" are intentional. Liberal judges and politicians release these human viruses on us to put us in our place, and as talking points for grabbing our guns, which are the front line of personal security.
You must have one of those analog TV's and you sound like an idiot. Prove the government replaces my TV signal. I need you to describe the process. Be careful. I have a background that includes electronic communications.
Lol stupid, your digital signal can be replaced at wish by the government. They did it to me once calling an amber alert for a Toyota with a kidnapped child. They do it all the time, think you can be the first to prove me wrong

PS how many people at home watching TV are on the road with that toyota?

moronic but they do this krap

So you think an Amber alert proves the government takes over our tv signal and brainwashes us? Youre a bigger idiot than I thought.
Absolutely retard, it's called the emergency alert system. The government can replace every broadcast at once if needed.

How old r u anyway
So you believe the government brainwashes us by taking over our tv signal? Youre an idiot. The emergency alert system only does what it says. It only alerts us you retard.
No one mentioned brainwashing but you. Again if you are not aware that the government can break into any TV or radio signal, you are fairly ignorant
Big Brother Is Watching You Watch Him on TV

Everything you see on TV is brainwashing. So you're missing the point in order to cover up private-sector tyranny by only blaming the government.
Fellow conservatives please note this vile castigation. It differes greatly from the typical liberal emotional palaver and is a Core of their aberrant causes
The bolded part contains nothing inflammatory nor racially insensitive. In fact it states that color is not the issue and law is the issue
Liberals cannot permit such a factual statement to stand, it MUST be about race (emotion) and cannot possibly be about law(fact). In fact, future “white” children need to be pre dismissed as racist if they harbor and utter such factual statements

I don't care what you conservatives think. If this was not about race, you'd be talking about a northern border wall and visa overstays.
Don't see anything about race in this shooting. I could be wrong but I think he was white nut job.
Typically its always a white nut job. The difference being if he was Black it would reflect on all Blacks or if he was Mexican it would reflect on all Mexicans. Only when the shooters are white are they considered deranged.

No, I'm pretty sure black and brown skinned killers are considered deranged as well.
The difference is, no matter how deranged the black and brown killers are, the black and brown people will always justify the killings and make a victim of the killer. White people just say "hang the bastard".
The Only Color Preppy Progressives Identify With Is Blueblood

Those are exactly the ones Black Lives Matter focuses on, which proves that Black lives do not matter, never have mattered, never will matter, and never should matter. Our Africans are merely weapons that Whiteys Hating Whiteys shotgunned White people with. And that race treason started with the Republicans.
Thoughts and prayers
Did you have thoughts and prayers for the victims of the New Jersey night club shooting?

How many shootings ago was that one?

You know, in a very grim way, that is kinda funny. But what makes it sad, is that it is true that they have become so commonplace that people have troubles figuring out which one you're talking about.
Thoughts and prayers
Did you have thoughts and prayers for the victims of the New Jersey night club shooting?

How many shootings ago was that one?

You know, in a very grim way, that is kinda funny. But what makes it sad, is that it is true that they have become so commonplace that people have troubles figuring out which one you're talking about.
What's funny is the MSM narrative. They could care less about a released convict killing blacks in large numbers, as that would not fit their agenda

We have more than one mass shootings per day in the USA & growing. How many criminals were killed??? We have more killed in mass shootings alone, than criminals killed. Then 100,000 others are shot every year in the USA!!!
And more and more Americans own and actually carry guns.....our crime rates have gone down, not up

Um, no, we've been at about 30K gun deaths for decades.. nice try, though.

Our crime rates are obscene compared to other industrialized countries.. the cost of your fetish is still too high.

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