At least 71 shot, 9 fatally

And surrounding Chicago are areas that have few gun restrictions and peddle guns into Chicago.

And that is bullshit....

The Chicago Gun Myth | National Review

Lightfoot claims that 60 percent of the guns used in Chicago murders are bought from out of state. I assume she is relying on 2017’s suspect “gun trace report,” which looked at guns confiscated in criminal acts from 2013 and 2016. Even if we trusted the city’s data, most guns used in Illinois crimes are bought in-state. If gun laws in Illinois — which earns a grade of “A-“ from the pro-gun-control Gifford Law Center, tied for second highest in the country after New Jersey — are more effective than gun laws in Missouri, Wisconsin, or Indiana, why is it that FFL dealers in suburban Cook County are the origin point for a third of the crime guns recovered in Chicago, and home to “seven of the top ten source dealers”? According to the trace study, 11.2 percent of all crime guns recovered in Chicago could be tracked to just two gun shops.

The only reason, it seems, criminals take the drive to Indiana is because local gun shops are tapped out. There is a tremendous demand for weapons in Chicago. That’s not Mississippi’s fault. And Lightfoot’s contention only proves that criminals in her city can get their hands on guns rather easily, while most law-abiding citizens have no way to defend themselves.

Lightfoot may also be surprised to learn that California borders on states with liberal gun laws, such as Arizona, Nevada, and Oregon. Yet no big city in California has quite the murder and criminality of Chicago. New York borders on states with liberal gun laws, such as Vermont, Pennsylvania, and New Hampshire. Yet NYC’s murder rate is only fraction of Chicago’s. Texas gets an “F” from Gifford Law Center, yet Houston and Dallas have murder rates that are half of that in Chicago. The rates in Austin and El Paso are tiny when compared to Chicago.
And surrounding Chicago are areas that have few gun restrictions and peddle guns into Chicago.

The lie about Chicago getting guns from out of state....

This brings me to my favorite part.

The gun-grabbers will argue: Guns are shipped into these cities from places without tough gun control laws!

Okay, then shouldn’t these places where all the guns supposedly originate from be even more violent?

FACT: Gun control is a total failure at stopping gun crime.
FACT: Gun control encourages violent crime and criminals.

Nolte: If Gun Control Worked, Democrat-Run Cities Wouldn't Be War Zones
Just a RW talking Point.

What are these "Strict gun laws" as opposed to other top 20 populous cities?

No gun stores allowed in gun ranges allowed in Chicago.....add in the insane requirements for concealed carry......and now the bullshit assault weapon ban......
Goldwater was a Civil Rights hero…….you moron… actual Civil Rights hero that idiots like you have lied about for decades..

And some rhino Republican who apologized for something the party did not do is just stupid…..,

There was no Southern Strategy.

In tha New York interview, you moron, the author of the column actually stated that Kevin Phillips and his ideas were rejected by Nixon, you doofus….
Sorry, but you don’t write the alternative version of history kellyann.
It was Lyndon Johnson, not Barry Goldwater, who was the actual racist.....

LBJ’s Democratic Plantation › American Greatness
LBJ’s Democratic Plantation › American Greatness
there is a man who, according to a memo filed by FBI agent William Branigan, seems to have been in the Ku Klux Klan. This memo was only revealed in recent months, with the release of the JFK Files.

Lyndon Johnson opposed every civil rights proposal considered in his first 20 years as lawmaker

"He had been a congressman, beginning in 1937, for eleven years, and for eleven years he had voted against every civil rights bill –

against not only legislation aimed at ending the poll tax and segregation in the armed services but even against legislation aimed at ending lynching: a one hundred percent record," Caro wrote.

"Running for the Senate in 1948, he had assailed President" Harry "Truman’s entire civil rights program (‘an effort to set up a police state’)…Until 1957, in the Senate, as in the House, his record – by that time a twenty-year record – against civil rights had been consistent," Caro wrote.


The Party of Civil Rights | National Review

The Party of Civil Rights

The depth of Johnson’s prior opposition to civil-rights reform must be digested in some detail to be properly appreciated.

In the House, he did not represent a particularly segregationist constituency (it “made up for being less intensely segregationist than the rest of the South by being more intensely anti-Communist,” as the New York Times put it), but Johnson was practically antebellum in his views.

Never mind civil rights or voting rights: In Congress, Johnson had consistently and repeatedly voted against legislation to protect black Americans from lynching.

As a leader in the Senate, Johnson did his best to cripple the Civil Rights Act of 1957; not having votes sufficient to stop it, he managed to reduce it to an act of mere symbolism by excising the enforcement provisions before sending it to the desk of President Eisenhower.

Johnson’s Democratic colleague Strom Thurmond nonetheless went to the trouble of staging the longest filibuster in history up to that point, speaking for 24 hours in a futile attempt to block the bill. The reformers came back in 1960 with an act to remedy the deficiencies of the 1957 act, and Johnson’s Senate Democrats again staged a record-setting filibuster.

In both cases, the “master of the Senate” petitioned the northeastern Kennedy liberals to credit him for having seen to the law’s passage while at the same time boasting to southern Democrats that he had taken the teeth out of the legislation.

Johnson would later explain his thinking thus: “These Negroes, they’re getting pretty uppity these days, and that’s a problem for us, since they’ve got something now they never had before: the political pull to back up their uppityness. Now we’ve got to do something about this — we’ve got to give them a little something, just enough to quiet them down, not enough to make a difference.”

Read more at: The Party of Civil Rights

Thanks kellyann.
And that is bullshit....

The Chicago Gun Myth | National Review

Lightfoot claims that 60 percent of the guns used in Chicago murders are bought from out of state. I assume she is relying on 2017’s suspect “gun trace report,” which looked at guns confiscated in criminal acts from 2013 and 2016. Even if we trusted the city’s data, most guns used in Illinois crimes are bought in-state. If gun laws in Illinois — which earns a grade of “A-“ from the pro-gun-control Gifford Law Center, tied for second highest in the country after New Jersey — are more effective than gun laws in Missouri, Wisconsin, or Indiana, why is it that FFL dealers in suburban Cook County are the origin point for a third of the crime guns recovered in Chicago, and home to “seven of the top ten source dealers”? According to the trace study, 11.2 percent of all crime guns recovered in Chicago could be tracked to just two gun shops.

The only reason, it seems, criminals take the drive to Indiana is because local gun shops are tapped out. There is a tremendous demand for weapons in Chicago. That’s not Mississippi’s fault. And Lightfoot’s contention only proves that criminals in her city can get their hands on guns rather easily, while most law-abiding citizens have no way to defend themselves.

Lightfoot may also be surprised to learn that California borders on states with liberal gun laws, such as Arizona, Nevada, and Oregon. Yet no big city in California has quite the murder and criminality of Chicago. New York borders on states with liberal gun laws, such as Vermont, Pennsylvania, and New Hampshire. Yet NYC’s murder rate is only fraction of Chicago’s. Texas gets an “F” from Gifford Law Center, yet Houston and Dallas have murder rates that are half of that in Chicago. The rates in Austin and El Paso are tiny when compared to Chicago.
Simple enough solution.

If your gun shop sells a gun that is used in a crime in Chicago, then Chicago should be able to sue you for damages.

I betcha the gun shops will suddenly be really interested in who they are actually selling to.
Simple enough solution.

If your gun shop sells a gun that is used in a crime in Chicago, then Chicago should be able to sue you for damages.

I betcha the gun shops will suddenly be really interested in who they are actually selling to.

And if your car is used in a crime then your car company can be sued as well.......dittos for drunk dumb ass.
Simple enough solution.

If your gun shop sells a gun that is used in a crime in Chicago, then Chicago should be able to sue you for damages.

I betcha the gun shops will suddenly be really interested in who they are actually selling to.

Tell gun stores to stop selling guns to black women.....they are the individuals straw buying guns for their gang member boyfriends, sons, and grandsons......
And if your car is used in a crime then your car company can be sued as well.......dittos for drunk dumb ass.
If you get mind numbing drunk at a bar and drive the bartender can be sued.

Ditto for people who sell drugs to a person who ODs.
And if your car is used in a crime then your car company can be sued as well.......dittos for drunk dumb ass.

Cars aren't designed to kill people. Guns are.

As it stands right now, bars CAN be sued for drunk drivers killing people if the overserved someone they knew was too drunk to drive.

Of course, I have my solution to drunk driving: put a blow meter on every car that locks the ignition if you are over 0.8.
Tell gun stores to stop selling guns to black women.....they are the individuals straw buying guns for their gang member boyfriends, sons, and grandsons......

but that's the point, isn't it? The gun stores KNOW those girlfriends are buying for their old man who has two or three felonies. They do it anyway. They probably even show these ladies how to fill out the 4473.

Now, if you had REAL liability for the gun stores, they would conduct REAL background checks, and they would show real scrutiny.

U.S. Rep. Michael McCaul, R-Austin, said on the March 26 edition of Spectrum News’ “Capital Tonight”: “He’s a sociopath. He claims, ‘I’ve been a psychopath all my life.’ You know, 1 in 100 people are sociopaths. They have no remorse or conscience or guilt when they commit acts of murder like in this case. So he had no remorse.”

A sociopath, per Merriam-Webster, is someone who behaves in a dangerous or violent way toward other people and doesn’t feel guilty about such behavior.

Our ruling:

McCaul said 1 in 100 people are sociopaths.

Mental health experts steer clear of “sociopath” to characterize individuals who don’t show remorse, among antisocial qualities. Still, research suggests that about 1 percent of the population consists of psychopaths, though it’s important to clarify that such judgments are reached on a scale.

We rate this claim Mostly True.

I will admit that black single mothers have raised a lot of sociopaths. They kill each other and I'm pretty sure they wouldn't lose sleep over shooting a cracker.
Cars aren't designed to kill people. Guns are.

As it stands right now, bars CAN be sued for drunk drivers killing people if the overserved someone they knew was too drunk to drive.

Of course, I have my solution to drunk driving: put a blow meter on every car that locks the ignition if you are over 0.8.
Whites are clearly the most privileged citizens in America. We have all the money and power and connections because we founded this country. So 30% is way too much.

As of December 31, 2022, 31% of the US prison population was white,

What is wrong with whites? I understand growing up black in a ghetto. But where did these white prisoners come from?

1,230,100 prisoners in America. What's 30% of that 400,000? What is wrong with those 400,000 whites? Perhaps if we see why they did it, we will stop pointing fingers at why blacks in Chicago do it. I get why blacks in Chicago do it and get away with it. No one talks. Gangs. Don't trust the cops. Scared of retribution. Big city so who knows? It's a lot harder to catch someone in a big city.

So let's focus on the whites. The 400,000 whites. What's their excuse? Fatherlessness? Lack of economic opportunities? What we see is if you subject a white to the same circumstances blacks hve to deal with, you produce a wigger.
All I know is I watch all the murder shows and other than the First 48 hours, it seems to me white America has a problem too. I see lots of white murderers and rapists on these shows. My favorite is Signs of a Sociopath. Lots of white sociopaths and psychopaths in America.
This is true, however white crime isn't taken as a reflection of the entire white community. IOW blacks can't afford the level of crime they're experiencing if they are going to move up.
Whites are clearly the most privileged citizens in America. We have all the money and power and connections because we founded this country. So 30% is way too much.

As of December 31, 2022, 31% of the US prison population was white,

What is wrong with whites? I understand growing up black in a ghetto. But where did these white prisoners come from?

1,230,100 prisoners in America. What's 30% of that 400,000? What is wrong with those 400,000 whites? Perhaps if we see why they did it, we will stop pointing fingers at why blacks in Chicago do it. I get why blacks in Chicago do it and get away with it. No one talks. Gangs. Don't trust the cops. Scared of retribution. Big city so who knows? It's a lot harder to catch someone in a big city.

So let's focus on the whites. The 400,000 whites. What's their excuse? Fatherlessness? Lack of economic opportunities? What we see is if you subject a white to the same circumstances blacks hve to deal with, you produce a wigger.
I fully agree. However, the only way to understand it is to examine each and every case individually, no statistics, only data.
Whites are clearly the most privileged citizens in America. We have all the money and power and connections because we founded this country. So 30% is way too much.

As of December 31, 2022, 31% of the US prison population was white,

What is wrong with whites? I understand growing up black in a ghetto. But where did these white prisoners come from?

1,230,100 prisoners in America. What's 30% of that 400,000? What is wrong with those 400,000 whites? Perhaps if we see why they did it, we will stop pointing fingers at why blacks in Chicago do it. I get why blacks in Chicago do it and get away with it. No one talks. Gangs. Don't trust the cops. Scared of retribution. Big city so who knows? It's a lot harder to catch someone in a big city.

So let's focus on the whites. The 400,000 whites. What's their excuse? Fatherlessness? Lack of economic opportunities? What we see is if you subject a white to the same circumstances blacks hve to deal with, you produce a wigger.
Honestly, what we are seeing, especially in the rural areas, is a lack of opportunities for young white men. So they take drugs, they get into other illicit activities.

Of course, if our system was fair, more whites would be in prison. I had a brother who got into all sorts of trouble as a young man after our parents died. His excuse was "I was going through stuff." I was going through the same stuff and still managed to serve my country and get a college degree. Thankfully, due to family standing with him, he straightened out his life with no permanent blot on his record.

No sense of irony, today he's a right wing law and order type.
If you get mind numbing drunk at a bar and drive the bartender can be sued.

Ditto for people who sell drugs to a person who ODs.

They are talking about suing gun makers.........and a drunk at a bar is different from a customer at a gun store dumb fuck.

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