at least 9.5 million have gained coverage


Gold Member
Apr 5, 2009

Obamacare has led to health coverage for millions more people -

By Noam N. Levey March 30, 2014


As the law's initial enrollment period closes, at least 9.5 million previously uninsured people have gained coverage. Some have done so through marketplaces created by the law, some through other private insurance and others through Medicaid, which has expanded under the law in about half the states.


The millions of newly insured also create a politically important constituency that may complicate any future Republican repeal efforts.

Precise figures on national health coverage will not be available for months. But available data indicate:
• At least 6 million people have signed up for health coverage on the new marketplaces, about one-third of whom were previously uninsured.

• A February survey by consulting firm McKinsey & Co. found 27% of new enrollees were previously uninsured, but newer survey data from the nonprofit Rand Corp. and reports from marketplace officials in several states suggest that share increased in March.

• At least 4.5 million previously uninsured adults have signed up for state Medicaid programs, according to Rand's unpublished survey data, which were shared with The Times. That tracks with estimates from Avalere Health, a consulting firm that is closely following the law's implementation.

• An additional 3 million young adults have gained coverage in recent years through a provision of the law that enables dependent children to remain on their parents' health plans until they turn 26, according to national health insurance surveys from the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

• About 9 million people have bought health plans directly from insurers, instead of using the marketplaces, Rand found. The vast majority of these people were previously insured.

• Fewer than a million people who had health plans in 2013 are now uninsured because their plans were canceled for not meeting new standards set by the law, the Rand survey indicates.

Republican critics of the law have suggested that the cancellations last fall have led to a net reduction in coverage.

That is not supported by survey data or insurance companies, many of which report they have retained the vast majority of their 2013 customers by renewing old policies, which is permitted in about half the states, or by moving customers to new plans.



Obamacare has led to health coverage for millions more people -

By Noam N. Levey March 30, 2014


As the law's initial enrollment period closes, at least 9.5 million previously uninsured people have gained coverage. Some have done so through marketplaces created by the law, some through other private insurance and others through Medicaid, which has expanded under the law in about half the states.


The millions of newly insured also create a politically important constituency that may complicate any future Republican repeal efforts.

Precise figures on national health coverage will not be available for months. But available data indicate:
• At least 6 million people have signed up for health coverage on the new marketplaces, about one-third of whom were previously uninsured.

• A February survey by consulting firm McKinsey & Co. found 27% of new enrollees were previously uninsured, but newer survey data from the nonprofit Rand Corp. and reports from marketplace officials in several states suggest that share increased in March.

• At least 4.5 million previously uninsured adults have signed up for state Medicaid programs, according to Rand's unpublished survey data, which were shared with The Times. That tracks with estimates from Avalere Health, a consulting firm that is closely following the law's implementation.

• An additional 3 million young adults have gained coverage in recent years through a provision of the law that enables dependent children to remain on their parents' health plans until they turn 26, according to national health insurance surveys from the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

• About 9 million people have bought health plans directly from insurers, instead of using the marketplaces, Rand found. The vast majority of these people were previously insured.

• Fewer than a million people who had health plans in 2013 are now uninsured because their plans were canceled for not meeting new standards set by the law, the Rand survey indicates.

Republican critics of the law have suggested that the cancellations last fall have led to a net reduction in coverage.

That is not supported by survey data or insurance companies, many of which report they have retained the vast majority of their 2013 customers by renewing old policies, which is permitted in about half the states, or by moving customers to new plans.



Earlier today on local radio I heard there was a line stretching around the building where people could sign up in person for Obamacare. I figured there might be pictures of the line in Seattle - I didn't find any pictures of the Seattle lines but-----but I did find pictures from Jacksonville to Spokane to Newark to San Antonio to San Jose to.... IOW's all over the country, lines of people signing up for Obamacare.

The Revolution Will Not Be Televised - The Obamacare Photos the MSM Doesn't Want You to See

by Billionaires for Wealthcare

Mar 31, 2014

The corporate media doesn't want you to see these images of massive lines across the country of people signing up for Obamacare. They want to bury the inconvenient truth.

Whenever someone says the media is liberal, I laugh, because if the media was truly liberal these images would be plastered everywhere. Instead, the media is engaging in a blackout.


attribution: None Specified​

attribution: None Specified​

attribution: None Specified​

Columbia, South Carolina

attribution: None Specified​

Spokane, Washington


I wonder when we'll see these pictures on the TV?
Ya gotta love the LA times--they can't even match Obama's numbers of 6 million. They added another 3 million for him--LOL.

Of course they forget to mention the 6.5 million policies that were cancelled across this country due to the Obamacare mandates. It's estimated that if you add in spouses and children covered under these plans that Obama has added another 12 to 14 million to the uninsured in this country. This after Obama and democrats promised over 40 times that they could keep their policies and doctors if they liked them.

PURPOSE OF OBAMACARE: To insure the uninsured EFFECT OF OBAMACARE: Uninsuring the insured

Ya gotta love the LA times--they can't even match Obama's numbers of 6 million. They added another 3 million for him--LOL.

Of course they forget to mention the 6.5 million policies that were cancelled across this country due to the Obamacare mandates. It's estimated that if you add in spouses and children covered under these plans that Obama has added another 12 to 14 million to the uninsured in this country. This after Obama and democrats promised over 40 times that they could keep their policies and doctors if they liked them.

PURPOSE OF OBAMACARE: To insure the uninsured EFFECT OF OBAMACARE: Uninsuring the insured


The above opinion is unsubstantiated. Without probative evidence it borders on the ridiculous.
Ya gotta love the LA times--they can't even match Obama's numbers of 6 million. They added another 3 million for him--LOL.

Of course they forget to mention the 6.5 million policies that were cancelled across this country due to the Obamacare mandates. It's estimated that if you add in spouses and children covered under these plans that Obama has added another 12 to 14 million to the uninsured in this country. This after Obama and democrats promised over 40 times that they could keep their policies and doctors if they liked them.

PURPOSE OF OBAMACARE: To insure the uninsured EFFECT OF OBAMACARE: Uninsuring the insured


The above opinion is unsubstantiated. Without probative evidence it borders on the ridiculous.

You need to watch some recent Saturday Night Live shows--LOL. Even they have taken Obamacare to a new kind of funny. Especially over the youth not signing up for it.

What do you think Obamacare is? It's not just about everyone obtaining health insurance--it's about the IRS having direct access to your financial information. When you call any Obamacare exchange--the very FIRST thing a representative will ask you is what did you earn last year--what does it say on your return. That's all they care about--earned and investment income. Obama was going to hire 15K more IRS agents to help implement Obamacare--before Boehner stopped him.

Furthermore Obamacare--not only forces people to get medical insurance--your policy has to meet certain criteria to be acceptable to Obama, otherwise you will face the IRS.

Within the mandates of Obamacare--everyone--regardless of age, regardless if you've had your kids and want no more, regardless if you're single or married, and regardless if you're male or female--you are required to pay for coverage for (pre-natal maternity--drug and alcohol coverage.) There are no choices in coverage under Obamacare--this is forced buying of a product that millions don't want nor need.

It is the equivalent of you liking a Mac--me liking a Dell--and Obama jumps in there and says nope--you all are required to buy a Hewlett Packard computer.

I don't think you would stand for that, but with Obamacare--that is exactly what it is.
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What do you think Obamacare is? It's not just about everyone obtaining health insurance--it's about the IRS having direct access to your financial information.

It's the IRS - they've always had access to your income.


Obama was going to hire 15K more IRS agents to help implement Obamacare--before Boehner stopped him.

A lie. Obama never so much as suggested hiring more IRS agents.

Furthermore Obamacare--not only forces people to get medical insurance--your policy has to meet certain criteria to be acceptable to Obama, otherwise you will face the IRS.

Another lie. The insurance company has to give you a policy that actually covers your health issues. Several plans fell WAY short. The IRS won't come after you or anyone else.

Within the mandates of Obamacare--everyone--regardless of age, regardless if you've had your kids and want no more, regardless if you're single or married, and regardless if you're male or female--you are required to pay for coverage for (pre-natal maternity--drug and alcohol coverage.) There are no choices in coverage under Obamacare--this is forced buying of a product that millions don't want nor need.

Lying yet again. ALL policies ALWAYS included several types of coverage.

Look, it's like this: the ACA is a good idea. It's working. The wingnuts can't stand the thought of Obama having any successes in office, particularly after Dubya's epic fails, so they lie.

At first people might believe the lies, but as time goes on they see how things actually turn out.

Reality is the enemy of rightwing propaganda.

Of all the possible solutions to the problem of affordable health care you guys have fallen in love with the first one and the worst one possible.

And it will likely, if it becomes accepted, become the last one you will have any say in.

There are all kinds of other health care solutions imaginable which don't have ACA's downside.

But by going along with this we will NEVER see those other, better, options.

If you were a virgin and incredibly horny but you could only marry ONCE would you just give in to the first abusive drunk with a winning smile who came along or would you take your time and choose wisely?

Those who are jumping into bed legs gapped wide open will eventually wish they had taken their time and looked harder at this matter and better controlled their physical responses as well as their emotions.
What do you think Obamacare is? It's not just about everyone obtaining health insurance--it's about the IRS having direct access to your financial information.

It's the IRS - they've always had access to your income.


Obama was going to hire 15K more IRS agents to help implement Obamacare--before Boehner stopped him.

A lie. Obama never so much as suggested hiring more IRS agents.

Furthermore Obamacare--not only forces people to get medical insurance--your policy has to meet certain criteria to be acceptable to Obama, otherwise you will face the IRS.

Another lie. The insurance company has to give you a policy that actually covers your health issues. Several plans fell WAY short. The IRS won't come after you or anyone else.

Within the mandates of Obamacare--everyone--regardless of age, regardless if you've had your kids and want no more, regardless if you're single or married, and regardless if you're male or female--you are required to pay for coverage for (pre-natal maternity--drug and alcohol coverage.) There are no choices in coverage under Obamacare--this is forced buying of a product that millions don't want nor need.

Lying yet again. ALL policies ALWAYS included several types of coverage.

Look, it's like this: the ACA is a good idea. It's working. The wingnuts can't stand the thought of Obama having any successes in office, particularly after Dubya's epic fails, so they lie.

At first people might believe the lies, but as time goes on they see how things actually turn out.

Reality is the enemy of rightwing propaganda.

You are full of ignorance and emotions.

You want it to be so and you then look for reasons to support your emotional impulsiveness.

I'm thinking you will wind up becoming a very disillusioned old woman if you keep this up.
Useful trolls evidently can't use a thing called, search

instead pollute the board with the same crap 6 or 7 times

the op forgot to get with the ludnutty to find out this lie is already posted
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Ya gotta love the LA times--they can't even match Obama's numbers of 6 million. They added another 3 million for him--LOL.

Of course they forget to mention the 6.5 million policies that were cancelled across this country due to the Obamacare mandates. It's estimated that if you add in spouses and children covered under these plans that Obama has added another 12 to 14 million to the uninsured in this country. This after Obama and democrats promised over 40 times that they could keep their policies and doctors if they liked them.

PURPOSE OF OBAMACARE: To insure the uninsured EFFECT OF OBAMACARE: Uninsuring the insured
can't stand it when you're wrong ... ya need a silly cartoon to make up your loss of how many signed up for health care ... the new approval numbers has obama care at 9 million... now why would that be ??? could it be because the people who are using obama care at this time are happy as clams in sauce over it ... and you can't stand that Idea... could that be it???
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This is the second thread I have seen with these BS fantasy numbers.

and you keep believing it... cause you repub-LIE-cans live in a world of fantasy ... why you guys fantasize so much that you actually believe you will take control of the senate and keep the house in 2014 ... now that's what I call living in a fantasy world ...
What do you think Obamacare is? It's not just about everyone obtaining health insurance--it's about the IRS having direct access to your financial information.

It's the IRS - they've always had access to your income.


Obama was going to hire 15K more IRS agents to help implement Obamacare--before Boehner stopped him.

A lie. Obama never so much as suggested hiring more IRS agents.

Furthermore Obamacare--not only forces people to get medical insurance--your policy has to meet certain criteria to be acceptable to Obama, otherwise you will face the IRS.

Another lie. The insurance company has to give you a policy that actually covers your health issues. Several plans fell WAY short. The IRS won't come after you or anyone else.

Within the mandates of Obamacare--everyone--regardless of age, regardless if you've had your kids and want no more, regardless if you're single or married, and regardless if you're male or female--you are required to pay for coverage for (pre-natal maternity--drug and alcohol coverage.) There are no choices in coverage under Obamacare--this is forced buying of a product that millions don't want nor need.

Lying yet again. ALL policies ALWAYS included several types of coverage.

Look, it's like this: the ACA is a good idea. It's working. The wingnuts can't stand the thought of Obama having any successes in office, particularly after Dubya's epic fails, so they lie.

At first people might believe the lies, but as time goes on they see how things actually turn out.

Reality is the enemy of rightwing propaganda.

this person oreo says the most bizarre things ... the IRS will have direct access to your financial information ... if that's not clueless of how the government works I don't know what is... lets see your employer files w4 information of your income ... all your credit cards and creditors, file financial information to the IRAS and this clown is afraid of the IRS having direct access to your financial information...

This is the second thread I have seen with these BS fantasy numbers.

and you keep believing it... cause you repub-LIE-cans live in a world of fantasy ... why you guys fantasize so much that you actually believe you will take control of the senate and keep the house in 2014 ... now that's what I call living in a fantasy world ...

I suggest you get back on your meds. You are approaching truthmatters level of stupidity in your posts.
OMG! Because of ObamaCare, the IRS will access to my financial info?

Why didn't anyone tell us this before?


Useful trolls evidently can't use a thing called, search

instead pollute the board with the same crap 6 or 7 times

the op forgot to get with the ludnutty to find out this lie is already posted

why is it when we dem's/liberals post information that all the press is giving out to the country, making us a useful troll stephoney ??? could it be that stephoney is mad because not only did we dems/liberals meet our quota but we went over the amount that we want to meet ...Stephoney felt that OBAMA care would fail big time ... she prayed every morning that it would fail she didn't get her prayers answered ... what a shame stephoney that god and jesus ignored you ... if anyone here is a troll stephoney that would be little ole under the bridge troll you ...

stephoney if it had failed wouldn't this be you posting your 50th thread on how obama care missed it ???
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OMG! Because of ObamaCare, the IRS will access to my financial info?

Why didn't anyone tell us this before?


you didn't know ??? wow!!! who would of thunk it that the IRS would have direct access to your financial information ... amazing ... amazingly stupid I would say ...
What do you think Obamacare is? It's not just about everyone obtaining health insurance--it's about the IRS having direct access to your financial information.

It's the IRS - they've always had access to your income.


Obama was going to hire 15K more IRS agents to help implement Obamacare--before Boehner stopped him.

A lie. Obama never so much as suggested hiring more IRS agents.

Furthermore Obamacare--not only forces people to get medical insurance--your policy has to meet certain criteria to be acceptable to Obama, otherwise you will face the IRS.

Another lie. The insurance company has to give you a policy that actually covers your health issues. Several plans fell WAY short. The IRS won't come after you or anyone else.

Within the mandates of Obamacare--everyone--regardless of age, regardless if you've had your kids and want no more, regardless if you're single or married, and regardless if you're male or female--you are required to pay for coverage for (pre-natal maternity--drug and alcohol coverage.) There are no choices in coverage under Obamacare--this is forced buying of a product that millions don't want nor need.

Lying yet again. ALL policies ALWAYS included several types of coverage.

Look, it's like this: the ACA is a good idea. It's working. The wingnuts can't stand the thought of Obama having any successes in office, particularly after Dubya's epic fails, so they lie.

At first people might believe the lies, but as time goes on they see how things actually turn out.

Reality is the enemy of rightwing propaganda.

yesterday when the approval rating went up to 49% you could feel it in the force... republicans shaking in their shoes ... or was that Christie walking off the stage....
This is the second thread I have seen with these BS fantasy numbers.

and you keep believing it... cause you repub-LIE-cans live in a world of fantasy ... why you guys fantasize so much that you actually believe you will take control of the senate and keep the house in 2014 ... now that's what I call living in a fantasy world ...

I suggest you get back on your meds. You are approaching truthmatters level of stupidity in your posts.

translation=you can't stand the truth !!!!!

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