At least Bernie is honest.


Gold Member
Mar 4, 2015
the only nice thing I can say about Bernie sanders is that he is honest. He has actually said that the unemployment numbers are bogus which has been the most honest thing any of the politicians have said. I don't agree with anything else he has said but at least the guy is honest about what he believes unlike the current guy in office...what is his name...Odama...something like that. I've already forgotten him.

I wish more democrats would just be honest about what they believe because at least they do t have to go around and be something they are not.
Bernie Sanders is the ONLY -- I repeat, the ONLY -- candidate who has come out against the TPP secret trade deal, who has pointed out that the US is FAR behind all the other advanced nations in health care, infrastructure, wages, maternity leave, and sick leave.

Bernie's the ONLY candidate to point out the simple and cost-effective solution of making Medicare universal -- well, why not? The infrastructure is already in place -- it's already being used by the people who are most expensive in terms of medical care. Seniors, the disabled, the chronically ill -- these people who use 90% of our medical services are already ON Medicare. People with HIV/AIDS -- yeah, they're already covered, too.

So why NOT cover we the working people, healthy people, babies and children? We hardly use any medical care at all!

Bernie is the only candidate who really gets it. He knows what it's like to struggle to get by, and he knows how unhappy we are that government has been colluding with the wealthy to pollute our environment, sell our national lands and public assets, privatize our prisons and fill them with people who have unpaid traffic tickets, ship our jobs overseas, allow Wall Street to destabilize our economy and then take the money to shore up mega-banks out of OUR pockets, and keep us ignorant by allowing mega-monopolies to own all of our media.

He gets it. None of the others do.

If you're curious about Bernie's campaign issues, (or if you're just looking for material to debate), you can find out more at

He also writes a sort of newsletter whose articles cover a wider range of issues, concerns, and ideas, which he calls "Democracy Daily". It's at

Robert Reich, who was Secretary of Labor in the Clinton administration and is now Chancellor’s Professor of Public Policy at the University of California at Berkeley, is a big fan of Bernie Sanders. Bernie's political positions are very closely aligned with Reich's, but while Bernie is good at condensing the basic points in pithy statements, Reich explains the issues and political solutions to them in more depth, giving reasons why proposed solutions will or won't work.

Reich's web page has lots of videos for those who like that sort of thing. For those who prefer to read, he's written thirteen books, including the best sellers “Aftershock" and “The Work of Nations." His latest, "Beyond Outrage," is now out in paperback. His books are linked on his web page, or you can buy them at or your local bookstore.

-- Paravani
Sanders might be honest, but he's still batshit crazy.
Sanders might be honest, but he's still batshit crazy.
You're the bat shit crazy one, bernie is just another moderate social democrat, he'd fit in well with the right wing parties of many other countries.
Sanders might be honest, but he's still batshit crazy.

Why? Because he doesn't kiss the billionaires ass and bows over to give them huge tax breaks??? He cares more about the poor and pulling them upwards! Is this what makes him crazy in your mind.
Let the communist wannabes (aka socialists) have their dream and let us pretend that Bernie Sanders is the President on that fateful January day in 2017.

Within a few weeks he will issue executive orders to redistribute all the wealth of all Americans exactly equally.

Within his first term all the wealth redistributed by him would be back where it was prior to his presidency.

Blind luck and socialism will never replace brains and hard work.
Honest socialist/Democrat/progressive/communist is an oxymoron.
Debate actually works better if, instead of simply calling names, you raise an issue with which you disagree, and explain why you think Bernie's position on that issue is wrong.

Care to try it?

-- Paravani
That is all that the righties have, mostly, Is insults and character assassination.
They have a real trouble debating issues on this site.
Not all but most.

Debate actually works better if, instead of simply calling names, you raise an issue with which you disagree, and explain why you think Bernie's position on that issue is wrong.

Care to try it?

-- Paravani
Let the communist wannabes (aka socialists) have their dream and let us pretend that Bernie Sanders is the President on that fateful January day in 2017.

Within a few weeks he will issue executive orders to redistribute all the wealth of all Americans exactly equally.

Within his first term all the wealth redistributed by him would be back where it was prior to his presidency.

Blind luck and socialism will never replace brains and hard work.

First off, if you are confusing the term communist with democratic socialist you are ignorant to the definition of both terms.

Second, please cite where Bernie has ever said he would like to redistribute wealth "exactly equally" amongst everyone? He wants to increase taxes on the top percent of income earners in order to reinvest in the United states, something that is currently not happening in our era of titanic politics.

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