At least one group still happy to sign up for Obamacare


Gold Member
Jun 20, 2006
It seems like everybody under the sun is upset at the effects Obama care will have on them, from huge cost increases to loss of a favorite doctor or health plan to harsh penalties if they don't toe the line.

But finally, the news media has discovered one group that is happy to sign up.

Yes, I'm completely serious. And so are they.


LifeSiteNews Mobile | Nevada prostitutes praise Obamacare: law will force insurers to cover them regardless of risk

Nevada prostitutes praise Obamacare: law will force insurers to cover them regardless of risk

by Kirsten Andersen
Tue Dec 10, 2013 11:50 EST

MOUND HOUSE, NV, December 10, 2013 ( – Prostitutes at Nevada’s Moonlight Bunny Ranch brothel appear to be among the few remaining Americans still excited about Obamacare.

After the disastrous rollout of the president’s signature health care legislation, the law’s approval rating has dropped to a dismal 33 percent, and a new poll by Gallup showed that the more Americans learn about the plan, the less they like it.

But the women at Bunny Ranch told KRNV-TV that Obamacare is “truly a blessing” for prostitutes like them, because under the law they cannot be refused coverage, even though they put their health at risk every day by having sex with strangers.

Until now, insurers were reluctant to sell coverage to prostitutes because their job puts them at increased risk for costly, incurable and even life-threatening STDs.

But now, insurance companies cannot say no – and as long as a prostitute makes less than four times the federal poverty limit, she will be eligible for taxpayer-funded subsidies to help cover the cost of her premiums, which are likely to be high given her dangerous work.

“Having this profession, we aren’t exactly offered group health insurance,” prostitute Taylor Lee told KRNV-TV. “It’s hard because I do have a pre-existing condition [too much information? -LA] so I really support Obamacare. I’m excited.”
I get so tired of hearing all the arguments from the Obama Haters about how bad Obamacare is and how it is going to cost a fortune for premiums and how millions of people are going to lose their current coverage – - – and how folks will have to go to exchanges and buy “Real” insurance for a change – - – often at much lower cost than before – - – in spite of the lies being peddled by the Radical Right.

So if you want to get around the Right Wing spin on Obamacare, there is no resource better – - – in my opinion – - – than “The Horses’ Mouth” – - – which I have always considered to be a lot more dependable as a source of information than the “Horses’ Ass” which is where I have always believed most Rightie propaganda comes from.

And stop listening to the bullcrap lies from the obstructionist – - intransigent – - know-little – - know nothing – - deeb-warblers on the Kook Fringes of The Political Right.
Obamacare Is Working Much Better Now! | AMERICAN LIBERAL TIMES
I hate to see the Democrats lock up another Special Needs go with Blacks, Mexicans, Homos, Pinheads, the Mentally Ill, Muslims, and Government Unions...particularly since the Whores actually work for a living...and so were potential Jeffersonians.

But, the Congress is essentially controlled by Whores, and there is a Pimp in the White I should have seen it coming.

Also, thanks for the Original Post. This should be good...before it goes off to the Badlands.
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It seems like everybody under the sun is upset at the effects Obama care will have on them, from huge cost increases to loss of a favorite doctor or health plan to harsh penalties if they don't toe the line.

But finally, the news media has discovered one group that is happy to sign up.

Here are some more people who are happy!

Health Care Exchange Is Vastly Improved, Users Say

Stephanie Lincoln, 60, of Lansdowne, Pa., also had quick success with the exchange — after a frustrating experience trying to submit an application online in October and November. With the help of a navigator, Caroline Picher, working at the local library, Ms. Lincoln signed up in just one hour on Friday for a policy that will cost $113 a month, with no deductible.

“I am one of the people whose plans were canceled,” Ms. Lincoln said. “It was just the easiest thing in the world.”

One of the people whose plan was canceled you just mentioned. And now she's happy!

Medical worker finally gets insurance on Obamacare website

It took two months, weekly visits to the jammed-up federal website and a half-dozen phone calls, but JoAnn Smith finally got health insurance Monday. It'll only cost her $3.19 a month to cover herself and her husband.

"I just instantly burst into tears," she says.

Remember how many times I have said the issue ad writes itself? Here we have a woman who got health insurance, really cheap, and who had to overcome a deliberate GOP obstacle to get it:

Smith, a 60-year-old medical transcriptionist in Clearwater, Fla., must use the federal website to buy health insurance because Florida opted not to run its own.

The people are not going to forget who tried to stop them from getting insurance.
I hate to see the Democrats lock up another Special Needs go with Blacks, Mexicans, Homos, Pinheads, the Mentally Ill, Muslims, and Government Unions...particularly since the Whores actually work for a living...and so were potential Jeffersonians.

But, the Congress is essentially controlled by Whores, and there is a Pimp in the White I should have seen it coming.

Also, thanks for the Original Post. This should be good...before it goes off to the Badlands.

Oops, you forgot to add the Catholics who are in agreement with the pope....and you left off "women"......:lol::lol:
I get so tired of hearing all the arguments from the Obama Haters about how bad Obamacare is and how it is going to cost a fortune for premiums and how millions of people are going to lose their current coverage – - – and how folks will have to go to exchanges and buy “Real” insurance for a change – - – often at much lower cost than before – - – in spite of the lies being peddled by the Radical Right.

So if you want to get around the Right Wing spin on Obamacare, there is no resource better – - – in my opinion – - – than “The Horses’ Mouth” – - – which I have always considered to be a lot more dependable as a source of information than the “Horses’ Ass” which is where I have always believed most Rightie propaganda comes from.

And stop listening to the bullcrap lies from the obstructionist – - intransigent – - know-little – - know nothing – - deeb-warblers on the Kook Fringes of The Political Right.
Obamacare Is Working Much Better Now! | AMERICAN LIBERAL TIMES
Seriously you link the American Liberal times? Lol......
Does anyone know if the Bunny ranch is still Governmntt owned it used to be a good for those hooker's.
The fact remains that ACA ain't going anywhere but where it is now. Ever.

So let's work on reform and improvement, stop the whining because you reactionaries from the far right had your teeth (once again) shoved down your throat.
While the administration is searching high and low for happy Obamacare customers, the number of those suffering from sticker shock still far outnumber the ones who can actually afford health care. Many remain without after having their plans cancelled because they found high premiums and deductibles that were simply too much for their budget.

I still don't trust the security of the Obamacare website and several experts have spoken out. They all but deleted the security features to get the site up and working.
While the administration is searching high and low for happy Obamacare customers, the number of those suffering from sticker shock still far outnumber the ones who can actually afford health care. Many remain without after having their plans cancelled because they found high premiums and deductibles that were simply too much for their budget.

And that's BEFORE Obamacare starts cancelling insurance policies that employers get for their employees. Which is by far the vast majority of policies in the country.

If you thought the misery and complaints were bad in the last few months, just wait. You ain't seen nuthin yet.
If a crazy person says you aren't like them, that's a good thing.

The crazy person who started this topic believes the DHS and the Army are coming for us any day now to lock us up in FEMA camps.

So if the crazy person is insulting you, you are doing grrrrrreat! :lol:
The Happy people are off to Medicare or they get a huge subsidy paid for by the Middle Class and the Young People.

These Happy people are already Democrats.

Except the Whores. I hate to lose them. They believe in the Profit Incentive...which, combined with Jeffersonian Democracy, has made this Country the greatest society ever on this planet.

And the Whores have done their part in making this country what is it.

And, I want to apologize to Real Whores for a post above which compared them to the Whores in Washington.
The biggest thing with Obama care it attacks the middle class with more taxes. In the way of.higher premiums and higher deductables, It attacks the poor with only part time or no jobs available . It does nothing to the rich and I. always thought the Democrats are supposed to be for the poor and middle class??
I hate to see the Democrats lock up another Special Needs go with Blacks, Mexicans, Homos, Pinheads, the Mentally Ill, Muslims, and Government Unions...particularly since the Whores actually work for a living...and so were potential Jeffersonians.

But, the Congress is essentially controlled by Whores, and there is a Pimp in the White I should have seen it coming.

Also, thanks for the Original Post. This should be good...before it goes off to the Badlands.

Oops, you forgot to add the Catholics who are in agreement with the pope....and you left off "women"......:lol::lol:


In my personal experience, Women don't like being Lied to, and they are going to show it in the next election. Of course, I admit we have lost the Women who expect the Tax Payer to pay their 9 bucks a month for their birth control...they can go to Hell.

But, I do hate to lose the Whores.
While the administration is searching high and low for happy Obamacare customers, the number of those suffering from sticker shock still far outnumber the ones who can actually afford health care. Many remain without after having their plans cancelled because they found high premiums and deductibles that were simply too much for their budget.

I still don't trust the security of the Obamacare website and several experts have spoken out. They all but deleted the security features to get the site up and working.

well, the one happy woman found in the whole state of Florida was not looking at her deductible and co-pays or the reporter omitted that part of the "happiness" :D

well the price of "happiness" is above. I would assume the plan for the couple is the first one, which is an HMO silver plan and has deductible of 7.300$

and the plan clearly states that ALL office visits are free only after the deductible. ALL prescription drugs "free" - AFTER the deductible.
same is for INPATIENT and OUTPATIENT treatments.


of these idiots have 7.300 for their medical care - why do they need insurance?
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The biggest thing with Obama care it attacks the middle class with more taxes. In the way of.higher premiums and higher deductables, It attacks the poor with only part time or no jobs available . It does nothing to the rich and I. always thought the Democrats are supposed to be for the poor and middle class??


You are right.

It has no effect on the Rich as to their personal insurance. They'll still be going to the best hospitals and seeing the best doctors.

But it is a real hardship to the Middle Class and the Young People. And the hardship comes with concurring Insults: 1) It was sold to us on a Lie and and a Fraud by a man who is in a special fiduciary relationship with ALL the citizens; and 2) the Lie was told based on the belief that We the People, particularly the Young People, are simply too stupid to do anything other than believe the man because he's cool.

But, he's taking care of the Whores. You gotta give him that.
I get so tired of hearing all the arguments from the Obama Haters about how bad Obamacare is and how it is going to cost a fortune for premiums and how millions of people are going to lose their current coverage – - – and how folks will have to go to exchanges and buy “Real” insurance for a change – - – often at much lower cost than before – - – in spite of the lies being peddled by the Radical Right.

So if you want to get around the Right Wing spin on Obamacare, there is no resource better – - – in my opinion – - – than “The Horses’ Mouth” – - – which I have always considered to be a lot more dependable as a source of information than the “Horses’ Ass” which is where I have always believed most Rightie propaganda comes from.

And stop listening to the bullcrap lies from the obstructionist – - intransigent – - know-little – - know nothing – - deeb-warblers on the Kook Fringes of The Political Right.
Obamacare Is Working Much Better Now! | AMERICAN LIBERAL TIMES


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