At least one President gets it... Consulate Attack NOT about Film...

This was about the 11th Anniversary of the 11th not some Obscure Film that is FAR Less Offensive than Glenn Beck is on a Daily.

Liberals/DemocRATS who continue to Excuse the President's Lying on this Issue are some Shamefull people.


Im confident President Romney will agree that the attacks were not because of a video. He's essentially said as much. We just need to make him the President officially.
If the Libyan president knows so much why wasn't he protecting the embassy with security forces or whatever the hell they have over there (assuming they won't turn on the ambassador like some apparently did). It's a hornet's nest and if an embassy has to be armed to the hilt, it defeats the purpose of diplomacy and peaceful talks. Also, if someone inside the embassy jumped the gun and fired first, how would that look? Act of war is what the ME would say. I personally think we should pull out but it doesn't look like it will happen so far.
Im confident President Romney will agree that the attacks were not because of a video. He's essentially said as much. We just need to make him the President officially.

but then the Mormon Church will make us all Wear Magic Underwear. :thup:



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