At Least Six Pats Will Pass on Trump

After all, just look at his approval numbers

You guys and polls. :lol:

Those things win elections...
Lowest approval numbers for an incoming president in our history, and this is supposed to be his "honeymoon".

He's definitely not supported by the wetbacks, weirdos, bottom feeders or criminals...unfortunately the United States is jam-packed full of the aforementioned these days. He will govern and act on behalf of the higher grade, higher quality citizen. IMAGINE THAT!
Anyone who has pulled their head from deep in their own ass has figured out by now that Trump has no concern for what people think...his interest is in GETTING SHIT DONE....and MAKING SHIT HAPPEN. He won't be your guy to put your pacifier back in your mouth each time you spit it out.
He's got the worst of of us scared shitless that we may have to be better and do better...Government finally has an expectation of its citizens. If I felt like I couldn't fulfill an expectation I'd be scared shitless as well...hahaha. It's time to act and become legitimate people...that's all. Stop being so terrified of becoming a better society.
So our society has become one only for the elites

Just five days out from the Super Bowl, the number of New England Patriots who have declared their intention to skip the team’s celebratory visit to the White House has jumped to six. So much for the Patriots being Trump’s team.

The first two players to say they’d sit out the White House reception did so shortly after the win. And both tight end Martellus Bennett and safety Devin McCourty made it clear that Trump was the reason why. Asked if he was concerned about the response from Trump-supporting Patriots owner Robert Kraft, Bennett said he wasn’t “worried at all.”

The four players who have since joined Bennett and McCourty have given a range of reasons…

Then there’s Chris Long, the only white Patriots player to publicly announce his plans to skip the White House. The defensive end, who publicly spoke out in favor of 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick and his national-anthem protest earlier this year, wrote on Twitter that he’s “skipping” the visit…

At this rate, Tom Brady might have to go see his pal all alone.

At Least 6 Patriots Plan to Skip White House
They are foolish to pass on such an opportunity but to each their own.

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Just five days out from the Super Bowl, the number of New England Patriots who have declared their intention to skip the team’s celebratory visit to the White House has jumped to six. So much for the Patriots being Trump’s team.

The first two players to say they’d sit out the White House reception did so shortly after the win. And both tight end Martellus Bennett and safety Devin McCourty made it clear that Trump was the reason why. Asked if he was concerned about the response from Trump-supporting Patriots owner Robert Kraft, Bennett said he wasn’t “worried at all.”

The four players who have since joined Bennett and McCourty have given a range of reasons…

Then there’s Chris Long, the only white Patriots player to publicly announce his plans to skip the White House. The defensive end, who publicly spoke out in favor of 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick and his national-anthem protest earlier this year, wrote on Twitter that he’s “skipping” the visit…

At this rate, Tom Brady might have to go see his pal all alone.

At Least 6 Patriots Plan to Skip White House
It's about time we keep the liberal filth out of our White House.....
we all know how well this country ran during the Bush years, and most likely will be worse going forward. How was that Bush economy for you

To be fair, the Bush economy ran pretty well, until Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid took control of Congress. However, neither Bush nor Pelosi/Reid seemed to focus on what was best for Americans who were in distress. did not....and the election of 06 had nothing to do with the Great Recession....

LOL! I'm sure you're correct. It was just a coincidence.
Just five days out from the Super Bowl, the number of New England Patriots who have declared their intention to skip the team’s celebratory visit to the White House has jumped to six. So much for the Patriots being Trump’s team.

The first two players to say they’d sit out the White House reception did so shortly after the win. And both tight end Martellus Bennett and safety Devin McCourty made it clear that Trump was the reason why. Asked if he was concerned about the response from Trump-supporting Patriots owner Robert Kraft, Bennett said he wasn’t “worried at all.”

The four players who have since joined Bennett and McCourty have given a range of reasons…

Then there’s Chris Long, the only white Patriots player to publicly announce his plans to skip the White House. The defensive end, who publicly spoke out in favor of 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick and his national-anthem protest earlier this year, wrote on Twitter that he’s “skipping” the visit…

At this rate, Tom Brady might have to go see his pal all alone.

At Least 6 Patriots Plan to Skip White House
It's about time we keep the liberal filth out of our White House.....
we all know how well this country ran during the Bush years, and most likely will be worse going forward. How was that Bush economy for you

To be fair, the Bush economy ran pretty well, until Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid took control of Congress. However, neither Bush nor Pelosi/Reid seemed to focus on what was best for Americans who were in distress. did not....and the election of 06 had nothing to do with the Great Recession....

LOL! I'm sure you're correct. It was just a coincidence.
As it is becoming clear that you have no shame, why don't you tell me how the election of 06 and The Great Recession are CAUSALLY linked.....
Just five days out from the Super Bowl, the number of New England Patriots who have declared their intention to skip the team’s celebratory visit to the White House has jumped to six. So much for the Patriots being Trump’s team.

The first two players to say they’d sit out the White House reception did so shortly after the win. And both tight end Martellus Bennett and safety Devin McCourty made it clear that Trump was the reason why. Asked if he was concerned about the response from Trump-supporting Patriots owner Robert Kraft, Bennett said he wasn’t “worried at all.”

The four players who have since joined Bennett and McCourty have given a range of reasons…

Then there’s Chris Long, the only white Patriots player to publicly announce his plans to skip the White House. The defensive end, who publicly spoke out in favor of 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick and his national-anthem protest earlier this year, wrote on Twitter that he’s “skipping” the visit…

At this rate, Tom Brady might have to go see his pal all alone.

At Least 6 Patriots Plan to Skip White House
Only a liberal thinks 6 from a team of 52 is a rebuke.
Players refused to attend Obama's events before and the only difference is now the media is rooting for it to happen against Trump.

The one thing that escapes you is this is how Fascism works. A political party that tries to us thugs and key media figures to force the population into compliance with their ideology.
Thats not fascism, son. if you must use the word, its best to understand what it means

I know what it means. I'm not your son. I'm 60 years old.

Progressives and liberals are aligning with Islam. You can't get any more rightwing than Islam. Liberals have turned the definitions of society on it's head and are using the worst aspects of several ideologies. Nothing that could be defined clearly before can be used as a pattern. It begins with intimidation and it eventually becomes government policy.
Are we supposed to care that six black guys won't pollute the white house?
Chris Long is a white guy, dumb fuck.....
His father is Howey Long. I wonder what would happen to him if the left decided that Howey wasn't doing his job and needed to be replaced cuz his son went to the WH to see Trump. Anyway. Chris has been listening to all of the garbage in the media. He's a low-information voter who doesn't try to find out for himself what's going on.
Just five days out from the Super Bowl, the number of New England Patriots who have declared their intention to skip the team’s celebratory visit to the White House has jumped to six. So much for the Patriots being Trump’s team.

The first two players to say they’d sit out the White House reception did so shortly after the win. And both tight end Martellus Bennett and safety Devin McCourty made it clear that Trump was the reason why. Asked if he was concerned about the response from Trump-supporting Patriots owner Robert Kraft, Bennett said he wasn’t “worried at all.”

The four players who have since joined Bennett and McCourty have given a range of reasons…

Then there’s Chris Long, the only white Patriots player to publicly announce his plans to skip the White House. The defensive end, who publicly spoke out in favor of 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick and his national-anthem protest earlier this year, wrote on Twitter that he’s “skipping” the visit…

At this rate, Tom Brady might have to go see his pal all alone.

At Least 6 Patriots Plan to Skip White House
It's about time we keep the liberal filth out of our White House.....
we all know how well this country ran during the Bush years, and most likely will be worse going forward. How was that Bush economy for you

The Bush economy was great until the Democrats took the Congress for the last two years.
It's about time we keep the liberal filth out of our White House.....
we all know how well this country ran during the Bush years, and most likely will be worse going forward. How was that Bush economy for you

To be fair, the Bush economy ran pretty well, until Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid took control of Congress. However, neither Bush nor Pelosi/Reid seemed to focus on what was best for Americans who were in distress. did not....and the election of 06 had nothing to do with the Great Recession....

LOL! I'm sure you're correct. It was just a coincidence.
As it is becoming clear that you have no shame, why don't you tell me how the election of 06 and The Great Recession are CAUSALLY linked.....

Do your own homework. Look at the regulations imposed by Congress after the election. Or, remain an blind partisan who gets so caught up in your war on Republicans that you blind yourself to the actions of your allies.

True Progressives are not afraid of the truth. Bye, now.
Just five days out from the Super Bowl, the number of New England Patriots who have declared their intention to skip the team’s celebratory visit to the White House has jumped to six. So much for the Patriots being Trump’s team.

The first two players to say they’d sit out the White House reception did so shortly after the win. And both tight end Martellus Bennett and safety Devin McCourty made it clear that Trump was the reason why. Asked if he was concerned about the response from Trump-supporting Patriots owner Robert Kraft, Bennett said he wasn’t “worried at all.”

The four players who have since joined Bennett and McCourty have given a range of reasons…

Then there’s Chris Long, the only white Patriots player to publicly announce his plans to skip the White House. The defensive end, who publicly spoke out in favor of 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick and his national-anthem protest earlier this year, wrote on Twitter that he’s “skipping” the visit…

At this rate, Tom Brady might have to go see his pal all alone.

At Least 6 Patriots Plan to Skip White House

Do they think they'll be missed or something?
Coming from the repubs who missed bush for 8 years that is funny billy
Just five days out from the Super Bowl, the number of New England Patriots who have declared their intention to skip the team’s celebratory visit to the White House has jumped to six. So much for the Patriots being Trump’s team.

The first two players to say they’d sit out the White House reception did so shortly after the win. And both tight end Martellus Bennett and safety Devin McCourty made it clear that Trump was the reason why. Asked if he was concerned about the response from Trump-supporting Patriots owner Robert Kraft, Bennett said he wasn’t “worried at all.”

The four players who have since joined Bennett and McCourty have given a range of reasons…

Then there’s Chris Long, the only white Patriots player to publicly announce his plans to skip the White House. The defensive end, who publicly spoke out in favor of 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick and his national-anthem protest earlier this year, wrote on Twitter that he’s “skipping” the visit…

At this rate, Tom Brady might have to go see his pal all alone.

At Least 6 Patriots Plan to Skip White House
It's about time we keep the liberal filth out of our White House.....
we all know how well this country ran during the Bush years, and most likely will be worse going forward. How was that Bush economy for you

The Bush economy was great until the Democrats took the Congress for the last two years.
Alzheimers? Guess the dems started the war with Iraq too and gave us the largest recession ever? Repubs always have clean hands lol lol
... How was that Bush economy for you

For the majority of two terms it was pretty good, actually.
Its not what the score is in the middle of a game that counts, but the final score, and Bush failed miserably
Unk has no idea what he is blabbing about....

Scrub's first term was the worst of any POTUS since The Great Depression....

Presidents And Prosperity: The Underlying Data

Plug in the numbers for Scrub I and Scrub II......

Scrub I displaced Poppy at the bottom......then Scrub II came along to wrest that distinction from Scrub I....

Partisan propaganda aside, President Bush oversaw a strong economy for most of two terms despite historic shocks.
Have I mentioned that Save is an idiot?

How is "liberal media" in charge of the polls, Save?

Do you understand ANYTHING about statistical methods?

I understand that the customer pays and if they don't like the results, polls get rerun. Statistical methods obviously are flawed as Hillary lost an election your side thought was a lock according to polls. :)

Who is "the customer" for a WSJ/NBC, or Gallup poll?
Statistical methods obviously are flawed as Hillary lost

Stop right there, Save......You're an idiot.....

How did the election polls workout for you moron?
All that has to show up is Tom Brady and everything will be a success. If the butt hurt pink pussy hat wearing Moon Bats want to stay home then good riddance.
Liberals are the true heros of America. We will defeat conservatism and deliver America from the fascist tyranny of Donald Trump and his knuckle-dragging band of right-wing thugs.
Just five days out from the Super Bowl, the number of New England Patriots who have declared their intention to skip the team’s celebratory visit to the White House has jumped to six. So much for the Patriots being Trump’s team.

The first two players to say they’d sit out the White House reception did so shortly after the win. And both tight end Martellus Bennett and safety Devin McCourty made it clear that Trump was the reason why. Asked if he was concerned about the response from Trump-supporting Patriots owner Robert Kraft, Bennett said he wasn’t “worried at all.”

The four players who have since joined Bennett and McCourty have given a range of reasons…

Then there’s Chris Long, the only white Patriots player to publicly announce his plans to skip the White House. The defensive end, who publicly spoke out in favor of 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick and his national-anthem protest earlier this year, wrote on Twitter that he’s “skipping” the visit…

At this rate, Tom Brady might have to go see his pal all alone.

At Least 6 Patriots Plan to Skip White House
It's about time we keep the liberal filth out of our White House.....
we all know how well this country ran during the Bush years, and most likely will be worse going forward. How was that Bush economy for you

The Bush economy was great until the Democrats took the Congress for the last two years.
The Bush economy was great until he crashed it

Congress never passed any bills that would have caused the Great Bush Recession of 2008
Are we supposed to care that six black guys won't pollute the white house?
Chris Long is a white guy, dumb fuck.....
His father is Howey Long. I wonder what would happen to him if the left decided that Howey wasn't doing his job and needed to be replaced cuz his son went to the WH to see Trump. Anyway. Chris has been listening to all of the garbage in the media. He's a low-information voter who doesn't try to find out for himself what's going on.
What do you believe Chris Long has missed?

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