At Least there is one thing we ALL can agree on.

Democrats believed their own propaganda a lot more in 2016. They truly sound all in that they KNEW 100% they were right.

Well, I am not a Democrat, even though voting with them this time, but I am certain, trump will not remain President after the election. No normal people want his crooked, lying, anti-American, pro-Communist/dictator favoring administration to damage the country any further. Nobody really wants to remain NO. 1 Covid infected country on the planet, either, especially anyone over 55. The group most endangered by his lack of seriousness on the pandemic. I saw one of his sheep call it a hoax, right here on this board earlier today.

There are many millions of 'normal' Americans that will be voting for Donald Trump's re-election for very sane and rational reasons. Handing the Presidency to Pelosi, BLM, Bernie Sanders, AOC, Illin Omar and the rest of the Leftists controlling the Democratic Party will mark the end of America as we know it. Biden is nothing but a weak witless figurehead. That is a GREAT reason to vote for Donald Trump.

I suspect some people are just queer for chronic liars, that exchange love letters with our enemies, denigrates members of our military and Gold Star Families and will FK a snake if it wiggles it's tail and can be paid to keep quiet about it until after election day. They don't sound normal to me. Sounds like people that favor partisanship over country and lacking in values, themselves.

That's quite a case of Trump hatred you have there. That is interesting to me because otherwise I think we are quite similar in many regards. However your intense personal hatred of the man seems to have blinded you to the disastrous alternative that is puppet Joe and his Marxist/Socialist/Racist puppet masters.
For the 15th millions time, Hillary did beat him BUT

That hardly matters now except as a warning to those who have been watching him turn the US into his own private Petty Cash Fund to shit in.

Can we survive another four years? Probably, but frankly, I really don't want my taxes going to save RWNJs who will still be saying trump works for them.

I suggest that if the dummies want 4 more years of the orange idiot, we should force them to secede and then refuse them aid.
Democrats believed their own propaganda a lot more in 2016. They truly sound all in that they KNEW 100% they were right.

Well, I am not a Democrat, even though voting with them this time, but I am certain, trump will not remain President after the election. No normal people want his crooked, lying, anti-American, pro-Communist/dictator favoring administration to damage the country any further. Nobody really wants to remain NO. 1 Covid infected country on the planet, either, especially anyone over 55. The group most endangered by his lack of seriousness on the pandemic. I saw one of his sheep call it a hoax, right here on this board earlier today.

There are many millions of 'normal' Americans that will be voting for Donald Trump's re-election for very sane and rational reasons. Handing the Presidency to Pelosi, BLM, Bernie Sanders, AOC, Illin Omar and the rest of the Leftists controlling the Democratic Party will mark the end of America as we know it. Biden is nothing but a weak witless figurehead. That is a GREAT reason to vote for Donald Trump.

I suspect some people are just queer for chronic liars, that exchange love letters with our enemies, denigrates members of our military and Gold Star Families and will FK a snake if it wiggles it's tail and can be paid to keep quiet about it until after election day. They don't sound normal to me. Sounds like people that favor partisanship over country and lacking in values, themselves.

You mean like hiden biden? His record of lies is even more comprehensive than Trumps!

Yet dishonest you will vote for the senile old bastard.

Link please.
Thanks ever so much.
Democrats believed their own propaganda a lot more in 2016. They truly sound all in that they KNEW 100% they were right.

Well, I am not a Democrat, even though voting with them this time, but I am certain, trump will not remain President after the election. No normal people want his crooked, lying, anti-American, pro-Communist/dictator favoring administration to damage the country any further. Nobody really wants to remain NO. 1 Covid infected country on the planet, either, especially anyone over 55. The group most endangered by his lack of seriousness on the pandemic. I saw one of his sheep call it a hoax, right here on this board earlier today.

That man has been attacked from the beginning from every side. Most people would have wilted by now. He is much stronger then you give him credit for. He chews it up and spits it back out. When it comes to voters, Non Prog voters do not cast their ballots in lockstep for the same identical reasons like Progs do. Or Progs up till now. They seem to want to move even further left and there was a little resistance from their older Prog benefactors but we know that socialism is coming with them. As usual...Saul Alinsky lives with you. You will end up causing this nation to splinter into tribal regions. Even inside of states. There are people who will not live with an everything goes society if resources decline. And they will. Count your winnings, back off, and let all move on.
Democrats believed their own propaganda a lot more in 2016. They truly sound all in that they KNEW 100% they were right.

Well, I am not a Democrat, even though voting with them this time, but I am certain, trump will not remain President after the election. No normal people want his crooked, lying, anti-American, pro-Communist/dictator favoring administration to damage the country any further. Nobody really wants to remain NO. 1 Covid infected country on the planet, either, especially anyone over 55. The group most endangered by his lack of seriousness on the pandemic. I saw one of his sheep call it a hoax, right here on this board earlier today.

There are many millions of 'normal' Americans that will be voting for Donald Trump's re-election for very sane and rational reasons. Handing the Presidency to Pelosi, BLM, Bernie Sanders, AOC, Illin Omar and the rest of the Leftists controlling the Democratic Party will mark the end of America as we know it. Biden is nothing but a weak witless figurehead. That is a GREAT reason to vote for Donald Trump.

Still looking for the people that claim they are voting for Biden to tell me if Biden knows so much about what is good for the country why has he hidden it for almost fifty years. Still waiting for one of them to be straight forward and tell me how long it will be IF Biden wins before he is declared mentally in competent and Harris takes over. Got to love the fact that the only qualifications for VP was colored and female.
These crazy Democrats think every American wants the country to die.

OK, He has not been hiding what he knows for 50 years. That is why he kept being re-elected.
He will serve his entire term and there will not even be talk of removing him, unlike trump.
The only people contemplating the death of America are the idiots that still think Covid is a hoax and we are better off with a President that idolizes Communist dictators and wished he could emulate them. There, feel better, now that your wait is over?

Has not been hiding it? Name all his legislation that has made America a better place.
yeah he will serve what six months in real time in the real world.
I would feel better if you had actually answered truthfully. But that’s not something you can do.
I like the way everyone at the DNC touted Bidens platform. Got to love the way the hid behind the hate Trumpand don’t promise anything. I took special notice how they called out the violence on the streets, oh that’s right they didn’t say a damn word about it. The party of law and order my a**.
Any idiot that thinks the U.S. Would be better off with Bidum and Herras in office has to be a special kind ofdumb.

Look it up yourself. I did like his bi-partisan sponsored crime bill, but of course I have never been a criminal. How about you?

Yes the bill responsible for doubling minorities in prison.
I can believe you are not a criminal you would have been caught the first second you tried to be one.
His legislation has been almost nil.

Oh, you did not tell me the minorities convicted were innocent of committing crime. I might have looked at it differently. Were they mostly innocent or do you just object to them being in prison whether they were guilty or not?
You mean like hiden biden? His record of lies is even more comprehensive than Trumps!

Yet dishonest you will vote for the senile old bastard.

Link please.
Thanks ever so much.
For the 15th millions time, Hillary did beat him BUT

That hardly matters now except as a warning to those who have been watching him turn the US into his own private Petty Cash Fund to shit in.

Can we survive another four years? Probably, but frankly, I really don't want my taxes going to save RWNJs who will still be saying trump works for them.

I suggest that if the dummies want 4 more years of the orange idiot, we should force them to secede and then refuse them aid.

For the 15 millionth, she didn't. She lost the EC because she was contemptuous of the voters in Wisconsin and Michigan and ignored them.

She was an arrogant twat, and she lost because of it.
You mean like hiden biden? His record of lies is even more comprehensive than Trumps!

Yet dishonest you will vote for the senile old bastard.

Link please.
Thanks ever so much.

Just look up his first presidential run you moron!

And why it ended!
Democrats believed their own propaganda a lot more in 2016. They truly sound all in that they KNEW 100% they were right.

Well, I am not a Democrat, even though voting with them this time, but I am certain, trump will not remain President after the election. No normal people want his crooked, lying, anti-American, pro-Communist/dictator favoring administration to damage the country any further. Nobody really wants to remain NO. 1 Covid infected country on the planet, either, especially anyone over 55. The group most endangered by his lack of seriousness on the pandemic. I saw one of his sheep call it a hoax, right here on this board earlier today.

There are many millions of 'normal' Americans that will be voting for Donald Trump's re-election for very sane and rational reasons. Handing the Presidency to Pelosi, BLM, Bernie Sanders, AOC, Illin Omar and the rest of the Leftists controlling the Democratic Party will mark the end of America as we know it. Biden is nothing but a weak witless figurehead. That is a GREAT reason to vote for Donald Trump.

Still looking for the people that claim they are voting for Biden to tell me if Biden knows so much about what is good for the country why has he hidden it for almost fifty years. Still waiting for one of them to be straight forward and tell me how long it will be IF Biden wins before he is declared mentally in competent and Harris takes over. Got to love the fact that the only qualifications for VP was colored and female.
These crazy Democrats think every American wants the country to die.

OK, He has not been hiding what he knows for 50 years. That is why he kept being re-elected.
He will serve his entire term and there will not even be talk of removing him, unlike trump.
The only people contemplating the death of America are the idiots that still think Covid is a hoax and we are better off with a President that idolizes Communist dictators and wished he could emulate them. There, feel better, now that your wait is over?

Has not been hiding it? Name all his legislation that has made America a better place.
yeah he will serve what six months in real time in the real world.
I would feel better if you had actually answered truthfully. But that’s not something you can do.
I like the way everyone at the DNC touted Bidens platform. Got to love the way the hid behind the hate Trumpand don’t promise anything. I took special notice how they called out the violence on the streets, oh that’s right they didn’t say a damn word about it. The party of law and order my a**.
Any idiot that thinks the U.S. Would be better off with Bidum and Herras in office has to be a special kind ofdumb.

Look it up yourself. I did like his bi-partisan sponsored crime bill, but of course I have never been a criminal. How about you?

Yes the bill responsible for doubling minorities in prison.
I can believe you are not a criminal you would have been caught the first second you tried to be one.
His legislation has been almost nil.

Oh, you did not tell me the minorities convicted were innocent of committing crime. I might have looked at it differently. Were they mostly innocent or do you just object to them being in prison whether they were guilty or not?

Just goes with the guys racism. He voted to keep schools segregated. But then again he believes that you aren’t black if you don’t vote for him. Exactly what race do they become if they don’t vote for the demented one?
Democrats believed their own propaganda a lot more in 2016. They truly sound all in that they KNEW 100% they were right.

Well, I am not a Democrat, even though voting with them this time, but I am certain, trump will not remain President after the election. No normal people want his crooked, lying, anti-American, pro-Communist/dictator favoring administration to damage the country any further. Nobody really wants to remain NO. 1 Covid infected country on the planet, either, especially anyone over 55. The group most endangered by his lack of seriousness on the pandemic. I saw one of his sheep call it a hoax, right here on this board earlier today.

There are many millions of 'normal' Americans that will be voting for Donald Trump's re-election for very sane and rational reasons. Handing the Presidency to Pelosi, BLM, Bernie Sanders, AOC, Illin Omar and the rest of the Leftists controlling the Democratic Party will mark the end of America as we know it. Biden is nothing but a weak witless figurehead. That is a GREAT reason to vote for Donald Trump.

Still looking for the people that claim they are voting for Biden to tell me if Biden knows so much about what is good for the country why has he hidden it for almost fifty years. Still waiting for one of them to be straight forward and tell me how long it will be IF Biden wins before he is declared mentally in competent and Harris takes over. Got to love the fact that the only qualifications for VP was colored and female.
These crazy Democrats think every American wants the country to die.

OK, He has not been hiding what he knows for 50 years. That is why he kept being re-elected.
He will serve his entire term and there will not even be talk of removing him, unlike trump.
The only people contemplating the death of America are the idiots that still think Covid is a hoax and we are better off with a President that idolizes Communist dictators and wished he could emulate them. There, feel better, now that your wait is over?

Has not been hiding it? Name all his legislation that has made America a better place.
yeah he will serve what six months in real time in the real world.
I would feel better if you had actually answered truthfully. But that’s not something you can do.
I like the way everyone at the DNC touted Bidens platform. Got to love the way the hid behind the hate Trumpand don’t promise anything. I took special notice how they called out the violence on the streets, oh that’s right they didn’t say a damn word about it. The party of law and order my a**.
Any idiot that thinks the U.S. Would be better off with Bidum and Herras in office has to be a special kind ofdumb.

Look it up yourself. I did like his bi-partisan sponsored crime bill, but of course I have never been a criminal. How about you?

Yes the bill responsible for doubling minorities in prison.
I can believe you are not a criminal you would have been caught the first second you tried to be one.
His legislation has been almost nil.

Oh, you did not tell me the minorities convicted were innocent of committing crime. I might have looked at it differently. Were they mostly innocent or do you just object to them being in prison whether they were guilty or not?

Just goes with the guys racism. He voted to keep schools segregated. But then again he believes that you aren’t black if you don’t vote for him. Exactly what race do they become if they don’t vote for the demented one?

Don't vote for him and find out. If you go through some weird transformation thing, please let us know. Though, I've seen your avatar and if that's you, you ain't looking to good already and might be an improvement. :)
Democrats believed their own propaganda a lot more in 2016. They truly sound all in that they KNEW 100% they were right.

Well, I am not a Democrat, even though voting with them this time, but I am certain, trump will not remain President after the election. No normal people want his crooked, lying, anti-American, pro-Communist/dictator favoring administration to damage the country any further. Nobody really wants to remain NO. 1 Covid infected country on the planet, either, especially anyone over 55. The group most endangered by his lack of seriousness on the pandemic. I saw one of his sheep call it a hoax, right here on this board earlier today.

There are many millions of 'normal' Americans that will be voting for Donald Trump's re-election for very sane and rational reasons. Handing the Presidency to Pelosi, BLM, Bernie Sanders, AOC, Illin Omar and the rest of the Leftists controlling the Democratic Party will mark the end of America as we know it. Biden is nothing but a weak witless figurehead. That is a GREAT reason to vote for Donald Trump.

Still looking for the people that claim they are voting for Biden to tell me if Biden knows so much about what is good for the country why has he hidden it for almost fifty years. Still waiting for one of them to be straight forward and tell me how long it will be IF Biden wins before he is declared mentally in competent and Harris takes over. Got to love the fact that the only qualifications for VP was colored and female.
These crazy Democrats think every American wants the country to die.

OK, He has not been hiding what he knows for 50 years. That is why he kept being re-elected.
He will serve his entire term and there will not even be talk of removing him, unlike trump.
The only people contemplating the death of America are the idiots that still think Covid is a hoax and we are better off with a President that idolizes Communist dictators and wished he could emulate them. There, feel better, now that your wait is over?

Has not been hiding it? Name all his legislation that has made America a better place.
yeah he will serve what six months in real time in the real world.
I would feel better if you had actually answered truthfully. But that’s not something you can do.
I like the way everyone at the DNC touted Bidens platform. Got to love the way the hid behind the hate Trumpand don’t promise anything. I took special notice how they called out the violence on the streets, oh that’s right they didn’t say a damn word about it. The party of law and order my a**.
Any idiot that thinks the U.S. Would be better off with Bidum and Herras in office has to be a special kind ofdumb.

Look it up yourself. I did like his bi-partisan sponsored crime bill, but of course I have never been a criminal. How about you?

Yes the bill responsible for doubling minorities in prison.
I can believe you are not a criminal you would have been caught the first second you tried to be one.
His legislation has been almost nil.

Oh, you did not tell me the minorities convicted were innocent of committing crime. I might have looked at it differently. Were they mostly innocent or do you just object to them being in prison whether they were guilty or not?

Just goes with the guys racism. He voted to keep schools segregated. But then again he believes that you aren’t black if you don’t vote for him. Exactly what race do they become if they don’t vote for the demented one?

Don't vote for him and find out. If you go through some weird transformation thing, please let us know. Though, I've seen your avatar and if that's you, you ain't looking to good already and might be an improvement. :)

Lol you really are a demented little child aren’t you
Democrats believed their own propaganda a lot more in 2016. They truly sound all in that they KNEW 100% they were right.

Well, I am not a Democrat, even though voting with them this time, but I am certain, trump will not remain President after the election. No normal people want his crooked, lying, anti-American, pro-Communist/dictator favoring administration to damage the country any further. Nobody really wants to remain NO. 1 Covid infected country on the planet, either, especially anyone over 55. The group most endangered by his lack of seriousness on the pandemic. I saw one of his sheep call it a hoax, right here on this board earlier today.

Clearly, your Trump Derangement Syndrome has you confusing Trump with the Democrats....who are the pro-Communist party.
Democrats believed their own propaganda a lot more in 2016. They truly sound all in that they KNEW 100% they were right.

Well, I am not a Democrat, even though voting with them this time, but I am certain, trump will not remain President after the election. No normal people want his crooked, lying, anti-American, pro-Communist/dictator favoring administration to damage the country any further. Nobody really wants to remain NO. 1 Covid infected country on the planet, either, especially anyone over 55. The group most endangered by his lack of seriousness on the pandemic. I saw one of his sheep call it a hoax, right here on this board earlier today.

Clearly, your Trump Derangement Syndrome has you confusing Trump with the Democrats....who are the pro-Communist party.

Who writes love letter to Lil Kim (possible in coma now) and praised the actions of the Communist Chinese 15 times on how they handled the corona-virus outbreak in their country? Who negotiated a new trade deal, that China is only living up to between 40 and 50% of it import commitments, unless you count agricultural, which it is only living up to between 33 and 39%? Not talking about how they are living up to his trade deal these days, is he? That is trump and his administration, or don't you keep up? No derangement. I just believe in calling an ace and ace and a spade a spade.
Oh, yeah, do you really think anybody that is not a died in the wool trump believes in your guys little tds montra? Grow up to the land of adult thinking. You've been left behind and didn't even know it.
Last edited:
Democrats believed their own propaganda a lot more in 2016. They truly sound all in that they KNEW 100% they were right.

Well, I am not a Democrat, even though voting with them this time, but I am certain, trump will not remain President after the election. No normal people want his crooked, lying, anti-American, pro-Communist/dictator favoring administration to damage the country any further. Nobody really wants to remain NO. 1 Covid infected country on the planet, either, especially anyone over 55. The group most endangered by his lack of seriousness on the pandemic. I saw one of his sheep call it a hoax, right here on this board earlier today.

You'd sound less like a Trump Derangement Syndrome DUMBOcrat, if you added "take it to the bank" at the end, like YOUR Nancy Pelosi did in 2016. And no one blames you for wanting to admit you're a clueless Democrat, snowflake White 6.

Now keep telling yourself that you're not a COMMIEcrat, who supports Quid Pro Joe, and he'll get you a job at that PRO-RUSSIAN oil company Burisma. You do sound like you've smoked as much crack as Hunter Biden did!
Democrats believed their own propaganda a lot more in 2016. They truly sound all in that they KNEW 100% they were right.

Well, I am not a Democrat, even though voting with them this time, but I am certain, trump will not remain President after the election. No normal people want his crooked, lying, anti-American, pro-Communist/dictator favoring administration to damage the country any further. Nobody really wants to remain NO. 1 Covid infected country on the planet, either, especially anyone over 55. The group most endangered by his lack of seriousness on the pandemic. I saw one of his sheep call it a hoax, right here on this board earlier today.

Hey COMMIEcrat White 6... the 1980s called and asked if you became as FLEXIBLE as Obama did for Putin, after the election.....
Did you get in as many anal stretches as Putin's first LADY, Barack did?
Democrats believed their own propaganda a lot more in 2016. They truly sound all in that they KNEW 100% they were right.

Well, I am not a Democrat, e, but I am certain, trump will not remain President after the election. No normal people want his crooked, lying, anti-American, pro-Communist/dictator favoring administration to damage the country any further. Nobody really wants to remain NO. 1 Covid infected country on the planet, either, especially anyone over 55. The group most endangered by his lack of seriousness on the pandemic. I saw one of his sheep call it a hoax, right here on this board earlier today.

Well, I am American,, but I am certain, Biden will not be President after the election. No normal people want his crooked, lying, anti-American, pro-Communist/dictator favoring administration to damage the country any further. Nobody really wants to remain NO. 1 Covid infected country on the planet, either, especially anyone over 55. The group most endangered by his lack of seriousness on the pandemic. I saw one of his sheep call it a hoax, right here on this board earlier today.

Democrats believed their own propaganda a lot more in 2016. They truly sound all in that they KNEW 100% they were right.

Well, I am not a Democrat, even though voting with them this time, but I am certain, trump will not remain President after the election. No normal people want his crooked, lying, anti-American, pro-Communist/dictator favoring administration to damage the country any further. Nobody really wants to remain NO. 1 Covid infected country on the planet, either, especially anyone over 55. The group most endangered by his lack of seriousness on the pandemic. I saw one of his sheep call it a hoax, right here on this board earlier today.

If you want to push your Democrat Propaganda for "XENPHOBIC" Quid Pro Joe Biden on the Wuhan virus, you'll need to offer some of that Bank of China money they gave Hunter Biden, Comrade White 6.
And then add that anyone who supported Trumps travel BAN from China your master, are OVERREACTING and HYSTRICAL XENOPHOBIC.... Then try whining the RACE CARD, like a good COMMIEcrat.


Does this LOSERcrat actually think his propaganda works outside of his ANTIFAcrat meetings?
Democrats believed their own propaganda a lot more in 2016. They truly sound all in that they KNEW 100% they were right.

Well, I am not a Democrat, even though voting with them this time, but I am certain, trump will not remain President after the election. No normal people want his crooked, lying, anti-American, pro-Communist/dictator favoring administration to damage the country any further. Nobody really wants to remain NO. 1 Covid infected country on the planet, either, especially anyone over 55. The group most endangered by his lack of seriousness on the pandemic. I saw one of his sheep call it a hoax, right here on this board earlier today.

There are many millions of 'normal' Americans that will be voting for Donald Trump's re-election for very sane and rational reasons. Handing the Presidency to Pelosi, BLM, Bernie Sanders, AOC, Illin Omar and the rest of the Leftists controlling the Democratic Party will mark the end of America as we know it. Biden is nothing but a weak witless figurehead. That is a GREAT reason to vote for Donald Trump.

I suspect some people are just queer for chronic liars, that exchange love letters with our enemies, denigrates members of our military and Gold Star Families and will FK a snake if it wiggles it's tail and can be paid to keep quiet about it until after election day. They don't sound normal to me. Sounds like people that favor partisanship over country and lacking in values, themselves.

Some Flamercrat you are. You'll lose your PINKO DNC card if you keep typing queer.
Call it Male Democrat "MARRIAGE" or your fellow queens won't know what you're talking about, snowflake White 6. And your "HUSBAND" might leave you!

Democrats believed their own propaganda a lot more in 2016. They truly sound all in that they KNEW 100% they were right.

Well, I am not a Democrat, even though voting with them this time, but I am certain, trump will not remain President after the election. No normal people want his crooked, lying, anti-American, pro-Communist/dictator favoring administration to damage the country any further. Nobody really wants to remain NO. 1 Covid infected country on the planet, either, especially anyone over 55. The group most endangered by his lack of seriousness on the pandemic. I saw one of his sheep call it a hoax, right here on this board earlier today.

Clearly, your Trump Derangement Syndrome has you confusing Trump with the Democrats....who are the pro-Communist party.

Who writes love letter to Lil Kim (possible in coma now) and praised the actions of the Communist Chinese 15 times on how they handled the corona-virus outbreak in their country? Who negotiated a new trade deal, that China is only living up to between 40 and 50% of it import commitments, unless you count agricultural, which it is only living up to between 33 and 39%? Not talking about how they are living up to his trade deal these days, is he? That is trump and his administration, or don't you keep up? No derangement. I just believe in calling an ace and ace and a spade a spade.
Oh, yeah, do you really think anybody that is not a died in the wool trump believes in your guys little tds montra? Grow up to the land of adult thinking. You've been left behind and didn't even know it.

"Whaaaa! Trump is trying to force my beloved China Masters into a trade deal, where we can't screw over America, and keep violating your EMPIRICAL copywrites, and steal your designs! WHAAAA! CAPITALISTS!" - Comrade White 6 the Commiecrat

And it's YOU Democrats and your media who bought all the propaganda China and their puppet the W.H.O. was selling, including "NO HUMN-HUMAN TRANSMISSION", and "Masks will increase your chances of getting the virus", to cover up your China masters HOARDING of PPE when they were spreading LIE #1.
Democrats believed their own propaganda a lot more in 2016. They truly sound all in that they KNEW 100% they were right.

Well, I am not a Democrat, even though voting with them this time, but I am certain, trump will not remain President after the election. No normal people want his crooked, lying, anti-American, pro-Communist/dictator favoring administration to damage the country any further. Nobody really wants to remain NO. 1 Covid infected country on the planet, either, especially anyone over 55. The group most endangered by his lack of seriousness on the pandemic. I saw one of his sheep call it a hoax, right here on this board earlier today.

There are many millions of 'normal' Americans that will be voting for Donald Trump's re-election for very sane and rational reasons. Handing the Presidency to Pelosi, BLM, Bernie Sanders, AOC, Illin Omar and the rest of the Leftists controlling the Democratic Party will mark the end of America as we know it. Biden is nothing but a weak witless figurehead. That is a GREAT reason to vote for Donald Trump.

Still looking for the people that claim they are voting for Biden to tell me if Biden knows so much about what is good for the country why has he hidden it for almost fifty years. Still waiting for one of them to be straight forward and tell me how long it will be IF Biden wins before he is declared mentally in competent and Harris takes over. Got to love the fact that the only qualifications for VP was colored and female.
These crazy Democrats think every American wants the country to die.

OK, He has not been hiding what he knows for 50 years. That is why he kept being re-elected.
He will serve his entire term and there will not even be talk of removing him, unlike trump.
The only people contemplating the death of America are the idiots that still think Covid is a hoax and we are better off with a President that idolizes Communist dictators and wished he could emulate them. There, feel better, now that your wait is over?

Has not been hiding it? Name all his legislation that has made America a better place.
yeah he will serve what six months in real time in the real world.
I would feel better if you had actually answered truthfully. But that’s not something you can do.
I like the way everyone at the DNC touted Bidens platform. Got to love the way the hid behind the hate Trumpand don’t promise anything. I took special notice how they called out the violence on the streets, oh that’s right they didn’t say a damn word about it. The party of law and order my a**.
Any idiot that thinks the U.S. Would be better off with Bidum and Herras in office has to be a special kind ofdumb.

Look it up yourself. I did like his bi-partisan sponsored crime bill, but of course I have never been a criminal. How about you?
Noticed you gave me a thumbs down when I said guess we don't agree. Surprised you bothered. A thread on this board that starts with
"At Least there is one thing we ALL can agree on."
is guaranteed to be wrong and you know it.

So a snowflake with TDS, who is ASHAMED to admit he's a COMMIEcrat, but pushes their propaganda, is the only person who disagrees with ALL NORMAL Americans, and feels Dumbocrats didn't actually believe their own BS about "TRUMP WILL NEVER BE PRESIDENT", as much as the tards do now?

So you're saying CLUELESS CLOONY was just a bad ACTOR? BAHAHAHAAAA

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