At least three WHO COVID-19 investigators linked with Chinese-institutions


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
China is running the world, murdering and pillaging while laughing in the faces of the Wests "leaders". This is insulting to the nth degree.

The impartiality of the WHO's report into the origins of COVID-19 has been called into question after revelations three lead investigators have had previous involvements with Chinese-linked institutions, according to Sky's Sharri Markson.

The World Health Organisation’s (WHO) wrapped up its investigation into the origins of the disease last week after spending 28 days on the ground in Wuhan, China.

Earlier this month, the WHO-led mission in China said it was not looking further into the question of whether the virus escaped from a lab, which it considered highly unlikely.

The investigation also did not rule out the Chinese-propagated argument that the virus started elsewhere and entered Wuhan via frozen imported food products.

On Friday, director general Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said a summary of their findings would be published next week and the US has said it wants to review the data.

Ms Markson said it is critical the public has confidence in the investigation into origins of the disease that has killed over two million people worldwide.

However, three of the lead investigators, Dr Peter Ben Embarek Peter Daszak and Doctor Marion Koopmans have links to the Chinese government.

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