At New America Foundation, Max Blumenthal warns Israeli policy is to ‘finish 48


Sep 6, 2013
Max Blumenthal at New America Foundation on Israeli polices to 'finish 48'


“We hear this cry,” said journalist Max Blumenthal at a much anticipated lecture for Goliath: Life and Loathing in Greater Israel at the New America Foundation (NAF) Wednesday afternoon. “Finish 48.” Blumenthal said the Israeli policy of home demolitions and evictions, that Palestinians often call the “on-going Nakba,” is part of a process that began in 1948 that Israel’s rightists want to finish today.

This cry, Blumenthal tells us, is from the World Zionist Organization as they court Jews to move into the predominately Arab regions of the Galilee and the Negev for the stated purposed of “balancing” demographics.

“We hear the calls to finish 48” from the Prawer Plan, where the Israeli government will evict 30,000 Bedouins from their villages—leaving them homeless and without a resettlement option. When foreign minister Avidgor Lieberman campaigned for Likud in 2009 under the header “No Loyalty, No Citizenship,” this was a call to “finish 48.”

Ouch. Blementhal doesn't hold back, I will read his book "Goliath...".
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Some 60,000 out over half a million are being moves just a few miles to developments with infrastructure and schools.
Land being developed are within '49 boundaries.
Then let the Bedouins make the choice to move on their own.

Israel is forcing them onto reservations much like what the US did to the native americans.

And yes, we also built them infrastructure and schools.
Max Blumenthal at New America Foundation on Israeli polices to 'finish 48'


“We hear this cry,” said journalist Max Blumenthal at a much anticipated lecture for Goliath: Life and Loathing in Greater Israel at the New America Foundation (NAF) Wednesday afternoon. “Finish 48.” Blumenthal said the Israeli policy of home demolitions and evictions, that Palestinians often call the “on-going Nakba,” is part of a process that began in 1948 that Israel’s rightists want to finish today.

This cry, Blumenthal tells us, is from the World Zionist Organization as they court Jews to move into the predominately Arab regions of the Galilee and the Negev for the stated purposed of “balancing” demographics.

“We hear the calls to finish 48” from the Prawer Plan, where the Israeli government will evict 30,000 Bedouins from their villages—leaving them homeless and without a resettlement option. When foreign minister Avidgor Lieberman campaigned for Likud in 2009 under the header “No Loyalty, No Citizenship,” this was a call to “finish 48.”

Ouch. Blementhal doesn't hold back, I will read his book "Goliath...".
I'm thinking the same thing.
Maybe an ebook edition to make it easier to share Max's research with non-believers?

The following transcript is from Democracy Now! with Amy Goodman and Max talking about "Goliath."

"AMY GOODMAN: Can you first respond to Netanyahu, the Israeli prime minister, and Israel, the government’s response to the openings between the United States and Iran?

MAX BLUMENTHAL: Well, with my book, what I really aim to do is—this is a culmination of four years of my reporting from inside Israel-Palestine, from inside Netanyahu’s Israel. He came to power in 2009 at the helm of the most right-wing government in Israeli history. And he’s kind of occupying the center in Israel. He markets himself to Israelis as—you know, he appears in my book as the salesman, and he markets himself as a man who can go to the U.S. and market a lemon, who can sell a lemon to the American public, because he speaks English perfectly, he was educated at MIT, he worked at Boston Consulting with Mitt Romney.

"And here he’s returned to the U.S. to sell the Israeli position to an American public that wants diplomacy, that welcomed Barack Obama’s historic phone call with Hassan Rouhani. And Obama has been forced to sit with Netanyahu for 2.5 hours in the White House, during a government shutdown, to hear Netanyahu’s complaints and lecturing. He’s effectively become the Bibi-sitter, meeting with Netanyahu more times than any foreign leader, the head of this country the size of New Jersey."

Max Blumenthal on "Goliath: Life and Loathing in Greater Israel" | Democracy Now!
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Most Americans haven't a clue how openly racist Jews have become in Israel.
Bibi is their last best hope to keep that fact hidden from those who pay for their Occupation of Palestine.

"Blumenthal explains how the occupation is moving back over the green line and how racism is a unifying force in Israeli society.

"Blumenthal says, 'I was most surprised at the banality of the racism and violence that I witnessed and how it’s so widely tolerated because it’s so common . . . And I’m most surprised that this it hasn’t made its way to the American public … that’s why I set out to do this endeavour, this journalistic endeavor, to paint this intimate portrait of Israeli society for Americans who don’t see what it really is.'”

Blumenthal talks 'Goliath: Life and Loathing in Greater Israel' on Democracy Now!
Most Americans haven't a clue how openly racist Jews have become in Israel.
Bibi is their last best hope to keep that fact hidden from those who pay for their Occupation of Palestine.

"Blumenthal explains how the occupation is moving back over the green line and how racism is a unifying force in Israeli society.

"Blumenthal says, 'I was most surprised at the banality of the racism and violence that I witnessed and how it’s so widely tolerated because it’s so common . . . And I’m most surprised that this it hasn’t made its way to the American public … that’s why I set out to do this endeavour, this journalistic endeavor, to paint this intimate portrait of Israeli society for Americans who don’t see what it really is.'”

Blumenthal talks 'Goliath: Life and Loathing in Greater Israel' on Democracy Now!

[ame=]Max Blumenthal on "Goliath: Life and Loathing in Greater Israel" (Part 1 of 2) - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=]Max Blumenthal on "Goliath: Life and Loathing in Greater Israel" (Part 2 of 2) - YouTube[/ame]
Then let the Bedouins make the choice to move on their own.

The situation like it was up until now cannot keep happening.

It's not reasonable that the Bedouins break the law and be a weight over those to obey. If they are part of the state, besides rights they have also obligations.
The Israeli juden always have an excuse to justify their racist genocide. ... :thup:
Crusader states - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The first Crusader state, the County of Edessa, was founded in 1098 and lasted until 1149.
The Principality of Antioch, founded in 1098, lasted until 1268.
The Kingdom of Jerusalem, founded in 1099, lasted until 1291, when the city of Acre fell. There were also many vassals of the Kingdom of Jerusalem, the four major lordships (seigneuries) being:
The Principality of Galilee
The County of Jaffa and Ascalon
The Lordship of Oultrejordain
The Lordship of Sidon
The County of Tripoli, founded in 1104, with Tripoli itself conquered in 1109, lasted until 1289.
Then let the Bedouins make the choice to move on their own.

The situation like it was up until now cannot keep happening.

It's not reasonable that the Bedouins break the law and be a weight over those to obey. If they are part of the state, besides rights they have also obligations.

So, stealing their lands and building Jewish only towns in their place is following Jewish Zionist law?
Crusader states - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The first Crusader state, the County of Edessa, was founded in 1098 and lasted until 1149.
The Principality of Antioch, founded in 1098, lasted until 1268.
The Kingdom of Jerusalem, founded in 1099, lasted until 1291, when the city of Acre fell. There were also many vassals of the Kingdom of Jerusalem, the four major lordships (seigneuries) being:
The Principality of Galilee
The County of Jaffa and Ascalon
The Lordship of Oultrejordain
The Lordship of Sidon
The County of Tripoli, founded in 1104, with Tripoli itself conquered in 1109, lasted until 1289.
Maybe it's a good thing European Christians didn't need Arab oil in the Middle Ages?

"In 1071 the Byzantine army was defeated by the Muslim Seljuk Turks at the Battle of Manzikert resulting in the loss of most of Asia Minor.

"The situation represented a serious existential threat for the Eastern Orthodox Byzantine Empire. The Emperor sent a plea to the Pope in Rome to send military aid with the goal of restoring the formerly Christian territories to Christian rule.

"The result was a series of western European military campaigns into the eastern Mediterranean, known as the crusades.

"Unfortunately for the Byzantines, the crusaders had no allegiance to the Byzantine Emperor and so established their own states in the conquered regions, including the heart of the Byzantine Empire itself."

Crusader states - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Some 60,000 out over half a million are being moved just a few miles to developments with infrastructure and schools.
Land being developed are within '49 boundaries.

Then let the Bedouins make the choice to move on their own.
Israel is forcing them onto reservations much like what the US did to the native americans.
And yes, we also built them infrastructure and schools.

That's not your call to make and if Aristochat's info is correct, then Max Blumenthal is a liar.
Ouch. Blementhal doesn't hold back, I will read his book "Goliath...".

I'm thinking the same thing.
Maybe an ebook edition to make it easier to share Max's research with non-believers?

The following transcript is from Democracy Now! with Amy Goodman and Max talking about "Goliath."

"AMY GOODMAN: Can you first respond to Netanyahu, the Israeli prime minister, and Israel, the government’s response to the openings between the United States and Iran?

MAX BLUMENTHAL: Well, with my book...[/url]

So he is asked his opinion and prefaces it with a book promotion.
He's dismissed.
I think every Jew should leave Israel and move to Mecca.
But wait! Didn't Israel already nuke Mecca?

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