AT&T Spokesgirl, "Lily" Now Shouting Her Abortion. Pathetic.

Ridiculous made-up statement. Summarily dismissed.

Not at all. Viability was the standard that SCOTUS used with Roe v. Wade. (Before post viability was eliminated the same day with Doe. v. Boland.)

Just like we don't have murder investigations over heart attacks. But murders we do. Did you have a point?

Actually, we do have autopsies of heart attacks, or at least review medical records.

Now, you if you go with medical professionals certifying that this miscarriage was totally not an abortion, you are going to have a lot of doctors writing up abortions as "miscarriages". Which means you would need the police to investigate every last miscarriage as a potential abortion until proven otherwise. Buh-bye medical privacy.

Birthrates declined, then rose again. In other words, they are an unreliable measure of illegal abortions as you claimed.

Except they didn't drop signifigantly, and then they rose. Now if women who weren't having abortions in 1972 because they were afraid of laws (that no one was actually enforcing) suddenly said, "Wow, I can have an abortion now!!!" you would expect the birth rate to drop.

30% or 200,000 saved lives is a failure. Another ridiculous statement. Summarily dismissed

Sure it is... if you goal is to eliminate a social ill, and you only reduce it by 30%, in the process causing a LOT of other problems, then it is a failure.

Looking at prohibition- let's look at what ended up happening.

You reduced drinking by 30%
But you also enabled organized crime to where it literally took over cities like Chicago.
Contributed to the Great Depression
Caused a disregard for law and order as people ignored the law.
Caused massive corruption amongst public officials
Reduced government revenues

In short, the 'cure' was worse than the disease.

Now, I don't think outlawing abortions will reduce abortions at all, mostly because too many blue states will keep it legal. But even if you did, what would be the end result.

Well, you'd end up going back to what we had pre-1973, where illegal abortions were performed and the law wasn't really enforced. As I said, you put me on an abortion jury, I don't care if you have film of the abortion provider throwing the fetus into a medical waste container for a three-pointer, I'm voting to acquit. Won't be much of a law if you can't get convictions.

You might add thousands of unwanted kids to the population, but frankly, that just means a lot of dysfunctional people who will end up in our prisons. You might be able to force people to bring a child into the world, but you can't force them to be a family.

You are going to need a shitload of new social programs to support these unwanted kids. Good luck with that, you don't want to pay for the poor kids we have now.

I already demonstrated how every activity that was illegalized was reduced. Philippines has fewer per capita abortions our numbers do not include R-486. Everything you say is wrong, and has proven to be wrong. And there is no need for me to keep proving them wrong. This conversation is over. You lost.

Actually, no, they don't. The estimates show that they have more abortions per capita. 500-800 per a population of 90 million vs. 800,000 for a population of 330,000,000. I know, man, math is hard.

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