At this moment, this Presidency is not going well

Not that it really matters to some, but we're not really in a good place at the moment. Things could turn, and most of us continue to hope for the best. But, as of early morning, August 24, here we are:

The Economy
While the unemployment figures look very good on their face, they are clearly not translating to growth, especially at the cost of the exploding deficit that temporarily goosed the economy. GDP is currently at 2.1%, but we can certainly remain hopeful that it will reverse course and increase. There have been spotty signs that growth-push inflation may be ticking up, but the trade war is clearly effecting sentiment (not to mention data) at a terribly delicate moment. Right now, this is a decent economy, at best, with consumers lacking the resources to push it and their household debt above 2008 levels.

Trade With China
Our President doesn't appear to understand that China is paying attention. They realize quite well that he's trying to bully them into a trade deal, like an eight-year old boy trying to bully another child out of their lunch at the playground. Meanwhile, Trump exhibits zero (0) understanding of the fact that China can theoretically out-wait us here, since they don't have those pesky elections to worry about all that much if the populace gets pissed off. While anything is certainly possible, it's tough to imagine China making any long term commitments until after they see who they're dealing with in January of 2021.

International Relations
Our President has not only isolated himself and his country from the rest of the world with his actions, but also with his petulant behaviors. Even for those of us who have done all we can to lower our standards and expectations of his child-like behavior, the thought of this goofy, pointless dust-up with Denmark (Denmark!) makes us wonder if this man can get along with anyone outside his base. Meanwhile, the crazy fat kid in North Korea is shooting off rockets like he's in charge of the Fourth of July celebration at the park. Like China, the world is clearly looking ahead, with hope, to November 2020.

The Wall
Trump's signature, paranoid, shallow, hyper-simplistic election issue piece isn't exactly flying up with checks to pay for it coming in from Mexico. Even with the White House, House and Senate, this President wasn't able to do much more than slap up a few new two by fours to fix some areas of our existing wall. Any completely "new" wall is spotty at best, and now he's ready to steal cash from one place to placate his base with a few miles of a much less Trumpish wall here and there. Gee, great, so much for that idea. I guess "Build! The! Wall!" could still serve as a standby rally chant when needed.

Well, examining this topic is most likely a waste of time here, since there are many on this board who are telling us that racism no longer exists, or it's fake news, or that if you don't show up to work wearing a white hood you can't be a racist. What a disaster. And minorities are supposed to ignore all of it, because the unemployment rate is down at the moment. While the sycophants continue to run interference for the President Who Doesn't Know Who David Duke is, the rest of the country and the rest of the world are simply not buying the bullshit. But it sure sounds good on talk radio.

The silver lining? By far the most "successful" component of the Trump years will probably turn out to be the courts. The SC is in good shape for them, and they now have the added bonus of hoping that Ruth is quickly ravaged by cancer and dies soon. Ditto (no pun intended) for the lower courts, the nominations of which don't make much news but sure look like Sean Hannity picked 'em.

Could the economy turn back up? Yes, definitely, hopefully, but some kind of GOOD trade deal with China is now pretty much mandatory for that to happen. The Courts are the Courts. They'll probably be able to gather enough Lego™ blocks to build enough of a wall somewhere to keep talk radio and the base happy. International Relations? Race Relations? Pffffft. Who cares. Fake news.

The economy. In reality land, where folks work 8-10 hours a day it comes down to one thing. Can they make the bills, and buy food. That's it. Most of that what you are talking about comes down to that and how much money is left after. If one was honest they would say that ever since they stopped doing a budget in Washington is when it started to suck. Still, poor folks in the western world check their food stamp balance on a $1,500 smart phone, own two cars and have a 50" flat screen in all the bedrooms in their house. But please, tell us what president had it right?

Chine, so what then? Which president had it right when dealing with China? Whose model is the best?

International relations, either you are 11, or ignorant of the fact that lil'Kim shoots lil'missiles every time the US and South Korea play war. Nothing new there. I could see if lil'Kim was shooting off his bigger shit, but not these little ones. That's nothing new at all. But do name a president who did it better please.

The wall, this one gos to your economy blather. You want wages to go up? Stop importing slaves from south of the border. But since you brought it up, please name a president who did it better.

Race, ahhhh, race. These days you spot the weak animals in the heard by listening for the ones crying "racism", "racism"! In the real world, race is not an issue like you want it to be. Most people don't know, or give two fucks who David Duke is. Matter of fact, most get prettier pissed when people like you align them with the guy just because your mad trump won an election. So it's not that racism just got bad again, it's that the presidents political opponents turn everything he does into a racist act. Every little word has racist undertones. Like flags at half mast on 8/8. You morons know that's stupid, but like good little pups y'all lap it up. But please, do tell us which president has done it better?
Personal insults, name calling and talk radio talking points.

Good stuff!

Oopsie, didn't realize those were reserved for liberals only.
you should ask him where he got his from.
Not that it really matters to some, but we're not really in a good place at the moment. Things could turn, and most of us continue to hope for the best. But, as of early morning, August 24, here we are:

The Economy
While the unemployment figures look very good on their face, they are clearly not translating to growth, especially at the cost of the exploding deficit that temporarily goosed the economy. GDP is currently at 2.1%, but we can certainly remain hopeful that it will reverse course and increase. There have been spotty signs that growth-push inflation may be ticking up, but the trade war is clearly effecting sentiment (not to mention data) at a terribly delicate moment. Right now, this is a decent economy, at best, with consumers lacking the resources to push it and their household debt above 2008 levels.

Trade With China
Our President doesn't appear to understand that China is paying attention. They realize quite well that he's trying to bully them into a trade deal, like an eight-year old boy trying to bully another child out of their lunch at the playground. Meanwhile, Trump exhibits zero (0) understanding of the fact that China can theoretically out-wait us here, since they don't have those pesky elections to worry about all that much if the populace gets pissed off. While anything is certainly possible, it's tough to imagine China making any long term commitments until after they see who they're dealing with in January of 2021.

International Relations
Our President has not only isolated himself and his country from the rest of the world with his actions, but also with his petulant behaviors. Even for those of us who have done all we can to lower our standards and expectations of his child-like behavior, the thought of this goofy, pointless dust-up with Denmark (Denmark!) makes us wonder if this man can get along with anyone outside his base. Meanwhile, the crazy fat kid in North Korea is shooting off rockets like he's in charge of the Fourth of July celebration at the park. Like China, the world is clearly looking ahead, with hope, to November 2020.

The Wall
Trump's signature, paranoid, shallow, hyper-simplistic election issue piece isn't exactly flying up with checks to pay for it coming in from Mexico. Even with the White House, House and Senate, this President wasn't able to do much more than slap up a few new two by fours to fix some areas of our existing wall. Any completely "new" wall is spotty at best, and now he's ready to steal cash from one place to placate his base with a few miles of a much less Trumpish wall here and there. Gee, great, so much for that idea. I guess "Build! The! Wall!" could still serve as a standby rally chant when needed.

Well, examining this topic is most likely a waste of time here, since there are many on this board who are telling us that racism no longer exists, or it's fake news, or that if you don't show up to work wearing a white hood you can't be a racist. What a disaster. And minorities are supposed to ignore all of it, because the unemployment rate is down at the moment. While the sycophants continue to run interference for the President Who Doesn't Know Who David Duke is, the rest of the country and the rest of the world are simply not buying the bullshit. But it sure sounds good on talk radio.

The silver lining? By far the most "successful" component of the Trump years will probably turn out to be the courts. The SC is in good shape for them, and they now have the added bonus of hoping that Ruth is quickly ravaged by cancer and dies soon. Ditto (no pun intended) for the lower courts, the nominations of which don't make much news but sure look like Sean Hannity picked 'em.

Could the economy turn back up? Yes, definitely, hopefully, but some kind of GOOD trade deal with China is now pretty much mandatory for that to happen. The Courts are the Courts. They'll probably be able to gather enough Lego™ blocks to build enough of a wall somewhere to keep talk radio and the base happy. International Relations? Race Relations? Pffffft. Who cares. Fake news.

The economy. In reality land, where folks work 8-10 hours a day it comes down to one thing. Can they make the bills, and buy food. That's it. Most of that what you are talking about comes down to that and how much money is left after. If one was honest they would say that ever since they stopped doing a budget in Washington is when it started to suck. Still, poor folks in the western world check their food stamp balance on a $1,500 smart phone, own two cars and have a 50" flat screen in all the bedrooms in their house. But please, tell us what president had it right?

Chine, so what then? Which president had it right when dealing with China? Whose model is the best?

International relations, either you are 11, or ignorant of the fact that lil'Kim shoots lil'missiles every time the US and South Korea play war. Nothing new there. I could see if lil'Kim was shooting off his bigger shit, but not these little ones. That's nothing new at all. But do name a president who did it better please.

The wall, this one gos to your economy blather. You want wages to go up? Stop importing slaves from south of the border. But since you brought it up, please name a president who did it better.

Race, ahhhh, race. These days you spot the weak animals in the heard by listening for the ones crying "racism", "racism"! In the real world, race is not an issue like you want it to be. Most people don't know, or give two fucks who David Duke is. Matter of fact, most get prettier pissed when people like you align them with the guy just because your mad trump won an election. So it's not that racism just got bad again, it's that the presidents political opponents turn everything he does into a racist act. Every little word has racist undertones. Like flags at half mast on 8/8. You morons know that's stupid, but like good little pups y'all lap it up. But please, do tell us which president has done it better?
Personal insults, name calling and talk radio talking points.

Good stuff!

Oopsie, didn't realize those were reserved for liberals only.
you should ask him where he got his from.

Amazing how these idiots manage to function in real life.
Not that it really matters to some, but we're not really in a good place at the moment. Things could turn, and most of us continue to hope for the best. But, as of early morning, August 24, here we are:

The Economy
While the unemployment figures look very good on their face, they are clearly not translating to growth, especially at the cost of the exploding deficit that temporarily goosed the economy. GDP is currently at 2.1%, but we can certainly remain hopeful that it will reverse course and increase. There have been spotty signs that growth-push inflation may be ticking up, but the trade war is clearly effecting sentiment (not to mention data) at a terribly delicate moment. Right now, this is a decent economy, at best, with consumers lacking the resources to push it and their household debt above 2008 levels.

Trade With China
Our President doesn't appear to understand that China is paying attention. They realize quite well that he's trying to bully them into a trade deal, like an eight-year old boy trying to bully another child out of their lunch at the playground. Meanwhile, Trump exhibits zero (0) understanding of the fact that China can theoretically out-wait us here, since they don't have those pesky elections to worry about all that much if the populace gets pissed off. While anything is certainly possible, it's tough to imagine China making any long term commitments until after they see who they're dealing with in January of 2021.

International Relations
Our President has not only isolated himself and his country from the rest of the world with his actions, but also with his petulant behaviors. Even for those of us who have done all we can to lower our standards and expectations of his child-like behavior, the thought of this goofy, pointless dust-up with Denmark (Denmark!) makes us wonder if this man can get along with anyone outside his base. Meanwhile, the crazy fat kid in North Korea is shooting off rockets like he's in charge of the Fourth of July celebration at the park. Like China, the world is clearly looking ahead, with hope, to November 2020.

The Wall
Trump's signature, paranoid, shallow, hyper-simplistic election issue piece isn't exactly flying up with checks to pay for it coming in from Mexico. Even with the White House, House and Senate, this President wasn't able to do much more than slap up a few new two by fours to fix some areas of our existing wall. Any completely "new" wall is spotty at best, and now he's ready to steal cash from one place to placate his base with a few miles of a much less Trumpish wall here and there. Gee, great, so much for that idea. I guess "Build! The! Wall!" could still serve as a standby rally chant when needed.

Well, examining this topic is most likely a waste of time here, since there are many on this board who are telling us that racism no longer exists, or it's fake news, or that if you don't show up to work wearing a white hood you can't be a racist. What a disaster. And minorities are supposed to ignore all of it, because the unemployment rate is down at the moment. While the sycophants continue to run interference for the President Who Doesn't Know Who David Duke is, the rest of the country and the rest of the world are simply not buying the bullshit. But it sure sounds good on talk radio.

The silver lining? By far the most "successful" component of the Trump years will probably turn out to be the courts. The SC is in good shape for them, and they now have the added bonus of hoping that Ruth is quickly ravaged by cancer and dies soon. Ditto (no pun intended) for the lower courts, the nominations of which don't make much news but sure look like Sean Hannity picked 'em.

Could the economy turn back up? Yes, definitely, hopefully, but some kind of GOOD trade deal with China is now pretty much mandatory for that to happen. The Courts are the Courts. They'll probably be able to gather enough Lego™ blocks to build enough of a wall somewhere to keep talk radio and the base happy. International Relations? Race Relations? Pffffft. Who cares. Fake news.

The economy. In reality land, where folks work 8-10 hours a day it comes down to one thing. Can they make the bills, and buy food. That's it. Most of that what you are talking about comes down to that and how much money is left after. If one was honest they would say that ever since they stopped doing a budget in Washington is when it started to suck. Still, poor folks in the western world check their food stamp balance on a $1,500 smart phone, own two cars and have a 50" flat screen in all the bedrooms in their house. But please, tell us what president had it right?

Chine, so what then? Which president had it right when dealing with China? Whose model is the best?

International relations, either you are 11, or ignorant of the fact that lil'Kim shoots lil'missiles every time the US and South Korea play war. Nothing new there. I could see if lil'Kim was shooting off his bigger shit, but not these little ones. That's nothing new at all. But do name a president who did it better please.

The wall, this one gos to your economy blather. You want wages to go up? Stop importing slaves from south of the border. But since you brought it up, please name a president who did it better.

Race, ahhhh, race. These days you spot the weak animals in the heard by listening for the ones crying "racism", "racism"! In the real world, race is not an issue like you want it to be. Most people don't know, or give two fucks who David Duke is. Matter of fact, most get prettier pissed when people like you align them with the guy just because your mad trump won an election. So it's not that racism just got bad again, it's that the presidents political opponents turn everything he does into a racist act. Every little word has racist undertones. Like flags at half mast on 8/8. You morons know that's stupid, but like good little pups y'all lap it up. But please, do tell us which president has done it better?
Personal insults, name calling and talk radio talking points.

Good stuff!
the OP is someone else's talking points. as stated previously. I see you recognize that.
So you still think I copied & pasted that.

Cool, thanks.
Not that it really matters to some, but we're not really in a good place at the moment. Things could turn, and most of us continue to hope for the best. But, as of early morning, August 24, here we are:

The Economy
While the unemployment figures look very good on their face, they are clearly not translating to growth, especially at the cost of the exploding deficit that temporarily goosed the economy. GDP is currently at 2.1%, but we can certainly remain hopeful that it will reverse course and increase. There have been spotty signs that growth-push inflation may be ticking up, but the trade war is clearly effecting sentiment (not to mention data) at a terribly delicate moment. Right now, this is a decent economy, at best, with consumers lacking the resources to push it and their household debt above 2008 levels.

Trade With China
Our President doesn't appear to understand that China is paying attention. They realize quite well that he's trying to bully them into a trade deal, like an eight-year old boy trying to bully another child out of their lunch at the playground. Meanwhile, Trump exhibits zero (0) understanding of the fact that China can theoretically out-wait us here, since they don't have those pesky elections to worry about all that much if the populace gets pissed off. While anything is certainly possible, it's tough to imagine China making any long term commitments until after they see who they're dealing with in January of 2021.

International Relations
Our President has not only isolated himself and his country from the rest of the world with his actions, but also with his petulant behaviors. Even for those of us who have done all we can to lower our standards and expectations of his child-like behavior, the thought of this goofy, pointless dust-up with Denmark (Denmark!) makes us wonder if this man can get along with anyone outside his base. Meanwhile, the crazy fat kid in North Korea is shooting off rockets like he's in charge of the Fourth of July celebration at the park. Like China, the world is clearly looking ahead, with hope, to November 2020.

The Wall
Trump's signature, paranoid, shallow, hyper-simplistic election issue piece isn't exactly flying up with checks to pay for it coming in from Mexico. Even with the White House, House and Senate, this President wasn't able to do much more than slap up a few new two by fours to fix some areas of our existing wall. Any completely "new" wall is spotty at best, and now he's ready to steal cash from one place to placate his base with a few miles of a much less Trumpish wall here and there. Gee, great, so much for that idea. I guess "Build! The! Wall!" could still serve as a standby rally chant when needed.

Well, examining this topic is most likely a waste of time here, since there are many on this board who are telling us that racism no longer exists, or it's fake news, or that if you don't show up to work wearing a white hood you can't be a racist. What a disaster. And minorities are supposed to ignore all of it, because the unemployment rate is down at the moment. While the sycophants continue to run interference for the President Who Doesn't Know Who David Duke is, the rest of the country and the rest of the world are simply not buying the bullshit. But it sure sounds good on talk radio.

The silver lining? By far the most "successful" component of the Trump years will probably turn out to be the courts. The SC is in good shape for them, and they now have the added bonus of hoping that Ruth is quickly ravaged by cancer and dies soon. Ditto (no pun intended) for the lower courts, the nominations of which don't make much news but sure look like Sean Hannity picked 'em.

Could the economy turn back up? Yes, definitely, hopefully, but some kind of GOOD trade deal with China is now pretty much mandatory for that to happen. The Courts are the Courts. They'll probably be able to gather enough Lego™ blocks to build enough of a wall somewhere to keep talk radio and the base happy. International Relations? Race Relations? Pffffft. Who cares. Fake news.

The economy. In reality land, where folks work 8-10 hours a day it comes down to one thing. Can they make the bills, and buy food. That's it. Most of that what you are talking about comes down to that and how much money is left after. If one was honest they would say that ever since they stopped doing a budget in Washington is when it started to suck. Still, poor folks in the western world check their food stamp balance on a $1,500 smart phone, own two cars and have a 50" flat screen in all the bedrooms in their house. But please, tell us what president had it right?

Chine, so what then? Which president had it right when dealing with China? Whose model is the best?

International relations, either you are 11, or ignorant of the fact that lil'Kim shoots lil'missiles every time the US and South Korea play war. Nothing new there. I could see if lil'Kim was shooting off his bigger shit, but not these little ones. That's nothing new at all. But do name a president who did it better please.

The wall, this one gos to your economy blather. You want wages to go up? Stop importing slaves from south of the border. But since you brought it up, please name a president who did it better.

Race, ahhhh, race. These days you spot the weak animals in the heard by listening for the ones crying "racism", "racism"! In the real world, race is not an issue like you want it to be. Most people don't know, or give two fucks who David Duke is. Matter of fact, most get prettier pissed when people like you align them with the guy just because your mad trump won an election. So it's not that racism just got bad again, it's that the presidents political opponents turn everything he does into a racist act. Every little word has racist undertones. Like flags at half mast on 8/8. You morons know that's stupid, but like good little pups y'all lap it up. But please, do tell us which president has done it better?
Personal insults, name calling and talk radio talking points.

Good stuff!
the OP is someone else's talking points. as stated previously. I see you recognize that.
So you still think I copied & pasted that.

Cool, thanks.
of course, talking points all of it.
so you want the prices of everything you buy to go up and for the market to crash? really, are you that dumb?
Lol, nice straw man kiddo, did you build it all by yourself?
we get you don't understand economy 101. it was an attempt to offer up reality to you, but you choose to live in a basement and have mommy take care of you. wow.
That's pretty damn funny coming frok a republican, the party responsible for every recession ever.

What a joke.
WWII, Democrat. Korea, Democrat. Viet Nam, Democrat. Shut up.
Oooh look kids! Deflections!
War monger.
Not that it really matters to some, but we're not really in a good place at the moment. Things could turn, and most of us continue to hope for the best. But, as of early morning, August 24, here we are:

The Economy
While the unemployment figures look very good on their face, they are clearly not translating to growth, especially at the cost of the exploding deficit that temporarily goosed the economy. GDP is currently at 2.1%, but we can certainly remain hopeful that it will reverse course and increase. There have been spotty signs that growth-push inflation may be ticking up, but the trade war is clearly effecting sentiment (not to mention data) at a terribly delicate moment. Right now, this is a decent economy, at best, with consumers lacking the resources to push it and their household debt above 2008 levels.

Trade With China
Our President doesn't appear to understand that China is paying attention. They realize quite well that he's trying to bully them into a trade deal, like an eight-year old boy trying to bully another child out of their lunch at the playground. Meanwhile, Trump exhibits zero (0) understanding of the fact that China can theoretically out-wait us here, since they don't have those pesky elections to worry about all that much if the populace gets pissed off. While anything is certainly possible, it's tough to imagine China making any long term commitments until after they see who they're dealing with in January of 2021.

International Relations
Our President has not only isolated himself and his country from the rest of the world with his actions, but also with his petulant behaviors. Even for those of us who have done all we can to lower our standards and expectations of his child-like behavior, the thought of this goofy, pointless dust-up with Denmark (Denmark!) makes us wonder if this man can get along with anyone outside his base. Meanwhile, the crazy fat kid in North Korea is shooting off rockets like he's in charge of the Fourth of July celebration at the park. Like China, the world is clearly looking ahead, with hope, to November 2020.

The Wall
Trump's signature, paranoid, shallow, hyper-simplistic election issue piece isn't exactly flying up with checks to pay for it coming in from Mexico. Even with the White House, House and Senate, this President wasn't able to do much more than slap up a few new two by fours to fix some areas of our existing wall. Any completely "new" wall is spotty at best, and now he's ready to steal cash from one place to placate his base with a few miles of a much less Trumpish wall here and there. Gee, great, so much for that idea. I guess "Build! The! Wall!" could still serve as a standby rally chant when needed.

Well, examining this topic is most likely a waste of time here, since there are many on this board who are telling us that racism no longer exists, or it's fake news, or that if you don't show up to work wearing a white hood you can't be a racist. What a disaster. And minorities are supposed to ignore all of it, because the unemployment rate is down at the moment. While the sycophants continue to run interference for the President Who Doesn't Know Who David Duke is, the rest of the country and the rest of the world are simply not buying the bullshit. But it sure sounds good on talk radio.

The silver lining? By far the most "successful" component of the Trump years will probably turn out to be the courts. The SC is in good shape for them, and they now have the added bonus of hoping that Ruth is quickly ravaged by cancer and dies soon. Ditto (no pun intended) for the lower courts, the nominations of which don't make much news but sure look like Sean Hannity picked 'em.

Could the economy turn back up? Yes, definitely, hopefully, but some kind of GOOD trade deal with China is now pretty much mandatory for that to happen. The Courts are the Courts. They'll probably be able to gather enough Lego™ blocks to build enough of a wall somewhere to keep talk radio and the base happy. International Relations? Race Relations? Pffffft. Who cares. Fake news.

The economy. In reality land, where folks work 8-10 hours a day it comes down to one thing. Can they make the bills, and buy food. That's it. Most of that what you are talking about comes down to that and how much money is left after. If one was honest they would say that ever since they stopped doing a budget in Washington is when it started to suck. Still, poor folks in the western world check their food stamp balance on a $1,500 smart phone, own two cars and have a 50" flat screen in all the bedrooms in their house. But please, tell us what president had it right?

Chine, so what then? Which president had it right when dealing with China? Whose model is the best?

International relations, either you are 11, or ignorant of the fact that lil'Kim shoots lil'missiles every time the US and South Korea play war. Nothing new there. I could see if lil'Kim was shooting off his bigger shit, but not these little ones. That's nothing new at all. But do name a president who did it better please.

The wall, this one gos to your economy blather. You want wages to go up? Stop importing slaves from south of the border. But since you brought it up, please name a president who did it better.

Race, ahhhh, race. These days you spot the weak animals in the heard by listening for the ones crying "racism", "racism"! In the real world, race is not an issue like you want it to be. Most people don't know, or give two fucks who David Duke is. Matter of fact, most get prettier pissed when people like you align them with the guy just because your mad trump won an election. So it's not that racism just got bad again, it's that the presidents political opponents turn everything he does into a racist act. Every little word has racist undertones. Like flags at half mast on 8/8. You morons know that's stupid, but like good little pups y'all lap it up. But please, do tell us which president has done it better?
Personal insults, name calling and talk radio talking points.

Good stuff!

Oopsie, didn't realize those were reserved for liberals only.
you should ask him where he got his from.

Amazing how these idiots manage to function in real life.
Okay, out of morbid curiosity, I've gotta ask:
  • Is the last GDP not 2.1%?
  • Has China bent over for us on trade?
  • Do our international neighbors love us now, and has North Korea fallen in line like an obedient little bunny?
  • Is Trump's wall up?
  • Are the races together now, holding hands and singing together?
Instead of standard Trumpian grade-school-level insults, perhaps you can show me where I'm wrong.

Thanks in advance.
If my neighbor's kid comes over and tells me he is hungry, I tell him to go home and tell HIS parents.
Especially when he is in one cage and his parents are in another. How cute. How proud of yourself you must be.
I would not spend money on a cage even-I would deport everyone of them until they applied for asylum in another country like they are supposed to. I don't want to punish them-I just don't want them here at all.
Not that it really matters to some, but we're not really in a good place at the moment. Things could turn, and most of us continue to hope for the best. But, as of early morning, August 24, here we are:

The Economy
While the unemployment figures look very good on their face, they are clearly not translating to growth, especially at the cost of the exploding deficit that temporarily goosed the economy. GDP is currently at 2.1%, but we can certainly remain hopeful that it will reverse course and increase. There have been spotty signs that growth-push inflation may be ticking up, but the trade war is clearly effecting sentiment (not to mention data) at a terribly delicate moment. Right now, this is a decent economy, at best, with consumers lacking the resources to push it and their household debt above 2008 levels.

Trade With China
Our President doesn't appear to understand that China is paying attention. They realize quite well that he's trying to bully them into a trade deal, like an eight-year old boy trying to bully another child out of their lunch at the playground. Meanwhile, Trump exhibits zero (0) understanding of the fact that China can theoretically out-wait us here, since they don't have those pesky elections to worry about all that much if the populace gets pissed off. While anything is certainly possible, it's tough to imagine China making any long term commitments until after they see who they're dealing with in January of 2021.

International Relations
Our President has not only isolated himself and his country from the rest of the world with his actions, but also with his petulant behaviors. Even for those of us who have done all we can to lower our standards and expectations of his child-like behavior, the thought of this goofy, pointless dust-up with Denmark (Denmark!) makes us wonder if this man can get along with anyone outside his base. Meanwhile, the crazy fat kid in North Korea is shooting off rockets like he's in charge of the Fourth of July celebration at the park. Like China, the world is clearly looking ahead, with hope, to November 2020.

The Wall
Trump's signature, paranoid, shallow, hyper-simplistic election issue piece isn't exactly flying up with checks to pay for it coming in from Mexico. Even with the White House, House and Senate, this President wasn't able to do much more than slap up a few new two by fours to fix some areas of our existing wall. Any completely "new" wall is spotty at best, and now he's ready to steal cash from one place to placate his base with a few miles of a much less Trumpish wall here and there. Gee, great, so much for that idea. I guess "Build! The! Wall!" could still serve as a standby rally chant when needed.

Well, examining this topic is most likely a waste of time here, since there are many on this board who are telling us that racism no longer exists, or it's fake news, or that if you don't show up to work wearing a white hood you can't be a racist. What a disaster. And minorities are supposed to ignore all of it, because the unemployment rate is down at the moment. While the sycophants continue to run interference for the President Who Doesn't Know Who David Duke is, the rest of the country and the rest of the world are simply not buying the bullshit. But it sure sounds good on talk radio.

The silver lining? By far the most "successful" component of the Trump years will probably turn out to be the courts. The SC is in good shape for them, and they now have the added bonus of hoping that Ruth is quickly ravaged by cancer and dies soon. Ditto (no pun intended) for the lower courts, the nominations of which don't make much news but sure look like Sean Hannity picked 'em.

Could the economy turn back up? Yes, definitely, hopefully, but some kind of GOOD trade deal with China is now pretty much mandatory for that to happen. The Courts are the Courts. They'll probably be able to gather enough Lego™ blocks to build enough of a wall somewhere to keep talk radio and the base happy. International Relations? Race Relations? Pffffft. Who cares. Fake news.

The economy. In reality land, where folks work 8-10 hours a day it comes down to one thing. Can they make the bills, and buy food. That's it. Most of that what you are talking about comes down to that and how much money is left after. If one was honest they would say that ever since they stopped doing a budget in Washington is when it started to suck. Still, poor folks in the western world check their food stamp balance on a $1,500 smart phone, own two cars and have a 50" flat screen in all the bedrooms in their house. But please, tell us what president had it right?

Chine, so what then? Which president had it right when dealing with China? Whose model is the best?

International relations, either you are 11, or ignorant of the fact that lil'Kim shoots lil'missiles every time the US and South Korea play war. Nothing new there. I could see if lil'Kim was shooting off his bigger shit, but not these little ones. That's nothing new at all. But do name a president who did it better please.

The wall, this one gos to your economy blather. You want wages to go up? Stop importing slaves from south of the border. But since you brought it up, please name a president who did it better.

Race, ahhhh, race. These days you spot the weak animals in the heard by listening for the ones crying "racism", "racism"! In the real world, race is not an issue like you want it to be. Most people don't know, or give two fucks who David Duke is. Matter of fact, most get prettier pissed when people like you align them with the guy just because your mad trump won an election. So it's not that racism just got bad again, it's that the presidents political opponents turn everything he does into a racist act. Every little word has racist undertones. Like flags at half mast on 8/8. You morons know that's stupid, but like good little pups y'all lap it up. But please, do tell us which president has done it better?
Personal insults, name calling and talk radio talking points.

Good stuff!

Point out the personal insult and please point out the name calling? I asked which past presidents model would be better to follow.
The economy. In reality land, where folks work 8-10 hours a day it comes down to one thing. Can they make the bills, and buy food. That's it. Most of that what you are talking about comes down to that and how much money is left after. If one was honest they would say that ever since they stopped doing a budget in Washington is when it started to suck. Still, poor folks in the western world check their food stamp balance on a $1,500 smart phone, own two cars and have a 50" flat screen in all the bedrooms in their house. But please, tell us what president had it right?

Chine, so what then? Which president had it right when dealing with China? Whose model is the best?

International relations, either you are 11, or ignorant of the fact that lil'Kim shoots lil'missiles every time the US and South Korea play war. Nothing new there. I could see if lil'Kim was shooting off his bigger shit, but not these little ones. That's nothing new at all. But do name a president who did it better please.

The wall, this one gos to your economy blather. You want wages to go up? Stop importing slaves from south of the border. But since you brought it up, please name a president who did it better.

Race, ahhhh, race. These days you spot the weak animals in the heard by listening for the ones crying "racism", "racism"! In the real world, race is not an issue like you want it to be. Most people don't know, or give two fucks who David Duke is. Matter of fact, most get prettier pissed when people like you align them with the guy just because your mad trump won an election. So it's not that racism just got bad again, it's that the presidents political opponents turn everything he does into a racist act. Every little word has racist undertones. Like flags at half mast on 8/8. You morons know that's stupid, but like good little pups y'all lap it up. But please, do tell us which president has done it better?
Personal insults, name calling and talk radio talking points.

Good stuff!

Oopsie, didn't realize those were reserved for liberals only.
you should ask him where he got his from.

Amazing how these idiots manage to function in real life.
Okay, out of morbid curiosity, I've gotta ask:
  • Is the last GDP not 2.1%?
  • Has China bent over for us on trade?
  • Do our international neighbors love us now, and has North Korea fallen in line like an obedient little bunny?
  • Is Trump's wall up?
  • Are the races together now, holding hands and singing together?
Instead of standard Trumpian grade-school-level insults, perhaps you can show me where I'm wrong.

Thanks in advance.
because China has bent over we give up the fight? Perhaps knowing what the fight is would help you no?
The economy. In reality land, where folks work 8-10 hours a day it comes down to one thing. Can they make the bills, and buy food. That's it. Most of that what you are talking about comes down to that and how much money is left after. If one was honest they would say that ever since they stopped doing a budget in Washington is when it started to suck. Still, poor folks in the western world check their food stamp balance on a $1,500 smart phone, own two cars and have a 50" flat screen in all the bedrooms in their house. But please, tell us what president had it right?

Chine, so what then? Which president had it right when dealing with China? Whose model is the best?

International relations, either you are 11, or ignorant of the fact that lil'Kim shoots lil'missiles every time the US and South Korea play war. Nothing new there. I could see if lil'Kim was shooting off his bigger shit, but not these little ones. That's nothing new at all. But do name a president who did it better please.

The wall, this one gos to your economy blather. You want wages to go up? Stop importing slaves from south of the border. But since you brought it up, please name a president who did it better.

Race, ahhhh, race. These days you spot the weak animals in the heard by listening for the ones crying "racism", "racism"! In the real world, race is not an issue like you want it to be. Most people don't know, or give two fucks who David Duke is. Matter of fact, most get prettier pissed when people like you align them with the guy just because your mad trump won an election. So it's not that racism just got bad again, it's that the presidents political opponents turn everything he does into a racist act. Every little word has racist undertones. Like flags at half mast on 8/8. You morons know that's stupid, but like good little pups y'all lap it up. But please, do tell us which president has done it better?
Personal insults, name calling and talk radio talking points.

Good stuff!

Oopsie, didn't realize those were reserved for liberals only.
you should ask him where he got his from.

Amazing how these idiots manage to function in real life.
Okay, out of morbid curiosity, I've gotta ask:
  • Is the last GDP not 2.1%?
  • Has China bent over for us on trade?
  • Do our international neighbors love us now, and has North Korea fallen in line like an obedient little bunny?
  • Is Trump's wall up?
  • Are the races together now, holding hands and singing together?
Instead of standard Trumpian grade-school-level insults, perhaps you can show me where I'm wrong.

Thanks in advance.

You are the only one tossing insults. You just denigrated a whole class of people who attended and attend trade school. You also grossly stereotyped them as unintelligent Trump supporters. Just proof you have no real concern over any of the issues you mentioned in the OP. Mostly it comes off like you are just bored.
Personal insults, name calling and talk radio talking points.

Good stuff!

at least he made an attempt at a counterargument.

So for all those playing along at home, here's the Vichy Mac argument style.

Mac - Totally flawed argument based on emotional assumptions.

Counter- Facts, figures, alternative positions.

Mac - "Wahhhh, you're a wing nut who is destroying America by having an opinion that isn't mine!!!"
The economy. In reality land, where folks work 8-10 hours a day it comes down to one thing. Can they make the bills, and buy food. That's it. Most of that what you are talking about comes down to that and how much money is left after. If one was honest they would say that ever since they stopped doing a budget in Washington is when it started to suck. Still, poor folks in the western world check their food stamp balance on a $1,500 smart phone, own two cars and have a 50" flat screen in all the bedrooms in their house. But please, tell us what president had it right?

Chine, so what then? Which president had it right when dealing with China? Whose model is the best?

International relations, either you are 11, or ignorant of the fact that lil'Kim shoots lil'missiles every time the US and South Korea play war. Nothing new there. I could see if lil'Kim was shooting off his bigger shit, but not these little ones. That's nothing new at all. But do name a president who did it better please.

The wall, this one gos to your economy blather. You want wages to go up? Stop importing slaves from south of the border. But since you brought it up, please name a president who did it better.

Race, ahhhh, race. These days you spot the weak animals in the heard by listening for the ones crying "racism", "racism"! In the real world, race is not an issue like you want it to be. Most people don't know, or give two fucks who David Duke is. Matter of fact, most get prettier pissed when people like you align them with the guy just because your mad trump won an election. So it's not that racism just got bad again, it's that the presidents political opponents turn everything he does into a racist act. Every little word has racist undertones. Like flags at half mast on 8/8. You morons know that's stupid, but like good little pups y'all lap it up. But please, do tell us which president has done it better?
Personal insults, name calling and talk radio talking points.

Good stuff!

Oopsie, didn't realize those were reserved for liberals only.
you should ask him where he got his from.

Amazing how these idiots manage to function in real life.
Okay, out of morbid curiosity, I've gotta ask:
  • Is the last GDP not 2.1%?
  • Has China bent over for us on trade?
  • Do our international neighbors love us now, and has North Korea fallen in line like an obedient little bunny?
  • Is Trump's wall up?
  • Are the races together now, holding hands and singing together?
Instead of standard Trumpian grade-school-level insults, perhaps you can show me where I'm wrong.

Thanks in advance.

Instead a of the stylish typical antitrump screed, which president had a better model in dealing with these issues?
Personal insults, name calling and talk radio talking points.

Good stuff!

Oopsie, didn't realize those were reserved for liberals only.
you should ask him where he got his from.

Amazing how these idiots manage to function in real life.
Okay, out of morbid curiosity, I've gotta ask:
  • Is the last GDP not 2.1%?
  • Has China bent over for us on trade?
  • Do our international neighbors love us now, and has North Korea fallen in line like an obedient little bunny?
  • Is Trump's wall up?
  • Are the races together now, holding hands and singing together?
Instead of standard Trumpian grade-school-level insults, perhaps you can show me where I'm wrong.

Thanks in advance.

Instead a of the stylish typical antitrump screed, which president had a better model in dealing with these issues?
What difference does that make? They were President in different times.

Since you didn't even try to show me where I was wrong, why are you bitching?
Oopsie, didn't realize those were reserved for liberals only.
you should ask him where he got his from.

Amazing how these idiots manage to function in real life.
Okay, out of morbid curiosity, I've gotta ask:
  • Is the last GDP not 2.1%?
  • Has China bent over for us on trade?
  • Do our international neighbors love us now, and has North Korea fallen in line like an obedient little bunny?
  • Is Trump's wall up?
  • Are the races together now, holding hands and singing together?
Instead of standard Trumpian grade-school-level insults, perhaps you can show me where I'm wrong.

Thanks in advance.

Instead a of the stylish typical antitrump screed, which president had a better model in dealing with these issues?
What difference does that make? They were President in different times.

Since you didn't even try to show me where I was wrong, why are you bitching?
it makes all the difference to the point you were making.
The economy. In reality land, where folks work 8-10 hours a day it comes down to one thing. Can they make the bills, and buy food. That's it.
Nonsense. The economy relies quite heavily on people also having disposable income. People need to be doing more than living a subsistence existence for the economy to be healthy.
Personal insults, name calling and talk radio talking points.

Good stuff!

Oopsie, didn't realize those were reserved for liberals only.
you should ask him where he got his from.

Amazing how these idiots manage to function in real life.
Okay, out of morbid curiosity, I've gotta ask:
  • Is the last GDP not 2.1%?
  • Has China bent over for us on trade?
  • Do our international neighbors love us now, and has North Korea fallen in line like an obedient little bunny?
  • Is Trump's wall up?
  • Are the races together now, holding hands and singing together?
Instead of standard Trumpian grade-school-level insults, perhaps you can show me where I'm wrong.

Thanks in advance.

Instead a of the stylish typical antitrump screed, which president had a better model in dealing with these issues?

Measuring Presidents along their promises and grandiose announcements:

Which recent President promised 4% growth?

Which President announced he's getting calls from China begging for a better trade deal?

Which President declared Americans can sleep soundly, since North Korea no longer is a threat?

Which President promised a wall?

Which President boasted to have not a racist bone in his body, uniquely positioning him to resolve issues of race altogether?
Oopsie, didn't realize those were reserved for liberals only.
you should ask him where he got his from.

Amazing how these idiots manage to function in real life.
Okay, out of morbid curiosity, I've gotta ask:
  • Is the last GDP not 2.1%?
  • Has China bent over for us on trade?
  • Do our international neighbors love us now, and has North Korea fallen in line like an obedient little bunny?
  • Is Trump's wall up?
  • Are the races together now, holding hands and singing together?
Instead of standard Trumpian grade-school-level insults, perhaps you can show me where I'm wrong.

Thanks in advance.

Instead a of the stylish typical antitrump screed, which president had a better model in dealing with these issues?

Measuring Presidents along their promises and grandiose announcements:

Which recent President promised 4% growth?

Which President announced he's getting calls from China begging for a better trade deal?

Which President declared Americans can sleep soundly, since North Korea no longer is a threat?

Which President promised a wall?

Which President boasted to have not a racist bone in his body, uniquely positioning him to resolve issues of race altogether?
which president had a coup attempt prior to taking office and lasting through three years of the presidency? I'll wait.

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