At this point, are Trump supporters just in denial about Trump?

Ya know, in HS I flew two American flags off the 6' CB whips on my pick up truck. People honked, cheered, and saluted my truck as I drove around and there was love and pride in our nation. At some point that pride that all American's used to share became a "bad" thing...

I want the same things as Trump, a man who works hard, sleeps 3-4 hours a night, and would prefer to stay home and read than go out on the town. A man who doesn't drink or do drugs because he's got more important things to do. A man who loves America and doesn't like where it's headed, who's seriously concerned about the financial stability of it.

I voted for Trump because he said Fuck you to PC, the Media, and to the Clinton Crime Family.

I voted for Trump because I've been watching him since I was a little kid, he's a long standing symbol of American economic success. (Despite the lies that Clinton News Network fed you all.)

I voted for Trump because I was raised in a time when financial success and American pride were good things.

I voted for Trump because I do not like where this country is headed, I want change from the hatred and division, I want economic success to be a desired goal for the people again, I want a secure financial future for my children and grandchildren.

OWS, BLM, PC, and the biased Media have been rejected by the nation.

I am renewed.
See the thing is, this goes well beyond my personal opinion of Trump. I'm simply correct in saying Trump will disappoint virtually anyone who voted for him.

Well, that's a prediction but it's way too early to be making predictions. We're going to have to wait and see. I would think the logic here is, if he disappoints those who voted for him, he'll probably please a lot of people who didn't vote for him. I've said all along, I don't think he is a conservative and I think he will govern as more of a centrist... much like Bill Clinton. Now, that's not what I would prefer personally because I'm a conservative... but still, that's what we've got.
Um no he'll disappoint everyone. Why? Because he only gives a shit about himself and his shitty brand.
Um no he'll disappoint everyone. Why? Because he only gives a shit about himself and his shitty brand.

Well, it's hard to disappoint EVERYONE and at the same time, improve your brand. So... Even if we assume you are correct, you still don't make sense.

Personally, I think you are just emotional. You weren't expecting to lose and now you're having to deal with that and it's hard. So you're lashing out with emotive reactions that you haven't really thought through. It's going to take you a few months to come to grips with what has happened. Until then, why not be just a tad more reserved and avoid the temptation of posting out of frustration? You'll save yourself a lot of embarrassment and maybe preserve some credibility.
Um no he'll disappoint everyone. Why? Because he only gives a shit about himself and his shitty brand.

Well, it's hard to disappoint EVERYONE and at the same time, improve your brand. So... Even if we assume you are correct, you still don't make sense.

Personally, I think you are just emotional. You weren't expecting to lose and now you're having to deal with that and it's hard. So you're lashing out with emotive reactions that you haven't really thought through. It's going to take you a few months to come to grips with what has happened. Until then, why not be just a tad more reserved and avoid the temptation of posting out of frustration? You'll save yourself a lot of embarrassment and maybe preserve some credibility.
Oh you're right. That wouldn't make sense. The truth is that Trump simply thinks he can improve his brand when he can't. He's deluded by his own sense of self-importance. He thinks he'll be an awesome president but in reality he only behaves out of self interest. He thinks he's the best damn businessman on the planet. He's a classic case of Narcissistic Personality Disorder. Someone with such a condition is a complete failure as a leader. America will suffer.

Okay I don't understand why you are still stuck on this butthurt theme. It's so dumb. You have this baseless assumption that because Trump won, my entire opinion on him is based on butthurt. Don't you realize how 1-dimensional that sounds? It's such childish thinking. Look, I am upset he won, but that doesn't mean I don't have legitimate fears and criticisms of him. Don't be stupid. Him winning is some serious dystopian shit and you're all too dumb to realize it. Moreover, I don't give a flying fuck Hillary isn't president. My only concern is that Trump IS. This isn't about my side "losing", it's about the fact that a complete, Narcissistic moron is now my president. Wake the fuck up.
I'm thinking Trump has about two years, maybe. After that the alternatives from both parties will start campaigning in earnest and the press will bury us in it.

For better or worse, I'd guess his background in business management and real estate construction will help him with this - he'll delegate to his top people, give them specific deadlines and hold them tightly accountable, which is the job of an executive, especially one whose background is based on deadlines.

So this stuff might all happen pretty quickly. Again, for better or worse.
Actually, the ones in denial are the Liberals. They can't accept that the candidate that everyone of the media types described as the Most Qualified Candidate ever lost. They have to attribute it to some sort of nefarious scheme. Or some sort of hatred like racism, but that doesn't fly when more minorities voted for Trump than Romney or McCain.

So who is in denial? The people pushing a recount to thwart the elected President, or the people who voted for the candidate who got elected? Make no mistake, and you can stop pretending, because at this point everyone knows the only reason for the recount is to push the election to the Congress so that the Trump admin can be described as illegitimate. I might add that's the only time that legitimate matters to a lefty.

Why are the Supporters mocking the left? Because the criticism at this point is asinine. Oh he spoke to Taiwan, how outrageous. Yeah. He spoke to a nation with a Democratically Elected leader that protects human rights of their citizens. How dare he not put more concern for the other China, the one without those Democratic policies, and who tramples human rights.

He picked people the Left doesn't like for various posts. Oh my word. The President Elect picked people the opposition didn't like. Why that would be like Obama appointing people the Right didn't like. Oh well their opinions don't matter, they aren't open minded and enlightened.

The nutters on the Right predicted doom and gloom and civil war if Obama was elected. We would have Muslims running the nation. We survived the Obama Years, well it hasn't wiped us out yet and there is little time left to do it. We'll survive the Trump years, so everyone, just calm the fuck down. Hold the protests until he signs an executive order saying that from here on and henceforth Protesters must spell check their placards.



Until then, calm the fuck down.
See the thing is, this goes well beyond my personal opinion of Trump. I'm simply correct in saying Trump will disappoint virtually anyone who voted for him.

Well, that's a prediction but it's way too early to be making predictions. We're going to have to wait and see. I would think the logic here is, if he disappoints those who voted for him, he'll probably please a lot of people who didn't vote for him. I've said all along, I don't think he is a conservative and I think he will govern as more of a centrist... much like Bill Clinton. Now, that's not what I would prefer personally because I'm a conservative... but still, that's what we've got.
Um no he'll disappoint everyone. Why? Because he only gives a shit about himself and his shitty brand.

The only ones in denial now is your ilk...

Trump is showing his true another example he met with Gore, this is really pissing you off now..

Like I always said libs vote for power and popularity..

Not policy not for the good of America.

Trump so won in 2020

I don't think it's was "doom and gloom" freakout on the republican's part. The import of illegals went into a fever pitch they were handing our country to foreign aliens. Clinton was ready to start a war with Russia because, idk she thought it would increase her political power or some shit.
I don't think it's was "doom and gloom" freakout on the republican's part. The import of illegals went into a fever pitch they were handing our country to foreign aliens. Clinton was ready to start a war with Russia because, idk she thought it would increase her political power or some shit.

Hillary was never starting a war with anyone. That narrative is straight out of the Kremlin fake news pile.

God you people are dangerously gullible.

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Um no he'll disappoint everyone. Why? Because he only gives a shit about himself and his shitty brand.

Well, it's hard to disappoint EVERYONE and at the same time, improve your brand. So... Even if we assume you are correct, you still don't make sense.

Personally, I think you are just emotional. You weren't expecting to lose and now you're having to deal with that and it's hard. So you're lashing out with emotive reactions that you haven't really thought through. It's going to take you a few months to come to grips with what has happened. Until then, why not be just a tad more reserved and avoid the temptation of posting out of frustration? You'll save yourself a lot of embarrassment and maybe preserve some credibility.
Oh you're right. That wouldn't make sense. The truth is that Trump simply thinks he can improve his brand when he can't. He's deluded by his own sense of self-importance. He thinks he'll be an awesome president but in reality he only behaves out of self interest. He thinks he's the best damn businessman on the planet. He's a classic case of Narcissistic Personality Disorder. Someone with such a condition is a complete failure as a leader. America will suffer.

Okay I don't understand why you are still stuck on this butthurt theme. It's so dumb. You have this baseless assumption that because Trump won, my entire opinion on him is based on butthurt. Don't you realize how 1-dimensional that sounds? It's such childish thinking. Look, I am upset he won, but that doesn't mean I don't have legitimate fears and criticisms of him. Don't be stupid. Him winning is some serious dystopian shit and you're all too dumb to realize it. Moreover, I don't give a flying fuck Hillary isn't president. My only concern is that Trump IS. This isn't about my side "losing", it's about the fact that a complete, Narcissistic moron is now my president. Wake the fuck up.

It's funny that you're complaining about narcissism given the president we've had for 8 years. We've never had a more narcissistic president in our history as a nation. Has Obama EVER taken the blame for ANYTHING? Has he EVER admitted he was wrong? When did he apologize for lying about Obamacare? For that matter, where was his apologies to the police in Cambridge who he claimed "acted stupidly"? I could fill the page up with instances where the man was devoutly wrong but never admitted fault. So let's get off this "narcissist" nonsense because you don't have a leg to stand on with that.

I personally think that you are (like most liberals) mistaking narcissism and arrogance with confidence. Trump has a completely different mindset than most people. He takes shit all the time from libtards who claim he inherited his wealth from his daddy... but you conveniently forget he filed bankruptcy... he had to start over from scratch and rebuild his wealth. In his book, he talks about how some people asked him whether it was more difficult the second time and he said no... it was easier because he KNEW he could do it. That's the thing about hugely-successful people, they don't throw in the towel and give up... they go right back out there and keep believing in themselves until they succeed. Very few self-made wealthy people ever got there the first try, they usually had to fail a few times. Some people fail and then they give up... they lack confidence. Trump has confidence and genuinely believes he can do great things. He instills that confidence in those around him as well, and that's the secret to his success.

Now, I don't know what kind of president he'll make with that skill set but he has the potential to be a really great one. I believe he will be far better for America than Hillary Clinton would have been, but we're going to all have to wait and see. In any event, regardless of what you believe MAY happen, there's not a lot we can do about it at this point... he has been duly elected president of the United States and he will serve 4 years.... like it or not... that's a fact of life now. Getting yourself all worked up and emotional about it is pointless. What are we supposed to do about it? Grab our torches and pitchforks and head to Washington to prevent his swearing-in? I think the 62 million who voted for him might not like that idea.
Ya know, in HS I flew two American flags off the 6' CB whips on my pick up truck. People honked, cheered, and saluted my truck as I drove around and there was love and pride in our nation. At some point that pride that all American's used to share became a "bad" thing...

I want the same things as Trump, a man who works hard, sleeps 3-4 hours a night, and would prefer to stay home and read than go out on the town. A man who doesn't drink or do drugs because he's got more important things to do. A man who loves America and doesn't like where it's headed, who's seriously concerned about the financial stability of it.

I voted for Trump because he said Fuck you to PC, the Media, and to the Clinton Crime Family.

I voted for Trump because I've been watching him since I was a little kid, he's a long standing symbol of American economic success. (Despite the lies that Clinton News Network fed you all.)

I voted for Trump because I was raised in a time when financial success and American pride were good things.

I voted for Trump because I do not like where this country is headed, I want change from the hatred and division, I want economic success to be a desired goal for the people again, I want a secure financial future for my children and grandchildren.

OWS, BLM, PC, and the biased Media have been rejected by the nation.

I am renewed.
So you voted for Trump for some of his lifestyle choices and because he says "fuck you" to everything you don't like?

We have no idea what Trump is going to do in president because he is an unpredictable, ignorant, dumb, narcissistic piece of orange garbage.
...he is an unpredictable, ignorant, dumb, narcissistic piece of orange garbage.

I think what is not penetrating your thick skull is how this is exactly the kind of thing that lost the election for you. People are fed up with the identity politics. They're done with that. When all you have is smear and jeer, they are just going to tune you out and that's what they did with Trump. The more you hurled these scurrilous names and accusations at Trump, the more you pushed his numbers up. All of this crap has stopped working for you because you overplayed it and Trump knew how to handle it effectively. Where Bush ignored it, McCain tried to rise above it and take the high ground, Romney tried to be contrite and apologize for it... Trump busted you in the kisser and the people loved it. They've wanted someone to stand up to this shit for years and they were willing to overlook whatever faults Trump may have because they're just sick of your shit.

So at this point, I really do think many of his supporters are hoping and praying you don't get a clue.. that you just keep doubling down on the identity politics and hate rhetoric. It's only going to serve to marginalize you more and I think most of the right is perfectly fine with that. If you were smart, you'e be looking at ways to reach out to white working class voters instead of bashing on Trump. But by all means, do not listen to what I am saying! Carry on!
...he is an unpredictable, ignorant, dumb, narcissistic piece of orange garbage.

I think what is not penetrating your thick skull is how this is exactly the kind of thing that lost the election for you. People are fed up with the identity politics. They're done with that. When all you have is smear and jeer, they are just going to tune you out and that's what they did with Trump. The more you hurled these scurrilous names and accusations at Trump, the more you pushed his numbers up. All of this crap has stopped working for you because you overplayed it and Trump knew how to handle it effectively. Where Bush ignored it, McCain tried to rise above it and take the high ground, Romney tried to be contrite and apologize for it... Trump busted you in the kisser and the people loved it. They've wanted someone to stand up to this shit for years and they were willing to overlook whatever faults Trump may have because they're just sick of your shit.

So at this point, I really do think many of his supporters are hoping and praying you don't get a clue.. that you just keep doubling down on the identity politics and hate rhetoric. It's only going to serve to marginalize you more and I think most of the right is perfectly fine with that. If you were smart, you'e be looking at ways to reach out to white working class voters instead of bashing on Trump. But by all means, do not listen to what I am saying! Carry on!
I don't understand why you have to deflect to pontificating as to why the dems lost. It's irrelevant to the fact Trump was a fucking terrible decision. Why is it so hard for you to just examine all of the bullshit he's shown the American people since he got elected. NOTHING should make anyone on the left or the right feel okay with this insecure little girl trapped inside the body of an orangutan becoming president
I don't understand why you have to deflect to pontificating as to why the dems lost. It's irrelevant to the fact Trump was a fucking terrible decision. Why is it so hard for you to just examine all of the bullshit he's shown the American people since he got elected. NOTHING should make anyone on the left or the right feel okay with this insecure little girl trapped inside the body of an orangutan becoming president

I know, it's just not making any sense to you how your high-volume vitriol and anger isn't resonating anymore. It's blowing your mind that it's not working like it has been before and you can't seem to get anywhere. You see these things that you feel like should be obvious to everyone and cause alarm but for some odd reason, they don't... and you don't get that. You can't figure it out.

So what you've decided is the problem, is that you're not being loud enough or vitriolic enough. You need to scream more loudly and be angry about more things. Not just be concerned but totally loose your shit and become emotionally out of control. In your mind, you're thinking that is the way to go... that's what needs to happen here. That, somehow, people just haven't heard your message. You've not been angry enough, you've not been hostile enough... you've not hurled enough pejoratives and insults! You've not mocked people's intelligence enough or called them bad enough names... you need to do more of that and be louder and angrier.

I'm encouraging you to keep on believing that way, keep on thinking that's what you need to do. Because, I think that's the very reason you lost this election and you're going to continue to lose elections in the future. You will not win back any political power until you stop doing that and start focusing again on policy to address the concerns of working class white Americans. As long as you keep up what you're currently doing, you will drive more and more voters away... and I think that's a great thing.

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