At this point, are Trump supporters just in denial about Trump?


Sore Loser

Sour Grapes

Donald Trump will be our President in 45 days. Seems YOU are the one in denial.
Oh I accept it. It's fucking terrible, but I can accept it. You're just too much of a pussy to even try to justify his win.
Justify his win??? WTF is that supposed to mean???
Ok this isn't hard to figure out. Why is it a good thing he is president? If you can't answer that simple question then fuck off.

You know what? It isn't a good thing that he is president.

But as can be seen from the election, it would have been worse if Hillary would have been president.

There was essentially two choices. You need to make your peace buddy.


Someone needs to set up a therapy room with play doh, coloring books, and rattles, for the progressives on the USMB.



Ok so liberal butt hurt is all you have to say about Trump winning huh? Are you basically admitting it was a colossal mistake to elect him to begin with? I figured.

The election is OVER asshole!
Like someone else posted your party should have run a stronger candidate. It didn't. Smarmy/snickering/ fucking "smart" LIBS. SOOOO "smart they didn't bother to send 'Queen Hillary' to Wisconsin!
What's going to make blood spurt from your eyes is President Trump's administration getting the economy humming again. Millions of infrastructure jobs. Detactment for the fucking shiotholes in the ME. Stopping the thousands of pounds of heroin and fucking illiterates crossing into the US from mexico by building an impenetrable WALL!
Trillions of offshore money hidden from Obama's Socialist/Redistribution wet dream monkey-paws coming back to invest in America.
Once the investment world saw Trump won the global stock markets exploded with positive results.
After President Trump leaves office after four amazing years you'll get to have half your wishes for the Presidency granted. The First Female President will be elected! She'll be President Donald Trump's daughter!!!! HAAAAA HAAAAA!

To be seen. Manufacturers have been returning, as China employment prices have jumped, and no it won't be anything Trump does, but it will be going after the cheapest best trained labor. You might want to watch 60 minutes last night.

Also we have always had Steel, and Yet the person you elected for POTUS imported steel from China, ask him why next time.

We will all be watching if the Trump org starts buying US steel, and if Ivanka starts having her shoes made here. You have been suckered.

Folks that watch TV don't know shit about politics.

Another one in denial. Its a well known fact manufacturing is leaving China to return to the US, where have you been, on the moon, guess so, no TV up there is there, no books and no news.

That is what he meant by "poorly educated" people like you.
Whenever any inevitable criticism is raised about Trump the only response his simple-minded followers can come up with is

"you're butt hurt!"

"Liberals are snowflakes!"

I know when you all say these things it makes you feel superior and manly but really you just come across as laughable and pathetic because you can't even address the long list of bullshit Trump has shown you since he's gotten elected.

Of course the other go-to response is to remind us all what you think of Hillary and that shit is just as useless and irrelevant as the rest.

I wasn't sure of him at first, I supported Rubio and Rand Paul in the primaries. In the end it doesn't matter, he is the president elect. Chosen by everyone but California and New York.

The question I would have is, what "denial" is there to posses? He hasn't even taken office yet. He deserves at least a few months to his first year to prove that his policies will work, doesn't he?

I will be honest, judging from the recount push, Pelosi suggesting "all is fine with the Democrats" (while yet again, Schumer from NY and Pelosi from California lead the Democrat party), and play-doh "safe spaces" offered in Colleges, I'm starting to question myself just where the majority of this denial lies...
At this point, are Trump supporters just in denial about Trump?
No, that doesn't appear to be the case to me. They are quite happy to admit he lies, can't remember what he's said from one minute to the next, is emotionally incontinent.
Please keep expressing that attitude because exploiting it was instrumental in Trump's victory.
None of his supporters are expressing concern over his lies or flip flops. I agree exploiting that attitude was critical to Hair Drumpf's success, but there's nothing I can do about it.
Odd how Hillary's flip flops and lies over decades didn't seem to work as well as Trump's flip flops and lies. HAAAAA! HAAAAAA
Face the FACT! People who voted for Trump couldn't stand the thought of the Clinton's back in the White House renting out the Lincoln bedroom again.
Whenever any inevitable criticism is raised about Trump the only response his simple-minded followers can come up with is

"you're butt hurt!"

"Liberals are snowflakes!"

I know when you all say these things it makes you feel superior and manly but really you just come across as laughable and pathetic because you can't even address the long list of bullshit Trump has shown you since he's gotten elected.

Of course the other go-to response is to remind us all what you think of Hillary and that shit is just as useless and irrelevant as the rest.

Actually I'm pretty happy so far. I didn't vote for Trump in the primary, but did so in the general.

And as long as Trump doesn't make a colossal mistake with his SCOTUS nominees, I'll be ecstatic and extremely relieved that Hillary wasn't the one making the choices. In fact this issue alone gives me cause to celebrate.
We will all be watching if the Trump org starts buying US steel, and if Ivanka starts having her shoes made here. You have been suckered.

Tell you what... let's do a little experiment. Right now, flip your keyboard over and tell us where it was made? I'm betting it's probably made in China, Indonesia or Taiwan. So are most, if not all, the components of your computer. So is much of what you typically use around your home.

You people are the biggest hypocrites in the entire world. You bitch and complain about what others do when you're doing exactly the same thing. People use products produced elsewhere all the time and they seldom ever pay attention to where something is made because they base purchasing largely on price.
Whenever any inevitable criticism is raised about Trump the only response his simple-minded followers can come up with is

"you're butt hurt!"

"Liberals are snowflakes!"

I know when you all say these things it makes you feel superior and manly but really you just come across as laughable and pathetic because you can't even address the long list of bullshit Trump has shown you since he's gotten elected.

Of course the other go-to response is to remind us all what you think of Hillary and that shit is just as useless and irrelevant as the rest.
While all three of those reactions are true and valid, Trump as president will inevitably attract criticism. It comes with the job, and no one who seeks it should think they will escape. That's why I called Obama The Fragile One from the beginning of his presidency, because he is notoriously thin-skinned and couldn't handle criticism. His sycophants (you know who you are) were quick to yell "racist!!" any time anyone dared to say that the emperor's new clothes were, shall we say, lacking.

Basically, don't think you've discovered something new and profound because you found something to criticize in a new president elect, who isn't even in office yet.
"At this point, are Trump supporters just in denial about Trump?"

Not at all - they have fully accepted the fact that Trump is the next President. It's the snowflakes who haven't.
We will all be watching if the Trump org starts buying US steel, and if Ivanka starts having her shoes made here. You have been suckered.

Tell you what... let's do a little experiment. Right now, flip your keyboard over and tell us where it was made? I'm betting it's probably made in China, Indonesia or Taiwan. So are most, if not all, the components of your computer. So is much of what you typically use around your home.

You people are the biggest hypocrites in the entire world. You bitch and complain about what others do when you're doing exactly the same thing. People use products produced elsewhere all the time and they seldom ever pay attention to where something is made because they base purchasing largely on price.

I am fully aware of where things are made. Now answer my questions since you just voted in a man who is part of the problem, buying his steel from China, Ivanka having her clothes made in China and India, and Melania her jewelry imported.

Will that change now??? Will the Trump org. stop stiffing small businesses??

Please answer my questions.

PS: I believe money from the bottom goes up, the middle income, it never trickles down.
"At this point, are Trump supporters just in denial about Trump?"

Not at all - they have fully accepted the fact that Trump is the next President. It's the snowflakes who haven't.

That's what gets me about all this... Yesterday on my FB page, some idiot was going on and on about "your candidate" this and that... and I had to jump in and clarify that Trump is no longer a "candidate" ...the election is over. It's the same with "supporters" you not support our president? How un-American! ;)

This week will mark an entire month since the election and the snowflakes seem to still be in some kind of state of denial over what happened. The election is over guys... no more candidates and supporters. You're either an American who supports the president or an antagonistic piece of shit who doesn't.
I am very pleased that we elected Mr. Trump President and am quite happy with what he has done so far. there some kind of actual point to this thread?
Actually, if you guys were even half as smart as you think you are Trump wouldn't have been elected.
No Americans are just fucking stupid. Hell, if Hillary had won, you dumbasses would be bitching about the election being rigged. Oh gee how convenient you gave up on that narrative. I of course despise Trump but I still have the maturity to admit the election results were legitimate.

Well since you are so mature, why aren't to trying to help the 42% of "butthurt, snowflakes" who expect the recounts to overturn the election. Instead you are attacking people who are quite accepting of the election results. Odd behavior for someone mature.

And lets be honest here. People voted for trump knowing what we were going to get. Their alternative was Hillary. A much more horrible choice. So trump is getting a shot. Considering he is a ny liberal its surprising that you aren't happy with him.
Whenever any inevitable criticism is raised about Trump the only response his simple-minded followers can come up with is

"you're butt hurt!"

"Liberals are snowflakes!"

I know when you all say these things it makes you feel superior and manly but really you just come across as laughable and pathetic because you can't even address the long list of bullshit Trump has shown you since he's gotten elected.

Of course the other go-to response is to remind us all what you think of Hillary and that shit is just as useless and irrelevant as the rest.

What specific issue would you addressed?
Um how about him flip flopping 6 times in one interview?

Trump flip-flops 6 times in 1-hour NYT interview

Sure, he is not a polished politician. I totally agree.

What next? What policies would you like to discuss?

Social Justice?
Actually, if you guys were even half as smart as you think you are Trump wouldn't have been elected.
No Americans are just fucking stupid. Hell, if Hillary had won, you dumbasses would be bitching about the election being rigged. Oh gee how convenient you gave up on that narrative. I of course despise Trump but I still have the maturity to admit the election results were legitimate.

Just so you know, many of us are getting tremendous pleasure in the whining from the left over the election.

Elite liberals in their thought bubbles....just don't get it.
Actually, if you guys were even half as smart as you think you are Trump wouldn't have been elected.
No Americans are just fucking stupid. Hell, if Hillary had won, you dumbasses would be bitching about the election being rigged. Oh gee how convenient you gave up on that narrative. I of course despise Trump but I still have the maturity to admit the election results were legitimate.

Well since you are so mature, why aren't to trying to help the 42% of "butthurt, snowflakes" who expect the recounts to overturn the election. Instead you are attacking people who are quite accepting of the election results. Odd behavior for someone mature.

And lets be honest here. People voted for trump knowing what we were going to get. Their alternative was Hillary. A much more horrible choice. So trump is getting a shot. Considering he is a ny liberal its surprising that you aren't happy with him.

We dodged a bullet. Now the left is petrified that Trump might actually be good for the economy.
Whenever any inevitable criticism is raised about Trump the only response his simple-minded followers can come up with is "you're butt hurt!"............Course you're a liar. If you understood what your avatar advertises then you'd recognize it's "inevitable criticism" because you are in fact butt hurt. You liberals complain about EVERYTHING because you operate on emotions. Change your avatar to something appropriate. I recommend an ugly feminist who has never experienced a good screw.

I know when you all say these things it makes you feel superior and manly. Oh look, the hypocrite started his own thread and the message is hypocrisy and lies.

but really you just come across as laughable and pathetic. Note emotional response. You're also implying you speak for everyone. You only speak for some Snowflakes.

because you can't even address the long list of bullshit Trump has shown you since he's gotten elected. Another lie. You leftists are awesome at making shit up. You're dumb, ignorant and foolish, and most of all you represent corrosion.

Of course the other go-to response is to remind us all what you think of Hillary. Another lie. Hillary isn't relevant.

and that shit is just as useless and irrelevant as the rest. Change your avatar. Claiming appreciation for critical thought is "trumped" by words and actions. You're an emotional talk-a-lot.
OP, what is the most important issue facing the country in your opinion and how is Trump going to address it that has you concerned, specifically?
Whenever any inevitable criticism is raised about Trump the only response his simple-minded followers can come up with is

"you're butt hurt!"

"Liberals are snowflakes!"

I know when you all say these things it makes you feel superior and manly but really you just come across as laughable and pathetic because you can't even address the long list of bullshit Trump has shown you since he's gotten elected.

Of course the other go-to response is to remind us all what you think of Hillary and that shit is just as useless and irrelevant as the rest.

You are butthurt...

... and a snowflake.

Perhaps that's why you are creating a completely irrelevant thread with no point what so ever.

Lets see your at Stage 1 and the rest of us who voted for Clinton are at Stage 2. Soon you will be in Depression, and then you'll go to acceptance since you will not admit your mistake.

I am at the developmental stage where I can separate "your" from "you are". You don't seem to quite be there yet.
Justify his win??? WTF is that supposed to mean???
Ok this isn't hard to figure out. Why is it a good thing he is president? If you can't answer that simple question then fuck off.
Your vitriol is unbecoming, Billy000. You are a disgusting and pathetic little man. All you've done since Trump beat the pantsuit off of Hillary fair and square is attack anyone who didn't support the deranged psychotic bitch. How many of these hatefest rants are you going to post? To answer your stupid question, there are many reasons it's a good thing Trump is President. The SC is one, the 2nd Amendment is another, trade is another, taxes, debt, the list goes on. Now go to your safe place.
Christ that's lame, but I'll give you credit for actually answering the question. Of course any idiot can say what Trump says about those issues. Just because he opposes TPP, it doesn't mean he understands trade. The 2nd amendment huh? Trump has said in the past he favors strict gun control. How convenient for you to ignore that. Oh and debt. Oh boy. This is the same moron who said he can pay down 20 trillion in debt in 8 years.
You're not interested in an answer, you're interested in lashing out at everyone who didn't support your psychotic candidate. You're the perfect representation of the sore losers who can't accept the outcome of this election and I for one am happy that you are not aware of why you got your asses handed to you. You'll keep making the same mistakes and continue to lose elections and that is a good thing for America.
I don't give a flying shit you didn't support Hillary. I'm pissed you were retarded enough to elect Trump. Christ I would take GW Bush over Trump and that says a lot. You people royally fucked up this country and you're too stupid to admit it.

Who cares what you think? I understand you don't like trump and think you are better than everyone because you don't support him, but cut out the dishonest bull crap. This is like the fifth thread you've started claiming no one can name a reason why its good he is president. And still you are pretending no one has attempted to. The only person in denial here is you. Try listening to people instead of just trolling lies and maybe people wont be trolling you back
Whenever any inevitable criticism is raised about Trump the only response his simple-minded followers can come up with is

"you're butt hurt!"

"Liberals are snowflakes!"

I know when you all say these things it makes you feel superior and manly but really you just come across as laughable and pathetic because you can't even address the long list of bullshit Trump has shown you since he's gotten elected.

Of course the other go-to response is to remind us all what you think of Hillary and that shit is just as useless and irrelevant as the rest.

You are butthurt...

... and a snowflake.

Perhaps that's why you are creating a completely irrelevant thread with no point what so ever.

Lets see your at Stage 1 and the rest of us who voted for Clinton are at Stage 2. Soon you will be in Depression, and then you'll go to acceptance since you will not admit your mistake.

I am at the developmental stage where I can separate "your" from "you are". You don't seem to quite be there yet.

Really grammar check, how about U R. Isn't that the way the new generation writes.

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