At this point, are Trump supporters just in denial about Trump?

At this point, are Trump supporters just in denial about Trump?
No, that doesn't appear to be the case to me. They are quite happy to admit he lies, can't remember what he's said from one minute to the next, is emotionally incontinent.
Please keep expressing that attitude because exploiting it was instrumental in Trump's victory.
None of his supporters are expressing concern over his lies or flip flops. I agree exploiting that attitude was critical to Hair Drumpf's success, but there's nothing I can do about it.
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At this point, are Trump supporters just in denial about Trump?
No, that doesn't appear to be the case to me. They are quite happy to admit he lies, can't remember what he's said from one minute to the next, is emotionally incontinent.

[/QUOTE]Please keep expressing that attitude because exploiting it was instrumental in Trump's victory.
None of his supporters are expressing concern over his lies or flip flops. I agree exploiting that attitude was critical to Hair Drumpf's success, but there's nothing I can do about it.
You might want to try reposting that, it's all screwed up.
Whenever any inevitable criticism is raised about Trump the only response his simple-minded followers can come up with is

"you're butt hurt!"

"Liberals are snowflakes!"

I know when you all say these things it makes you feel superior and manly but really you just come across as laughable and pathetic because you can't even address the long list of bullshit Trump has shown you since he's gotten elected.

Of course the other go-to response is to remind us all what you think of Hillary and that shit is just as useless and irrelevant as the rest.

Another failed far left drone thread!

Just concede like your hero Hilary did!

Trump will be President and you will always continue to be miserable, like all far left drones!
The right voted in Trump because they are suffering. Trump will make it worse. They will be the ones who are miserable.
You might want to try reposting that, it's all screwed up.
Yeah, it was the sizing in the OP quote, had to turn off rich text editor to sort it out. So how can an attitude of not accepting or not ignoring whatever bullshit Hair Drumpf wants to shovel be exploited?
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Sore Loser

Sour Grapes

Donald Trump will be our President in 45 days. Seems YOU are the one in denial.

Maybe I missed something but no one is saying he won't....

And we genuinely hope he is a success...

But no amount of hope or good wishes changes the fact that this man is by far the least qualified person to be president in probably US history. He not only lacks any experience but also shown a complete lack of temperament for the job... Domestically he disconnected to reality and his foreign policy will isolate US and severely diminish US power globally(some people have no clue of the importance of soft power)...

Sore Loser

Sour Grapes

Donald Trump will be our President in 45 days. Seems YOU are the one in denial.

Maybe I missed something but no one is saying he won't....

And we genuinely hope he is a success...

But no amount of hope or good wishes changes the fact that this man is by far the least qualified person to be president in probably US history. He not only lacks any experience but also shown a complete lack of temperament for the job... Domestically he disconnected to reality and his foreign policy will isolate US and severely diminish US power globally(some people have no clue of the importance of soft power)...
No you don't. Stop lying.
Whenever any inevitable criticism is raised about Trump the only response his simple-minded followers can come up with is

"you're butt hurt!"

"Liberals are snowflakes!"

I know when you all say these things it makes you feel superior and manly but really you just come across as laughable and pathetic because you can't even address the long list of bullshit Trump has shown you since he's gotten elected.

Of course the other go-to response is to remind us all what you think of Hillary and that shit is just as useless and irrelevant as the rest.

You are butthurt...

... and a snowflake.

Perhaps that's why you are creating a completely irrelevant thread with no point what so ever.
Whenever any inevitable criticism is raised about Trump the only response his simple-minded followers can come up with is

"you're butt hurt!"

"Liberals are snowflakes!"

I know when you all say these things it makes you feel superior and manly but really you just come across as laughable and pathetic because you can't even address the long list of bullshit Trump has shown you since he's gotten elected.

Of course the other go-to response is to remind us all what you think of Hillary and that shit is just as useless and irrelevant as the rest.

Another failed far left drone thread!

Just concede like your hero Hilary did!

Trump will be President and you will always continue to be miserable, like all far left drones!

Once again, does this mean the Trump Org. will be buying steel from the US, instead of China????
Will the Trump Org, start paying taxes???
Will we see his tax returns?
Whenever any inevitable criticism is raised about Trump the only response his simple-minded followers can come up with is

"you're butt hurt!"

"Liberals are snowflakes!"

I know when you all say these things it makes you feel superior and manly but really you just come across as laughable and pathetic because you can't even address the long list of bullshit Trump has shown you since he's gotten elected.

Of course the other go-to response is to remind us all what you think of Hillary and that shit is just as useless and irrelevant as the rest.

You are butthurt...

... and a snowflake.

Perhaps that's why you are creating a completely irrelevant thread with no point what so ever.

Lets see your at Stage 1 and the rest of us who voted for Clinton are at Stage 2. Soon you will be in Depression, and then you'll go to acceptance since you will not admit your mistake.
It's the honeymoon period for Trump's presidency. Don't be a party-pooper, just let them enjoy it while it lasts.
This has nothing to do with "getting even". It's to demonstrate the point that criticizing a president-elect matters.

Well no, it really doesn't matter when it's petty and shallow. Look... if Trump says something about policy and I disagree, I am going to say I disagree. It doesn't matter if I voted for him or not. Likewise, if lefties bash and ridicule him over trivial bullshit, I am going to call them on it whether I voted for him or not. And I've still not told anyone here how I voted.

But let's get back to your point... You said something about him flip-flopping six times in one interview... Okay... so what am I supposed to do about that? You want me to write a letter? Burn an effigy? What, exactly? :dunno:
Wel it's simple really. It's admitting that he has no real convictions. During the election he said whatever he could to get elected. Now that he's elected it doesn't matter. He'll be president either way. He just wanted to sound good to the NYT by expressing more moderate views.
Your wild hate filled opinion isn't reality. Repeating it like a fucking lunatic won't make it true. But thanks for the entertainment!
Whenever any inevitable criticism is raised about Trump the only response his simple-minded followers can come up with is

"you're butt hurt!"

"Liberals are snowflakes!"

I know when you all say these things it makes you feel superior and manly but really you just come across as laughable and pathetic because you can't even address the long list of bullshit Trump has shown you since he's gotten elected.

Of course the other go-to response is to remind us all what you think of Hillary and that shit is just as useless and irrelevant as the rest.
They're acting just like Obama supporters did in 2008.

The two ends of the spectrum are so similar in their behaviors, aren't they?

Whenever any inevitable criticism is raised about Trump the only response his simple-minded followers can come up with is

"you're butt hurt!"

"Liberals are snowflakes!"

I know when you all say these things it makes you feel superior and manly but really you just come across as laughable and pathetic because you can't even address the long list of bullshit Trump has shown you since he's gotten elected.

Of course the other go-to response is to remind us all what you think of Hillary and that shit is just as useless and irrelevant as the rest.

What specific issue would you addressed?
Um how about him flip flopping 6 times in one interview?

Trump flip-flops 6 times in 1-hour NYT interview

Why is that an issue ?

Who cares ?

I don't support Trump in the sense that I think he's a good candidate.

Your OP if funny though.

You still can't get over the fact that you lost to him.

And you didn't get the senate.
Actually, if you guys were even half as smart as you think you are Trump wouldn't have been elected.
No Americans are just fucking stupid. Hell, if Hillary had won, you dumbasses would be bitching about the election being rigged. Oh gee how convenient you gave up on that narrative. I of course despise Trump but I still have the maturity to admit the election results were legitimate.

I'm still not convinced it wasn't. :tinfoil:


Sore Loser

Sour Grapes

Donald Trump will be our President in 45 days. Seems YOU are the one in denial.
Oh I accept it. It's fucking terrible, but I can accept it. You're just too much of a pussy to even try to justify his win.
Justify his win??? WTF is that supposed to mean???
Ok this isn't hard to figure out. Why is it a good thing he is president? If you can't answer that simple question then fuck off.

You know what? It isn't a good thing that he is president.

But as can be seen from the election, it would have been worse if Hillary would have been president.

There was essentially two choices. You need to make your peace buddy.

Someone needs to set up a therapy room with play doh, coloring books, and rattles, for the progressives on the USMB.



Ok so liberal butt hurt is all you have to say about Trump winning huh? Are you basically admitting it was a colossal mistake to elect him to begin with? I figured.

The election is OVER asshole!
Like someone else posted your party should have run a stronger candidate. It didn't. Smarmy/snickering/ fucking "smart" LIBS. SOOOO "smart they didn't bother to send 'Queen Hillary' to Wisconsin!
What's going to make blood spurt from your eyes is President Trump's administration getting the economy humming again. Millions of infrastructure jobs. Detactment for the fucking shiotholes in the ME. Stopping the thousands of pounds of heroin and fucking illiterates crossing into the US from mexico by building an impenetrable WALL!
Trillions of offshore money hidden from Obama's Socialist/Redistribution wet dream monkey-paws coming back to invest in America.
Once the investment world saw Trump won the global stock markets exploded with positive results.
After President Trump leaves office after four amazing years you'll get to have half your wishes for the Presidency granted. The First Female President will be elected! She'll be President Donald Trump's daughter!!!! HAAAAA HAAAAA!

Someone needs to set up a therapy room with play doh, coloring books, and rattles, for the progressives on the USMB.



Ok so liberal butt hurt is all you have to say about Trump winning huh? Are you basically admitting it was a colossal mistake to elect him to begin with? I figured.

The election is OVER asshole!
Like someone else posted your party should have run a stronger candidate. It didn't. Smarmy/snickering/ fucking "smart" LIBS. SOOOO "smart they didn't bother to send 'Queen Hillary' to Wisconsin!
What's going to make blood spurt from your eyes is President Trump's administration getting the economy humming again. Millions of infrastructure jobs. Detactment for the fucking shiotholes in the ME. Stopping the thousands of pounds of heroin and fucking illiterates crossing into the US from mexico by building an impenetrable WALL!
Trillions of offshore money hidden from Obama's Socialist/Redistribution wet dream monkey-paws coming back to invest in America.
Once the investment world saw Trump won the global stock markets exploded with positive results.
After President Trump leaves office after four amazing years you'll get to have half your wishes for the Presidency granted. The First Female President will be elected! She'll be President Donald Trump's daughter!!!! HAAAAA HAAAAA!

To be seen. Manufacturers have been returning, as China employment prices have jumped, and no it won't be anything Trump does, but it will be going after the cheapest best trained labor. You might want to watch 60 minutes last night.

Also we have always had Steel, and Yet the person you elected for POTUS imported steel from China, ask him why next time.

We will all be watching if the Trump org starts buying US steel, and if Ivanka starts having her shoes made here. You have been suckered.

Sore Loser

Sour Grapes

Donald Trump will be our President in 45 days. Seems YOU are the one in denial.
Oh I accept it. It's fucking terrible, but I can accept it. You're just too much of a pussy to even try to justify his win.
NO you're NOT expecting it asshole!
NO ONE wants to 'debate' Trump's win with you!
YOU need to be figuring out how such a 'stupid' orange clown beat someone who the MSM claimed couldn't be beat!
Start with that FACT.
NO ONE needs to "justify" fuckall to you!
Now fuck off! You're boring people.

Someone needs to set up a therapy room with play doh, coloring books, and rattles, for the progressives on the USMB.



Ok so liberal butt hurt is all you have to say about Trump winning huh? Are you basically admitting it was a colossal mistake to elect him to begin with? I figured.

The election is OVER asshole!
Like someone else posted your party should have run a stronger candidate. It didn't. Smarmy/snickering/ fucking "smart" LIBS. SOOOO "smart they didn't bother to send 'Queen Hillary' to Wisconsin!
What's going to make blood spurt from your eyes is President Trump's administration getting the economy humming again. Millions of infrastructure jobs. Detactment for the fucking shiotholes in the ME. Stopping the thousands of pounds of heroin and fucking illiterates crossing into the US from mexico by building an impenetrable WALL!
Trillions of offshore money hidden from Obama's Socialist/Redistribution wet dream monkey-paws coming back to invest in America.
Once the investment world saw Trump won the global stock markets exploded with positive results.
After President Trump leaves office after four amazing years you'll get to have half your wishes for the Presidency granted. The First Female President will be elected! She'll be President Donald Trump's daughter!!!! HAAAAA HAAAAA!

To be seen. Manufacturers have been returning, as China employment prices have jumped, and no it won't be anything Trump does, but it will be going after the cheapest best trained labor. You might want to watch 60 minutes last night.

Also we have always had Steel, and Yet the person you elected for POTUS imported steel from China, ask him why next time.

We will all be watching if the Trump org starts buying US steel, and if Ivanka starts having her shoes made here. You have been suckered.

Folks that watch TV don't know shit about politics.

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