At this point, are Trump supporters just in denial about Trump?


Someone needs to set up a therapy room with play doh, coloring books, and rattles, for the progressives on the USMB.



Ok so liberal butt hurt is all you have to say about Trump winning huh? Are you basically admitting it was a colossal mistake to elect him to begin with? I figured.

None if them can reply to your post. They are lost.

Says the far left drone that voted for Hilary!

Yes the far left religion is being ousted, seems to be happening world wide. No matter how hard we try you far left drones will never connect to reality!

You are still unable to reply to the original post.

Everyone here has replied to the OP, just that you far left drones do not like what you see..

You see your precious religion going down in flames, just like your pals ISIS!
  • Thanks
Reactions: Kat

Someone needs to set up a therapy room with play doh, coloring books, and rattles, for the progressives on the USMB.



Ok so liberal butt hurt is all you have to say about Trump winning huh? Are you basically admitting it was a colossal mistake to elect him to begin with? I figured.


It would have been an even more colossal mistake to have Hillary win.

She had done to her what she did to Bernie and all I'm hearing is...



.....and it isn't a very good one either.

Ok well she didn't win therefore she is irrelevant. Now explain why it's a good thing to have Trump as president.

Sore Loser

Sour Grapes

Donald Trump will be our President in 45 days. Seems YOU are the one in denial.
Oh I accept it. It's fucking terrible, but I can accept it. You're just too much of a pussy to even try to justify his win.

Someone needs to set up a therapy room with play doh, coloring books, and rattles, for the progressives on the USMB.



Ok so liberal butt hurt is all you have to say about Trump winning huh? Are you basically admitting it was a colossal mistake to elect him to begin with? I figured.

None if them can reply to your post. They are lost.

Says the far left drone that voted for Hilary!

Yes the far left religion is being ousted, seems to be happening world wide. No matter how hard we try you far left drones will never connect to reality!

You are still unable to reply to the original post.

Everyone here has replied to the OP, just that you far left drones do not like what you see..

You see your precious religion going down in flames, just like your pals ISIS!

No one answered with an intelligent reply, or dealt with what he said. This speaks volumes about Trump supporters
Are you kidding me?

The left invented the shaming language/labeling tactics and use them every chance they get.

Are you kidding me?

The left invented the shaming language/labeling tactics and use them every chance they get.

Ok whatever. Pretend to be the better man and address the topic at hand.
Whenever any inevitable criticism is raised about Trump the only response his simple-minded followers can come up with is

"you're butt hurt!"

"Liberals are snowflakes!"

I know when you all say these things it makes you feel superior and manly but really you just come across as laughable and pathetic because you can't even address the long list of bullshit Trump has shown you since he's gotten elected.

Of course the other go-to response is to remind us all what you think of Hillary and that shit is just as useless and irrelevant as the rest.

I think the biggest thing is, those on the left who criticize Trump seem to think or act as if we're still in October and the election is still coming up. Or, as if your complaint of Trump is suddenly going to open some magical time portal where we can go back and change our votes. Finding things to nit pick Trump about now is kinda pointless, really. It's not like he has taken office and is actually submitting policy to Congress... if that were the case, at least criticism would have some outlet of recourse, you could write or call your legislator or something. As it stands, there's not much anyone can do... okay, so he flip-flops 6 times in an what? I mean, what is anyone supposed to do with that?

I'm a conservative who reluctantly supported Trump over Hillary and I catch shit from the Trumpkins all the time... they treat me like a piece of dog shit. And I'm on their fucking side! Maybe a lot of that is gloating because they won the election? Maybe it's insecurity or something? Perhaps it's animosity because I didn't snap in line and march in lockstep? I'm still confused over their hate and vitriol of Ted Cruz, who they seem to hate worse than Hillary.

The really funny thing for me is, I go through a typical day and I may criticize something Trump says and then turn around and defend something Trump says. In both cases, I am going to get slammed by someone who disagrees with me. Apparently, having an independent opinion isn't acceptable anymore.
Last edited:
Are you kidding me?

The left invented the shaming language/labeling tactics and use them every chance they get.

Ok whatever. Pretend to be the better man and address the topic at hand.

I did address it.

The left is pissed at having its own tactics used on it.

My response was, and is, 'tough shit'.
Whenever any inevitable criticism is raised about Trump the only response his simple-minded followers can come up with is

"you're butt hurt!"

"Liberals are snowflakes!"

I know when you all say these things it makes you feel superior and manly but really you just come across as laughable and pathetic because you can't even address the long list of bullshit Trump has shown you since he's gotten elected.

Of course the other go-to response is to remind us all what you think of Hillary and that shit is just as useless and irrelevant as the rest.

I think the biggest thing is, those on the left who criticize Trump seem to think or act as if we're still in October and the election is still coming up. Or, as if your complaint of Trump is suddenly going to open some magical time portal where we can go back and change our votes. Finding things to nit pick Trump about now is kinda pointless, really. It's not like he has taken office and is actually submitting policy to Congress... if that were the case, at least criticism would have some outlet of recourse, you could write or call your legislator or something. As it stands, there's not much anyone can do... okay, so he flip-flops 6 times in an what? I mean, what is anyone supposed to do with that?

I'm a conservative who reluctantly supported Trump over Hillary and I catch shit from the Trumpkins all the time... they treat me like a piece of dog shit. And I'm not their fucking side! Maybe a lot of that is gloating because they won the election? Maybe it's insecurity or something? Perhaps it's animosity because I didn't snap in line and march in lockstep? I'm still confused over their hate and vitriol of Ted Cruz, who they seem to hate worse than Hillary.

The really funny thing for me is, I go through a typical day and I may criticize something Trump says and then turn around and defend something Trump says. In both cases, I am going to get slammed by someone who disagrees with me. Apparently, having an independent opinion isn't acceptable anymore.
Don't pretend that what Trump says prior to his inauguration doesn't matter. Of course it does. Fox News and the rest of the rightwing bitched about everything Obama did prior to his inauguration.

Sore Loser

Sour Grapes

Donald Trump will be our President in 45 days. Seems YOU are the one in denial.
Oh I accept it. It's fucking terrible, but I can accept it. You're just too much of a pussy to even try to justify his win.
Justify his win??? WTF is that supposed to mean???
Ok this isn't hard to figure out. Why is it a good thing he is president? If you can't answer that simple question then fuck off.
Are you kidding me?

The left invented the shaming language/labeling tactics and use them every chance they get.

Ok whatever. Pretend to be the better man and address the topic at hand.

I did address it.

The left is pissed at having its own tactics used on it.

My response was, and is, 'tough shit'.
Thank you for proving my point. You can't defend Trump but you won't admit that you can't.
Whenever any inevitable criticism is raised about Trump the only response his simple-minded followers can come up with is

"you're butt hurt!"

"Liberals are snowflakes!"

I know when you all say these things it makes you feel superior and manly but really you just come across as laughable and pathetic because you can't even address the long list of bullshit Trump has shown you since he's gotten elected.

Of course the other go-to response is to remind us all what you think of Hillary and that shit is just as useless and irrelevant as the rest.

What specific issue would you addressed?
Um how about him flip flopping 6 times in one interview?

Trump flip-flops 6 times in 1-hour NYT interview

I see the concept of disarming the press is foreign to you.
Whenever any inevitable criticism is raised about Trump the only response his simple-minded followers can come up with is

"you're butt hurt!"

"Liberals are snowflakes!"

I know when you all say these things it makes you feel superior and manly but really you just come across as laughable and pathetic because you can't even address the long list of bullshit Trump has shown you since he's gotten elected.

Of course the other go-to response is to remind us all what you think of Hillary and that shit is just as useless and irrelevant as the rest.

I think the biggest thing is, those on the left who criticize Trump seem to think or act as if we're still in October and the election is still coming up. Or, as if your complaint of Trump is suddenly going to open some magical time portal where we can go back and change our votes. Finding things to nit pick Trump about now is kinda pointless, really. It's not like he has taken office and is actually submitting policy to Congress... if that were the case, at least criticism would have some outlet of recourse, you could write or call your legislator or something. As it stands, there's not much anyone can do... okay, so he flip-flops 6 times in an what? I mean, what is anyone supposed to do with that?

I'm a conservative who reluctantly supported Trump over Hillary and I catch shit from the Trumpkins all the time... they treat me like a piece of dog shit. And I'm not their fucking side! Maybe a lot of that is gloating because they won the election? Maybe it's insecurity or something? Perhaps it's animosity because I didn't snap in line and march in lockstep? I'm still confused over their hate and vitriol of Ted Cruz, who they seem to hate worse than Hillary.

The really funny thing for me is, I go through a typical day and I may criticize something Trump says and then turn around and defend something Trump says. In both cases, I am going to get slammed by someone who disagrees with me. Apparently, having an independent opinion isn't acceptable anymore.

I think the more they whine, complain, accuse, then turn around and whine and complain more, people finally realize they really do not want an answer. They want to whine and complain because they lost. Or because they love to whine and complain.
Some were so arrogant and snotty assuring everyone that Hillary would win, they just can't get over the shock of her not winning.
So, after so many weeks of this, people are tired of the whining and complaining.

It is what it is. As so many have said over the last weeks......get over it.

And with that I bid you g'nite mister Boss. :)

Someone needs to set up a therapy room with play doh, coloring books, and rattles, for the progressives on the USMB.



Ok so liberal butt hurt is all you have to say about Trump winning huh? Are you basically admitting it was a colossal mistake to elect him to begin with? I figured.


It would have been an even more colossal mistake to have Hillary win.

She had done to her what she did to Bernie and all I'm hearing is...



.....and it isn't a very good one either.

Ok well she didn't win therefore she is irrelevant. Now explain why it's a good thing to have Trump as president.

She was irrelevant before she didn't win.

There are several reasons, the most glaring one being The Supreme Court.
Whenever any inevitable criticism is raised about Trump the only response his simple-minded followers can come up with is

"you're butt hurt!"

"Liberals are snowflakes!"

I know when you all say these things it makes you feel superior and manly but really you just come across as laughable and pathetic because you can't even address the long list of bullshit Trump has shown you since he's gotten elected.

Of course the other go-to response is to remind us all what you think of Hillary and that shit is just as useless and irrelevant as the rest.

I think the biggest thing is, those on the left who criticize Trump seem to think or act as if we're still in October and the election is still coming up. Or, as if your complaint of Trump is suddenly going to open some magical time portal where we can go back and change our votes. Finding things to nit pick Trump about now is kinda pointless, really. It's not like he has taken office and is actually submitting policy to Congress... if that were the case, at least criticism would have some outlet of recourse, you could write or call your legislator or something. As it stands, there's not much anyone can do... okay, so he flip-flops 6 times in an what? I mean, what is anyone supposed to do with that?

I'm a conservative who reluctantly supported Trump over Hillary and I catch shit from the Trumpkins all the time... they treat me like a piece of dog shit. And I'm not their fucking side! Maybe a lot of that is gloating because they won the election? Maybe it's insecurity or something? Perhaps it's animosity because I didn't snap in line and march in lockstep? I'm still confused over their hate and vitriol of Ted Cruz, who they seem to hate worse than Hillary.

The really funny thing for me is, I go through a typical day and I may criticize something Trump says and then turn around and defend something Trump says. In both cases, I am going to get slammed by someone who disagrees with me. Apparently, having an independent opinion isn't acceptable anymore.

I think the more they whine, complain, accuse, then turn around and whine and complain more, people finally realize they really do not want an answer. They want to whine and complain because they lost. Or because they love to whine and complain.
Some were so arrogant and snotty assuring everyone that Hillary would win, they just can't get over the shock of her not winning.
So, after so many weeks of this, people are tired of the whining and complaining.

It is what it is. As so many have said over the last weeks......get over it.

And with that I bid you g'nite mister Boss. :)
It blows my mind that you lack the self awareness to realize how dumb you sound. Okay so you voted for the winning candidate. Good for you! Finally you can feel like you won at something. Of course the truth of the matter is that now you have to face your demons and realIze how tucking stupid you were for helping electing Trump. So far, you can't even make an attempt to defend him.
Thank you for proving my point. You can't defend Trump but you won't admit that you can't.

I just went back once again and reread your OP. Umm there is nothing to defend. So, no one has proven any point of yours, because you didn't make one. And I mean that kindly.
g'nite :)

Someone needs to set up a therapy room with play doh, coloring books, and rattles, for the progressives on the USMB.



Ok so liberal butt hurt is all you have to say about Trump winning huh? Are you basically admitting it was a colossal mistake to elect him to begin with? I figured.


It would have been an even more colossal mistake to have Hillary win.

She had done to her what she did to Bernie and all I'm hearing is...



.....and it isn't a very good one either.

Ok well she didn't win therefore she is irrelevant. Now explain why it's a good thing to have Trump as president.

She was irrelevant before she didn't win.

There are several reasons, the most glaring one being The Supreme Court.

That's it? The SC? A fucking monkey trained by congressional republicans could have picked some random conservative. That doesn't make it a good president by any means.
Whenever any inevitable criticism is raised about Trump the only response his simple-minded followers can come up with is

"you're butt hurt!"

"Liberals are snowflakes!"

I know when you all say these things it makes you feel superior and manly but really you just come across as laughable and pathetic because you can't even address the long list of bullshit Trump has shown you since he's gotten elected.

Of course the other go-to response is to remind us all what you think of Hillary and that shit is just as useless and irrelevant as the rest.

I think the biggest thing is, those on the left who criticize Trump seem to think or act as if we're still in October and the election is still coming up. Or, as if your complaint of Trump is suddenly going to open some magical time portal where we can go back and change our votes. Finding things to nit pick Trump about now is kinda pointless, really. It's not like he has taken office and is actually submitting policy to Congress... if that were the case, at least criticism would have some outlet of recourse, you could write or call your legislator or something. As it stands, there's not much anyone can do... okay, so he flip-flops 6 times in an what? I mean, what is anyone supposed to do with that?

I'm a conservative who reluctantly supported Trump over Hillary and I catch shit from the Trumpkins all the time... they treat me like a piece of dog shit. And I'm not their fucking side! Maybe a lot of that is gloating because they won the election? Maybe it's insecurity or something? Perhaps it's animosity because I didn't snap in line and march in lockstep? I'm still confused over their hate and vitriol of Ted Cruz, who they seem to hate worse than Hillary.

The really funny thing for me is, I go through a typical day and I may criticize something Trump says and then turn around and defend something Trump says. In both cases, I am going to get slammed by someone who disagrees with me. Apparently, having an independent opinion isn't acceptable anymore.

I think the more they whine, complain, accuse, then turn around and whine and complain more, people finally realize they really do not want an answer. They want to whine and complain because they lost. Or because they love to whine and complain.
Some were so arrogant and snotty assuring everyone that Hillary would win, they just can't get over the shock of her not winning.
So, after so many weeks of this, people are tired of the whining and complaining.

It is what it is. As so many have said over the last weeks......get over it.

And with that I bid you g'nite mister Boss. :)
It blows my mind that you lack the self awareness to realize how dumb you sound. Okay so you voted for the winning candidate. Good for you! Finally you can feel like you won at something. Of course the truth of the matter is that now you have to face your demons and realIze how tucking stupid you were for helping electing Trump. So far, you can't even make an attempt to defend him.

What you do not get is that there is nothing to defend. Grow up. And go to bed for heavens sake.

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