At this point in my life my only reason for living is to make money so I can keep on living...

If a doctor told me tomorrow I was dying of cancer, my reaction would be "Thank you, God, now I don't have to worry about saving for retirement."

I know I should be grateful for being alive, but I'm not.
I'm not scared of death. Everyone dies. I'm scared of lingering life. I'm scared of hanging out in a hospital bed dieing.
I'm not scared of death. I'm Catholic and I've never killed anyone or committed adultery, so I'm probably good enough to get into heaven. What I fear is getting old, running out of money, and not knowing where to turn. Would my children take care of me? I don't want to be a burden.

You aren't good enough to get in. Luckily you have the perfect record of Christ to get in, in place of your own. God doesn't see you. You are covered in the blood of Christ. God sees His Son when He looks at you. He dealt with you and your shortcomings on the cross long ago and remembers your sin no more. That is the exchange that took place. If you are a Christian, questioning whether or not you'll get in sort of diminishes the confidence in the work Christ did to make sure you get in. Christ reserved your place at our Father's table. As far as heaven is concerned, you're already there.

When I read your post, I thought about what Paul said:
I am torn between the two. I desire to depart and be with Christ, which is far better indeed. But it is more necessary for you that I remain in the body. Convinced of this, I know that I will remain and will continue with all of you for your progress and joy in the faith...

God knows exactly when you'll transition to your coronation. If he is in control, then why worry about the future? You may need help in your length of days, or you may drop dead tomorrow. Worrying about it won't add 1 inch to your stature.
Don't worry about tomorrow. It will take care of itself.
Paul took his eyes off of self and remained, to be about God's work until God decided to take him home. He continued in joy until he united with Christ in heaven.

Maybe now that you have a little more time on your hands, it's might be an opportunity to be about God's work
for Christ's sake? You may be much more important to God now, than you realize. There may be some joy in your future...:eusa_angel:
If a doctor told me tomorrow I was dying of cancer, my reaction would be

beating feet down to the Walgreens and buying a carton of Camel filters... Quit 7 years ago and after smoking for 43 years the urge still hits me like a big ole Freightliner Semi... I do not fear death and with the way the world is changing... :dunno:

That's a tough one.

Some folks can just quit.....others.......
I'm 54-years-old and every birthday is just one year closer to getting old and not being able to take care of myself.

1. Have you thought about getting into shape? I'm the same age, and I'm making massive gains, and I feel really good about that.

2. SOunds like you have a book most of the way to being publishable. I think that is very cool. I wish I could say the same. ONly publishing allows you to do that and get feedback from readers like never before.

3. Have you ever wished to move? If your current life is so empty, moving seems to hold less risk. Better weather, makes for more pleasant days, if nothing else. A new city would have new things to explore.

4. Someone mentioned a dog. Seems almost like a cheat to tell the truth. It needs care and is happy to see you when you get home. I have one. It takes a lot of time and attention. Lots of walking in the park. A lot of people get a lot out of it.
Hey, this made me laugh out loud. Hope it does the same for you.

I don't believe faith alone saves, which is what some people are trying to tell me. I'm actually worried about my salvation right now because I'm not doing much good right now. I go to my job, I watch TV, I hang around on this forum, and I work on my book series. I should be doing more I think.
Life has been a struggle, and I really don't see a point to it anymore.
That is the point... The struggle weeds out those who dont deserve life. Or those who's existence has been allowed ample time to contribute to life going forward.
If a doctor told me tomorrow I was dying of cancer, my reaction would be

beating feet down to the Walgreens and buying a carton of Camel filters... Quit 7 years ago and after smoking for 43 years the urge still hits me like a big ole Freightliner Semi... I do not fear death and with the way the world is changing... :dunno:
I might take up smoking myself. I was bar hopping Los Angeles with my sister and I smoked a few cigarettes and it wasn't too bad.
Grow up you old crybaby, no one in their right mind takes up smoking at 54. See a shrink you are severely disoriented
If a doctor told me tomorrow I was dying of cancer, my reaction would be

beating feet down to the Walgreens and buying a carton of Camel filters... Quit 7 years ago and after smoking for 43 years the urge still hits me like a big ole Freightliner Semi... I do not fear death and with the way the world is changing... :dunno:
I might take up smoking myself. I was bar hopping Los Angeles with my sister and I smoked a few cigarettes and it wasn't too bad.
Grow up you old crybaby, no one in their right mind takes up smoking at 54. See a shrink you are severely disoriented
I do see a shrink. She tells me my problems aren't really problems compared to her other patients. She sees women who are abused by their husbands, stuff like that.
Fishing has drawn me to Canada, the Bahamas, Fiji and other places.

Point is, it's the fishing, but it's more than that too...
Fishing has drawn me to Canada, the Bahamas, Fiji and other places.

Point is, it's the fishing, but it's more than that too...
Maybe I should take up fishing. It would give me an excuse to sit around and do nothing, which is something I already like to do.

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