At What Point Did You Decide That You Were Against Obama No Matter What?

Have you ever wondered why you may get the impression that people like me think you right-wingers make shit up or do you just wonder: How in the hell did he know?"

No one wonders, dubya. You're a partisan liar - shameless in fact. And you're stupid as a lamp post.

Your behavior is driven by these two facts.

I'm just sayin....
you, no doubt, voted for them BOTH times. Don't answer because i already know sport.

Yeah, well we can't all be rational like you, Scheiß Mause. The guy who ran around AWE with the moniker of "Obamamerican," until you got busted for nabbing that from some other fucktard here...
How am I a hypocrite now?

Blaming Bush for acts not under his control whilst condemning those who blame Obama in the same way.

You have one set of standards for Bush, and a VASTLY different set for Obama.

You know what? From what I read while on here, the right wingers seem to blame Obama for everything bad going on in the country. Would you say that is about correct?

And Bush is not held accountable for anything bad that happened under his Presidency. Does that sound about right?

And you think that is the correct way to judge the two Presidencies. One is not responsible for anything and the other is responsible for everything.

Only in a right wing partisan hacks mind could that be true.
And Bush is not held accountable for anything bad that happened under his Presidency.

Does that sound about right?

Ah yes. The old "But Jimmy ate a cookie too" defense.

Straight out of the mouths of babes.
You know what? From what I read while on here, the right wingers seem to blame Obama for everything bad going on in the country. Would you say that is about correct?

When Obama took the job, he also took the responsibility for the outcome. But neither Obama or his mindless follows will accept any responsibility for anything.

Bush left a recession for Obama, which Obama has failed to recover from in over 4 years. This makes Obama incompetent. Does that matter to the sycophant morons worshiping Obama? Not at all.

And Bush is not held accountable for anything bad that happened under his Presidency. Does that sound about right?

Bush is held as the cause of every ill in all of history, including the disappearance of the dinosaurs, according to Obama, MSNBC, and the barely more than zombie morons who follow him.

And you think that is the correct way to judge the two Presidencies. One is not responsible for anything and the other is responsible for everything.

That's the Obamabot way - everything is the fault of Bush, but Obama got bin Laden all by himself!

Only in a right wing partisan hacks mind could that be true.

Do you believe Obama is a god? Higher than other humans?
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Ive never decided I am against him no matter what. In fact, if he decided to put conservative principles in policy, I'd support him. Im not expecting that. But my objections to him have always been based on principles and policies. I don't want policies in place that will make the nation worse. The President has been doing nothing but putting those bad policies in place.

So until he starts supporting good policies based on sound principles, I will continue to oppose his actions.
How am I a hypocrite now?

Blaming Bush for acts not under his control whilst condemning those who blame Obama in the same way.

You have one set of standards for Bush, and a VASTLY different set for Obama.

You know what? From what I read while on here, the right wingers seem to blame Obama for everything bad going on in the country. Would you say that is about correct?

And Bush is not held accountable for anything bad that happened under his Presidency. Does that sound about right?

And you think that is the correct way to judge the two Presidencies. One is not responsible for anything and the other is responsible for everything.

Only in a right wing partisan hacks mind could that be true.

That's bunk. It's not "right wing partisan hacks" that have a double standard's the main stream media that is reporting on the performance of each President. It's been four YEARS since Bush left office and yet he's still being blamed for the economy? Seriously? At what point do the consequences of policy decisions of THIS President become "his" and not someone else's? Six years? Eight years? Never?

You ask what is the correct way to judge the two Presidencies and then make the astounding charge that Obama is being held responsible for "everything" but even a cursory look at how Barack Obama has been treated by the media since taking office belies that view. Fast & Furious blows up in his face? His handlers push a claim that it was simply a continuation of Operation Gun Runner...a Bush program...and the main stream media goes with that narrative. Benghazi turns into a fiasco? Obama's people claim that it was a spontaneous attack prompted by a YouTube video and the main stream media once again nods it's collective head and dutifully prints that as fact. Obama's stimulus creates so few new jobs that in order to put a brave face on the numbers, his handlers create a whole new economic statistic "jobs created or saved" to confuse the issue and once again the main stream media compliantly goes along for the ride. After making a campaign promise that he would cut the deficit in half by the end of his first term, Barack Obama proceeds to run up trillion dollar plus budget deficits for each year he's in office increasing the national debt by an astounding 6 trillion plus dollars and the main stream media blithely goes along with the Obama claim that the deficits are the fault of Republicans for "obstructing" his agenda...even though what they obstructed would have added far more to those deficits!

The fact that you would even come on here and try to make the claim that Obama is being judged "unfairly" borders on farce. Never in the history of this country has a President been treated with the kid gloves that this one has been treated with. NEVER!
Blaming Bush for acts not under his control whilst condemning those who blame Obama in the same way.

You have one set of standards for Bush, and a VASTLY different set for Obama.

You know what? From what I read while on here, the right wingers seem to blame Obama for everything bad going on in the country. Would you say that is about correct?

And Bush is not held accountable for anything bad that happened under his Presidency. Does that sound about right?

And you think that is the correct way to judge the two Presidencies. One is not responsible for anything and the other is responsible for everything.

Only in a right wing partisan hacks mind could that be true.

That's bunk. It's not "right wing partisan hacks" that have a double standard's the main stream media that is reporting on the performance of each President. It's been four YEARS since Bush left office and yet he's still being blamed for the economy? Seriously? At what point do the consequences of policy decisions of THIS President become "his" and not someone else's? Six years? Eight years? Never?

You ask what is the correct way to judge the two Presidencies and then make the astounding charge that Obama is being held responsible for "everything" but even a cursory look at how Barack Obama has been treated by the media since taking office belies that view. Fast & Furious blows up in his face? His handlers push a claim that it was simply a continuation of Operation Gun Runner...a Bush program...and the main stream media goes with that narrative. Benghazi turns into a fiasco? Obama's people claim that it was a spontaneous attack prompted by a YouTube video and the main stream media once again nods it's collective head and dutifully prints that as fact. Obama's stimulus creates so few new jobs that in order to put a brave face on the numbers, his handlers create a whole new economic statistic "jobs created or saved" to confuse the issue and once again the main stream media compliantly goes along for the ride. After making a campaign promise that he would cut the deficit in half by the end of his first term, Barack Obama proceeds to run up trillion dollar plus budget deficits for each year he's in office increasing the national debt by an astounding 6 trillion plus dollars and the main stream media blithely goes along with the Obama claim that the deficits are the fault of Republicans for "obstructing" his agenda...even though what they obstructed would have added far more to those deficits!

The fact that you would even come on here and try to make the claim that Obama is being judged "unfairly" borders on farce. Never in the history of this country has a President been treated with the kid gloves that this one has been treated with. NEVER!

Yup. According to his supporters he's just an innocent bystander and its all still Bush's fault.

Anyone who thinks Barry is going to take the blame for his policies not working is living in la la land.

As for Benghazi?? His State Department under Clinton fucked up big time and four good men died for nothing.

Barry had no problem jetting off to his fund raiser in Vegas while those men were fighting for their lives. He had no honor and no integrity and the lives of those men mean absolutely nothing to him or his supporters. Collateral damage.

If Bush were still POTUS we all know the LSM would be screaming bloody murder about the economy, jobs and Benghazi.

Till the day he leave office he will be held accountable for nothing. It will always be someone elses fault.
1 embassy is now "our embassies" huh? What were you saying, or said about King Reagan's governorship when hundreds of Americans died at our embassies abroad?


Oh man, oh man oh man....


Welcome to the TOP of the far RW hack list of USMB've earned it. :clap2:

Another one who blames Bush for 9-11.

Jesus your an idiot. Bush was POTUS for eight months when they hit the TT.

That attack was years in the planning. Those years were all under Clinton.

His FBI agent John O'Neil knew something was up. He couldn't get his bosses at the FBI to listen to him. He eventually got forced out. He retired in 2001 and became head of security at the Twin Towers. He died in same on 9-11.

If you want to blame anyone but the dirtbags flying the planes and the dirtbag who planned it then you can set your sites on Clinton. The whole thing was planned under his watch and his FBI dropped the ball.

You can bet your ass that Clinton is on his knees thanking God every night that AQ held off on that attack till he was out of office. I sure as hell would be.
He FAILED to protect us.

I don't care if this plan was underway since Nixon or King Reagan, the FACT remains that Bush. did. not. keep. us. safe.

Period. Point blank. End-of-story.

Unless you are a zombie you cannot claim that Bush didn't keep you alive. Besides, aren't you one of the people that keep blaming Libya on a guy who made a really bad movie?
That just shows how idiotic you are Marc. Bush was POTUS for EIGHT MONTHS when 9-11 rolled around. Clinton was POTUS for 8 YEARS. The planning all took place under his watch. His FBI dropped the ball. Its easy to blame Bush because he was POTUS but Clinton is way more to answer for. His FBI with the exception of John O'Neil didn't take the threats seriously.

I'm wondering if Clintons FBI even passed O'Neils vague info on to Bush's administration. I always assumed they did. Hell. They didn't believe O'Neil so now I wonder if they even bothered to pass that vauge info on to the new administration.

You can blame Bush all you want because he was POTUS but any thinking person will be taking a good hard look at Clinton's FBI.

Clinton also refused to take UBL when the Sudan offered him up on a silver platter. If he had taken that dirtbag they might have been able to get the particulars on the attack that was in the works. Of course you don't want to hear that. You're to busy blamming Bush. God your blind.

You can blame Bush all you wamt. ME? I'll blame the dirtbags who flew the planes and the dirtbags who planned it. I know most of em are rotting in hell.

And as I said. Clinton is on his knees every night thanking God that AQ waited until he was out of office before they struck. I sure as hell would be.
The radical bastards of the far right-wing fringe placed the economy on Obama's lap the INSTANT he swore in, claiming it was his and his alone.

Bush had 8 months to get his act together to STOP the WORST terrorist attack on US soil in history from occurring. He failed.

To top it off, just a year or two previously when Clinton made efforts to bring these plannings to the attention to the public and Congress they shot that down, preferring instead to wage their partisan political ware to impeach him for lying about a BJ.

No, this is Baby Bush's and his alone to bare.

He absolutely FAILED to protect us from being attacked.
Ive never decided I am against him no matter what. In fact, if he decided to put conservative principles in policy, I'd support him. Im not expecting that. But my objections to him have always been based on principles and policies. I don't want policies in place that will make the nation worse. The President has been doing nothing but putting those bad policies in place.

So until he starts supporting good policies based on sound principles, I will continue to oppose his actions.
You were a supporter of Bush, correct?

Which of his policies were based on sound principles to you?
The radical bastards of the far right-wing fringe placed the economy on Obama's lap the INSTANT he swore in, claiming it was his and his alone.

Yeah, Bush knew Obama is incompetent, how dare he leave the economy in Obama's lap after Obama was sworn in?

Bush had 8 months to get his act together to STOP the WORST terrorist attack on US soil in history from occurring. He failed.

I mean Clinton had given Bush all the information he needed "Al Qaeda and bin Laden determined to attack."

THAT is some actionable intel. What more could Bush ask for?

To top it off, just a year or two previously when Clinton made efforts to bring these plannings to the attention to the public and Congress they shot that down, preferring instead to wage their partisan political ware to impeach him for lying about a BJ.


The shit you make up is hilarious.

Clinton bombed the Al-Shifa pharmaceutical plant - where zero evidence of Al Qaeda involvement was EVER found.

More on Clinton's Sudan bombing. - Slate Magazine

No, this is Baby Bush's and his alone to bare.

You sir, are a fucktard.

You have substituted mindless partisanship for every hint of rationality you may once have had.

He absolutely FAILED to protect us from being attacked.

Because "Al Qaeda and bin Laden determined to attack." is all the information anyone needs to thwart an attack.
That just shows how idiotic you are Marc. Bush was POTUS for EIGHT MONTHS when 9-11 rolled around. Clinton was POTUS for 8 YEARS. The planning all took place under his watch. His FBI dropped the ball. Its easy to blame Bush because he was POTUS but Clinton is way more to answer for. His FBI with the exception of John O'Neil didn't take the threats seriously.

I'm wondering if Clintons FBI even passed O'Neils vague info on to Bush's administration. I always assumed they did. Hell. They didn't believe O'Neil so now I wonder if they even bothered to pass that vauge info on to the new administration.

You can blame Bush all you want because he was POTUS but any thinking person will be taking a good hard look at Clinton's FBI.

Clinton also refused to take UBL when the Sudan offered him up on a silver platter. If he had taken that dirtbag they might have been able to get the particulars on the attack that was in the works. Of course you don't want to hear that. You're to busy blamming Bush. God your blind.

You can blame Bush all you wamt. ME? I'll blame the dirtbags who flew the planes and the dirtbags who planned it. I know most of em are rotting in hell.

And as I said. Clinton is on his knees every night thanking God that AQ waited until he was out of office before they struck. I sure as hell would be.
As King Reagan was on his knees thanking God that the American hostages were released just after he was sworn in.

He took the credit for that, did he not?

The American people praised him for that and didn't credit Carter, correct?

He didn't lift a FINGER to do anything, he literally just got sworn in and the American hostages were released based on the work Carter was doing almost up until the hour he was sworn out.

Did you credit Carter? Did the American people did then?

No. He was out of office, King Reagan wore the title then.

Baby Bush had 8 fletchin' months to get his act together...he failed.

He's to be blamed, and rightly so, it was under his watch.

He did NOT keep us safe.
The radical bastards of the far right-wing fringe placed the economy on Obama's lap the INSTANT he swore in, claiming it was his and his alone.

Yeah, Bush knew Obama is incompetent, how dare he leave the economy in Obama's lap after Obama was sworn in?

Bush had 8 months to get his act together to STOP the WORST terrorist attack on US soil in history from occurring. He failed.

I mean Clinton had given Bush all the information he needed "Al Qaeda and bin Laden determined to attack."

THAT is some actionable intel. What more could Bush ask for?


The shit you make up is hilarious.

Clinton bombed the Al-Shifa pharmaceutical plant - where zero evidence of Al Qaeda involvement was EVER found.

More on Clinton's Sudan bombing. - Slate Magazine

No, this is Baby Bush's and his alone to bare.

You sir, are a fucktard.

You have substituted mindless partisanship for every hint of rationality you may once have had.

He absolutely FAILED to protect us from being attacked.

Because "Al Qaeda and bin Laden determined to attack." is all the information anyone needs to thwart an attack.
You can squirm, twist and spin all you want, but at least you have enough sense to realize that Baby Bush was to blame. It's good to know that even the likes of you have to acknowledge Bush's failure in that.

Kudos. :clap2:
That just shows how idiotic you are Marc. Bush was POTUS for EIGHT MONTHS when 9-11 rolled around. Clinton was POTUS for 8 YEARS. The planning all took place under his watch. His FBI dropped the ball. Its easy to blame Bush because he was POTUS but Clinton is way more to answer for. His FBI with the exception of John O'Neil didn't take the threats seriously.

I'm wondering if Clintons FBI even passed O'Neils vague info on to Bush's administration. I always assumed they did. Hell. They didn't believe O'Neil so now I wonder if they even bothered to pass that vauge info on to the new administration.

You can blame Bush all you want because he was POTUS but any thinking person will be taking a good hard look at Clinton's FBI.

Clinton also refused to take UBL when the Sudan offered him up on a silver platter. If he had taken that dirtbag they might have been able to get the particulars on the attack that was in the works. Of course you don't want to hear that. You're to busy blamming Bush. God your blind.

You can blame Bush all you wamt. ME? I'll blame the dirtbags who flew the planes and the dirtbags who planned it. I know most of em are rotting in hell.

And as I said. Clinton is on his knees every night thanking God that AQ waited until he was out of office before they struck. I sure as hell would be.
As King Reagan was on his knees thanking God that the American hostages were released just after he was sworn in.

He took the credit for that, did he not?

The American people praised him for that and didn't credit Carter, correct?

He didn't lift a FINGER to do anything, he literally just got sworn in and the American hostages were released based on the work Carter was doing almost up until the hour he was sworn out.

Did you credit Carter? Did the American people did then?

No. He was out of office, King Reagan wore the title then.

Baby Bush had 8 fletchin' months to get his act together...he failed.

He's to be blamed, and rightly so, it was under his watch.

He did NOT keep us safe.

Dude, I hate to burst your bubble but Carter's "work" did not free the hostages. What freed the hostages was the Iran Contra deal. If you're going to blame Reagan then at least get your facts straight.
That just shows how idiotic you are Marc. Bush was POTUS for EIGHT MONTHS when 9-11 rolled around. Clinton was POTUS for 8 YEARS. The planning all took place under his watch. His FBI dropped the ball. Its easy to blame Bush because he was POTUS but Clinton is way more to answer for. His FBI with the exception of John O'Neil didn't take the threats seriously.

I'm wondering if Clintons FBI even passed O'Neils vague info on to Bush's administration. I always assumed they did. Hell. They didn't believe O'Neil so now I wonder if they even bothered to pass that vauge info on to the new administration.

You can blame Bush all you want because he was POTUS but any thinking person will be taking a good hard look at Clinton's FBI.

Clinton also refused to take UBL when the Sudan offered him up on a silver platter. If he had taken that dirtbag they might have been able to get the particulars on the attack that was in the works. Of course you don't want to hear that. You're to busy blamming Bush. God your blind.

You can blame Bush all you wamt. ME? I'll blame the dirtbags who flew the planes and the dirtbags who planned it. I know most of em are rotting in hell.

And as I said. Clinton is on his knees every night thanking God that AQ waited until he was out of office before they struck. I sure as hell would be.
The radical bastards of the far right-wing fringe placed the economy on Obama's lap the INSTANT he swore in, claiming it was his and his alone.

Bush had 8 months to get his act together to STOP the WORST terrorist attack on US soil in history from occurring. He failed.

To top it off, just a year or two previously when Clinton made efforts to bring these plannings to the attention to the public and Congress they shot that down, preferring instead to wage their partisan political ware to impeach him for lying about a BJ.

No, this is Baby Bush's and his alone to bare.

He absolutely FAILED to protect us from being attacked.

The planning of the attacks started in 1996 when Al Qaeda had gone back to Afghanistan from the Sudan. Their first attack was the African Embassy bombings and I suppose you blame Clinton for that. In late 1997 Bin Laden issued his first fatwa against the US as the strategy of the African bombings was to discover any and all weaknesses around the globe and inside the US. Clinton was to be President for 3 more years and it was Clinton that let Bin Laden go when the CIA had a sniper team in place to kill him with the finger on the trigger.
You fail to mention any of that. How come Clinton did not protect us?
Because he is a Democrat and you give them a free pass.
In 1998 the plot to bomb the Pentagon, the twin towers and other DC government buildings was finalized. Half of the terrorists arrived in country UNDER Clinton's watch.
So quit the blame game BS on the 911 attacks.
How does Bush take 100% of the blame for an operation that was planned during the Clinton Administration and would have been carried out even if Al Gore had been sitting in the Oval Office in September instead of Bush? That's simply nonsense.
That just shows how idiotic you are Marc. Bush was POTUS for EIGHT MONTHS when 9-11 rolled around. Clinton was POTUS for 8 YEARS. The planning all took place under his watch. His FBI dropped the ball. Its easy to blame Bush because he was POTUS but Clinton is way more to answer for. His FBI with the exception of John O'Neil didn't take the threats seriously.

I'm wondering if Clintons FBI even passed O'Neils vague info on to Bush's administration. I always assumed they did. Hell. They didn't believe O'Neil so now I wonder if they even bothered to pass that vauge info on to the new administration.

You can blame Bush all you want because he was POTUS but any thinking person will be taking a good hard look at Clinton's FBI.

Clinton also refused to take UBL when the Sudan offered him up on a silver platter. If he had taken that dirtbag they might have been able to get the particulars on the attack that was in the works. Of course you don't want to hear that. You're to busy blamming Bush. God your blind.

You can blame Bush all you wamt. ME? I'll blame the dirtbags who flew the planes and the dirtbags who planned it. I know most of em are rotting in hell.

And as I said. Clinton is on his knees every night thanking God that AQ waited until he was out of office before they struck. I sure as hell would be.
As King Reagan was on his knees thanking God that the American hostages were released just after he was sworn in.

He took the credit for that, did he not?

The American people praised him for that and didn't credit Carter, correct?

He didn't lift a FINGER to do anything, he literally just got sworn in and the American hostages were released based on the work Carter was doing almost up until the hour he was sworn out.

Did you credit Carter? Did the American people did then?

No. He was out of office, King Reagan wore the title then.

Baby Bush had 8 fletchin' months to get his act together...he failed.

He's to be blamed, and rightly so, it was under his watch.

He did NOT keep us safe.

Nope. I credit the Iranians with having the sense to realize that Reagan wasn't Carter. they had to good sense to release the hostages.

As for 9-11. You are all set to blame Bush while conveniently forgetting that 9-11 was years in the planning. That planning took place under Clinton. One would think his FBI would catch at clue that something was up. John O'Neil sure did. To bad they didn't listen to him.

As for Bush's 8 months?? One has to wonder if the FBI even passed O'Neils warning on. If they did then Bush should have shut the whole country down. After all. No one knew where, when or how this attack was going to go down.

Yup. Bush should have shut the country down till they got all the facts. I'm sure the folks would have just loved that. Yup. I'm sure that would have gone over like a fart in church.

So tell me Marc. What should Bush have done if he even got those warnings that the Clinton FBI?? Your so smart, let us all in on what should have happened.

And BTW. I blame the dirtbags who flew the planes and the dirtbags who planned the attack.
How does Bush take 100% of the blame for an operation that was planned during the Clinton Administration and would have been carried out even if Al Gore had been sitting in the Oval Office in September instead of Bush? That's simply nonsense.

Marc would deny it was FDR's fault we were attacked at Pearl Harbor, Truman's fault the N. Koreans over ran the S. Koreans and JFK/Johnson's fault that we screwed up in Viet Nam.
Funny, they are all Democrats.
Clearly, this is directed to The Republicans and self-proclaimed Conservatives of USMB.

When, exactly, did you realize that you really didn't like Obama and were going to be against him no matter what?

I'll answer the question in the reverse as an example. Some years ago, when Bush was first elected, I disliked him. I didn't like what he stood for, didn't like what he said, I didn't even like the way he sounded, he sounds dumb and he's proven himself to be such. Anyway, I wasn't totally or automatically against him. What turned me against him permanently, was what he did with the good will of The American People after the country was attacked.

He lied about the WMDs, he kept the country in state of constant fear, and he waged two unnecessary wars. To top it off, he didn't pay for it at the time and sent the bill to our kids and grandkids.

To be precise, from the instant he began that fear campaign war campaign, he lost me forever. I will NEVER forgive him for that.

So, when did you Republicans, Conservatives and other assorted RWers of USMB decide to be against Obama no matter what?

C'mon, be honest.

When I found out how much he opposed the Born Alive Infant Protection Act as a State Senator. It really illustrated how far left and despicable the man is.

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