At What Point Did You Decide That You Were Against Obama No Matter What?



You are as wrong on the rest of your responses as you were on the last.

Good day sir.

What the fuck, that was a Tea Party Rally. Obama wasn't there. And that indecent is famous because your shameful party and their media LIED like the racist fucks they are, claiming that a "White mob armed with assault weapons" massed. When the fact was a black professional very peacefully protested, fully within the rights of a free American.
Obama didn't restrict guns. He expanded those rights...Google it.

And there were far more than just the one black man brandishing as well...and you know it.
Obama didn't restrict guns. He expanded those rights...Google it.

Okay, you fucking lie to me, then try to change subjects?

You have ZERO integrity, like most leftists

And there were far more than just the one black man brandishing as well...and you know it.

No one was BRANDISHING shit, you fucking liar. And they had every right to be armed. You leftists are obsessed with revoking civil rights.
I answered the question posed at me by MarcATL.

No response yet.

Is he sleeping off his hangover?
I just thanked you. I considered repping you, but your post included too many things I vehemently disagree with. Although your personal story is commendable, your spin and twist is not.

Did you pose a counter question that you want me to answer? I didn't notice it if you did.

First, let me apologize for the catty and insensitive post. You must have been off the forum, just as I have been, which caused the delay in both our cases.

Now, if you tell me which things I said in my post you vehemently disagree with, I will endeavor to give you the answers you seek, but may not like. Also, if you would, please elaborate on my "spin an twist".
OK, I will answer your question.

I left my old country, Hungary, as a seventeen year old, who carried and used weapon in the 1956 revolution against your idols, the Communist Soviet and Hungarian Communists. Had I stayed, I would not be alive today.

During the revolution, the prison doors were opened to free political prisoners, you know, victims of the Communists, who dared to speak as you can. Unfortunately, the doors of prison were also opened for hard core criminals, who knew that whatever the final outcome of the revolution, they would end up back in prison.

So, along with the legitimate political escapees, like myself, the criminals managed to find their way into freedom. Needless to say, they instantly reverted to their old ways, and ruined the chances and reputations of people who came from the same place but did not have their criminal mindset.

So, I saw signs at potential employers that you - I don't mean African Americans of the past - have NEVER seen: "NO ......... need apply". In my case, substitute the dots for "Hungarians". I also never had the advantage of having a panel a council or a human rights commission, or a NAACP speak on my behalf. I also never had the advantage of having the mother tongue of English, which I am sure you and those you claim to speak for have, and and had to learn it while working for my survival without government benefits, welfare and politically correct support of the press and bleeding heart punk shake down artists like Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton.

When I had learned enough English, I enrolled myself into high school as an adult student and earned my diploma. While in high school I used up my savings and had to go back to the mines to earn enough to be able save enough in order find a job where I could use my newly acquired education.

I got a job on the factory floor of a major rubber factory, where, during my probationary period, I was royally screwed by the union, which prompted my to apply for a job in a training program for lower level management. I was lucky enough to get it, and from there I taught myself to be a successful computer programmer which job I held until I retired ten years ago.

I am NOT a visible minority, but even after 56 years of being here, I am still an AUDIBLE minority, and let me tell you, lots of people have a problem with that.

But I NEVER cried about it, because unlike the folks you claim to speak for I have pride and self-respect.

I answered the question posed at me by MarcATL.

No response yet.

Is he sleeping off his hangover?
I just thanked you. I considered repping you, but your post included too many things I vehemently disagree with. Although your personal story is commendable, your spin and twist is not.

Did you pose a counter question that you want me to answer? I didn't notice it if you did.

First, let me apologize for the catty and insensitive post. You must have been off the forum, just as I have been, which caused the delay in both our cases.

Now, if you tell me which things I said in my post you vehemently disagree with, I will endeavor to give you the answers you seek, but may not like. Also, if you would, please elaborate on my "spin an twist".

You described the NAACP and their purposes as something almost, if not outright, negative.
Your portrayal of Jesse J and Al Sharpton as "shake down artists" and punks.
Your last sentence which assumes that "you folks" and I can only surmise that you're speaking about black Americans, have no pride or self-respect.

That is your OPINION and you're entitled to it, but that doesn't mean I have to agree with it and it certainly doesn't make it true.
Even George Bush had enough sense to keep guns out of national parks. Not Obama.

And while under the influence and guns don't sound like a good idea to most, thanks to the Repubs in Ohio, it is now ok to carry your gun while hanging out in the bar. Is that a good idea or what? Its seems to be working out ok even though there are a lot of shootings in the parking lots. Guns, thugs and bars really work well. It's really great that every swinging dick in the land has a gun.

I've been staying out of bars lately.
Even George Bush had enough sense to keep guns out of national parks. Not Obama.

And while under the influence and guns don't sound like a good idea to most, thanks to the Repubs in Ohio, it is now ok to carry your gun while hanging out in the bar. Is that a good idea or what? Its seems to be working out ok even though there are a lot of shootings in the parking lots. Guns, thugs and bars really work well. It's really great that every swinging dick in the land has a gun.

I've been staying out of bars lately.

Guns have NEVER been prohibited in national parks. Most have either designated shooting areas, or the entire park is legal to shoot.

Obama signed an unrelated bill that had a rider mandating that U.S. Forestry honor concealed carry permits from the state.
Well, your DISHONEST question presupposes a bias against the President based on his race. How sad for you to view the entire world through a racial prism. It also exposes your attachment to group identity as opposed to individual self worth. How is it that some Blacks are able to rise above the mire of self pity while others are not? Of course, you probably resent such individuals as being "Uncle Tom's" or "Oreo's."

If you were to ask an HONEST question about opposition to the President's policies, I would answer that his endorsement of the way the Affordable Care Act was rammed through Congress without a single Republican vote led me to believe that, despite his rhetoric to the contrary, he was going to govern in a highly partisan and ideological manner. His deceitful dissemination of information (e.g., Benghazi) and constant demagoguery about our crushing financial problems have confirmed this opinion.

But then you weren't interested in honesty in the first place, were you?

Bingo. Great post and I couldn't have said it better.

I was willing to give this guy the benefit of the doubt until his statements to Joe the Plumber.

He wanted to spread the wealth and change the face of America.That let me know right there what this guy was gonna try to do. Those that work hard and have need to take care of those that don't.

Plus every promise he made while running for office has turned out to be a bunch of bs. Instead of focusing on the economy he and his Dem cohorts rammed the ACA down our throats. Another huge entitlement we cannot afford. Something we taxpayers are going to bear the brunt of.

Then he and his administration lied through their teeth for weeks about Benghazi. Why? Because he was running for that second term and didn't need any negative publicity. With the exception of FOX the rest of the LSM assisted by not focusing on the story. If Bush had been potus during Benghazi the NYS would have had as front page news with 8 inch letters for weeks. Because it was that fuck in the WH it was barely a news item. He had no problem jetting off to his fundraiser in Vegas while people were dying at the consulate.

No honor. No integrity and a fucking shit as far as I'm concerned

Interesting how you bring up an incident from Joe "The Not-So Plumber". Even more interesting is how you say that ACA was "rammed down" your throats. Well 2 years and change is some really. slow. ramming. WoW!! I bet you were part of the ilk that didn't consider Scott Walker of Wisconsin's swift attack and execution on the unions "ramming down."

I'm also supsicious of your promises argument. I'm willing to bet hard cash that you weren't and/or aren't onboard with his promises, simply the ones you cherry-pick to further your partisan rhetoric.

Why are you holding Obama to a different standard than any other politician? Don't they all make promises they can't keep? Most of the times they do intend to, but for political reasons can't. Prime example is the closing of Gitmo. The Republicans shut Obama down on that PROMPTLY. Are you saying you were rooting for Obama to close down Gitmo?

You should be at least honest least.


WOW talk about someone being honest there Marc.

The ACA was rammed down our throats by the Dems wanting to be part of the "historic" moment. It took two years because they had to bribe and threaten loads of Dems to back it. I'm sure you remember that.

You also remember the phone lines to DC were jammed with folks trying to call their reps to have them vote against Obamacare. The Dems totally ignored their constituants and passed it. They didn't read it but they sure as shit passed it. I'm also sure the elections in 2010 rings a bell as well.

Your not very honest in your assessment of anyone who disagrees with Barry's policies or his job as POTUS.

As for holding him to a different standard?? Nope not hardly. A politician will say or do most anything to win votes.

He sure came across as an honest, earnest guy. Hope and Change. the most transparant administration in history. Lets change the way things are done in DC.

While I didn't vote for him I was hoping he may be different. Guess not.
No my wrong, and very angry brother...Baby Bush handily destroyed HIMSELF with his failed Presidencies and policies. No one had to help him with that.

The rest of your diatribe is pretty much standard fare RW rhetoric.

Your President told us al queda is on the run. Looks like they're running over our embassies.
1 embassy is now "our embassies" huh? What were you saying, or said about King Reagan's governorship when hundreds of Americans died at our embassies abroad?

See if I got this correct.

The President (any President) is supposed to involve themselves in running the day to day security of our embassies?

I don't think so. And he accepted responsibility along with his sec of state.

But did you feel so strongly against Geroge Bush when 3000+ innocent people got killed under his watch?

4 vs 3000. You do the math.

It is the president's job to choose someone who is capable and able to do the job. That person is responsible for the smooth operation of the agency or department they are charged with running. This failure was pure negligence and could have been prevented.

Which incident are you discussing regarding Bush?


Oh man, oh man oh man....


Welcome to the TOP of the far RW hack list of USMB've earned it. :clap2:

Another one who blames Bush for 9-11.

Jesus your an idiot. Bush was POTUS for eight months when they hit the TT.

That attack was years in the planning. Those years were all under Clinton.

His FBI agent John O'Neil knew something was up. He couldn't get his bosses at the FBI to listen to him. He eventually got forced out. He retired in 2001 and became head of security at the Twin Towers. He died in same on 9-11.

If you want to blame anyone but the dirtbags flying the planes and the dirtbag who planned it then you can set your sites on Clinton. The whole thing was planned under his watch and his FBI dropped the ball.

You can bet your ass that Clinton is on his knees thanking God every night that AQ held off on that attack till he was out of office. I sure as hell would be.
I said stimulus, not bailout although I disagreed with that and have since admitted to being wrong about the positive effects the liquidity the bailouts had on the economy.

The GM bailout was described as loans, and we were told that it was desperately needed to keep GM out of bankruptcy - oops - GM went bankrupt anyway. Then some loans were repaid with further bailout money, others were converted to stock. All in all, the US taxpayers lost over $25 Billion to "save" GM and it hasn't produced enough to even match the government's valuation.

GM is not the largest automaker, Toyota is. That's without the government doing everything possible to save face.

GM should have been liquidated and re-oriented. That's how capitalism in a generally free market works. GM is just crony capitalism and it doesn't even work well then.

The government made money on the GM bailout and you did discuss the GM bailout that started with Bush. GM told the government it would need more money, so nothing that happened was a secret. The bailout involved loans secured with stock and interest was charged to these corporations, hence the government made money off the interest, warrants and stock that secured the loans.

You are running your mouth and just saying bullshit. It doesn't work well to save the largest automaker on Earth that provides tax revenue many times more than it received in bailout funds that it paid back with interest?

Post proof to prove your claims and not some bullshit from a right-wing blog.

Wed Apr 21, 2010

GM Chief Executive Ed Whitacre announced at a plant in Kansas that the automaker had fully repaid U.S. and Canadian government loans extended as part of its bankruptcy last year, and said there was "a real possibility" of an initial public offering this year.

Source: GM repays U.S. loan, government loss on bailout falls | Reuters

gm repays government - Bing

Where have you been?

GM is again the world's largest automaker - Los Angeles Times

Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

this is what you get for blindly trusting the media. Go actually bring up the US financials since GM received their loans. See what it actually says. See what price the stock was sold at. I could go on but will leave you with a starting point.

I didn't make the bullshit claim, so tell the person who made the claim to prove it or prove it yourself! I've posted the data on TARP long ago when it happened and was repaid. The person also claimed GM wasn't the largest automaker in the world, so if they don't know that simple fact, how can they know more complex things?
MarcATL replied to my post which asked him which parts of my earlier post(s) he disagreed with.
He replied:

"You described the NAACP and their purposes as something almost, if not outright, negative.

Your portrayal of Jesse J and Al Sharpton as "shake down artists" and punks.

Your last sentence which assumes that "you folks" and I can only surmise that you're speaking about black Americans, have no pride or self-respect.

That is your OPINION and you're entitled to it, but that doesn't mean I have to agree with it and it certainly doesn't make it true."


If there ever was or if there ever was an attempt to form an association for the advancement of WHITE people, you would be screaming RACISM! When you cite a case where the NAACP supported a Republican/conservative, I might change my opinion about it, but until then its positive definitely does NOT outweigh its negative. But the name of its president represents its values. (Clue: jealous).

Jesse Jackson (Junior as well, BTW) and Al Sharpton ARE shakedown artists and punks, who label themselves as "Reverends" but there is absolutely nothing to be revered about them, as they are not only shakedown artists but liars and cheaters and political whores as well. And if you can tell me when was the last time either of these leeches and hypocrites performed a religious service, I would appreciate it.

In my last sentence the "you folks" referred to you DEMOCRATS, with no intention or desire on my part to impugn anyone of African descent. Your interpretation of my "you folks" would never include Alan West, Clarence Thomas, Herman Cain and Thomas Sowell, because they are my heroes and your Uncle Toms.
You forgot the two most important things, 1. their failed policies that they can't seem to stop pushing and 2. their failed rhetoric that's driving the American Voters further, and further, and further away from them into the waiting arms of the Democrats.

Will they listen to reason though?

Heck no.

They think they're doing good.

Do you think a two-party system is healthy or just a Democrat party running everything?
I think we need a TRUE conservative party.

Not a radical reactionary party like the current crop of Republicans we have today.

Get your party, The Republicans, back to a respectable state and we'll be in agreement.

I never said I was a republican. Explain to me what makes a "respectable" conservative.
I can honestly say I never decided to Oppose him no matter what. I simply have found very little in what he has done, or wants to do, That I can support.
No my wrong, and very angry brother...Baby Bush handily destroyed HIMSELF with his failed Presidencies and policies. No one had to help him with that.

The rest of your diatribe is pretty much standard fare RW rhetoric.

Your President told us al queda is on the run. Looks like they're running over our embassies.
1 embassy is now "our embassies" huh? What were you saying, or said about King Reagan's governorship when hundreds of Americans died at our embassies abroad?

See if I got this correct.

The President (any President) is supposed to involve themselves in running the day to day security of our embassies?

I don't think so. And he accepted responsibility along with his sec of state.

But did you feel so strongly against Geroge Bush when 3000+ innocent people got killed under his watch?

4 vs 3000. You do the math.

It is the president's job to choose someone who is capable and able to do the job. That person is responsible for the smooth operation of the agency or department they are charged with running. This failure was pure negligence and could have been prevented.

Which incident are you discussing regarding Bush?


Oh man, oh man oh man....


Welcome to the TOP of the far RW hack list of USMB've earned it. :clap2:

That is funny. Now kindly provide me with the facts regarding your assertion.
Your President told us al queda is on the run. Looks like they're running over our embassies.
1 embassy is now "our embassies" huh? What were you saying, or said about King Reagan's governorship when hundreds of Americans died at our embassies abroad?

It is the president's job to choose someone who is capable and able to do the job. That person is responsible for the smooth operation of the agency or department they are charged with running. This failure was pure negligence and could have been prevented.

Which incident are you discussing regarding Bush?


Oh man, oh man oh man....


Welcome to the TOP of the far RW hack list of USMB've earned it. :clap2:

Another one who blames Bush for 9-11.

Jesus your an idiot. Bush was POTUS for eight months when they hit the TT.

That attack was years in the planning. Those years were all under Clinton.

His FBI agent John O'Neil knew something was up. He couldn't get his bosses at the FBI to listen to him. He eventually got forced out. He retired in 2001 and became head of security at the Twin Towers. He died in same on 9-11.

If you want to blame anyone but the dirtbags flying the planes and the dirtbag who planned it then you can set your sites on Clinton. The whole thing was planned under his watch and his FBI dropped the ball.

You can bet your ass that Clinton is on his knees thanking God every night that AQ held off on that attack till he was out of office. I sure as hell would be.
He FAILED to protect us.

I don't care if this plan was underway since Nixon or King Reagan, the FACT remains that Bush. did. not. keep. us. safe.

Period. Point blank. End-of-story.
Clearly, this is directed to The Republicans and self-proclaimed Conservatives of USMB.

When, exactly, did you realize that you really didn't like Obama and were going to be against him no matter what?

I'll answer the question in the reverse as an example. Some years ago, when Bush was first elected, I disliked him. I didn't like what he stood for, didn't like what he said, I didn't even like the way he sounded, he sounds dumb and he's proven himself to be such. Anyway, I wasn't totally or automatically against him. What turned me against him permanently, was what he did with the good will of The American People after the country was attacked.

He lied about the WMDs, he kept the country in state of constant fear, and he waged two unnecessary wars. To top it off, he didn't pay for it at the time and sent the bill to our kids and grandkids.

To be precise, from the instant he began that fear campaign war campaign, he lost me forever. I will NEVER forgive him for that.

So, when did you Republicans, Conservatives and other assorted RWers of USMB decide to be against Obama no matter what?

C'mon, be honest.

Hey Atlanta Marc, is that your baby mama or your mother? [ame=]Ghetto Woman Gets Tased in Front of Children - YouTube[/ame]

Your posts show that you are incapable of understanding or unwilling to read the thousands of threads from the conservatives on this board. Why don't you try reading before posting a pointless and redundant thread.

My God. I just saw that video. As a Black man I am disgusted. Absolutely disgusted. Indeed, these are the times that try men's souls.....
If that's your reasoning, then I reckon that's it's just a matter of time for you then.

In time you'll see the economy rebound, while under Obama's careful watch and you'll WITNESS and SEE for YOURSELF that all that you then thought was bad/wrong, is actually good.


As I've been saying for 4 years now, if Obama's plan works he gets the credit and I'll admit to being wrong. For 4 years I've been told that the recovery is happening, it's gaining steam, it's just taking longer because it was worse than they originally thought.

And yet the economy is still in the dumpster - and getting worse.
No, my very impatient,'s not getting worse. It's getting better.

Slowly, but it's getting better.

No need to fib my brother.

No fibbing required. GDP shrunk last quarter, unemployment ticked up last month all while more people left the labor force. Prolonged high unemployment is worse than a relatively short spike followed by a robust recovery. 4 years of unemployment above 7% is not a robust recovery. A shrinking economy after all the stimulus is not a robust recovery.

Impatient? It's been 4 years. Here's what was promised remember?


Reality looks nothing like that.

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