At what point, if any, do we help the Cuban people?

International law says that asylum-seekers must go to the nearest refuge, not cross other countries and travel hundreds or thousands of miles to get to whatever "refuge" they choose.

That was Trump's policy which got reversed when Dementia took over. In fact he reversed every one of them which is why we have this huge border mess today.
The Democratic socialist of America have stated they support the Cuban government

They're not Marxists at all !

They're Democratic socialist !
They're taking applications from bartenders if anyone is interested

What the Democrats want is what the government of Cuba currently has. Why would they go against them?

Apparently the regime has opened fire on protestors and one person has been confirmed killed as a result. Other reports say that some protestors & reporters are "disappearing" after being confronted by the regimes armed surrogates.

So do we have any role to play in this? Should we? Should we not?

Biden reportedly said he will not accept asylum seekers or refugees from Cuba despite letting the rest of the Southern Heimisphere flood our Southern border.

Priorities seem kinda WACK to me.
Allowing refugee seekers in, sure. No real problem there. It is rather nonsensical that we would not considering that it seems we are willing to accept them from almost anywhere else. That is, however, about it. The US stomping around and trying to solve the problems of everyone else has not and will not work. The people there have to do it on their own.

Where we make real headway is in flexing our economic power and the economic power of all our allies together.
Yeah sure....we let half the fuckin third world in...what's another country added to the shit pile?
The most productive people in this nation tend to be first and second generation immigrants. They are the hardest working people you will ever meet doing jobs that many would not want to do themselves. People that come here from those failed nations and do it legally have an appreciation of what it means to actually be free that the vast majority of Americans cannot even fathom.
Don't give me that boomer bullshit.

Its not boomer bullshit. It is the real world.

Your bullshit focus on welfare usage is pretty pointless. I can, equally, provide links showing that they generate economic gains that far exceed the costs to welfare programs.

But that is nothing more than a distraction you put out there as your links are not differentiating people who come here legally vs. illegally. It is just garbage thrown at immigration.

Try again.

Apparently the regime has opened fire on protestors and one person has been confirmed killed as a result. Other reports say that some protestors & reporters are "disappearing" after being confronted by the regimes armed surrogates.

So do we have any role to play in this? Should we? Should we not?

Biden reportedly said he will not accept asylum seekers or refugees from Cuba despite letting the rest of the Southern Heimisphere flood our Southern border.

Priorities seem kinda WACK to me.
Did he actually say that?

And honestly why would you rightwingers care? You refused refugees from the Syrian Civil War, put a drastic reduction on visas for Iraqis and Afghans who helped us in those conflictS, don’t think people from the central american triangle countries escaping violence deserve asylum....what exactly makes Cuba so special that all of a sudden we should do something??
Refugees are supposed to take shelter in the first country they come to next to theirs. Syria is half way around the globe. Cuba is in our back yard ffs. So if we do nothing and it spirals out of control China or Russia move in and now instead of a bunch or poor Cubans on our back porch we have an enemy military on our back porch.

Use your brain
Central America and Mexico are our backyard. You are also confusing refugee and asylum seeker.
I'm not confusing anything, you are playing semantics.

And I posted a link to the DHS secretary saying they are NOT WELCOME HERE. He made the statement in the last day or two
That is not saying they won’t be granted asylum. That is preventing another rush of people trying to make a very dangerous journey. You would also be damning him if he said come on over y’all.

If actually says no asylum will be granted, you would have point.
ummm... that was exactly what the quote stated:

Mayorkas said those trying to reach the U.S. by sea will be intercepted by the Coast Guard and immediately returned to their home countries. Even if asylum-seekers manage to get interviews with U.S. officials, Mayorkas added, they will not be permitted to set foot on U.S. soil, regardless of the outcome of their screenings.

"If individuals make, establish a well-founded fear of persecution or torture, they are referred to third countries for resettlement," Mayorkas said. "They will not enter the United States."

How can you take that any other way?

Apparently the regime has opened fire on protestors and one person has been confirmed killed as a result. Other reports say that some protestors & reporters are "disappearing" after being confronted by the regimes armed surrogates.

So do we have any role to play in this? Should we? Should we not?

Biden reportedly said he will not accept asylum seekers or refugees from Cuba despite letting the rest of the Southern Heimisphere flood our Southern border.

Priorities seem kinda WACK to me.
Allowing refugee seekers in, sure. No real problem there. It is rather nonsensical that we would not considering that it seems we are willing to accept them from almost anywhere else. That is, however, about it. The US stomping around and trying to solve the problems of everyone else has not and will not work. The people there have to do it on their own.

Where we make real headway is in flexing our economic power and the economic power of all our allies together.
Yeah sure....we let half the fuckin third world in...what's another country added to the shit pile?
The most productive people in this nation tend to be first and second generation immigrants. They are the hardest working people you will ever meet doing jobs that many would not want to do themselves. People that come here from those failed nations and do it legally have an appreciation of what it means to actually be free that the vast majority of Americans cannot even fathom.
Don't give me that boomer bullshit.

Its not boomer bullshit. It is the real world.

Your bullshit focus on welfare usage is pretty pointless. I can, equally, provide links showing that they generate economic gains that far exceed the costs to welfare programs.

But that is nothing more than a distraction you put out there as your links are not differentiating people who come here legally vs. illegally. It is just garbage thrown at immigration.

Try again.
Yet...over half rely on the government for handouts? Doesn't add up cum stain.
Offering asylum is the best way to help them, as we had done before.

But their conflict is not ours.

Well, not really. It's very dangerous and a lot of deaths take place trying to leave a country that is captive by their government. Look at the thousands of women and female children that endure multiple rapes, murders and forced into slavery trying to make their way to the US that the Democrats could give two shits about.

Apparently the regime has opened fire on protestors and one person has been confirmed killed as a result. Other reports say that some protestors & reporters are "disappearing" after being confronted by the regimes armed surrogates.

So do we have any role to play in this? Should we? Should we not?

Biden reportedly said he will not accept asylum seekers or refugees from Cuba despite letting the rest of the Southern Heimisphere flood our Southern border.

Priorities seem kinda WACK to me.
Allowing refugee seekers in, sure. No real problem there. It is rather nonsensical that we would not considering that it seems we are willing to accept them from almost anywhere else. That is, however, about it. The US stomping around and trying to solve the problems of everyone else has not and will not work. The people there have to do it on their own.

Where we make real headway is in flexing our economic power and the economic power of all our allies together.
Yeah sure....we let half the fuckin third world in...what's another country added to the shit pile?
The most productive people in this nation tend to be first and second generation immigrants. They are the hardest working people you will ever meet doing jobs that many would not want to do themselves. People that come here from those failed nations and do it legally have an appreciation of what it means to actually be free that the vast majority of Americans cannot even fathom.
Don't give me that boomer bullshit.

Its not boomer bullshit. It is the real world.

Your bullshit focus on welfare usage is pretty pointless. I can, equally, provide links showing that they generate economic gains that far exceed the costs to welfare programs.

But that is nothing more than a distraction you put out there as your links are not differentiating people who come here legally vs. illegally. It is just garbage thrown at immigration.

Try again.
Yet...over half rely on the government for handouts? Doesn't add up cum stain.
Just showed why your claims were not only utter bullshit but also why they do not even apply to anything I said and all you have is more insults.

It is okay, we know you have no clue what you are talking about. You don't actually have to prove it again.

Apparently the regime has opened fire on protestors and one person has been confirmed killed as a result. Other reports say that some protestors & reporters are "disappearing" after being confronted by the regimes armed surrogates.

So do we have any role to play in this? Should we? Should we not?

Biden reportedly said he will not accept asylum seekers or refugees from Cuba despite letting the rest of the Southern Heimisphere flood our Southern border.

Priorities seem kinda WACK to me.
Allowing refugee seekers in, sure. No real problem there. It is rather nonsensical that we would not considering that it seems we are willing to accept them from almost anywhere else. That is, however, about it. The US stomping around and trying to solve the problems of everyone else has not and will not work. The people there have to do it on their own.

Where we make real headway is in flexing our economic power and the economic power of all our allies together.
Yeah sure....we let half the fuckin third world in...what's another country added to the shit pile?
The most productive people in this nation tend to be first and second generation immigrants. They are the hardest working people you will ever meet doing jobs that many would not want to do themselves. People that come here from those failed nations and do it legally have an appreciation of what it means to actually be free that the vast majority of Americans cannot even fathom.
Don't give me that boomer bullshit.

Its not boomer bullshit. It is the real world.

Your bullshit focus on welfare usage is pretty pointless. I can, equally, provide links showing that they generate economic gains that far exceed the costs to welfare programs.

But that is nothing more than a distraction you put out there as your links are not differentiating people who come here legally vs. illegally. It is just garbage thrown at immigration.

Try again.
Yet...over half rely on the government for handouts? Doesn't add up cum stain.
Just showed why your claims were not only utter bullshit but also why they do not even apply to anything I said and all you have is more insults.

It is okay, we know you have no clue what you are talking about. You don't actually have to prove it again.
Ok...for the slow boomer fuck. If an immigrant works for low wages, and increases profit margin for a company, this is not the same as increased government expenditure for welfare programs, and increased consumption from the immigrant community.

You see...private enterprise....versus government expenditure....TAX DOLLARS...versus...Private profit margin.

You stupid boomer cuck.

America went from 90% white European to 60% white European in 45 years...because of SOFT...compliant...boomer fuckwits like you.

Apparently the regime has opened fire on protestors and one person has been confirmed killed as a result. Other reports say that some protestors & reporters are "disappearing" after being confronted by the regimes armed surrogates.

So do we have any role to play in this? Should we? Should we not?

Biden reportedly said he will not accept asylum seekers or refugees from Cuba despite letting the rest of the Southern Heimisphere flood our Southern border.

Priorities seem kinda WACK to me.


There was not anything in the Middle East worth one drop of American blood.

There is even less in Cuba.

Apparently the regime has opened fire on protestors and one person has been confirmed killed as a result. Other reports say that some protestors & reporters are "disappearing" after being confronted by the regimes armed surrogates.

So do we have any role to play in this? Should we? Should we not?

Biden reportedly said he will not accept asylum seekers or refugees from Cuba despite letting the rest of the Southern Heimisphere flood our Southern border.

Priorities seem kinda WACK to me.
Allowing refugee seekers in, sure. No real problem there. It is rather nonsensical that we would not considering that it seems we are willing to accept them from almost anywhere else. That is, however, about it. The US stomping around and trying to solve the problems of everyone else has not and will not work. The people there have to do it on their own.

Where we make real headway is in flexing our economic power and the economic power of all our allies together.
Yeah sure....we let half the fuckin third world in...what's another country added to the shit pile?
The most productive people in this nation tend to be first and second generation immigrants. They are the hardest working people you will ever meet doing jobs that many would not want to do themselves. People that come here from those failed nations and do it legally have an appreciation of what it means to actually be free that the vast majority of Americans cannot even fathom.
Don't give me that boomer bullshit.

Its not boomer bullshit. It is the real world.

Your bullshit focus on welfare usage is pretty pointless. I can, equally, provide links showing that they generate economic gains that far exceed the costs to welfare programs.

But that is nothing more than a distraction you put out there as your links are not differentiating people who come here legally vs. illegally. It is just garbage thrown at immigration.

Try again.
Yet...over half rely on the government for handouts? Doesn't add up cum stain.
Just showed why your claims were not only utter bullshit but also why they do not even apply to anything I said and all you have is more insults.

It is okay, we know you have no clue what you are talking about. You don't actually have to prove it again.
Ok...for the slow boomer fuck. If an immigrant works for low wages, and increases profit margin for a company, this is not the same as increased government expenditure for welfare programs, and increased consumption from the immigrant community.

You see...private enterprise....versus government expenditure....TAX DOLLARS...versus...Private profit margin.

You stupid boomer cuck.

America went from 90% white European to 60% white European in 45 years...because of SOFT...compliant...boomer fuckwits like you.
Blah blah, insult, insult, blah, blah.

Are you ever going to actually make a valid point? Nope.
The Russians assumed responsibility for Cuba back in 1959. Why should we feel responsible today?
Maybe having Russia a few dozen miles off our coast is a bad idea?

Good grief
We share a freaking space station with the Russians. They have always been a few dozen miles off our coast. Throwing a billion dollars at Cuba ain't going to change anything.

You are both somewhat uninformed and seemingly naive
This is unbelievable.

Biden's Home Security Chief, Alejandro Mayorkas .... please listen to this...... a Cuban Immigrant who fled the island with his family, in 1960.. is telling all their countrymen in Cuba today, that they will not be allowed to enter the US.

I have no words....this is so difficult to process .....this is hypocrisy to the highest level. This is disgusting.

Barry Hussein opened relations with Cuba about a decade ago and everything seemed to be fine. Cubans had restored vehicles that Americans would pay big busks for and tourism seemed to be in the works. Did the CIA get get involved in the last six months to throw the focus off the mess in the Biden administration? Let the freaking Russians take care of what's wrong in Cuba. they should be used to it.
Biden's Home Security Chief, Alejandro Mayorkas, a Cuban immigrant, who fled Cuba in the 1960s with his family is a hypocrite.

Rules for you not for me. ....what a piece of shit.

That's him

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Apparently the regime has opened fire on protestors and one person has been confirmed killed as a result. Other reports say that some protestors & reporters are "disappearing" after being confronted by the regimes armed surrogates.

So do we have any role to play in this? Should we? Should we not?

Biden reportedly said he will not accept asylum seekers or refugees from Cuba despite letting the rest of the Southern Heimisphere flood our Southern border.

Priorities seem kinda WACK to me.

We should be supporting the freedom aspiring Cubans, as we should any country. Biden has praised those who are demonstrating against tyranny in Cuba.

But he doesn't want to say anything that might prompt hundreds of thousands of migrants from entering the US.

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