At what point, if any, do we help the Cuban people?

Are you saying that @jknowgood doesn’t want to let Cubans into this country?

Maybe he can answer us directly. Do you want to let the Cubans come here or not?

I want the border closed to everybody. We already have a fine immigration system in place. We allow a million people a year to become citizens of this country. We pass out a million Visa's and green cards a year for foreigners to take advantage of everything we created here. Then when you consider all the foreign aid this country of 30 trillion in debt passes out, all of our private charities that Americans give their dollars to in order to help people all over the globe, nobody in the world does more for outsiders than the United States of America.

Okay, fine. But what's annoying is when we have people on the left telling us we just aren't doing enough. Forget everything we give, they only want more.

Not only that, what's more annoying is they are doing it for politics; to create a single-party government forever ending the great experiment once and for all. Like I said, if these south Americans were known to be conservative people, the Democrats would have had a 100 foot border wall from one end of the border to the other 30 years ago to make sure those people stayed out.
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Are you saying that @jknowgood doesn’t want to let Cubans into this country?

Maybe he can answer us directly. Do you want to let the Cubans come here or not?

I want the border closed to everybody.

Your fellow conservatives are saying that we should help Cubans out. I've asked how specifically and they said we should grant them asylum but nobody seems to be clear on what specifically we should do.

Seems like you guys need to get on the same page.
Your fellow conservatives are saying that we should help Cubans out. I've asked how specifically and they said we should grant them asylum but nobody seems to be clear on what specifically we should do.

Seems like you guys need to get on the same page.

Conservatives are not like liberals where we all march to the same drum beat. We are individual thinkers where nobody tells us what to think. That's besides the likelihood that some are just playing devils advocate with you and your ilk.
Your fellow conservatives are saying that we should help Cubans out. I've asked how specifically and they said we should grant them asylum but nobody seems to be clear on what specifically we should do.

Seems like you guys need to get on the same page.

Conservatives are not like liberals where we all march to the same drum beat. We are individual thinkers where nobody tells us what to think. That's besides the likelihood that some are just playing devils advocate with you and your ilk.
Sure you do. Breitbart and Gateway Pundit tell you all what to think. I suspect that they haven't given you all your marching orders and that's why some of you are confused for now and failing to give straight-forward answers.

If they were playing devils advocate, they sure aren't very good at it. You're clearly just making shit up. Again.
Good or bad, the internal affairs of other nations are their own business, not ours.
My fellow conservatives are simply pointing out (yet again) leftist hypocrisy. Open the borders, but only to people the Democrats approve of.

Are you saying that jknowgood doesn’t want to let Cubans into this country?

Maybe he can answer us directly. Do you want to let the Cubans come here or not?
I say let them get here the legal way. Your the one that only wants illegals to flood our borders for a vote.
The Russians assumed responsibility for Cuba back in 1959. Why should we feel responsible today?
You are right. The US let the Muslims in the Sudan conduct a mass genocide against Christians and did nothing.

Today we see the Chinese do the same against Muslims and Biden says it is just their "culture"

So why give a damn about any of them?

FDR even sent Jews back to the ovens of Nazi Germany when he knew full well what awaited them

Why care?

Oh, I forgot, we let illegals come across the border cuz that is what Jesus would have done

My bad.

So you've learned nothing from the mistakes of the past. If you did nothing in the past to help people and they died as a result, you're not going to do anything different now.

Short of invading these countries to end their genocide, what do you propose doing? When Trump was President, he said that America First and you're done being the world's policeman. But now you want to do something for the Cubans or the Muslims??

But you oppose helping Central Americans fleeing violence and famine.

Where you have an opportunity to take in refugees, you should do that. But as for going into Cuba or China or elsewhere to stop bad behaviours, no. Nor should you be supplying the Cubans with anything. The government will steal it.

But it's interesting how selective you truly are about who you help. No Central Americans, no Puerto Ricans, but Haitians and Cubans you'll help.
The Russians assumed responsibility for Cuba back in 1959. Why should we feel responsible today?
You are right. The US let the Muslims in the Sudan conduct a mass genocide against Christians and did nothing.

Today we see the Chinese do the same against Muslims and Biden says it is just their "culture"

So why give a damn about any of them?

FDR even sent Jews back to the ovens of Nazi Germany when he knew full well what awaited them

Why care?

Oh, I forgot, we let illegals come across the border cuz that is what Jesus would have done

My bad.

So you've learned nothing from the mistakes of the past. If you did nothing in the past to help people and they died as a result, you're not going to do anything different now.

Short of invading these countries to end their genocide, what do you propose doing? When Trump was President, he said that America First and you're done being the world's policeman. But now you want to do something for the Cubans or the Muslims??

But you oppose helping Central Americans fleeing violence and famine.

Where you have an opportunity to take in refugees, you should do that. But as for going into Cuba or China or elsewhere to stop bad behaviours, no. Nor should you be supplying the Cubans with anything. The government will steal it.

But it's interesting how selective you truly are about who you help. No Central Americans, no Puerto Ricans, but Haitians and Cubans you'll help.
Those crossing the Mexican border travel through many countries to get to the US. There is no gun pointed to their collective heads. Why not seek refuge in a neighboring country?

But Cuba is an island with no where to go except maybe an inner tube to the US. They are being hunted down by rabid leftists like yourself who want to see them all murdered for daring to raise any voice of opposition to Marxism

You are all alike.

You can all shove your cult where the sun don't shine
So now you’re in favor of granting asylum to people? That’s cool. Fine with me.
Funny how quickly they can become globalists, huh?
Funny how you didn't put my post in there. You good with your party not letting Cuban people in? Just because they won't vote your way?
For leftists, EVERYTHING is about the party. Leftists support human rights only when it benefits the party. Look at my Mussolini quote in my signature. That is EXACTLY the ideology of the American left.
Make them US citizens and register them to vote

Now who do you suppose they will vote for?


You want to make them U.S. citizens? That’s cool. Fine with me.

I can’t really get a straight answer out of you guys.
Anyone can get here the legal way. You’re not saying anything.

No, not anybody can get here the legal way. Anybody applying is totally vetted and at times it takes several years.

Right. The legal way which includes that whole vetting process.

Anyone can choose to go through that process and if they make it through, then they get in.

I asked what we should do for the Cubans and he responded with that. That’s not doing much. They already have the option to try that.
Trumpsters will complain regardless of what he does.

Because BDS.
Why does your party wants to deny the thousands of Cuban immigrants?

What exactly would you like us to do? Be specific.
Gee, do what you typically do when an issue doesn’t fit your agenda. You ass-wipes certainly don’t mind opening up our southern border letting in any miscreant that crosses the border, telling us some bullshit about asylum seekers. Now you actually have a group that wants to escape oppression and you do what you do best, sit on your fat ass and do nothing.

So now you’re in favor of granting asylum to people? That’s cool. Fine with me.

Not at all, just amazed at the doublespeak coming from you fricken loons.
Trumpsters will complain regardless of what he does.

Because BDS.
Why does your party wants to deny the thousands of Cuban immigrants?

What exactly would you like us to do? Be specific.
Gee, do what you typically do when an issue doesn’t fit your agenda. You ass-wipes certainly don’t mind opening up our southern border letting in any miscreant that crosses the border, telling us some bullshit about asylum seekers. Now you actually have a group that wants to escape oppression and you do what you do best, sit on your fat ass and do nothing.

So now you’re in favor of granting asylum to people? That’s cool. Fine with me.

Not at all, just amazed at the doublespeak coming from you fricken loons.

So that entire rant and you didn’t even actually address anything. Great.

And you didn’t get any doublespeak from me either.

Apparently the regime has opened fire on protestors and one person has been confirmed killed as a result. Other reports say that some protestors & reporters are "disappearing" after being confronted by the regimes armed surrogates.

So do we have any role to play in this? Should we? Should we not?

Biden reportedly said he will not accept asylum seekers or refugees from Cuba despite letting the rest of the Southern Heimisphere flood our Southern border.

Priorities seem kinda WACK to me.
What percentage of Cuba's entire population supports the protests?

Washington’s Weaponization of Protests in Cuba Takes Its Regime Change Efforts to New Heights of Hypocrisy -

"Biden talks as if the protesters are representative of the entireCuban people when there is no evidence to support this insinuation. Cuba is an island of 11 million people who hold diverse views about the revolution and all manner of other matters.

"There is zero evidence to suggest that the majority of the Cuban people want to reverse the major social gains of the revolution.

"And why would they when you look at the state of other Caribbean island nations that have obeyed the Washington Consensus and followed the dictates of the International Monetary Fund and World Bank?

"Perhaps the country in the Caribbean to have most closely followed Washington’s preferred neoliberal economic model has been Haiti, which remains the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere."
You can't possibly be stupid enough to believe that. Haiti has always been a perfectly example of a kleptocracy. It's never had decent leadership. Compare it to the Dominican Republic on the other half of Hispanola.
The DR is not much better.

Nice place to retire if you are an American - you can live really well off very little. Not a good place in general though.
It’s a lot better than Haiti despite having the same people with much the same history
When the bar is set so low you could not trip over it if you tried it is pretty easy to be doing 'better.'

Having seen the DR, they are not doing well at all.
Are you saying that @jknowgood doesn’t want to let Cubans into this country?

Maybe he can answer us directly. Do you want to let the Cubans come here or not?

I want the border closed to everybody. We already have a fine immigration system in place. We allow a million people a year to become citizens of this country. We pass out a million Visa's and green cards a year for foreigners to take advantage of everything we created here. Then when you consider all the foreign aid this country of 30 trillion in debt passes out, all of our private charities that Americans give their dollars to in order to help people all over the globe, nobody in the world does more for outsiders than the United States of America.

Okay, fine. But what's annoying is when we have people on the left telling us we just aren't doing enough. Forget everything we give, they only want more.

Not only that, what's more annoying is they are doing it for politics; to create a single-party government forever ending the great experiment once and for all. Like I said, if these south Americans were known to be conservative people, the Democrats would have had a 100 foot border wall from one end of the border to the other 30 years ago to make sure those people stayed out.
No, we don't. We do not really even have an immigration 'system.' The 'get in line' mantra is bullshit. Nothing in our immigration system makes any sense at all as there is no vetting process that places importance on the type of people we should be encouraging to come to this nation. Instead it is more like winning the lottery or having the correct relationship with someone that married into it.

That we even allow this pile of crap system to remain is a travesty. It needs to be torn down completely and rebuilt from scratch. Unfortunately that is a tough job that does not make for a good 10 second slogan or soundbite so no one in Washington is even remotely interested.

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