At what point, if any, do we help the Cuban people?

Apparently the regime has opened fire on protestors and one person has been confirmed killed as a result. Other reports say that some protestors & reporters are "disappearing" after being confronted by the regimes armed surrogates.

So do we have any role to play in this? Should we? Should we not?

Biden reportedly said he will not accept asylum seekers or refugees from Cuba despite letting the rest of the Southern Heimisphere flood our Southern border.

Priorities seem kinda WACK to me.
His priorities are about helping likely Democrat voters to flood the county. Cubans tend to vote Republican and yes, he is that fecking evil.

As for helping the Cuban people, I think we should but I don't think sending in military forces would be a good idea. Training some and equipping them with hi-tech equipment and serious weaponry might be all they need.

Apparently the regime has opened fire on protestors and one person has been confirmed killed as a result. Other reports say that some protestors & reporters are "disappearing" after being confronted by the regimes armed surrogates.

So do we have any role to play in this? Should we? Should we not?

Biden reportedly said he will not accept asylum seekers or refugees from Cuba despite letting the rest of the Southern Heimisphere flood our Southern border.

Priorities seem kinda WACK to me.
Okay, let me get the glasses out to get a read on this post....Asylum seekers on southern border are perceived to be Democratic voters, keep them out. Cuban asylum seekers are perceived to be republic voters, so let them in.

Got it.
No, you’ve got it wrong. Cubans are fleeing from a despot who kills and imprisons those who disagree with him. Central Americans and Mexicans are fleeing poverty. That’s never been accepted as a basis for sanctuary. The people crossing the southern border have a process for legal immigration that is unavailable to the Cubans.
Why has the Biden administration not restored internet service for the people in Cuba?
If he truly believes what he said about supporting the people this is the first and easiest step to helping them.
I mentioned it the day I created this thread and here we are and he is still hesitating.

"On the morning of July 12, U.S. President Joe Biden hastily put out a statement that reeked of hypocrisy. 'We stand with the Cuban people,” Biden said, “and their clarion call for freedom.'

"If the U.S. government actually cared about the Cuban people, then the Biden administration would at the very least withdraw the 243 unilateral coercive measures implemented by the presidency of Donald Trump before he left office in January 2021; Biden—contrary to his own campaign promises—has not started the process to reverse Trump’s designation of Cuba as a 'state sponsor of terrorism.'"

The United States tries to take advantage of the price Cubans are paying for the blockade and the pandemic | MR Online

The US has spent the last six decades trying to overthrow the government of Cuba using sanctions and invasions; the current protests on that island are largely funded by your tax dollars via the National Endowment for Democracy and USAID.

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