At what point, if any, do we help the Cuban people?

Fuck them. Let them sort their own shit out.
The people need to take over their country and throw out the dictatorship.
Exactly. We have an army. Let them put their training to good use and help the Cuban people.

Really can't do that because communist countries are not going to sit back and let us do that. If we send in military, they will send in military. If we send them weapons, they will send weapons and technology to the government. The US military is there to protect Americans, not people in other countries. Cuba under any regime is no real threat to the US.

The excuse that he does not want to prompt immigration from anywhere just does not fly at all.

They want immigration with people that would likely vote for them if given the chance. If people south of our border were known conservatives, the Democrats would have had a 100 foot totally impassible wall across every inch of our border 30 years ago.
You can't possibly be stupid enough to believe that. Haiti has always been a perfectly example of a kleptocracy. It's never had decent leadership. Compare it to the Dominican Republic on the other half of Hispanola.
Has Haiti been a more faithful servant to "Washington's preferred neoliberal economic model" than Cuba?

Washington’s Weaponization of Protests in Cuba Takes Its Regime Change Efforts to New Heights of Hypocrisy -

"Perhaps the country in the Caribbean to have most closely followed Washington’s preferred neoliberal economic model has been Haiti, which remains the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere."

Haitians remember U.S. invasion of 1915
Trumpsters will complain regardless of what he does.

Because BDS.
Why does your party wants to deny the thousands of Cuban immigrants?

What exactly would you like us to do? Be specific.
Gee, do what you typically do when an issue doesn’t fit your agenda. You ass-wipes certainly don’t mind opening up our southern border letting in any miscreant that crosses the border, telling us some bullshit about asylum seekers. Now you actually have a group that wants to escape oppression and you do what you do best, sit on your fat ass and do nothing.

So now you’re in favor of granting asylum to people? That’s cool. Fine with me.
Let them in like everyone of thousands of illegals you're allowing to cross over the border. The problem is, they vote republican over 75% of the time. You can't have that, you're such a hypocrite.

You want to let them into the country? That’s fine with me too. Let’s grant asylum to people facing hardship in their countries.

Glad we came to an agreement.

Apparently the regime has opened fire on protestors and one person has been confirmed killed as a result. Other reports say that some protestors & reporters are "disappearing" after being confronted by the regimes armed surrogates.

So do we have any role to play in this? Should we? Should we not?

Biden reportedly said he will not accept asylum seekers or refugees from Cuba despite letting the rest of the Southern Heimisphere flood our Southern border.

Priorities seem kinda WACK to me.
Okay, let me get the glasses out to get a read on this post....Asylum seekers on southern border are perceived to be Democratic voters, keep them out. Cuban asylum seekers are perceived to be republic voters, so let them in.

Got it.
You want to let them into the country? That’s fine with me too. Let’s grant asylum to people facing hardship in their countries.

Glad we came to an agreement.

Yep, there are only 7.5 billion people on this planet, many of them facing hardships. We'll find somewhere to put them.
You want to let them into the country? That’s fine with me too. Let’s grant asylum to people facing hardship in their countries.

Glad we came to an agreement.

Yep, there are only 7.5 billion people on this planet, many of them facing hardships. We'll find somewhere to put them.

You have a problem with what your fellow conservatives want to do?

Apparently the regime has opened fire on protestors and one person has been confirmed killed as a result. Other reports say that some protestors & reporters are "disappearing" after being confronted by the regimes armed surrogates.

So do we have any role to play in this? Should we? Should we not?

Biden reportedly said he will not accept asylum seekers or refugees from Cuba despite letting the rest of the Southern Heimisphere flood our Southern border.

Priorities seem kinda WACK to me.
The actions that the Cuban government is taking is typical of Marxist nations. If people object to the government, they end up in prison, disappear or are outright killed. To make a claim otherwise would defy logic.
I haven't heard that Biden claimed he would not accept asylum seekers from Cuba, so I can't say whether it is true or not.
If the claim is true, then it wouldn't surprise me, as the current administration is a pro-Marxist one.
If one looks at the videos coming out of Cuba, people waving a U.S. Flag while shouting for "freedom," doesn't match our leftist politicians and media here, claiming that the protests are about the Covid-19 vaccine.
Biden reportedly said he will not accept asylum seekers or refugees from Cuba despite letting the rest of the Southern Heimisphere flood our Southern border.
Under our law, that is discrimination based on national origin. Any asylum seekers should sue the US government based on that alone. That action is unconstitutional.

As opposed to those flooding the border with feeble asylum claims, these people have solid, legitimate claims to seek asylum here in the US.

What is Biden afraid of? What are Democrats afraid of? These people are the very antithesis of their ideals and worldviews. That's what they're afraid of. And they are willing to consign these people to a protracted future of brutality and oppression rather than helping them find the freedom they so richly deserve here.

Apparently the regime has opened fire on protestors and one person has been confirmed killed as a result. Other reports say that some protestors & reporters are "disappearing" after being confronted by the regimes armed surrogates.

So do we have any role to play in this? Should we? Should we not?

Biden reportedly said he will not accept asylum seekers or refugees from Cuba despite letting the rest of the Southern Heimisphere flood our Southern border.

Priorities seem kinda WACK to me.

Two words. Racism and Republicans.

The only two things that Democrats care about. When Democrats solve the messaging how it's racist and Republicans fault, then they will move forward and not before.

Sadly I'm not kidding

Apparently the regime has opened fire on protestors and one person has been confirmed killed as a result. Other reports say that some protestors & reporters are "disappearing" after being confronted by the regimes armed surrogates.

So do we have any role to play in this? Should we? Should we not?

Biden reportedly said he will not accept asylum seekers or refugees from Cuba despite letting the rest of the Southern Heimisphere flood our Southern border.

Priorities seem kinda WACK to me.
Okay, let me get the glasses out to get a read on this post....Asylum seekers on southern border are perceived to be Democratic voters, keep them out. Cuban asylum seekers are perceived to be republic voters, so let them in.

Got it.
Southern Border has invaders not asylum seekers. Asylum requires them to be fleeing persecution ya tard.

Apparently the regime has opened fire on protestors and one person has been confirmed killed as a result. Other reports say that some protestors & reporters are "disappearing" after being confronted by the regimes armed surrogates.

So do we have any role to play in this? Should we? Should we not?

Biden reportedly said he will not accept asylum seekers or refugees from Cuba despite letting the rest of the Southern Heimisphere flood our Southern border.

Priorities seem kinda WACK to me.
Okay, let me get the glasses out to get a read on this post....Asylum seekers on southern border are perceived to be Democratic voters, keep them out. Cuban asylum seekers are perceived to be republic voters, so let them in.

Got it.
Southern Border has invaders not asylum seekers. Asylum requires them to be fleeing persecution ya tard.
So, you know nothing about the southern border other than what phax news has.....Got it.
Let them in like everyone of thousands of illegals you're allowing to cross over the border. The problem is, they vote republican over 75% of the time. You can't have that, you're such a hypocrite.

You want to let them into the country? That’s fine with me too. Let’s grant asylum to people facing hardship in their countries.

Glad we came to an agreement.
No we cannot support all those people. We have homeless of our own to take care of. But liberals want to chose who will be able to come here based on their future vote. That horrible.
No we cannot support all those people. We have homeless of our own to take care of. But liberals want to chose who will be able to come here based on their future vote. That horrible.

So who else should we grant asylum to then?

How should we choose who to grant asylum to?

Apparently the regime has opened fire on protestors and one person has been confirmed killed as a result. Other reports say that some protestors & reporters are "disappearing" after being confronted by the regimes armed surrogates.

So do we have any role to play in this? Should we? Should we not?

Biden reportedly said he will not accept asylum seekers or refugees from Cuba despite letting the rest of the Southern Heimisphere flood our Southern border.

Priorities seem kinda WACK to me.
Okay, let me get the glasses out to get a read on this post....Asylum seekers on southern border are perceived to be Democratic voters, keep them out. Cuban asylum seekers are perceived to be republic voters, so let them in.

Got it.
Southern Border has invaders not asylum seekers. Asylum requires them to be fleeing persecution ya tard.
So, you know nothing about the southern border other than what phax news has.....Got it.
Address my point or stfu troll

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