At what point, if any, do we help the Cuban people?

This is unbelievable.

Biden's Home Security Chief, Alejandro Mayorkas .... please listen to this...... a Cuban Immigrant who fled the island with his family, in 1960.. is telling all their countrymen in Cuba today, that they will not be allowed to enter the US.

I have no words....this is so difficult to process .....this is hypocrisy to the highest level. This is disgusting.

Your Orange God did the same thing, bimbo.

Trumpsters will complain regardless of what he does.

Because BDS.
Why does your party wants to deny the thousands of Cuban immigrants?

What exactly would you like us to do? Be specific.
Gee, do what you typically do when an issue doesn’t fit your agenda. You ass-wipes certainly don’t mind opening up our southern border letting in any miscreant that crosses the border, telling us some bullshit about asylum seekers. Now you actually have a group that wants to escape oppression and you do what you do best, sit on your fat ass and do nothing.
This is unbelievable.

Biden's Home Security Chief, Alejandro Mayorkas .... please listen to this...... a Cuban Immigrant who fled the island with his family, in 1960.. is telling all their countrymen in Cuba today, that they will not be allowed to enter the US.

I have no words....this is so difficult to process .....this is hypocrisy to the highest level. This is disgusting.

Your Orange God did the same thing, bimbo.

Bimbo your ass.

Apparently the regime has opened fire on protestors and one person has been confirmed killed as a result. Other reports say that some protestors & reporters are "disappearing" after being confronted by the regimes armed surrogates.

So do we have any role to play in this? Should we? Should we not?

Biden reportedly said he will not accept asylum seekers or refugees from Cuba despite letting the rest of the Southern Heimisphere flood our Southern border.

Priorities seem kinda WACK to me.

We should be supporting the freedom aspiring Cubans, as we should any country. Biden has praised those who are demonstrating against tyranny in Cuba.

But he doesn't want to say anything that might prompt hundreds of thousands of migrants from entering the US.
That is just an excuse.

The question is if our actions, or inaction, is proper. I would say that barring asylum from people actually being persecuted certainly does not comport with our actions elsewhere.
Well we could take a page out of FDR and Churchill's book from WWII. Let the Cuban exiles form a government in exile, recognize it formally as the government of Cuba, loan it arms and ships and let the Cubans fight for their own country. No Americans directly involved, no skin off our nose and only cost a billion or two in chump change. Essentially do what JFK planned; let the Cubans fight and if the Cuban populace rises up in support, well and good. Otherwise let nature take it's course.
We actually don’t even have to bring them here. We have this sweet base called Gitmo they could use to form a new government. Just off all the towel heads we have there like should have been done long ago and make it a safe haven for Cuban freedom fighters.
I'm talking about the same exiles that are already here.
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Apparently the regime has opened fire on protestors and one person has been confirmed killed as a result. Other reports say that some protestors & reporters are "disappearing" after being confronted by the regimes armed surrogates.

So do we have any role to play in this? Should we? Should we not?

Biden reportedly said he will not accept asylum seekers or refugees from Cuba despite letting the rest of the Southern Heimisphere flood our Southern border.

Priorities seem kinda WACK to me.
What percentage of Cuba's entire population supports the protests?

Washington’s Weaponization of Protests in Cuba Takes Its Regime Change Efforts to New Heights of Hypocrisy -

"Biden talks as if the protesters are representative of the entireCuban people when there is no evidence to support this insinuation. Cuba is an island of 11 million people who hold diverse views about the revolution and all manner of other matters.

"There is zero evidence to suggest that the majority of the Cuban people want to reverse the major social gains of the revolution.

"And why would they when you look at the state of other Caribbean island nations that have obeyed the Washington Consensus and followed the dictates of the International Monetary Fund and World Bank?

"Perhaps the country in the Caribbean to have most closely followed Washington’s preferred neoliberal economic model has been Haiti, which remains the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere."
You can't possibly be stupid enough to believe that. Haiti has always been a perfectly example of a kleptocracy. It's never had decent leadership. Compare it to the Dominican Republic on the other half of Hispanola.
Trumpsters will complain regardless of what he does.

Because BDS.
Why does your party wants to deny the thousands of Cuban immigrants?

What exactly would you like us to do? Be specific.
Let them in like everyone of thousands of illegals you're allowing to cross over the border. The problem is, they vote republican over 75% of the time. You can't have that, you're such a hypocrite.

Apparently the regime has opened fire on protestors and one person has been confirmed killed as a result. Other reports say that some protestors & reporters are "disappearing" after being confronted by the regimes armed surrogates.

So do we have any role to play in this? Should we? Should we not?

Biden reportedly said he will not accept asylum seekers or refugees from Cuba despite letting the rest of the Southern Heimisphere flood our Southern border.

Priorities seem kinda WACK to me.
What percentage of Cuba's entire population supports the protests?

Washington’s Weaponization of Protests in Cuba Takes Its Regime Change Efforts to New Heights of Hypocrisy -

"Biden talks as if the protesters are representative of the entireCuban people when there is no evidence to support this insinuation. Cuba is an island of 11 million people who hold diverse views about the revolution and all manner of other matters.

"There is zero evidence to suggest that the majority of the Cuban people want to reverse the major social gains of the revolution.

"And why would they when you look at the state of other Caribbean island nations that have obeyed the Washington Consensus and followed the dictates of the International Monetary Fund and World Bank?

"Perhaps the country in the Caribbean to have most closely followed Washington’s preferred neoliberal economic model has been Haiti, which remains the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere."
You can't possibly be stupid enough to believe that. Haiti has always been a perfectly example of a kleptocracy. It's never had decent leadership. Compare it to the Dominican Republic on the other half of Hispanola.
The DR is not much better.

Nice place to retire if you are an American - you can live really well off very little. Not a good place in general though.

Apparently the regime has opened fire on protestors and one person has been confirmed killed as a result. Other reports say that some protestors & reporters are "disappearing" after being confronted by the regimes armed surrogates.

So do we have any role to play in this? Should we? Should we not?

Biden reportedly said he will not accept asylum seekers or refugees from Cuba despite letting the rest of the Southern Heimisphere flood our Southern border.

Priorities seem kinda WACK to me.
What percentage of Cuba's entire population supports the protests?

Washington’s Weaponization of Protests in Cuba Takes Its Regime Change Efforts to New Heights of Hypocrisy -

"Biden talks as if the protesters are representative of the entireCuban people when there is no evidence to support this insinuation. Cuba is an island of 11 million people who hold diverse views about the revolution and all manner of other matters.

"There is zero evidence to suggest that the majority of the Cuban people want to reverse the major social gains of the revolution.

"And why would they when you look at the state of other Caribbean island nations that have obeyed the Washington Consensus and followed the dictates of the International Monetary Fund and World Bank?

"Perhaps the country in the Caribbean to have most closely followed Washington’s preferred neoliberal economic model has been Haiti, which remains the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere."
You can't possibly be stupid enough to believe that. Haiti has always been a perfectly example of a kleptocracy. It's never had decent leadership. Compare it to the Dominican Republic on the other half of Hispanola.
The DR is not much better.

Nice place to retire if you are an American - you can live really well off very little. Not a good place in general though.
It’s a lot better than Haiti despite having the same people with much the same history

Apparently the regime has opened fire on protestors and one person has been confirmed killed as a result. Other reports say that some protestors & reporters are "disappearing" after being confronted by the regimes armed surrogates.

So do we have any role to play in this? Should we? Should we not?

Biden reportedly said he will not accept asylum seekers or refugees from Cuba despite letting the rest of the Southern Heimisphere flood our Southern border.

Priorities seem kinda WACK to me.
The answer to your question is..."No!" "We are not going to help them."

Remember the only thing Obama did with immigration was to end...Wet Foot-Dry Foot. The rule the US
went by and allowing in Cuban refugees.

They all vote GOP...they are not going to let Cubans come here.

Apparently the regime has opened fire on protestors and one person has been confirmed killed as a result. Other reports say that some protestors & reporters are "disappearing" after being confronted by the regimes armed surrogates.

So do we have any role to play in this? Should we? Should we not?

Biden reportedly said he will not accept asylum seekers or refugees from Cuba despite letting the rest of the Southern Heimisphere flood our Southern border.

Priorities seem kinda WACK to me.

It's a shame you didn't rush to help those in the capitol.

Apparently the regime has opened fire on protestors and one person has been confirmed killed as a result. Other reports say that some protestors & reporters are "disappearing" after being confronted by the regimes armed surrogates.

So do we have any role to play in this? Should we? Should we not?

Biden reportedly said he will not accept asylum seekers or refugees from Cuba despite letting the rest of the Southern Heimisphere flood our Southern border.

Priorities seem kinda WACK to me.
Did he actually say that?

And honestly why would you rightwingers care? You refused refugees from the Syrian Civil War, put a drastic reduction on visas for Iraqis and Afghans who helped us in those conflictS, don’t think people from the central american triangle countries escaping violence deserve asylum....what exactly makes Cuba so special that all of a sudden we should do something??
The Administration is letting in millions of refugees and says they're oppressed and starving and a host of other ailments. The Cuban people are protesting against an evil dictatorial and brutal regime and are being arrested, jailed and shot in the streets. It won't be long before they are massacred in the streets and executed by firing squads in the prisons. Time for change. As one poster said here, Biden won't let them in because he knows they wont vote Democrat. Plus, he doesn't want to piss off China and Russia.
I disagree. For one, I can’t find any statements by Biden refusing to grant asylum to Cubans seeking it. And second, as I pointed out, we refused those fleeing the Syrian conflict. Some of the Central Americans a fleeing horrendous violence by gangs and cartels who operate as tbe de facto governments. Trying to claim one is more deserving than the other strikes me as wrong,
International law says that asylum-seekers must go to the nearest refuge, not cross other countries and travel hundreds or thousands of miles to get to whatever "refuge" they choose.
In that case Cubans should be going to Haiti and Jamaica.
If that is the case Hondurans, El Salvadorans etc should be going to Nicaragua, Mexico, etc not the USA.

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