At what point in history did the Democrat Party become the anti-Christian party

The Democratic Party never became the anti-Christian party.

A good portion of the GOP abandoned the true Jesus of the Bible several decades ago.
When they were fully infiltrated by Socialist and Communist. I watched them kick out the blue dog Dems over the years. I think Lieberman was the last to go. Now they should change their name to Socialist/commie party of the United States
The Romans that crucified Christ were Republican like conservatives. Everyone knows that.
First time I remember the scumbag DemocRATS BOOING GOD was at the 2012 DNC convention.... I'm sure it started earlier, but they just had to make a spectacle out of hating GOD in 2012...

The only thing we hate are hypocritical theists and the lie their faith is founded on.
The Romans that crucified Christ were Republican like conservatives. Everyone knows that.

We can say just as well that Jesus fell afoul of the PC Nazis of his day; after all, the Pharisees were the 'liberal' faction of the day, as opposed to the Sadducees, the hereditary aristocratic conservative types of the theocracy, and it was they who passed the death sentence and lobbied for the Romans to enforce it.
There was a period in history when a religious change began taking place, one of the names given to this period is The Age of Enlightenment. Some in this age believed more in science and reason and used "Nature's God" as one of the replacements. We are still in that age to a great extent, and will be for eons to come.

There was a period in history when a religious change began taking place, one of the names given to this period is The Age of Enlightenment. Some in this age believed more in science and reason and used "Nature's God" as one of the replacements. We are still in that age to a great extent, and will be for eons to come.

According to Bertrand Russell, there was nothing special about it; science had been on a path for centuries, and the 'Enlightenment' didn't add anything to that path. As for the rest, it was the Protestant reaction to the Counter-Reformation that spurred the so-called 'Enlightenment' for philosophers and literary types, most of whom weren't particularly 'enlightened', but considered themselves to be so, much like modern academia assumes many wonderful things about themselves, despite all the evidence to the contrary.
The Enlightenment might be special interest to us for it help produce our revolution and our second Constitution.
Democrats made a mockery of Christianity when they dressed in sheets and hanged Republicans and Republican sympathizers, black and white.
When they were fully infiltrated by Socialist and Communist. I watched them kick out the blue dog Dems over the years. I think Lieberman was the last to go. Now they should change their name to Socialist/commie party of the United States

Just like the modern Democrats, Karl Marx despised religion,and saw it as an enemy, a rival,and an obstacle to the statist system that he wanted to create. It can be seen, throughout history, in fact,that where a tyrannical government is in effect, there is a strong tendency for government to be hostile toward any religion which is not under its direct control.
When they were fully infiltrated by Socialist and Communist. I watched them kick out the blue dog Dems over the years. I think Lieberman was the last to go. Now they should change their name to Socialist/commie party of the United States

Just like the modern Democrats, Karl Marx despised religion,and saw it as an enemy, a rival,and an obstacle to the statist system that he wanted to create. It can be seen, throughout history, in fact,that where a tyrannical government is in effect, there is a strong tendency for government to be hostile toward any religion which is not under its direct control.

Marx wanted to position himself as the 'anti-Hegel' re religion; Hegel, an atheist himself, admired the positive aspects of Christianity and considered it the highest evolution of theological thought.

Marx himself abandoned 'Marxism' when economists like Karl Menger began publishing their economic theories; only the first volume of Das Kapital was actually Marx's own writing vols. II and III were compiled by Engels and his cadre of hacks. We know from Eleanor Marx that after Marx died Engels spent many days burning a huge amount of Marx's letters and writings, so we'll never know what Marx really thought about his own work. Engels had a vested interest in perpetuating Marxism, as both his publisher and a political gadfly in his own right, so I don't give vols. II and III any credibility, though I do think Engels was a better writer than Marx. 'Marxism' since his death is merely for fashion victims and narcissistic poseurs who think it makes them 'iconoclasts' and 'deep', never mind the likelihood the vast majority of them ever actually read Das Kapital is about zero.

Marxism has also had the side effect of making such ideologies as 'Libertarianism' popular; 'Libertarians' don't have to learn any big words, like 'proletariat' and the like, plus the math is, like, really easy too.
The Enlightenment might be special interest to us for it help produce our revolution and our second Constitution.

Well, there is much to be said about the power of positive thinking, no doubt, but I think the first one went as well as could be expected, and would expect a second one to end up badly, at least if one thinks the modern Democratic or Republican parties will play a role in it.
When they were fully infiltrated by Socialist and Communist. I watched them kick out the blue dog Dems over the years. I think Lieberman was the last to go. Now they should change their name to Socialist/commie party of the United States

The major turning point was the brie and chardonnay set dreaming up the 'Super Delegate Rule' in the '80's. The 'elites' got tired of those filthy low class proles upsetting their own elitist candidates and nominating icky populists and the like. This article describes that pretty accurately, except it didn't start with the Ospama-Hillary fest in '08; he's fairly young and probably not familiar with the '70's and '80's and the DLC's 'leadership' and new major donors wanting to take advantage of the profits to be had peddling the 'Globalism' farce and extremely lucrative labor racketeering riches to be had in Red China and other similar commie dictatorships.

The Neo-Liberal War on Blue-Collar Whites and the Breakup of the Democratic Party - NO QUARTER USA NET

Why anybody who poses as a 'progressive' or 'liberal' would vote for a Clinton or a Gore or especially a racist hack like Obama after they sold out American workers and small to medium companies who created most of the jobs before Walmartization in favor of off-shoring to what are effectively just slave colonies and collections of concentration camps is truly bizarre and Kafkaesque comedy. Neo-liberals are not liberals, and they certainly aren't 'progressives', no matter how much they and their spin doctors keep pretending otherwise.
First time I remember the scumbag DemocRATS BOOING GOD was at the 2012 DNC convention.... I'm sure it started earlier, but they just had to make a spectacle out of hating GOD in 2012...

You know that was over the Jerusalem thing and the vote itself, right?
The Enlightenment might be special interest to us for it help produce our revolution and our second Constitution.

Well, there is much to be said about the power of positive thinking, no doubt, but I think the first one went as well as could be expected, and would expect a second one to end up badly, at least if one thinks the modern Democratic or Republican parties will play a role in it.
The first Constitution seems to have gone badly and that's why Philadelphia got almost 100% attendance.
At what point in time did the Democratic Party become the anti-Christian party?
You have a narrow view of Christianity. There were a number of issues on which the Democrats agreed with the pope. The Republicans often differed on those very same issues. Why aren't they anti-Christian?

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