At what point will partisans realize that sexual misconduct is not a political issue?

Hillary was guilty of all sorts of stuff. For crying out loud, after her server was subpoenaed by the US Congress, not only didn't she immediately turn it over, she had it bleach bitted.

It was her property. Not seeing a problem here.

Really? So what guy ever complained about her grabbing them?

That was the point, no one complained at the time, even her, because it was one big game of grab-ass.

But now she dresses up like a school marm and says how offended she was.

No it isn't, but lying under oath about it in a hearing is. That's how he lost his law license.

You mean the law license he hadn't used in 20 years... um, yeah, big deal. Maybe if they also got his fishing license, you guys would be crowing about that.

Worth 70 million dollars? Meh, it wasn't like the FBI could have spent that 70 million dollars trying to root out terrorist rings in the US. I mean, what was the worst that could happen by putting sex scandals over rooting out terrorists...


Oh, Shit, yeah... I'm glad we had our priorities right in the 1990's... and we got Clinton's law license he wasn't using revoked instead of stopping this from happening.
. Didn't Clinton's years of idiocy bring about 9-11 ?
KellyAnne Conway made the WH position clear. They want Moore to win. They need the Senate seat.

Yes, lets send a man who has voted against the constitution, and been thrown out of 2 jobs as a judge, who acts like a crazy clown, and his morals are under question.
to the senate. then some wonder why many of us are unhappy with the direction the Republicans are headed towards. today lots of sex talk nothing about Net Neutrality..
Yeah well, this is a new week so there

True, that. Mac sees the PC Police hiding in every story.

I think bringing up this sexual bullshit is bullshit. It was bullshit 26 years ago when they brought up Anita Hill to try to discredit Clarance Thomas.

Now, here's where I am going to engage in some liberal heresy. I think Anita Hill was a lying sack of crap. Her story made no sense. Thomas was harassing her, but she followed him from one department to another so he could harass her again?

Of course, there was a good reason to reject his nomination. He was completely unqualified. But the Dems couldn't make that argument without undercutting their own affirmative action positions. So they dredged up this bullshit.

But it's easier to bring up sexual bullshit than talk about issues.

That said, the GOP gets more of a ration of shit about this because THEY are the ones trying to tell the rest of us how to run our sex lives. So it's especially sweet when they get caught with a rent boy or a teenage girl.

Agree Dems dropped the ball, giving a man a life time job on the court with only 9 months experience unqualified for the job.
Disagree about Anita Hill. dig a little deeper.
The answer too how we can require that people with expertise & experience are the people we send to do the job of running the government, should be the topic of conversation.
Sexual misconduct is different than trying to fuck a child

Nailed it - sexual misconduct runs a broad spectrum from inappropriate and tasteless to criminal.

Inappropriate/ Tasteless: GHWB patting a girl on the butt from his wheelchair or Al Franken's tasteless/ ill-advised photo
Criminal: Roy Moore seducing a 14 year old and attempting to rape a just-turned 16 year old in a dark spot behind a diner dumpster

That said, I do appreciate the general sentiment of the OP. Both sides have been guilty and all of it gets over-politicized.

Feel bad about Bush, if you consider the wheel chair, think its an honest mistake from a man in that condition. was happy to see that few made a big deal out of it. the focus should be have they over all done an honest job for those they represent.
Right, because Clinton was never known for lying.

WTF would she say something like that if it wasn't true? What about the State Trooper that escorted her to Clinton by his request? Was he lying too?

You mean the State Trooper who took a whole bunch of money to say bad stuff about Clinton? You could find a stew bum who'd do that for a bottle of Mad Dog 20/20.

Why would she say that? To humiliate Clinton by requiring him to undergo a physical exam under court order?

Jones was a tool, she ended up with no money (the lawyers got it all and kept billing her) and then ended up posing for Penthouse.

Classy. Carville was right about the $100 bill through a trailer park.
Disagree about Anita Hill. dig a little deeper.

I don't have to. Her whole story falls apart when you consider she transfered jobs.

You see, I can say that I truly have hated most of the bosses I've worked for, but none of them ever did anything as bad as what Hill Claimed.

I still wouldn't work for any of them again. I wouldn't give up a job I had to take a job to work for them.

If he was harassing her at the Dept. of Ed, and then one day he tells the staff he's leaving to head up EEOC, the last thing she should have wanted was to transfer with him. Especially since Reagan was talking about eliminating EEOC at that time.

But she did. She followed a boss she despised to a place that might be eliminated.

That's... um, fucking nuts.
Didn't Clinton's years of idiocy bring about 9-11 ?

No, Bush ignoring the CIA's warnings did that. "Well, you've covered your ass, then" was Bush's response to a memo entitled, "Bin Laden determined to strike US" that ACTUALLY TALKED ABOUT AIRPLANES.
Or is everything going to remain a simplistic Left vs. Right slap fight?
First you have to get people to realize the difference between Page Six and the Constitution.You have an entire generation that grew up thinking this is what it all is. Good luck with that.
Well, I don't know how that gets turned around, especially when there are many who don't WANT it to turn around.
Or is everything going to remain a simplistic Left vs. Right slap fight?
First you have to get people to realize the difference between Page Six and the Constitution.You have an entire generation that grew up thinking this is what it all is. Good luck with that.
Well, I don't know how that gets turned around, especially when there are many who don't WANT it to turn around.

Stick to the issues.
Again you lie. We Democrats hold up big mirrors. We have some calling for Franken's resignation. We came down hard on Weinstein & charlie rose. We have some who have come out that Bill Clinton should have resigned.

Any of that on your republican side?

That is what you republican suckups always do. Claim everyone does it to excuse your side.

Where are the republican calls of "innocent until proven guilty" when it comes to Charlie Rose.

Idiot Charlie Rose has already admitted his guilt you libs are not the brightest bulbs.

So what you’re saying is that he should lie, attack his accusers and deny any wrong doing - like Donald Trump or Judge Moore. Oh yes, and threaten to sue the women for libel.

Whatever happened to manning up and taking responsibility for your actions?
Wow. So if you were accused of something and knew you were innocent, you would just 'man up' and take responsibility? That is exactly what you are demanding with this stupid kind of reply.

If I am innocent, no amount of railroading is going to get Me to admit to a crime I did not do. Roy Moore is saying to you and the world that he is innocent.

Prove him wrong.
Right, because Clinton was never known for lying.

WTF would she say something like that if it wasn't true? What about the State Trooper that escorted her to Clinton by his request? Was he lying too?

You mean the State Trooper who took a whole bunch of money to say bad stuff about Clinton? You could find a stew bum who'd do that for a bottle of Mad Dog 20/20.

Why would she say that? To humiliate Clinton by requiring him to undergo a physical exam under court order?

Jones was a tool, she ended up with no money (the lawyers got it all and kept billing her) and then ended up posing for Penthouse.

Classy. Carville was right about the $100 bill through a trailer park.

Right. The trooper took money (from whom?) to say bad stuff about Clinton. Jones just wanted to humiliate Clinton because taking a physical exam (which I'm sure Bill did at least once a year anyway) was so humiliating. But Bill? Never did a thing wrong.
Right. The trooper took money (from whom?) to say bad stuff about Clinton. Jones just wanted to humiliate Clinton because taking a physical exam (which I'm sure Bill did at least once a year anyway) was so humiliating. But Bill? Never did a thing wrong.

Considering Jones suit was dismissed as having No Merit, yeah, Clinton did nothing wrong, and Jones was a liar.
Didn't Clinton's years of idiocy bring about 9-11 ?

No, Bush ignoring the CIA's warnings did that. "Well, you've covered your ass, then" was Bush's response to a memo entitled, "Bin Laden determined to strike US" that ACTUALLY TALKED ABOUT AIRPLANES.

What Bush Knew Before Sept. 11

Keep pretending Bush didn't fuck that up, too.

Bush wasn't responsible for ANY of the fuckups on his watch.

Not 9/11
Not Iraq
Not Katrina
Not the Great Recession.

It was almost like the people voted for someone else. Oh, wait, they did vote for someone else, but they made Bush president anyway.
Erm... what?

The real question is, when does Mac realize that sexual misconduct is very much a political issue?

Unfortunate, but a fact. A fact that is not likely to change...
Didn't Clinton's years of idiocy bring about 9-11 ?

No, Bush ignoring the CIA's warnings did that. "Well, you've covered your ass, then" was Bush's response to a memo entitled, "Bin Laden determined to strike US" that ACTUALLY TALKED ABOUT AIRPLANES.

What Bush Knew Before Sept. 11

Keep pretending Bush didn't fuck that up, too.

Bush wasn't responsible for ANY of the fuckups on his watch.

Not 9/11
Not Iraq
Not Katrina
Not the Great Recession.

It was almost like the people voted for someone else. Oh, wait, they did vote for someone else, but they made Bush president anyway.

Read the article. Bush didn't know of the exact plan Bin Laden had. Given the scant information he had, what was he to do, close down every airport across the country?

"Those diffuse threats translate into literally thousands of tips about terrorism threats every day. In 2010, the FBI’s online tip line alone received an average of 700 messages a day. Then there are the tips from people calling in to local authorities, walking into embassies to make a report, and, of course, the “chatter” we’ve been hearing about in announcements about the weekend’s embassy closings. All told, the National Counterterrorism Center gets about 8,000-10,000 potential threats a day."

How Many Terror Threats Does the U.S. Get Every Day?

Sorry that liberal lie never really happened that Bush knew what Osama was going to do, when he was going to do it, and what his targets were going to be. Or what kind of credibility those reports had.
I think it's a good thing our US Senators and Congressmen are held accountable for their sexual escapades, affairs, exhibitions....

This could lead to women finally being represented proportionately or somewhat close....with more women winning the seats of the dirty old men kicked out, and finally having a 50% representation in congress and the Senate!

Read the article. Bush didn't know of the exact plan Bin Laden had. Given the scant information he had, what was he to do, close down every airport across the country?

How about, directing an upgrade of airport security and put the airports on higher alert? that would have worked.

What didn't work? Saying the briefer, "Well, you've covered your ass, then." and then went fishing.
I think it's a good thing our US Senators and Congressmen are held accountable for their sexual escapades, affairs, exhibitions....

This could lead to women finally being represented proportionately or somewhat close....with more women winning the seats of the dirty old men kicked out, and finally having a 50% representation in congress and the Senate!

. 50/50 eh ? I bet the escapades would explode then. Placing more women around dirty old men runs counter to you libs gun control theories. First you say don't allow more guns around people, but then you say that we should put more women around men ?? ROTFLMBO.. Oh wait, I know your strategy, just turn those male new comers into women, and problem solved in your futuristic plans... LOL... Awe the tangled webs that are being weaved today..

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