Atheism; An Intellectual Dead End

Without evidence? Again, your choice to attack atheists is the evidence. I made nothing personal. I referred to your attack on atheists. I said nothing about myself. Your actions indicate that you are a theist. And your response to my post confirms you are a theist; I notice you didn't deny being a theist. You just attacked, again. What I don't understand is why it bothers you so much being exposed as a theist.
No part of any of your remarks logically follow any of my "actions" . And yes, you constantly have to personalize with unfounded speculation. It's no wonder you're an atheist.....your brain is broken. You can't think. You only react based upon the most primitive of instincts.
So, you are denying that you have spent this entire thread attacking atheists? You do not suppose that calling atheists intellectually dead is an attack on atheists? Really?
Let's see if we can guess what kind of atheist you are. Are you the cool, trendy, urbane, pop culture intellectual kind of atheist like Sam Harris?

Nope. Just answer the question. Do you not suppose that calling atheists intellectually dead is an attack on atheists?

It's a refutation of atheistic thought. Any personal inferences are yours and yours alone.

So suggesting that theists are nmorally corrupt would just be a "refutation of theistic ethics"? Really? Do you think theists would agree with that characterisation?
Perhaps you're simply unfamiliar with the term "unified belief system". Obviously there are many different unified belief systems, religious and otherwise. Atheism simply doesn't happen to be one of them. Atheism, if it can even be considered a philosophical model of any kind, comprises no actual beliefs. They only know what they don't believe. Is that clear enough for you? Or can I expect yet another round of knee jerks?
Many of your com-padres would disagree. There was a thread here about Atheism being a belief and a religion. To state an atheist only knows what they don't believe is a ridiculous statement. It first implies that an atheists knows nothing about anything else. I'm sure you don't believe the moon is made out of cheese. If there was a name for people not believing the moon was made out of cheese (let's call them noncasiests) then a statement like A Noncasiest only knows what they don't believe would be wrong and ridiculous. I know you are only trying to poke subtle jabs and insults because you actually have no argument. You also said to Czernobog that you are not obliged to call him anything right after you called him a pop culture atheist. Another little jab. How about staying away from ridiculous labels and argue the points.
Wrong again. Atheism isn't like religion. But the human behaviors of blind dogmatic faith are remarkably the same for both atheists and religious fundamentalists.
I didn't claim Atheism was a religion. That claim was made by Christians in this forum. Please provide some sort of evidence for blind dogmatic faith by atheists. I will be waiting.
Yes. I was one of those people, but let me clarify that. Atheism in and of itself is not a religion. It only manifests itself as a religion when it becomes dogmatic like a religion and its adherents act like it is a religion. That does not apply to the vast majority of atheists most of whom have no interest in God or religion at all, but it does apply to militant atheists who attack other religions like a rival religion attacks a fellow rival religion. Protestants and Catholics come to mind as well as Sunnis and Shiites. I have posted the dogmatic faith of these militant atheists. It is listed at the bottom of every one of my posts. It is not something new. It is not something I made up. It has been observed and discussed for over 100 years.
Well for starters your little blog at the bottom is completely wrong. Also this thread and thousands of others are an attack on Atheism. Do you feel it is wrong for atheists to defend their position.Funny how you bring up the term "militant" atheists and compare them to the the attacks between Protestants and Catholics & Sunnis and Shiites. These groups actually killed each other while the "militant" atheists are merely having internet discussions and public lectures. No wonder you believe in God. You have no base in reality.
I was thinking that earlier today. Most of my non militant theistic friends wouldn't even waste their time on here arguing with militant atheists. Guys like ding need to ask themselves why they feel the need to come here and argue with atheists and agnostics. Seems to me ding probably has his doubts.

Militant atheists are just as bad as religious ones.
No, they’re not. There are no calls for slavery, rape or murder in the atheist holy book.

Atheists are most often called ‘militant’ when they passionately defend reason and advocate critical thinking. The bar theists set for perceived hostility appears to be any atheist simply voicing an opinion in dissent of religious belief. In contrast, the bar atheists set for perceived theistic hostility is any form of religiously motivated violence or oppression.

Atheism does not preclude someone from being argumentative or insensitive; those things are simply seen as being preferable to killing one another over an imaginary friend.

A ‘militant’ atheist will debate in a University theatre or appeal for the separation of religion and government. A militant theist will kill doctors, stone women to death, incite religious war, restrict sexual and gender equality and convince children they are flawed and worthless – all under the instruction of their imagined ‘god’ or holy book.

It can be argued that there is no such thing as a ‘militant’ atheist, that the term is itself a misnomer, because there is simply no ideology or philosophy in atheism to be militant about. If an atheist is someone who lacks belief in gods, then a ‘militant’ atheist is apparently someone who passionately lacks a belief in gods. All other possible beliefs and ideologies – including any desire to oppress theism – come from outside atheism. This is in contrast to religious belief, which often includes a set of laws and commandments purportedly derived from a supernatural source about which one can be ‘militant’.

Note: ‘Militant’ atheism is most often confused with gosateizm (state atheism), which was based on the ideology of Marxism-Leninism. It was this ideology which was responsible for the oppression and murder of theists under several 20th century communist regimes. Atheism is simply a lack of belief in gods with no inherit moral, political or philosophical baggage.

See also: The Ethics of Belief (a must read), Richard Dawkins on Militant Atheism, Christian Terrorism, Islamic Terrorism, Atheist Terrorism (no link found).

“I’m sorry if my insensitivity towards your beliefs offends you. But guess what – your religious wars, jihads, crusades, inquisitions, censoring of free speech, brainwashing of children, forcing girls into underage marriages, female genital mutilation, stoning, pederasty, homophobia and rejection of science and reason offend me. So I guess we’re even.” – Anonymous

.Practically speaking, the universe had a beginning. Unless of course you don't see anymore usable energy in the closed system.

You really do need to quit basing your understanding of the universe on outdated models. This is why your conclusions keep falling short. With the Quantum Gravity Loop, there is no beginning, or end to the universe, and this is accomplished without loss of available energy. With no beginning, there is no "Primary Source" - no God necessary.

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The 2nd Law of Thermodynamics says otherwise. It's that whole usable energy thingee.
Nope. Quantum mechanics proves this to be inaccurate.

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So from what we know our current universe started 14 billion years ago but what was before that? My guess is the universe before ours was contracting after it first expanded for about 25 billion years.

The point is we don't know for sure and I'm open to all scientific theories.

The good thing about not believing a scientific theory is you won't burn in hell for eternity if you are wrong.
So from what we know our current universe started 14 billion years ago but what was before that? My guess is the universe before ours was contracting after it first expanded for about 25 billion years.

The point is we don't know for sure and I'm open to all scientific theories.

was contracting after it first expanded ...

matter en-mass expanding at a finite angle in vacuum is a loop that re-converges back to its origin - BB is a loop, there never is contraction.

If you say so ok.
Many of your com-padres would disagree. There was a thread here about Atheism being a belief and a religion. To state an atheist only knows what they don't believe is a ridiculous statement. It first implies that an atheists knows nothing about anything else. I'm sure you don't believe the moon is made out of cheese. If there was a name for people not believing the moon was made out of cheese (let's call them noncasiests) then a statement like A Noncasiest only knows what they don't believe would be wrong and ridiculous. I know you are only trying to poke subtle jabs and insults because you actually have no argument. You also said to Czernobog that you are not obliged to call him anything right after you called him a pop culture atheist. Another little jab. How about staying away from ridiculous labels and argue the points.
Wrong again. Atheism isn't like religion. But the human behaviors of blind dogmatic faith are remarkably the same for both atheists and religious fundamentalists.
I didn't claim Atheism was a religion. That claim was made by Christians in this forum. Please provide some sort of evidence for blind dogmatic faith by atheists. I will be waiting.
Yes. I was one of those people, but let me clarify that. Atheism in and of itself is not a religion. It only manifests itself as a religion when it becomes dogmatic like a religion and its adherents act like it is a religion. That does not apply to the vast majority of atheists most of whom have no interest in God or religion at all, but it does apply to militant atheists who attack other religions like a rival religion attacks a fellow rival religion. Protestants and Catholics come to mind as well as Sunnis and Shiites. I have posted the dogmatic faith of these militant atheists. It is listed at the bottom of every one of my posts. It is not something new. It is not something I made up. It has been observed and discussed for over 100 years.
I think religion is bad. I can't help it. When I think religion is harmless I'll stop.

For example George Bush used the stupidity of religion to win. People deny science because of religion. And Muslims CuT off heads over it. Sorry these things bother me

But I still vote for religious idiots. But would you religious idiots vote for an admitted atheist? No you wouldn't. So who's got the problem here?
I know you do. I've always known you did. That's what makes you a militant atheist.

Militant’ atheism is most often confused with gosateizm (state atheism), which was based on the ideology of Marxism-Leninism. It was this ideology which was responsible for the oppression and murder of theists under several 20th century communist regimes. Atheism is simply a lack of belief in gods with no inherit moral, political or philosophical baggage.

You keep making this mistake. Will you stop? If you don't then it's not a mistake. Then you are lying. So from here on our stop telling Skull pilot, me and Ayn Rand that we are socialists or commies. It makes you look stupid and we are sick of explaining this error you keep making. Stop it!
So where exactly do you believe you can find this object evidence you aren't seeking?
Not my job. You want to prove that God exists, you find the objective evidence, and present it.
I don't really care enough to make it my job to convince you. Sorry. I have proven to myself that God exists. You don't accept it. I'm cool with that. I don't need to validate my beliefs through your non-belief. That's what you are doing here, brother.
For anyone to imagine humanity even begins to be capable of perceiving, let alone understanding the totality of what comprises a universe, shows an incredibly arrogant and amazingly simplistic view of life. Not to mention being devoid of any self awareness.
shows an incredibly arrogant and amazingly simplistic view of life.

as the vanity of self reflection ...
Vanity is satan's favorite sin.

Again Professor Knee Jerk, to what religion do you refer? I haven't mentioned anything about God anywhere in this entire thread.
Afraid of dying but not afraid of death? Why are you afraid of dying?
While you may not "mention God", because you have spent the entire thread attacking atheists, it is a fair presumption that you are a theist. The flavour of theist is rather irrelevant, now isn't it? Or are you suggesting that you ar an atheist who hates atheists? That would seem to be a rather self-defeating position, don't you think?
Again, you make presumptions without evidence. And of course you need to personalize when you just can't seem to make your alleged argument. Your post only serves as further evidence of the intellectual dead end of atheism.
Without evidence? Again, your choice to attack atheists is the evidence. I made nothing personal. I referred to your attack on atheists. I said nothing about myself. Your actions indicate that you are a theist. And your response to my post confirms you are a theist; I notice you didn't deny being a theist. You just attacked, again. What I don't understand is why it bothers you so much being exposed as a theist.
No part of any of your remarks logically follow any of my "actions" . And yes, you constantly have to personalize with unfounded speculation. It's no wonder you're an atheist.....your brain is broken. You can't think. You only react based upon the most primitive of instincts.
So, you are denying that you have spent this entire thread attacking atheists? You do not suppose that calling atheists intellectually dead is an attack on atheists? Really?
No one has ever suggested that God can't exist. Only that the default presumption is that God doesn't exist until such time as objective evidence proves otherwise.
Making you like me, an agnostic.
Which way do you lean? If you lean towards disbelief then you're an agnostic atheist. Not just an undecided agnostic.

Are all agnostics equally unsure?

The reason we aren't agnostics is because then theists think they can convince us. What do you call an unconvincable agnostic?

So are you saying there are only two types of people? Theists and agnostics? Because no one can say for sure there is no God. In that case there are no theists either because they aren't sure either. They think they are sure but so do we.
I am smack right in the middle, I see no proof either way, as well as not taking any side, and the first side to show me actual proof will get my vote.
I am smack right in the middle, I see no proof either way, as well as not taking any side, and the first side to show me actual proof will get my vote.

are you a releasable Spirit from your physiology .... if so are there others, might there not be an Almighty or a committee of the same and the origin of the genome of life that is managed within that dimension including physicality.

Nothing in the real world points to your conclusion. Could be, just show me some real proof.

There is no evidence god doesn’t exist, so belief is as justified or as valid as non-belief.
Argument from ignorance.

A common attempt to shift the burden of proof or ‘make room’ for a god. Represents a type of false dichotomy that excludes the fact that there is insufficient investigation and the proposition has not yet been proven either true or false.

The failure to disprove the existence of something does not constitute proof of its existence.

Belief is not as valid a position as skepticism when dealing with unsupported or unfalsifiable claims because all such claims would need to be believed implicitly. Agnostic atheism is the most rational position.

Note: It is possible to gather evidence of absence and disprove specific claims about and definitions of a god.
No one has ever suggested that God can't exist. Only that the default presumption is that God doesn't exist until such time as objective evidence proves otherwise.
Making you like me, an agnostic.
Which way do you lean? If you lean towards disbelief then you're an agnostic atheist. Not just an undecided agnostic.

Are all agnostics equally unsure?

The reason we aren't agnostics is because then theists think they can convince us. What do you call an unconvincable agnostic?

So are you saying there are only two types of people? Theists and agnostics? Because no one can say for sure there is no God. In that case there are no theists either because they aren't sure either. They think they are sure but so do we.
I am smack right in the middle, I see no proof either way, as well as not taking any side, and the first side to show me actual proof will get my vote.
I am smack right in the middle, I see no proof either way, as well as not taking any side, and the first side to show me actual proof will get my vote.

are you a releasable Spirit from your physiology .... if so are there others, might there not be an Almighty or a committee of the same and the origin of the genome of life that is managed within that dimension including physicality.

Nothing in the real world points to your conclusion. Could be, just show me some real proof.

Maybe this will help:

Agnosticism is the view that the truth value of certain claims is unknown or unknowable. It is a philosophical position not necessarily tied to god’s existence or non-existence. One can be agnostic about any claim. The word originates from the Ancient Greek meaning “without knowledge”.


Most atheists fall into the category of ‘Agnostic Atheism’ – they don’t claim to know with certainty that god does not exist. Conversely, most theists are ‘Gnostic Theists’ – they claim to know with certainty that their particular god exists.

When most atheists say “God does not exist” they are generally speaking in the same manner as when people say “Leprechauns/Santa Claus/Fairies/Unicorns don’t exist” – those things do not appear exist within contextual reality in which we find ourselves but, importantly, the statement is not necessarily an absolute one.

There are, however, gnostic atheists who are certain no god exists and they generally point to logical problems that would arise from said god’s existence or evidence this universe is inconsistent with a god, for example:

These are all real world arguments against god. Are you smart enough to think this through or do you just want to stay a retard on the fence?
No part of any of your remarks logically follow any of my "actions" . And yes, you constantly have to personalize with unfounded speculation. It's no wonder you're an atheist.....your brain is broken. You can't think. You only react based upon the most primitive of instincts.
So, you are denying that you have spent this entire thread attacking atheists? You do not suppose that calling atheists intellectually dead is an attack on atheists? Really?
Let's see if we can guess what kind of atheist you are. Are you the cool, trendy, urbane, pop culture intellectual kind of atheist like Sam Harris?

Nope. Just answer the question. Do you not suppose that calling atheists intellectually dead is an attack on atheists?

It's a refutation of atheistic thought. Any personal inferences are yours and yours alone.

So suggesting that theists are nmorally corrupt would just be a "refutation of theistic ethics"? Really? Do you think theists would agree with that characterisation?

You're really not getting this. Are you.
Wrong! Im not afraid of death or hell you are. I laugh at such nonsense and go about living my life.

Now you can come up with reasons why you think I don't believe or why I deny God exists but you'll probably miss the mark. It's not Satan, im not angry and Its not because I want to be able to live in sin without consequences. I think belief holds us back, makes us dumb and is how they control us. I think it's made up.

So maybe, just maybe, I don't believe because it isn't true
You're not afraid of death? That would make you a singularly unique human being.
What's to be afraid of? Do you remember what things were like 4u before you were born? That's what things will be like 4u after you die.

Oh you mean dying? Yes, I'm afraid of dying. I hope i don't suffer and it will be sad for my life to be over but I'm not scared of what happens after the lights go out.

And for you and your religion to say you know what happens is laughable to me.
Again Professor Knee Jerk, to what religion do you refer? I haven't mentioned anything about God anywhere in this entire thread.
Afraid of dying but not afraid of death? Why are you afraid of dying?
While you may not "mention God", because you have spent the entire thread attacking atheists, it is a fair presumption that you are a theist. The flavour of theist is rather irrelevant, now isn't it? Or are you suggesting that you ar an atheist who hates atheists? That would seem to be a rather self-defeating position, don't you think?
Again, you make presumptions without evidence. And of course you need to personalize when you just can't seem to make your alleged argument. Your post only serves as further evidence of the intellectual dead end of atheism.
And I believe I answered your question. I'm afraid of dying because it might hurt and because my wonderful life will be coming to an end. Maybe afraid isn't the word. More sad. And as much as I wish/hope there is an afterlife I don't believe there is one. Do you really have a hard time understanding this?

I'm not afraid of after I die because:

a. If there is something more after this it is anyone's guess. No god visited and told anyone about the afterlife. If you believe that then you believe one of the organized religions. And so I don't fear not believing organized religions will send me to hell because I don't believe organized religions.

b. It will probably be just like it was for me 5 years before I was born. I don't recall those times. They existed but I didn't. Do you have a hard time grasping a universe where you don't participate? Trust me the earth and humans did just fine for millions of years before you were born. The stars and planets will continue after your spirit has been extinguished just like when the chicken you ate died. That's it. No heaven for the chicken. And he doesn't come back re incarnated too although people believe that too for whatever reasons. Whatever they are, they believe they are good reasons.

Do you really believe there is a heaven for you? Then tell me why and remember, you don't get to mention any religion or god in your argument.
That's why I'm an agnostic atheist
No. You are not.
Why are you so jealous of agnostics all the time? You secretly are one?

I'm not. I don't see any agnostics here.
He's atheist sure enough that he's denying Jesus is the Messiah.

That he isn't agnostic about because agnostics still burn in hell.

Or does mudda think God will treat agnostics differently than atheists? Maybe that's why he insists hes not a disbeliever
Everyone is going to the same place regardless of what you believe. It's not like believing in an imaginary superhero and following some book will change anything at all. You guys crack me up! :D

I agree. If there is an afterlife, people who believed in allah or mohammad or budda or jesus or moses will all be there with us atheists. No one religion has the secrets of the afterlife.
So, you are denying that you have spent this entire thread attacking atheists? You do not suppose that calling atheists intellectually dead is an attack on atheists? Really?
Let's see if we can guess what kind of atheist you are. Are you the cool, trendy, urbane, pop culture intellectual kind of atheist like Sam Harris?

Nope. Just answer the question. Do you not suppose that calling atheists intellectually dead is an attack on atheists?

It's a refutation of atheistic thought. Any personal inferences are yours and yours alone.

So suggesting that theists are nmorally corrupt would just be a "refutation of theistic ethics"? Really? Do you think theists would agree with that characterisation?

You're really not getting this. Are you.

I'll flip what I said earlier about people calling atheists militant.

If an THEIST is someone who believes in gods then a ‘militant’ THEIST is apparently someone who passionately believes in gods. All other possible beliefs and ideologies – including any desire to oppress atheism - come from outside THEISM. Or calling names.

So as long as all you are doing is calling us names, I'm cool with that.
You're not afraid of death? That would make you a singularly unique human being.
What's to be afraid of? Do you remember what things were like 4u before you were born? That's what things will be like 4u after you die.

Oh you mean dying? Yes, I'm afraid of dying. I hope i don't suffer and it will be sad for my life to be over but I'm not scared of what happens after the lights go out.

And for you and your religion to say you know what happens is laughable to me.
Again Professor Knee Jerk, to what religion do you refer? I haven't mentioned anything about God anywhere in this entire thread.
Afraid of dying but not afraid of death? Why are you afraid of dying?
While you may not "mention God", because you have spent the entire thread attacking atheists, it is a fair presumption that you are a theist. The flavour of theist is rather irrelevant, now isn't it? Or are you suggesting that you ar an atheist who hates atheists? That would seem to be a rather self-defeating position, don't you think?
Again, you make presumptions without evidence. And of course you need to personalize when you just can't seem to make your alleged argument. Your post only serves as further evidence of the intellectual dead end of atheism.
And I believe I answered your question. I'm afraid of dying because it might hurt and because my wonderful life will be coming to an end. Maybe afraid isn't the word. More sad. And as much as I wish/hope there is an afterlife I don't believe there is one. Do you really have a hard time understanding this?

I'm not afraid of after I die because:

a. If there is something more after this it is anyone's guess. No god visited and told anyone about the afterlife. If you believe that then you believe one of the organized religions. And so I don't fear not believing organized religions will send me to hell because I don't believe organized religions.

b. It will probably be just like it was for me 5 years before I was born. I don't recall those times. They existed but I didn't. Do you have a hard time grasping a universe where you don't participate? Trust me the earth and humans did just fine for millions of years before you were born. The stars and planets will continue after your spirit has been extinguished just like when the chicken you ate died. That's it. No heaven for the chicken. And he doesn't come back re incarnated too although people believe that too for whatever reasons. Whatever they are, they believe they are good reasons.

Do you really believe there is a heaven for you? Then tell me why and remember, you don't get to mention any religion or god in your argument.
Afraid of dying but not afraid of death. One question: Could you possibly be more confused than you are right now?
I think I know what kind of atheists these people are. The slow witted kind.

Maher is highly critical of all religion and views it as highly destructive. He has been described, or self-identified, variously as an agnostic, atheist, and apatheist, while objecting to having his views defined by a single label. In his 2008 feature film Religulous, he refers to himself as agnostic.
No one has ever suggested that God can't exist. Only that the default presumption is that God doesn't exist until such time as objective evidence proves otherwise.
Making you like me, an agnostic.
Which way do you lean? If you lean towards disbelief then you're an agnostic atheist. Not just an undecided agnostic.

Are all agnostics equally unsure?

The reason we aren't agnostics is because then theists think they can convince us. What do you call an unconvincable agnostic?

So are you saying there are only two types of people? Theists and agnostics? Because no one can say for sure there is no God. In that case there are no theists either because they aren't sure either. They think they are sure but so do we.
I am smack right in the middle, I see no proof either way, as well as not taking any side, and the first side to show me actual proof will get my vote.
I am smack right in the middle, I see no proof either way, as well as not taking any side, and the first side to show me actual proof will get my vote.

are you a releasable Spirit from your physiology .... if so are there others, might there not be an Almighty or a committee of the same and the origin of the genome of life that is managed within that dimension including physicality.

Nothing in the real world points to your conclusion. Could be, just show me some real proof.

You remind me of Bill Maher

Maher is highly critical of all religion and views it as highly destructive. He has been described, or self-identified, variously as an agnostic, atheist, and apatheist, while objecting to having his views defined by a single label. In his 2008 feature film Religulous, he refers to himself as agnostic.
What's to be afraid of? Do you remember what things were like 4u before you were born? That's what things will be like 4u after you die.

Oh you mean dying? Yes, I'm afraid of dying. I hope i don't suffer and it will be sad for my life to be over but I'm not scared of what happens after the lights go out.

And for you and your religion to say you know what happens is laughable to me.
Again Professor Knee Jerk, to what religion do you refer? I haven't mentioned anything about God anywhere in this entire thread.
Afraid of dying but not afraid of death? Why are you afraid of dying?
While you may not "mention God", because you have spent the entire thread attacking atheists, it is a fair presumption that you are a theist. The flavour of theist is rather irrelevant, now isn't it? Or are you suggesting that you ar an atheist who hates atheists? That would seem to be a rather self-defeating position, don't you think?
Again, you make presumptions without evidence. And of course you need to personalize when you just can't seem to make your alleged argument. Your post only serves as further evidence of the intellectual dead end of atheism.
And I believe I answered your question. I'm afraid of dying because it might hurt and because my wonderful life will be coming to an end. Maybe afraid isn't the word. More sad. And as much as I wish/hope there is an afterlife I don't believe there is one. Do you really have a hard time understanding this?

I'm not afraid of after I die because:

a. If there is something more after this it is anyone's guess. No god visited and told anyone about the afterlife. If you believe that then you believe one of the organized religions. And so I don't fear not believing organized religions will send me to hell because I don't believe organized religions.

b. It will probably be just like it was for me 5 years before I was born. I don't recall those times. They existed but I didn't. Do you have a hard time grasping a universe where you don't participate? Trust me the earth and humans did just fine for millions of years before you were born. The stars and planets will continue after your spirit has been extinguished just like when the chicken you ate died. That's it. No heaven for the chicken. And he doesn't come back re incarnated too although people believe that too for whatever reasons. Whatever they are, they believe they are good reasons.

Do you really believe there is a heaven for you? Then tell me why and remember, you don't get to mention any religion or god in your argument.
Afraid of dying but not afraid of death. One question: Could you possibly be more confused than you are right now?

No I'm crystal clear. You're having a problem because you don't want to open your mind. If you did then you would realize gods made up.
So, you are denying that you have spent this entire thread attacking atheists? You do not suppose that calling atheists intellectually dead is an attack on atheists? Really?
Let's see if we can guess what kind of atheist you are. Are you the cool, trendy, urbane, pop culture intellectual kind of atheist like Sam Harris?

Nope. Just answer the question. Do you not suppose that calling atheists intellectually dead is an attack on atheists?

It's a refutation of atheistic thought. Any personal inferences are yours and yours alone.

So suggesting that theists are nmorally corrupt would just be a "refutation of theistic ethics"? Really? Do you think theists would agree with that characterisation?

You're really not getting this. Are you.

I get it just fine. You hate atheists, but want to pretend like it is those poor primitive satheists who have the problem. You are an arrogant, sanctimonious theist, no different than any other.
Again Professor Knee Jerk, to what religion do you refer? I haven't mentioned anything about God anywhere in this entire thread.
Afraid of dying but not afraid of death? Why are you afraid of dying?
While you may not "mention God", because you have spent the entire thread attacking atheists, it is a fair presumption that you are a theist. The flavour of theist is rather irrelevant, now isn't it? Or are you suggesting that you ar an atheist who hates atheists? That would seem to be a rather self-defeating position, don't you think?
Again, you make presumptions without evidence. And of course you need to personalize when you just can't seem to make your alleged argument. Your post only serves as further evidence of the intellectual dead end of atheism.
And I believe I answered your question. I'm afraid of dying because it might hurt and because my wonderful life will be coming to an end. Maybe afraid isn't the word. More sad. And as much as I wish/hope there is an afterlife I don't believe there is one. Do you really have a hard time understanding this?

I'm not afraid of after I die because:

a. If there is something more after this it is anyone's guess. No god visited and told anyone about the afterlife. If you believe that then you believe one of the organized religions. And so I don't fear not believing organized religions will send me to hell because I don't believe organized religions.

b. It will probably be just like it was for me 5 years before I was born. I don't recall those times. They existed but I didn't. Do you have a hard time grasping a universe where you don't participate? Trust me the earth and humans did just fine for millions of years before you were born. The stars and planets will continue after your spirit has been extinguished just like when the chicken you ate died. That's it. No heaven for the chicken. And he doesn't come back re incarnated too although people believe that too for whatever reasons. Whatever they are, they believe they are good reasons.

Do you really believe there is a heaven for you? Then tell me why and remember, you don't get to mention any religion or god in your argument.
Afraid of dying but not afraid of death. One question: Could you possibly be more confused than you are right now?

No I'm crystal clear. You're having a problem because you don't want to open your mind. If you did then you would realize gods made up.
Yeah, you're a real deep thinker. Have you made any progress in substantiating the non existence of nothing?
Let's see if we can guess what kind of atheist you are. Are you the cool, trendy, urbane, pop culture intellectual kind of atheist like Sam Harris?

Nope. Just answer the question. Do you not suppose that calling atheists intellectually dead is an attack on atheists?

It's a refutation of atheistic thought. Any personal inferences are yours and yours alone.

So suggesting that theists are nmorally corrupt would just be a "refutation of theistic ethics"? Really? Do you think theists would agree with that characterisation?

You're really not getting this. Are you.

I get it just fine. You hate atheists, but want to pretend like it is those poor primitive satheists who have the problem. You are an arrogant, sanctimonious theist, no different than any other.

Hate now. You just can't seem to stop yourself from making childish mischaracterizations.

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