atheism and its follower are not bright

Just a simple fact.
your premise is faulty.
Jake does not know simple facts, e.g., the basic meaning of atheism:
"lack of belief in the existence of God or gods."
Atheism by itself has no beliefs related to "creation". Atheists simply do not believe what theists claim.
False definition Atheists believe no god exists. Atheists do not have the language or logical to disprove the existence of god. Glad to help.

Every time someone proclaims atheism, give them a hug.
Just a simple fact.
your premise is faulty.
Jake does not know simple facts, e.g., the basic meaning of atheism:
"lack of belief in the existence of God or gods."
Atheism by itself has no beliefs related to "creation". Atheists simply do not believe what theists claim.
False definition Atheists believe no god exists. Atheists do not have the language or logical to disprove the existence of god. Glad to help.

Every time someone proclaims atheism, give them a hug.

And believers do not have the empirical evidence to prove a god exists

So as I said the only rational stance to take is agnosticism until there is sufficient evidence
  • Thanks
Reactions: PK1
Just a simple fact.
your premise is faulty.
Jake does not know simple facts, e.g., the basic meaning of atheism:
"lack of belief in the existence of God or gods."
Atheism by itself has no beliefs related to "creation". Atheists simply do not believe what theists claim.
False definition Atheists believe no god exists. Atheists do not have the language or logical to disprove the existence of god. Glad to help.

Every time someone proclaims atheism, give them a hug.
And believers do not have the empirical evidence to prove a god exists So as I said the only rational stance to take is agnosticism until there is sufficient evidence
Thank you for admitting that non-believers do not have the evidence for their position
Just a simple fact.
your premise is faulty.
Jake does not know simple facts, e.g., the basic meaning of atheism:
"lack of belief in the existence of God or gods."
Atheism by itself has no beliefs related to "creation". Atheists simply do not believe what theists claim.
False definition Atheists believe no god exists. Atheists do not have the language or logical to disprove the existence of god. Glad to help.

Every time someone proclaims atheism, give them a hug.
And believers do not have the empirical evidence to prove a god exists So as I said the only rational stance to take is agnosticism until there is sufficient evidence
Thank you for admitting that non-believers do not have the evidence for their position
Believers don't either
Don't forget that part
Well, what THING is GOD?
And if God is not a thing, then it is Creationism that believes everything came from nothing!!!!!
Dear edthecynic
Depending on the context
God can either mean Nature itself or the source of all Nature Life Universal laws.

If you are nontheistic I would guess you would more likely relate to God as meaning the total sum of all knowledge laws energy and forces in existence.

Ie what is the collective ultimate absolute greatest of all.

Do we agree that whatever is the highest of all is the equivalent of what people mean by God, whether we use secular nontheist terms or if we personify these forces or source of life into a deified figure. And because there are multiple facets and manifestations of this life energy and laws in the universe, then ppl use or attach different names for God to specific aspects.

Like God as love or good will to all.
God as wisdom or truth.
God as nature or life.
God as creation, creator or universal laws.

Are you okay with saying that Any of these faith based reflections is still pointing to the one source that ppl refer to as God for any or all of these, individually or collectively.
You make a good case for the rationality of Ignosticism.
When I looked up Ignosticism it seems to be the opposite: it is saying there is no meaning of God that can be established, while I am saying that ALL meanings of God can be included. That God has infinite meanings.
In philosophy (ontology), it is necessary to conceptualize & define some "thing/entity" clearly enough so multiple participants understand what is being referred to.
What is "God" or "gods"?
To have multiple definitions or ideas about the same entity is counter productive, to say the least.

Ignosticism is the idea that the question of the existence of God is meaningless, because the term "god" has no unambiguous definition. Ignosticism requires a good, non-controversial definition of god before arguing on its existence.
Dear PK1 why this assumption that multiple meanings makes it void ? Why?

Try defining music. Some ppl don't think rap is music. Some say electronic rock isn't music. We may not agree what counts as music, but the term music has meaning.

What about art?
Everyone I know has totally divergent concepts of what is art or isn't.

Do we need to agree on rules or morals to know we're taking about the same concepts?
Music & art are categories of sound/ visual expressions.
A god or being is not a general category like music or art. It represents a more specific "entity".

We have no problem defining what a "human being" is and placing this being into a "species" category.
"God" is another matter; a feeble reference to something fantasized.
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Just a simple fact.
your premise is faulty.
Jake does not know simple facts, e.g., the basic meaning of atheism:
"lack of belief in the existence of God or gods."
Atheism by itself has no beliefs related to "creation". Atheists simply do not believe what theists claim.
False definition Atheists believe no god exists. Atheists do not have the language or logical to disprove the existence of god.
Sorry Jake; your ignorance is normal for a typical theist & not helpful.
To understand what atheists believe, go to their sources ...

"Atheism is usually defined incorrectly as a belief system. Atheism is not a disbelief in gods or a denial of gods; it is a lack of belief in gods."
What is Atheism? | American Atheists

Atheists do not need to "disprove the existence of god"; they make no claims about such "stuff".
If you make a claim, it's your responsibility to define it & provide evidence. A belief in myths & cultural fantasies reflects your anthropological ignorance.
PK1 demonstrates his feeble grasp of language and logic. He frames falsely his beliefs. Atheism of course is a belief system because it states that deity does not exist, a statement of belief without fact.

Atheists, like PK1, demonstrate a weak headed system for weak headed people.
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Atheists, like PK1 ...
Apparently, your reading comprehension is feeble; i am an ignostic in reference to "god" or "God" claims in general.
However, if you claim that a historical figure called Jesus from Nazareth rose from the dead & is God, then i would be atheistic about your claim.
Try to keep up.
I hold to the fact that God has provided so many signs and wonders over history there is no need for faith to believe in Him. We know.
In psychology, we call that "confirmation bias", i.e., cherry picking information (not necessarily evidence) to support your pre-existing beliefs.

In science, to avoid that, we compare null hypotheses with alternative hypotheses that may provide better predictions or explanations.

For example, it was once thought that a "god" threw lightning bolts, but we now have better explanations.
If we were able to go back to ancient time and show people a TV with someone on its screen claiming to be "God", you would likely have a 100% rate of suckers.
Cherry picking what? One piece of evidence for the supernatural? How many do you require before you and science come to some logical conclusion the supernatural is the only reasonable answer for said manifestations? I am forever waiting for a plausible counter-explanation for these events witnessed by thousands, sometimes filmed, and most highly documented..

There have been multiple plausible counter explanations offered- you just don't find them plausible.

You will never find any alternative explanation plausable.

Confirmation bias or faith- the same thing in this case.
Offer them. Even one.
I hold to the fact that God has provided so many signs and wonders over history there is no need for faith to believe in Him. We know.
In psychology, we call that "confirmation bias", i.e., cherry picking information (not necessarily evidence) to support your pre-existing beliefs.

In science, to avoid that, we compare null hypotheses with alternative hypotheses that may provide better predictions or explanations.

For example, it was once thought that a "god" threw lightning bolts, but we now have better explanations.
If we were able to go back to ancient time and show people a TV with someone on its screen claiming to be "God", you would likely have a 100% rate of suckers.
Cherry picking what? One piece of evidence for the supernatural? How many do you require before you and science come to some logical conclusion the supernatural is the only reasonable answer for said manifestations? I am forever waiting for a plausible counter-explanation for these events witnessed by thousands, sometimes filmed, and most highly documented..
There have been multiple plausible counter explanations offered- you just don't find them plausible.

You will never find any alternative explanation plausable.
Confirmation bias or faith- the same thing in this case.
Offer them. Even one.
Let's get specific, one by one.
Please cite your favorite case & its reference that demonstrates either a "miracle" or that a god exists.
Just a simple fact.
your premise is faulty.
Jake does not know simple facts, e.g., the basic meaning of atheism:
"lack of belief in the existence of God or gods."
Atheism by itself has no beliefs related to "creation". Atheists simply do not believe what theists claim.
False definition Atheists believe no god exists. Atheists do not have the language or logical to disprove the existence of god.
Sorry Jake; your ignorance is normal for a typical theist & not helpful.
To understand what atheists believe, go to their sources ...

"Atheism is usually defined incorrectly as a belief system. Atheism is not a disbelief in gods or a denial of gods; it is a lack of belief in gods."
What is Atheism? | American Atheists

Atheists do not need to "disprove the existence of god"; they make no claims about such "stuff".
If you make a claim, it's your responsibility to define it & provide evidence. A belief in myths & cultural fantasies reflects your anthropological ignorance.
Atheists BELIEVE there can be no CREATOR. They do Believe that man came to be and gained his position in the food chain through "natural" means. It is not my responsibility to make you drink. It is only my responsibility to lead you to the water.

It is obvious that a country that considers God and strives to obey Him, prospers. And a nation that rejects God and/or strives to disregard Him soon faces terrible struggles. This is historic fact. All those who are ignorant of such facts are destined to repeat them. However, I never met a man who turned into an ape because he disregarded evolution.
Empires come and go. It has nothing to do with the favors of the Almighty and far more to do with population pressures, diseases, famines, natural disasters, economics, overextension militarily, internal dissent, corruption in government, competition from other empires, and so on and so forth.
Empires come and go. It has nothing to do with the favors of the Almighty and far more to do with population pressures, diseases, famines, natural disasters, economics, overextension militarily, internal dissent, corruption in government, competition from other empires, and so on and so forth.
And that is a belief.
Atheists BELIEVE there can be no CREATOR. They do Believe that ...
You must be an atheist if you know what atheists believe, or not believe!
Actually, you also need to advance your education on "atheism", which represents many flavors, but in its most general definition, it is a non-belief in theism (a-theism vs theism; the "a" means "absence of", as in the word atypical).
Atheists BELIEVE there can be no CREATOR. They do Believe that ...
You must be an atheist if you know what atheists believe, or not believe!
Actually, you also need to advance your education on "atheism", which represents many flavors, but in its most general definition, it is a non-belief in theism (a-theism vs theism; the "a" means "absence of", as in the word atypical).
Are not most people atheists at some point in their lives?
Just a simple fact.
your premise is faulty.
Jake does not know simple facts, e.g., the basic meaning of atheism:
"lack of belief in the existence of God or gods."
Atheism by itself has no beliefs related to "creation". Atheists simply do not believe what theists claim.
Atheists do not have the language or logical to disprove the existence of god.

Why do you lie to attack atheists Jake? Doesn't your book of fairy tales say something about 'bearing false witness'

As pointed out atheists simply do not believe in fairy tales- aka gods.

We have no need to disprove your fairy tales.

But I will point out that Christians do not have the evidence to prove the existence of their fairy.
Just a simple fact.
your premise is faulty.
Jake does not know simple facts, e.g., the basic meaning of atheism:
"lack of belief in the existence of God or gods."
Atheism by itself has no beliefs related to "creation". Atheists simply do not believe what theists claim.
False definition Atheists believe no god exists. Atheists do not have the language or logical to disprove the existence of god. Glad to help.

Every time someone proclaims atheism, give them a hug.
And believers do not have the empirical evidence to prove a god exists So as I said the only rational stance to take is agnosticism until there is sufficient evidence
Thank you for admitting that non-believers do not have the evidence for their position

I no more have evidence for my lack of belief in your fairy tales than I have evidence for my lack of belief in stamp collecting.
Atheism of course is a belief system because it states that deity does not exist, a statement of belief without fact..

Your unsubstantiated opinion does not make my lack of belief in your fairy tales a 'belief system'


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