atheism and its follower are not bright

In other words, Jesus performed great signs and wonders (read: miracles) that created no doubt in the witnesses. They knew what they observed was not of this world.
But does "other worldliness" logically prove the existence of a God or of "other worlds?"
In other words, Jesus performed great signs and wonders (read: miracles) that created no doubt in the witnesses. They knew what they observed was not of this world.
But does "other worldliness" logically prove the existence of a God or of "other worlds?"
“Security lies in the counsel of the many.” (proverbs)

The existence of the one true God lies in the evidence of the many.

There are a legion of reasons that our god is God. There are so many signs and wonders that cry out Jesus is God. No one can sit back and just watch TV or read the papers and think they have done sincere honest examination of the evidence to make an intelligent educated assessment of what has been revealed.

I can tell just by the comments here they either know very little or choose not to know. They mention the Crusades as some comeback… that rings so hollow. They do not understand. Or they mention how Christianity was so violent or forced conversions. This is totally lame, imo. We KNOW there were some bad sinners in the faith, some bad popes and bishops, some violent offenders. Yes, we know. But there was Judas amongst the apostles as well, how does one explain that?

What I am saying is if you will not come to the Lord through faith, then you need to be honest about all that the Christian faith and the Catholic Church in particular has done for mankind. If you focus just on the bad we cannot win. But if you focus on the incalculable good and charity and creation of great advancements in civilization, health care, science, government, defense of the indefensible, and the incredible amount of charity for mankind across the globe, maybe then you will come to understand just how benevolent and wonderful God has worked through His Church and through the faithful. No other religion or ideology can begin to rival it.

And if you want to talk about seriously well-documented inexplicable revelations and miracles, once again, nothing compares.
One would not encounter a computer and demand "evidence" that it was designed, or else postulate that it was just as likely the result of a tornado hitting a scrap yard and whipping it into a functional computer.

So assuming that human life is the result of "random chance" is far more illogical.
In the case of the computer, there's no doubt (due to evidence) that the designer evolved.
...through design. Much as a computer 'evolves' step by step on an assembly line, courtesy of its designer.

One has yet however to see a bunch of computer parts re-arrange themselves into a functioning computer without it's designer's intervention.
Your assembly line analogy, where the computer is assembled, reflects the evolution of design, from previous trial & error experiences by multiple designers.
Once a design goes into production, the designed parts are assembled, like animal ontogeny.
Different computers, like watch brands, have different designers.
Are you suggesting that various animal species reflect multiple "designers"?

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