Atheism is a Fringe Kook Theory Cult

Not a single objective fact to support any of these claims. Pure belief. But you state it with absolute confidence that it is not belief. And that, my friend, is the evidence you are asking for regarding dogma. The problem, of course, is to see this you have to first get past the dogma.

As a theist you don't get to define what you are not. Your illogical myth based dogma doesn't get to define atheism as something that it is not.

Theists like you can whine as much as you like but your irrational dogma doesn't have the authority in the real world to override science, logic and reason.

Your belief in illogical nonsense like omnipotence and omniscience makes you irrelevant but that is your problem alone. You cannot impose your mythical beliefs on others against their will.

You have no idea what I believe because you haven't bothered to ask. You haven't even attempted to ascertain the facts, just assume you already know them with no investigation at all. Yet you cloak yourself in science, logic and reason. I think not.

I am not defining what you are. I am pointing out how you act. And I am still waiting for you to present a single shred of objective evidence.

Do you also have a memory problem? You posted (#230) that you were a Buddhist in this thread after I asked you to reciprocate.

I have no problem sharing my own beliefs. I am a Buddhist.

Obviously you have forgotten all of the logic and references to scientific laws that I have provided to substantiate my conclusions.

So having established that you lack basic comprehension skills, don't understand the meaning of terminology, are incapable of following logic and have a memory like a sieve it is readily apparent that responding to your mindless allegations is just a waste of my time.

Have a nice life!
As a theist you don't get to define what you are not. Your illogical myth based dogma doesn't get to define atheism as something that it is not.

Theists like you can whine as much as you like but your irrational dogma doesn't have the authority in the real world to override science, logic and reason.

Your belief in illogical nonsense like omnipotence and omniscience makes you irrelevant but that is your problem alone. You cannot impose your mythical beliefs on others against their will.

You have no idea what I believe because you haven't bothered to ask. You haven't even attempted to ascertain the facts, just assume you already know them with no investigation at all. Yet you cloak yourself in science, logic and reason. I think not.

I am not defining what you are. I am pointing out how you act. And I am still waiting for you to present a single shred of objective evidence.

Do you also have a memory problem? You posted (#230) that you were a Buddhist in this thread after I asked you to reciprocate.

I have no problem sharing my own beliefs. I am a Buddhist.

Obviously you have forgotten all of the logic and references to scientific laws that I have provided to substantiate my conclusions.

So having established that you lack basic comprehension skills, don't understand the meaning of terminology, are incapable of following logic and have a memory like a sieve it is readily apparent that responding to your mindless allegations is just a waste of my time.

Have a nice life!

You keep believing.
"1,500 years ago, everybody knew that the Earth was the center of the universe. 500 years ago, everybody knew that the Earth was flat. And 15 minutes ago, you knew that humans were alone on this planet. Imagine what you'll know tomorrow."
- "Men In Black"

I'm comfortable with my disbelief in conventional religions because projected fowards over time, people gradually abandon stupidity when sciences forces them to acknowledge truths.

Thank you for saying this. I would've thought it would be perfectly obvious but apparently some of our fellow posters here don't seem to understand that an idea's popularity doesn't automatically give it validity and the same is true in reverse for unpopular ideas. The majority can be and often is wrong. So no. Pointing out that we are among the smallest of minorities isn't going to shake us. I for one proudly stand in that minority. I'd rather be persecuted than drink the cool-aid and fall in line with people like Gismo
Thank you for saying this. I would've thought it would be perfectly obvious but apparently some of our fellow posters here don't seem to understand that an idea's popularity doesn't automatically give it validity and the same is true in reverse for unpopular ideas.

now I'm confused....whenever someone asks why some believe that science has proven man evolved from a single celled organism, the number one answer is that lots of scientists have told us so.......
remember.....just the vocal ones....

So, atheists can't speak about their positions?
Or do you mean those that try to shove it down peoples throats?

atheists can speak about their positions all they want.......and I can point out the stupid parts of their posts if I want......someone was complaining about me doing that......

I hold the position that either and all sides should speak about what they believe. It's the only way to clarify and MAYBE come to some common ground. But I am very against the people that want to preach and proselytize every time they open their mouth. That goes for any position.

As for your post, when you are debating someone, maybe you should point out what is WRONG with their position, instead of just making the proposition that it is stupid. It tends to help the conversation from derailing into nonsense.
So, atheists can't speak about their positions?
Or do you mean those that try to shove it down peoples throats?

atheists can speak about their positions all they want.......and I can point out the stupid parts of their posts if I want......someone was complaining about me doing that......

I hold the position that either and all sides should speak about what they believe. It's the only way to clarify and MAYBE come to some common ground. But I am very against the people that want to preach and proselytize every time they open their mouth. That goes for any position.

As for your post, when you are debating someone, maybe you should point out what is WRONG with their position, instead of just making the proposition that it is stupid. It tends to help the conversation from derailing into nonsense.

if you can give me an example of where I have NOT pointed out what was wrong with their position I will correct that omission...however, I believe I have done that already......
if you can give me an example of where I have NOT pointed out what was wrong with their position I will correct that omission...however, I believe I have done that already......
I was referring specifically to your post where you stated "and I can point out the stupid parts of their posts if I want"
I was not referring to a specific conversation.
Plus, weren't we talking about interacting with people in general? Not specifically online.
I was referring specifically to your post where you stated "and I can point out the stupid parts of their posts if I want"
I was not referring to a specific conversation.
Plus, weren't we talking about interacting with people in general? Not specifically online.
so basically your comment was in error?.....
so basically your comment was in error?.....
No, I was merely responding to your statement about calling someones post stupid. It was meant to point out that calling a post stupid does not refute it. NOT that this was necessarily the case in your previous posts. Which is why I specifically quoted that statement. My point was that I thought that statement was a poor choice of words.
And ALSO, that we weren't necessarily talking about online conversation. Which is what my statements were referring to.
lol, no one will miss the fact that you again simply ignore contrary facts like the KKKs opposition to 80% of Christians in the world that are not Protestant.

You just demonstrated once again that you are a bald faced liar.

Hi Liar or ignorant fool. Hey, I was watching Public TV last night and they covered how even the anti slavery white christians up north would make the blacks sit in different pews than the whites.

So basically even the best christians back then were complete assholes. Got it?
No, I was merely responding to your statement about calling someones post stupid. It was meant to point out that calling a post stupid does not refute it. NOT that this was necessarily the case in your previous posts. Which is why I specifically quoted that statement. My point was that I thought that statement was a poor choice of words.
And ALSO, that we weren't necessarily talking about online conversation. Which is what my statements were referring to.
and I am pointing out that your comment was in error, because in every thread in which I say something is stupid I point out what it is that they said which was stupid......the statement that it was stupid was not a poor choice of was an accurate, most likely the stupid comment made was a poor choice of words or it wouldn't have been stupid.....
and I am pointing out that your comment was in error, because in every thread in which I say something is stupid I point out what it is that they said which was stupid......the statement that it was stupid was not a poor choice of was an accurate, most likely the stupid comment made was a poor choice of words or it wouldn't have been stupid.....
Never mind. You missed the point entirely.
Conspiracy Theory Poll Results - Public Policy Polling
I am am Atheist. You are brainwashed.beyond all belief. The tragic thing is that is peobably the way you like to be. It's such a dirty rotten shame. If you are ever willing to consider burning your religious "Get Out Of Jail Free" card. First, there is a documentary that you need to watch. I don't know the price of it. But it would be worth every penny. It's called "Religious." For an even greater example of how sick, filthy and evil the bible is, you need to go into your browser and enter, "our holy hell: the causes, the solutiions." If nothing else, that should wake you up.

25% of Brits think the lunar landings were a hoax, though only 6 to 7%% of Americans do.
Could moon landings have been faked? Some still think so -

But LESS THAN 3% of Americans are atheist!
5 facts about atheists | Pew Research Center

That is right, more people believe that Elvis is still alive, that the world is ruled by lizard people, that Big Foot stalks our Rocky Mountains and that the US government caused 9-11 than believe that there is no God.

Atheists are simply kook-burgers like the 9-11 Truthers or the lunar landing denialists.

You present them with evidence like the Big Bang and you get things like 'Oh, I don't believe in the Big Bang.' You tell them how the infinite regression fallacy demonstrates that time had to have a starting point and they duh into silence. Show them alternative explanations that present Christianity in a better light than the Zinn bullshit people are fed these days and they simply repeat the propaganda and insist that it is all true no matter how Christians try to 'spin it'. Lol, now these morons cant distinguish between Russell and quackery or tell a good argument from a pile of nonsense.

Why do we theists give them the time of day?

They really cant be taken seriously any more. The Bertrand Russells are long gone, just the jack asses remain among atheism today; why bother?
Conspiracy Theory Poll Results - Public Policy Polling

25% of Brits think the lunar landings were a hoax, though only 6 to 7%% of Americans do.
Could moon landings have been faked? Some still think so -

But LESS THAN 3% of Americans are atheist!
5 facts about atheists | Pew Research Center

That is right, more people believe that Elvis is still alive, that the world is ruled by lizard people, that Big Foot stalks our Rocky Mountains and that the US government caused 9-11 than believe that there is no God.

Atheists are simply kook-burgers like the 9-11 Truthers or the lunar landing denialists.

You present them with evidence like the Big Bang and you get things like 'Oh, I don't believe in the Big Bang.' You tell them how the infinite regression fallacy demonstrates that time had to have a starting point and they duh into silence. Show them alternative explanations that present Christianity in a better light than the Zinn bullshit people are fed these days and they simply repeat the propaganda and insist that it is all true no matter how Christians try to 'spin it'. Lol, now these morons cant distinguish between Russell and quackery or tell a good argument from a pile of nonsense.

Why do we theists give them the time of day?

They really cant be taken seriously any more. The Bertrand Russells are long gone, just the jack asses remain among atheism today; why bother?
Jim Bowie1958
I am an Atheist. And I'm no member of any fringe group like what you described. In fact, I have my shit together far more than you do. If you want to put your money where your mouth is, buy the documentary "Religious." If that doesn't give you food for thought, there is a free ebook that I ran across and you need to read. Just enter into your browser, "Our holy hell: the causes, the solutions." In it, you will find truth that is beyoun your imagination.
[QUOTE="Rationalist1016, post: 9643334, member: 30554"]I hold the position that either and all sides should speak about what they believe. It's the only way to clarify and MAYBE come to some common ground. But I am very against the people that want to preach and proselytize every time they open their mouth. That goes for any position.

As for your post, when you are debating someone, maybe you should point out what is WRONG with their position, instead of just making the proposition that it is stupid. It tends to help the conversation from derailing into nonsense.[/QUOTE]

So as to make sure there is no confusion this is the definition of believing;
to have confidence in the truth, the existence, or the reliability of something, although without absolute proof that one is right in doing so:

When it comes to the existence of a deity theists are believing "without absolute proof". Atheists have no such beliefs because there is no need of any belief in order to reach the logical conclusion that there is no evidence for the existence of an omnipotent creator.

So atheists are not speaking about "what they believe". Instead they are speaking about rational conclusions that they have reached based upon the lack of any evidence of a deity and the existing scientific evidence regarding matter and energy.

I agree that it is wrong to proselytize too. Atheists are not in the habit of trying to convince anyone to give up their beliefs at all. However we do live in a secular state and atheists do have the right to a government that is free of any religion. That is where the conflict occurs because theists insist that they must be allowed to impose their beliefs via government.

There is no conflict if both sides accept that government must remain secular since that is stipulated in the 1st Amendment to the Constitution.
[QUOTE="Rationalist1016, post: 9643334, member: 30554"]I hold the position that either and all sides should speak about what they believe. It's the only way to clarify and MAYBE come to some common ground. But I am very against the people that want to preach and proselytize every time they open their mouth. That goes for any position.

As for your post, when you are debating someone, maybe you should point out what is WRONG with their position, instead of just making the proposition that it is stupid. It tends to help the conversation from derailing into nonsense.

So as to make sure there is no confusion this is the definition of believing;

When it comes to the existence of a deity theists are believing "without absolute proof". Atheists have no such beliefs because there is no need of any belief in order to reach the logical conclusion that there is no evidence for the existence of an omnipotent creator.

So atheists are not speaking about "what they believe". Instead they are speaking about rational conclusions that they have reached based upon the lack of any evidence of a deity and the existing scientific evidence regarding matter and energy.

I agree that it is wrong to proselytize too. Atheists are not in the habit of trying to convince anyone to give up their beliefs at all. However we do live in a secular state and atheists do have the right to a government that is free of any religion. That is where the conflict occurs because theists insist that they must be allowed to impose their beliefs via government.

There is no conflict if both sides accept that government must remain secular since that is stipulated in the 1st Amendment to the Constitution.[/QUOTE]

That presupposes the reason any given person believes what he believes. I seriously doubt fear is the basis for belief.

No, it refers to believing in something for which there is little or no evidence. Can you name anything that is both of no consequence and whose existence is not supported by any meaningful amount of tangible evidence that has a following of believers that measure in the hundreds of millions?
So atheists are not speaking about "what they believe". Instead they are speaking about rational conclusions that they have reached based upon the lack of any evidence of a deity and the existing scientific evidence regarding matter and energy.


Acknowledging facts and the truth is not 'belief'; theism is the aberration, not those free from faith.

Religion and 'god' are creations of man, just the same as any other myth, legend, or fiction created by man.

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