Atheism is a Fringe Kook Theory Cult

Are you denying that most of China is religious or spiritual?

irrelevant....most chinese are not communists.....the ones who truely ARE party members are atheists.....

Are you denying that the USA is a secular state that protects all religionists and non-religionists equally?

no, why would you think I was....I have not said so and nothing we have discussed here would lead you to think so.....
Then you are deliberate violating the rules here as you are elsewhere, postmodern proph.

It's reportable and punishable on this Board to slice and dice while leaving in the name of the poster in order to get the post out of context.

I corrected you, and always you will be held out to dry.

If you can't hold your own in debating policy in full, you will fail in doing it out of context.
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Are you denying that most of China is religious or spiritual?

irrelevant....most chinese are not communists.....the ones who truely ARE party members are atheists.....

Are you denying that the USA is a secular state that protects all religionists and non-religionists equally?

no, why would you think I was....I have not said so and nothing we have discussed here would lead you to think so.....

You then agree that China is a state with an overwhelming population of religious and spiritual folks.

You then agree that the USA is a secular state not recognizing God, yet it has a population that is overwhelmingly spiritual and or religious.

In other words, you are blathering and stumbling along.

You are irrelevant, just like JamesBowie.
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Just think, guys, if JB was in charge of Christianity, we would all be Jews or Muslims or something.

if you were in charge of reason, we would all be in the Dark Ages.....

Toying with mental midgets like you always amuses me.

You are here only for grins and chuckles. :lol:
I will admit I get amusement out of pointing at stupid things and saying "oh look!"......doesn't make your arguments any better though.....
Wow... I didn't realize. I sure don't want to be associated with a 'fringe' group. I'm gonna start believing in a god, right away. Any suggestions? I always thought Loki was kinda cool.
The prophets of the far righties look like JB and postmodern proph, so get ready to genuflect.
Then you are deliberate violating the rules here as you are elsewhere, postmodern proph.

It's reportable and punishable on this Board to slice and dice while leaving in the name of the poster in order to get the post out of context.

I corrected you, and always you will be held out to dry.

If you can't hold your own in debating policy in full, you will fail in doing it out of context.
nothing I have pointed at is out of context.....if you wish a moderator to examine your claim that it is, I am prepared to defend it.....why don't you try to defend your stupid comment instead of complaining that I have looked at it?.......
Then you are deliberate violating the rules here as you are elsewhere, postmodern proph.

It's reportable and punishable on this Board to slice and dice while leaving in the name of the poster in order to get the post out of context.

I corrected you, and always you will be held out to dry.

If you can't hold your own in debating policy in full, you will fail in doing it out of context.
nothing I have pointed at is out of context.....if you wish a moderator to examine your claim that it is, I am prepared to defend it.....why don't you try to defend your stupid comment instead of complaining that I have looked at it?.......

That is my prerogative, not yours, and I have already corrected you. If you don't' like it, tough. Our mods here do a great job of following the rules.

Let's help you again: you can't leave in a poster's name and cut a slice out of context to make a silly point. Go read the Rules and Regulations on posting and quoting, please.
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Are you denying that most of China is religious or spiritual?

irrelevant....most chinese are not communists.....the ones who truely ARE party members are atheists.....

Are you denying that the USA is a secular state that protects all religionists and non-religionists equally?

no, why would you think I was....I have not said so and nothing we have discussed here would lead you to think so.....

You then agree that China is a state with an overwhelming population of religious and spiritual folks.

You then agree that the USA is a secular state not recognizing God, yet it has a population that is overwhelmingly spiritual and or religious.

In other words, you are blathering and stumbling along.

You are irrelevant, just like JamesBowie.

neither of those things are what we are discussing.....we are discussing whether an atheist entity (for example the Communist Party under Mao) killed more people than any Christian entity......the question wasn't whether the nation of China with an overwhelming population of religious and spiritual folks killed anyone, because the nation of China with an overwhelming population of religious and spiritual folks is not the Communist Party under Mao.......

now normally I would have deleted the comments about blathering and stumbling and about the claimed irrelevancy of JamesBowie, but since you complained about me "slicing" your post to take it out of context I left those sentences in this time......just so the moderators can see the full "context" of your posts when you file your report.....
So tell us how you know the atheist on the street?

therein lies my point....if you don't want people to think you are a vocal asshole, stop being a vocal asshole.......

It is a two way street posterboy there seems to be a lot of christian arseholes too. Are you related to gismo?

hard to say, since we're both anonymous......however, I don't have that many relatives so the odds make it unlikely.....
Correcting above is not ad homming, and dblack has been carved up enough in logic to know that all he can do is complain.

Now that you have all witnessed your ineffectiveness here, go ahead and ad hom to your heart's content for it witnesses your combined ineffectiveness in the thread.

Atheism is as much and no more a cult than is religion.

Neither can be proved or disproved by empirical means because the body of objective rationalism can only go so far.

I am a Christian because I believe it not because I can prove it.

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